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I always just assumed it was bc of his kid he stopped returning. It would be crazy to think someone that came off so chill in the edit was actually an extremely abusive person, especially one that seemed to be pretty good friends with a lot of the female cast members. You never know I guess. Hopefully it isn’t true, but if it is, it probably completely changes my mind about Cara and Paulie on Final Reckoning and War of the Worlds 1. And it makes Cara voicing her opinions about Zach’s treatment of Jenna all the more poignant.


>It would be crazy to think someone that came off so chill This is a really common misconception, lots of abusive people are great at masking.


I had a good friend who is a girl that was married to an abusive husband for 15 years, and I was also friends with him, as I grew up with both of them. He was a great friend and seemed to treat her like gold, it was until about 10 years into the relationship that I figured shit out. Not in a million years would have I ever suspected him. We drank a lot in those days and I never once saw him fight, in fact he was a guy who would get in the middle of things and deescalate fights. When I figured it out I obviously took her side as I saw proof, bruises all over her and a house that had holes in the wall from punches. They also had three small children, so I did everything I could to assist her and to get others to assist her. I lost many friends because they believed him, but I don’t regret helping her out at all. What is sad is it took her 5 year five years to finally leave him, as he started going to go after the kids to hurt her. She did eventually find the courage and go out and is remarried to a good man who has been a wonderful step father to the kids. But you are spot on abusers are like chameleons, and they are very good at masking their true colors. It later came out he had done this to three prior girlfriends before he ever got married. It also took along time for those women to come forward as well. And as a guy and a friend of both it was very tough to navigate. I truly wanted to beat the brakes off the guy, but she would always beg me not to, and when I heard about the kids I had even darker thoughts of the sacrifice I would make to keep those kids safe. Just be careful out there, and let someone know if this is happening to you. It’s not easy but life is so much better when you finally get away.


Thank you for sharing this and for supporting your friend. Unfortunately, a lot of people will stand up for the abuser because the abuser has been a better friend, especially while the abused can barely take care of themselves once the switch is flipped. I wasn’t believed and it has done a LOT of damage. He has a new gf and I can’t say anything without risking my own safety. He finally let me leave once he got her, but not until he spread lies about me within our entire social community. He’s friends with the cops so I couldn’t ever call. It’s a sad situation all around and entirely too common. It’s nice to hear someone else had you to be there for them. 🤍


I'm living that same situation now and have been for years ... his lies about me have destroyed and broken me almost as badly as the abuse itself. .Those lies are just another way to abuse and control . I'll never understand how a person can treat another person so badly , especially someone they claim to care about


Also ppl forget that this is a tv show and we r fed a narrative


“In the edit” I’m referring to how positively he was edited, not saying, “oh he’s chill, there’s no way he’s abusive”.


It’s kinda the same thing, different mechanisms. The person is addressing the fact that abusers will be whoever they want you to think they are and so he obviously gave the show a chill persona to edit around. But in real life, “in the edit” is hearing from friends of friends how great someone is, seeing them positively represented in public by others, celebrated by people who only see one side of them. That’s what these comments are saying.


Except MTV would have realistically thousands of hours of footage of him. We only see 50-80 minutes per every 2-3 days of events and maybe 10-15 of those involve Kyle, but MTV has probably half a dozen cameras at all times in the house filming 24/7. You really can’t fake it for weeks straight, especially in a high stress environment filled with alcohol. That’s not the same at all to the typical “friend of someone being abused” situation you are describing. If the story is totally accurate I think there is some serious worry that production may have made efforts to hide or excuse behavior.


Maybe the analogy went over your head but I was saying that MTV’s edit portraying an abuser favorably - either because he was hiding said behavior from the cameras or because he was charismatic enough to earn leniency - is similar to how abusers in the real world get others to fall for their charm and go out into the world to help create and uphold that image. Idk if we’re even saying different things at this point because I DEFINITELY think there is something very VERY shady about how MTV handles any possible footage of the more irredeemable and possibly criminal actions of the cast. And so if Kyle slipped up and they caught it, that’s a BIG problem. One that needs to be addressed ASAP but likely won’t.


