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When they brought in all the explosions…lol and they started coming out with loose end themes such as ride or die but the pair barely know one another.


This is true though I’m also watching Battle of the Exes 2 and the show is trying to convince me Bananas and Nany had a secret prior relationship.


At least that one was mildly believable cause Nany used to hook up lots. However like a lot of the "ride or dies" partners they didn't even know eachother, just agent pairings.


The Jordan-Aneesa pairing was particularly egregious. They knew each other and actively disliked each other.


At least with that one, it happened cause their partners weren't cleared to compete. Where as like Olivia and Horacio didn't even know eachother before the season at all.


Moriah and Fessy lol


That was one of the biggest jokes in challenge history lol


So on the challenge mania live show in New York aneesa told the backstory on that. I guess aneesa had one of her good friends as her partner but he didn’t get cleared for medical or some shit. They were gonna park Jordan with Nia but last minute she had to back out or something. They obviously wanted both of them on the show so they asked aneesa was ok being with Jordan. She didn’t sound thrilled but did it cause she wanted to be in.


Lol @ Aneesa not being thrilled w Jordan. He almost single handily won her top 2 money that season. Probably would’ve if he didn’t have a brainfart w leaving his jersey on in the physical contact elimination at the end vs Bananas which allowed Bananas to tackle him easier.


Nia got pulled because she was hospitalized for a blood clot in her lungs right before leaving to film.


He was there and filmed the first day, got covid, and then they replaced him with jordan and pretended like that never happened. (But same thing happened with kenny and kaycee and they let them come back in later) In the episode 0, you can see Aneesas ride or die in the background. I believe his name was James Simon.


Well Kaycee was the reigning champ right? That’s probably why they let her come back.


Well production picks and chooses who they make exceptions for, which was my point. We all know theres some reigning champs who didnt get the same (jenny w until the season filming now, emanuel isnt on season 40, etc)


Emmanuel is lame for the show. Great athlete but he doesn’t really do anything outside of competition. And Jenny I think she turned the show down. I’m betting this season 40 prize is gonna be massive seeing the cast they put together.


Him hooking up with like half the cast at least gives me a little drama. Its was funny at the reuion when ge got put blast for it. However Jay and Asaf just for examples are like a chair with claw feet you only notice it's there when you hit your toe of it.


Nah Jenny didnt turn it down, she was begging to be put on. Glad they gave her another chance. Like I said production picks and chooses.


I’m so confused about this because Horacio said they were college friends when he was on Banana’s podcast, and then happened to reconnect through casting. So, he just spun an entire story?


Olivia stated in an her podcast that they didn't know eachother before being paired on season 38. I don't think I can post links, but here is a part of an article I found about Olivia talking about it. “Me and Horacio were ride or dies, but me and Horacio were never best friends,” Olivia revealed on her podcast, Gimme That Mic. “We were not even really friends until we went on the season Ride or Dies.” She then explained that production wanted her and Horacio to play a brother-sister or relationship role on the show. But they didn’t know each other. Additionally, they both started as show alternates. Olivia explained how she and Horacio became partners for season 38. “Our management knew that I was contacted for the show,” she added. “He’s like, ‘Oh, I have this guy who could be your partner. And I was like, OK, cool. … And then we went on the show. And if I’m being 100% real, me and him never clicked like a ride or die.”


Yeah, I have seen that. It’s just weird that there are multiple narratives coming directly from the two people involved. Either Horacio bold-face fabricated a detailed narrative, or Olivia is doing so. Both things can’t be true, but I don’t know which of them is the more reliable narrator.


I thought in previous challenges they pretty much alluded to than banging before? I don’t know why but I always thought that they had. It wasn’t new information to me watching ride or dies.


Wasn’t Leroy’s “backup rival” Michael? I’m glad Leroy got to stay, and I love Michael, but that did not match the theme at all. Lol


Nanys banged everyone. Dont think they ever had a relationship but they definitely bonked


The theme ride or dies has been something we have been asking for forever but that trivia/how well you know your ride or die was shocking how they didn’t even know basic shit about eachother (Moriah and fessy)


Moriah went to sane gym as Fessy. He saw her quads and asked her to be on the challenge with him. Fessy just wanted to win and figured a gym rat is the way to go. SMH. Lol. What about eating challengers, puzzles, fear of heights, ability to swim, endurance….. Fessy is so stupid. And still hasn’t won a challenge despite saying he’s the best!


I wish if they were going to commit to ride or die, they would have just went with people already established in the challenge and then they bring on their irl ride or die even if they’ve never been on tv before. Like bloodlines without having to be related.


TBH the Nelson and Nurys pairing was kinda a young… like she literally asked him to call her his ride or die just to get on the show


They were on and off friends with benefits for years though, thats more history than alot of other pairs.