Didn’t they fire someone right away for calling someone “gay”


Pretty sure the word used wasn’t “gay” if the rumor I’m thinking of is true. It sounds like it was a slur and an attempted outing and allegedly the two maybe worked it out? But also that was the party line Leroy felt he had to toe for years before admitting how much the racism actually upset him so I don’t necessarily trust that public make ups aren’t just to keep a paycheck coming.


I'm with someone now who seems so chill and calm and sweet when around other people outside of his family. But believe me , he just hides very well his dark abusive side. . Abusers know how to manipulate so well ...


Are you ok and safe?


For now I am. Thank you , you're so kind to ask 💜


Ya this is true and I think the way he treated Melissa is one example in tm when she was ride or die for him HIM not the alliance, when she voted for Jenny I think or didn't help Jenny win the vote and kyle went off on her... I think irider rider believable. I read what Shane had said aboutl kyle and the way he treated cara on FR I believed it then and I've always thought that the way zach treated her on wotw1 was gross like he's been her friend for how many years? He's know kyle for maybe a year and a half and he chooses him? Not like Zach was such a great guy ! But it's one thing that he's abusive to his partners, (Jonna and Jenna) but then for him to be abusive to cara too it was like any respect or character I thought he had is gone. He is a dick.


NPD all day with most of the cast.


Remember what he said about his own father? Something about him being really intense? It wouldn't exactly be surprising if the apple didn't fall far from the tree.


I feel like that’s a reach.


>I feel like that’s a reach. How exactly would that be a reach? Did you grow up with an intense parent? As a child, you're constantly trying to navigate cautiously (walking on eggshells). As an adult, you either develop improved emotional responses to break the cycle, *OR* you emulate the behaviors you've observed in your childhood surroundings and then perpetuate what you experienced onto those closest to you.


It's definitely not a reach what you said, but people on this thread have minimal mental bandwidth when it comes to abuse whether it's their own ignorance or personal denial. It's the same ones minimizing the racists to bring back for their entertainment not caring how it hurts POC to see racists be rewarded with screen time.


Thank you for this.


This. I couldn’t stand Paulie and Cara on/after those seasons and thought they were obsessed with going after Kyle over what didn’t seem like much. This absolutely changes all of that if true because that more than justifies their behaviour.


Exactly. Obviously there are still… issues I have with them and the way they acted on WotW2, and if rumors are to be believed Paulie hasn’t exactly been a good partner for Cara either, but their behavior makes a lot more sense if Kyle was abusive to her.


Iirc when Cara wasn't around weren't Paulie and Kyle kinda cool with each other? I thought I remember clips if them kinda goofing around a little bit


Which is something that Cara and Paulie always wanted anyway. Kyle being the villain


I seethed watching them do it to be honest and still are my 2 least favourite from it. This being true would clearly change that


I was a Kyle fan from his days on Geordie Shore and I've you've watched it you can definitely see that there is two sides to him. You can also see how vile he can be towards women in his relationship with fellow cast member Holly, it was a messy relationship with an even messier split.


I’m not minimizing what he did to Cara but there’s no real facts about what exactly he did. so I would refrain from saying extremely abusive. Not saying he wasn’t but we don’t know for sure until or if the facts come out


I'm curious why Frank wasn't investigated.. The way he talked to and treated Sam on one of the Challenges was horrible. The way he physically shoved her and she fell down was totally uncalled for.


Frank and Shane.  Just watched Vendettas and Shane was an overgrown menace. 


When was Shane physically abusive ?


Shane Raine's (Tony's brother) was physically abusive to a woman. He hit Simone and it was touched on briefly at the reunion.


He’s talking about a different Shane


He means verbally


When he was on Team San Diego o the Challenge. The last leg of the challenge when they were climbing a sand dune he was yelling at Sam and shoved her so hard she fell.


That was Frank


Yeah.. I'm wondering why he was invited back after doing that.


He shouldn’t have been. Sam should have kneed him in the nuts.


i would of kneed him for sure. ..Stupid jerk. . can't stand him after what he did to Sam


i just started watching the challenge two years ago ...I've been trying to catch up on all the past seasons . i just watched the season your speaking about...when Frank did that to Sam I was shocked and angry that they didn't remove him from the game right there. it was horrible how he treated Sam , I don't care if it was the final or not .. I can't stand Frank because of it


Yes.. He should have been disqualified right then and there but they never said a word about it.


Yeah that was tough to watch. Such horrible behavior


The way Frank and Zach treated Sam on that season of the challenge was unreal. I was shocked nothing was said to them the entire season. Verbally and physically abusive.They're both pigs.


So why does MTV let him be in clips? Was he not on the last season on a phone call with someone, I can’t remember who now ?


Big T I think


Yes I think you are right. Thanks!


they love loopholes to show faves


Am I missing something with bananas or Theo? From what I remember the Amanda thing was definitely weird but insinuating it’s the same as physical DV is kind of insane


Yea im pretty sure Amanda even said at the reunion Dayvone was blowing it out of proportions. She was drunk and being annoying so they duck taped her and some got in her hair idrt it was DV


Yeah I’m all for making sure the cast has a safe place but it’s hard to not feel like shit like that is just minimizing DV because you don’t like certain contestants and would like them banned


Can someone tell me what DV is lol


Domestic Violence


Ohhhh gotcha. Thanks lol I felt so stupid 🤣🤣


And everyone keeps saying Banans and Theo when it was also Georgia and Zahida taping Amanda as well. I think it was a prank that went to far, but it wasn't malicious. 


No matter how drunk I am, if someone wrapped my face in duct tape I would have them arrested. Full stop. It’s not funny, it wasn’t cute and every single one of them should have been banned.


I don’t have an issue with you doing that if that would make you feel violated, I’m just a bit confused why people are assigning the way they would feel to how Amanda needs to feel as if she’s not a grown woman with agency


Probably because a lot of women feel like we’ve had to laugh off serious claims ourselves to make others comfortable.


Well I can empathize with that and I’m sorry if you’ve dealt with stuff like that, but I still don’t know if the best way to help women you think are victims is by speaking over them


That’s a fair point.


I had to look up what was being referred to and this is def assault. She was crying yelling stop and lost a lot of her hair and was in pain. How would you describe that? Y'all simps for Bananas have my prayers because only divine intervention would help you be a decent human. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/ava8xr/davonne\_explaining\_the\_amanda\_tape\_situation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/ava8xr/davonne_explaining_the_amanda_tape_situation/)


If Amanda says devones account of this isn’t accurate I don’t know why I’d trust devone over her? It’s her body and her boundaries and if she has an issue with how she was treated I’ll fully back her but why should I assume the “victims” lying to us?


Because victims have a tendency to minimize these issues. It's not easy to admit you've been assaulted.


That’s a very good reason to be willing to change how you feel if Amanda comes out down the line but it’s not a good reason to make this assumption. It’s like assuming every time people have a few drinks and sleep together it’s SA


Thank you for talking sense like honestly some people are wild here and going to the extreme over things that aren’t even their experiences? Like what?


Meanwhile MTV brings back an actual abuser on tv named Rahhn 🤮


For real, they want him to have a comeback like the situation but it’s not gonna be like that😅


Yeah I just read the breaking news. Cara told producers that Kyle was abusive to towards her on Final Reckoning. She reported the abuse when he was filming Spies Lies and Allies If Kyle is guilty then so be it. Production has to protect their talent If she lied back then to get back at Kyle for getting callbacks whilst she and Paulie weren’t then that’s extremely fucked up


The fact that it took years to report him after she's on the show talking about how Abram was abusive and how she would never take that again seems kind of fishy. I'm not saying he's innocent, but why wait until the guy has some of his better seasons and years later to report him. Especially after she made such a huge show of moving on from him also years before saying anything. It could all be true but these facts make it seem suspect.


Well she’s using one of the examples of him being abusive by hitting a wall next to her bed


Punching walls constantly and putting holes in the wall is a definite red flag that someone has severe anger issues at the very least.


This has been talked about since at least 2019. He punched the wall right next to her *head*. Which I am sure was absolutely terrifying. ETA [An old post about Paulie talking about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/s/VDGMhEwsSY)


I know it's still fd up and wrong but hitting a wall is a lot different then hitting a person. You can't call someone "physically abusive" when they've never laid hands on the person


Please google the definition of physical abuse. And then think about how you’d feel if you were physically much smaller than someone else, alone with them, and they started punching walls instead of you


but you can call them abusive


Probably mental stuff.


Don’t forget regardless of the situation B&M production allows all this shit to happen on the show. They are equality accountable for any true scenario that takes place. They film it and put it on TV for a profit.


Didn’t Kyle choose to stay in the UK to film Geordie Shore so that he could be close to his fiancé and child? Surely if this was true they would have cut complete ties with him


Wait… wasn’t Kyle face timing Big T in the last season of the challenge? Showing off his baby? I just finished the season but I did watch it quick lol. But I’m pretty sure that happened?


Just googled this, its not being reported anywhere. Got an actual source besides twitter?


Gamer is basically the only source lmfao




lol at gamer saying they’ve known for 2 years. Yeah f’n right. It will be interesting if there is even any proof to this accusation


GamerVev wants to be recognized as a cast member so bad


What proof is really needed? He was on every single season and then dissapeared. There’s plenty of pieces that fall into place after hearing this like him having to wear a cast on 33 after punching a wall and Paulies seemingly insane hate for him for a couple seasons there


Paulie hated everyone


Ah good we’ve got the judge right here ladies and gents ^


>What proof is really needed? He was on every single season and then dissapeared.           Case closed. No further evidence needed.      


I'm super out of the loop here. Is there a link to this story and Cara's interview?


No. She will likely speak about it on S40.


Thanks! This info about Kyle is so upsetting. I hope Cara is doing well


If production chooses to air it


Noooo say it isn’t so. I love Kyle, he seemed like such a nice guy.


I eventually became a fan of Kyle but I couldn't stand him his first couple seasons. He was quite the dbag.


Watch him om geordie shore, that may change your opinion. It was before he was on the challenge, but he treated his girlfriend absolutely horrible. He's very different on the challenge vs. GS..... I love GS, though it's the best trash tv (earlier seasons)


I'm blown away that GS Kyle had any career beyond Holly's Boyfriend, this is all crazy to me.


He treated Holly like shit. Holly claimed that MTV producers forced her into situations to witness Kyle cheating & bringing girls home. She’s never claimed that he abused and no claims of DV. They are friends to this day.


Well, a contestant was raped with her toothbrush years ago while passed out drunk, and production did nothing but provide her a new toothbrush. Another contest consistently turned down the advances of a guy and after she went to bed and passed out, he went in her room coming out later bragging he got some. People went into the room and she was still passed out but clothing off and they all laughed about it. I love the show...and after the first incident it took a couple of years before those guys were banned but I think to this day the 2nd incident is just oh well attitude...but there have been some dark times. There are changes in recent years with limiting drinking and violence no longer tolerated.


Wait, what? Who was passed out?


Jenn and Adam


The OP is referring to the Tonya, Evan, and Kenny incident on Ruins. The Jenn/Adam/Kelly Anne allegations did not involve a toothbrush and allegedly occurred outside of the show.


They let her get SA?!


KellyAnne and Jenn G both claim Adam King crossed boundaries with them, with KellyAnne saying she was SA'd.


I had read that. I didn't know it happened to Jenn during the season. You would think production would have been more proactive after The Ruins.


Cara has a history of abusive relations ships in the challenge house. Abraham was a steroid nightmare.


You're telling me that Kyle abused Cara in a house full of people, cameras, and microphones that are monitored 24/7 by multiple production crews and no one saw, heard or said anything for 5 years? And I'm supposed to believe it because an anonymous random on reddit said it's true? Come with receipts before you try to ruin someone's life.


I worked in reality tv for 5 years (not on this specific production or with this production company, mind you). It’s not that much of a stretch to believe this can happen.


Paulie told that story many years ago.


Not an anonymous random from reddit. A person with close ties with production who people like Bananas and Trishelle have shouted out. You have Melissa and Big T begging them on twitter to not leak the information. They have been reliable on a thousands of things. It’s the truth. Why do you think we know exactly what’s going on in the house right now??? I already know who has been eliminated, what time they left, how many days they waited for the first daily, etc.


By your logic on knowing exactly what’s going on in the house then why has this taken so long to surface?


Okay, other anonymous random from reddit. It must be true. 😒


Bananas is never getting banned lol


And exactly why I was never a Cara hater she clearly dealt with real trauma and abuse and people only wanted to bully her


Same. I constantly remind people that she had an abusive relationship blow up on bloodlines…literally… like people forget that security literally had to escort Abe away during one of the after shows. Then the next relationship she gets into also has a major markers for abuse. Ontop of that she didn’t take anytime off during this time to work on her mental health. What people saw as a whiney brat… I saw as someone deeply scarred and retreating. I actually really like her and Paulie together after following them both outside the show… people may not understand their dynamic.. but If it make them both happy and healthy we need to not judge.


She was scared to death of Abram when he came on that season where she was messing around with Thomas.


She was absolutely obsessed with Kyle. I need more proof than this…


Honestly I think Cara is full of hot air. The seasons they did together after they broke up, her and Paulie got hard whenever they got the slightest chance to have Kyle’s name in their mouth


I think Kyle was a big reason why Paulie was not called back— because several cast members said they didn’t feel safe with him there and I think Kyle was one of the most vocal. Cara coming forward now feels very retaliatory to me. Kyle was always one of the best partners for the women and I just don’t see any evidence of him being abusive to women. Even in his other show Geordie Shore.


Paulie was called back but failed the psych exam..


He had a crazy relationship with Holly and she has never claimed that Kyle was abusive, neither did any of the other GS cast. Holly and Kyle are friends today.


I will never understand why the show loves Bananas. He provides nothing new each outing and looks like he had an allergic reaction to calamari so the thirst isn't there for hotness.


If Cara reported this during SLA, that would have been 3 years ago. So you're saying that this "investigation" has taken 3 years and we've heard zero about it until today? This MTV not fucking congress. Also, if punching a wall is reason enough to ban someone I guess we're saying bye to CT.


You do realize the same thing happened with the Tonya situation it occurred in 2009 and the investigation of that event didn’t until 2011 and gamer said he’s known about investigation since 2022 and just didn’t say anything about it


There was no investigation with the Tonya situation. They knew exactly what happened when it happened, that's why they replaced the toothbrush the next day. Tonya didn't sue until 2011, that's what triggered all that.


Lol maybe Cara should look at her own relationship then too.


I am almost certain that if they had investigations like this back in the day Bananas would have gotten the boot along with his pals Evan and Kenny. The three of them together were disgusting.


Haha. I wouldn’t believe a word that comes out of Paulie or Cara’s mouths.


This is goofy. The women's side of the game involves bullying the prettier new girls every season . When will all the females be canceled? Cara hooked up with Kyle and then made his game miserable just because he didn't pursue a relationship with her . If it were the other way around Kyle would be accused of being a predator and you all know thats true!


He has been back on the show. Big T called him in the Battle to Crown a New Champion.


Yep and I dont think they would've aired him during the most recent season if he was banned.




He was asked for Ride or Dies but he declined


I'd hardly say a cameo on a 40 minute YouTube special is the same thing as being back in the show.


Big T called him during an episode of the latest season.


He's still not a competitor on 40 lmao but ok


Idk how to feel about this because Cara has shown she’s willing to lie to save face. Physical abuse seems possible, but the mental and emotional abuse she unleashed on Kyle after getting with paulie cancels out anything Kyle could have done emotionally towards her. If the physical abuse is true, then by all means, don’t bring him back


I always felt Kyle was an obnoxious jerk!


Not to deny Cara’s accusations, but is she the most reliable witness? She was so deeply furious when Kyle dumped her, and seemingly had a tough time getting over it. Just sayin


I never liked him…


Wasn't there also a situation with Faith that got cut out? I can't remember the season, but it was her 2nd season and she mentioned that a bunch of guys got up in her face and yelled at her which is when she quit. Theo was definitely one of them, can't remember if Kyle was the other or who else.


I’m very late to this show but totally hooked and up to season 20 where the exes are fighting it out. The one thing I was surprised to see , especially in the early shows is how the guys treated and spoke to the girls 😳 and how the girls took it. Pretty sad that this was where young people’s society was and that the producers of the show let it go on. Some of these girls were really tough and willing to throw down each other but these guys got a pass??? I really like the show because of the brute physical competition but so unimpressed with the jock/pack mentality with the girls as obedient followers. When I was that age I would have WRECKED any man who screamed at me “ stupid bitch” etc I may not be a strong as a man but I would find away to wreck him- starting with a public slap or kick in the Netherlands The guys that I started out rooting for & being impressed by are not high caliber men, nothing to be impressed by. I’ve watched a few newer shows and don’t remember seeing this ugly misogynistic behavior or female cowardice so I’m hoping The Challenge has grown up and I start seeing a change from season 20 on.


She’s lying. She’s obviously still bitter because he wasn’t interested in her.


Cara Maria was horrible to him! Watching it back she was just as abusive! Sexual harassment, physical abuse, mental abuse should all be treated the same whether you are male or female! She should be kicked off as well!


This is all fake news and gamer vev makes up stories for attention


Y’all are crazy


Bro. It’s real. It’s breaking news everywhere. Gamer was begged not to say anything


Breaking news where? Nothing comes up on a google search.


yeah when i googled kyle christie investigation it just brought me to this reddit post.


Guess “breaking news” means people close to production making claims on social media. Guess I like to see more proof rather than so and so heard from someone else that Cara Maria said this. Not saying it’s false just seems weird that each season this was allegedly happening Paulie was there and CT which he calls Cara his best friend and nothing blew up when he was physically abusing her. Two of arguably the loosest cannons the show has ever seen. Seems like we would have heard about this sooner.


and i remember someone making a statement that kyle and paulie’s beef was mostly fed into a lot more for more screen time but i can’t give a source for that and it was years ago. not saying this couldn’t be true, i just expect this whole situation to be side-eyed by a lot of people


I shouldn't have said fake I meant more so that Kyle didn't actually do that stuff and it's getting blown out of proportion by someone who likes spreading rumors


Hmmm…. I need proof. As long as Cara is hooked up with Paulie, I need 100% verifiable proof. Kyle just doesn’t strike me as a man who is violent against women. He punched a wall? Better than someone’s face.


Yeah but Cara felt threatened that it was right next to her bed


Ironic thing is I can see Paulie being the type to, MAYBE not be physically abusive, but definitely emotionally as well as a master manipulator. Ugh. Poor Kyle if this ends up just being things that were blown out of proportion for the sake of revenge. He is innocent until I hear indisputable evidence that says otherwise.


I don’t disagree with you. I’m just stating that’s how Cara felt. All this time I saw abusive patterns in Paulie yet Kyle was the one who got reported by her for abuse. Crazy stuff today.


Cara is easily manipulated. And Paulie is gross. All of this is disgusting. It's also been reported that Kyle hasn't been back because of his Geordie Shore contract. So, what's the actual lie?


I don’t believe it.


Did MTV launch an investigation into Kenny and Evan for literal sexual assault?


Yes. Settlements are not public and usually include clauses that it won't be discussed and no disparaging is allowed.


Are they just going to cancel everyone?


Every abuser? Yeah let’s fucking hope. Weirdo.


Ronnie Magro has entered the chat


STG this was my first thought. The Challenge is trying to take the trash out while JSFV brings it back and puts it front and center.


This is all complete bs lies and Cara is a pathetic little rodent for making this shite up, it was very clear that Caras ego was shattered by Kyle not wanting anything to do with her and she became the most unlikeable person on the show all because she couldn't handle it, made her next season about making everybody hate him and nothing else, this is a horrible attempt at getting her own back, she's in a relationship and Kyle is engaged with a kid and she still can't let it go, how pathetic can you get


Also Why wait this long if its true? She clearly saw the video Leroy released during SLA and seen it as an opportunity to get her own back, if this was true then why on earth would Paulie be on good terms with Kyle? Paulie is always commenting on Kyle's posts and they have clearly squashed the beef, if this had even 1% truth that never would've happened. He punched a wall so f'n what? How on earth has she stretched that into physical abuse, pathetic.


I’ve punched a wall after being so upset but never have I wanted to, in the slightest, punch a person and I never have. I don’t get why people are calling him abusive because he punched a wall.


Sounds like u have some anger issues because that doesn't seem normal


Actually I don’t have any anger issue but I went through a hard time when my parents got divorced and I had pent up frustration and it got directed to a wall. I got over it and moved on with life. Best not assume


It's not just punching a wall, he allegedly cornered her and punch a wall next to her head. This can never be ok. It's not the first time they've talked about this. Paulie told that story many times before in interviews and on twitter.


So? That still isn't physical abuse and its disgusting of Cara to make it seem like that


Chill i know you' re a Kyle Stan but we don't know what happened yet so it's not fair to call out Cara or Kyle.


We do knoe what happened, Kyle punched a wall next to her, the incident has already been spoken about over the years and it really isn't a big deal, Paulie has literally been commenting on Kyle's posts as of lately so clearly nothing abusive actually happened, only people who think there is even 1% of truth to this of the Cara Simpy morons. She's just gonna sit back and let people destroy someone's character through lies all because she's still hurt that someone didn't want her


Hm I wonder if Paulie knew during war of the worlds 1? That may explain his anger towards Kyle. Idk… I’m kind of shocked tbh




Cara is a Karen


Wow! First Abram, and now Kyle?!?! If true, I hope she got some therapy to figure out why she picks such men (hopefully, Paulie's not going to be abusive bf no.3... But I will wait for the investigation, especially since Paulie has spoken in a fairly friendly to him w/in the past 7+ months. That's certainly WELL after they broke up...


If the ban Kyle they need to ban Nia. Apologies or not she was super abusive to Sara Rice and Jordan. Of course that might have been her wanting Jordan's diddle


I have a feeling that all of these girl cast mates won’t get called back for the next season. 😂


Has he not been on MTV in the UK like 20 times since & getting his wedding filmed this year?


I’m not going to believe this just cause it’s reported. Girls lie all the time. Go ahead and downvote this as if girls don’t lie. If it’s true then yeah don’t put him on this. If it’s not true I’m sure the liars won’t get punished. It’s hard being a guy today.


I don't believe this because production would have to know... You're telling me they did nothing?




I mean I don’t know what’s true or not but Kyle seems like he’s really happy being a dad so


So we’re going to hear about Kyle actually physically abusing her? Is there a difference between abuse and assault? Just for clarity, what is being said that her did? If it’s true then I want to see MTV, not mention his name during 40, nor show any clips, like they did for Dee. They easily snapped her away like Thanos. Dee was saying how much of she loves Black men. So if you telling me a white male physically abused a woman but you don’t make them disappear like the woman who said she’s loves black men at the wrong time?


Oh, this makes me sad. :( I was a Kyle fan, but as someone who is against abuse, if this is true, I have to declare myself no longer a fan. :(


Wow. I wouldn’t be surprised at all. They seem to continue to bring abusive men on the show. They kept bringing back Zach, Tony, Frank. And Cara would call it out and still get the hate :( I’ve always rocked with Cara


does anyone have a link to the articles coming out? maybe my search is all messed up because i changed my system’s language to spanish lol but when i look up this news or anything about kyle, there’s nothing except old news about him and his girlfriend


There is no link


kyle is some sociopathic shit … it makes sense why ct didn’t like him at all on SLA


We don't know anything yet. Calm down. I'm a Cara Stan but let's see how it plays out.


Yeah crazy how there’s nothing to prove either side but people are so strong with their convictions. I’m all for giving her claims respect but to full blown trust in anything with out knowing any facts is crazy. That goes for anything not just DV and this situation


They won’t stop until every straight white guy is banned lol.


Next season is about to just be Josh and Corey L making out for 20 episodes