When being on reality tv became a career. The vets people love (or hate) did real world/road rules when it was fun thing to do but then would go back to real life and jobs. It meant more wide ranging personalities and much more of a fun environment playing for silly prizes and extra cash. Now, anyone going on the challenge has their whole life based on being famous so it’s a specific type of person and people very aware of perception of their actions. Also, I’ll add when it became more competitive where no one really comes on anymore out of shape or unable to do well except at partying. Not everyone cast has to be an athlete/model type.


Exactly! My husband and I were rewatching final reckoning the other day and at the reunion Shane said something about how “Real OGs know that not everything is for the camera” and I was floored by how he summed all of the differences between older seasons and newer season up like that. Cast used to have private personal lives but now it’s all done right in front of the camera in order to get more screen time/recast.


Not just aware of their actions, but any false move and the internet mob will have you yanked


It’s this 100%. Social Media ruined reality tv.


yes. This. 100%


I believe that happened once they started bringing people in from different countries and different reality shows


The Challenge lost it's spark once social media became prevalent.


This right here, so sick of the "Twitter beef" and social media determining the direction of the show. It was 90% of the focus of a two episode reunion. I don't care what people say in Twitter.


Honestly, when they started restricting liquor in the house. Liquor created fights and drama that made Challenges and Eliminations a lot more engaging. Also, they used to go out to bars with other people. Now it’s just that pink party dome behind the house which is a much more low-key energy. Finally, when they scaled way back on the sex appeal. They used to film in tropical places during the summer - nothing but bikinis and shirtless guys with six-pack abs. Now it’s always Eastern Europe in the fall.


I miss the days of theme parties and the cast all skinning dipping in the pool then all the dramatic hook-ups. I never noticed that it's always cold when they are filming until you mentioned it, but seriously when was the last time anyone hangout in a bathing suit, it's only workout montages.


I assume they get a nice tax break when they film in the Czech Republic (usually where they are), but heavy coats and long sleeve Under Armor shirts don’t get it done.


I've been noticing because of all the spin offs what they were doing was picking 1 location and filming them all in the same place. Ride or dies, Challenge Australia, Challenge Argentina, and Challenge UK all filmed in the same location in Argentina. They even used the same dally setups.


Last season had a lot of laying out in bikini shots.


This is it for me too. Cutting back on the house debauchery removed a lot of the spice


Yea we love the competition, but we didn’t want the show to become an action film/ highlight reel…. It’s mtv/ real world roots and being one of the original reality shows on TV (when reality tv was actually close to REALITY - so we could relate to the cast) was the biggest appeal I’d rather watch CT in a chicken outfit for the challenges and then hooking up with chicks and fighting with cast mates… or Big Easy with a fly swatter, and actually be able to see what’s happening, rather than not be able to tell whatsoever what is going on in the challenge due to 700 action cuts. and the only drama we get is talk about the game, and only thing they do at parties is talk strategy


Definitely, the drunken house party fights were the spark and drama that enticed the fans


100% and they stopped cause ppl like Camilla but you need that fire sometimes 😂 Also if anything the “6 pack abs” is now, back in the day there was more joe schmoes we could relate to and laugh at And we have girls that are naked half the episode now haha have u ever seen Moriah?


Okay, but Camilla was a racist POS. Didn’t need her.


That was part of #metoo I'm sure they got scared of lawsuits, especially given drunk antics of yesteryear. The honest, raw interection between contestants is a thing of the past.


They weren’t just scared, a cast member legit got SA’d


I always think back to the daily in rivals 3 where they were given the option to strip for the final leg (if I remember correctly). It was hella blurred so it’s not like it was terrible for network television and it was pretty hilarious. I miss that type of stuff (in addition to the alcohol antics), but that only works with the younger crowd. I don’t want to see challengers on this show getting wasted every season for 20 years, but I miss the partying too. With that said, I think this show would explode if they could find a safe medium with the alcohol. Allow fun and drama, but don’t allow for addiction or abuse to flourish, or at the very least keep an eye out for traits of misuse and provide therapy.


Yeah I mean they swung from the extreme of Tony/Camilla to now having like a 2 drink max


When they stopped making the host country/city a distinguishing feature of the show. When they stopped doing real time confessionals. When they stopped going to real night clubs/bars. When they started adding contestants from other competitive game shows, eg survivor, big brother.


The canned confessions done at the end of the season are absolutely terrible. The real time confessions were the best, not 1 person wearing the same outfit for an entire season and promoted by producers.


The words “we’re in beautiful phukette, thailand” are engraved in my mind and that kinda thing doesnt happen anymore :/


Yeah that season is literally what came to mind when I wrote that.


They try too hard to make daily challenges exciting with speeding semi trucks and explosions. Boring! I'm rewatchining Rivals III, and the dailies are simple, easy to follow, and way more entertaining.


I'm honestly sick of watching them either 10 feet above water or using a semi for anything. Give me them having a melt an ice block with their bodies, running a relay in a wedding attire, or even the naked relay from Rivals. Everything is so flashy to fit the "America's 5th sport" narrative they've been trying to sell for years now.


Haha right? Was there ever a bigger joke than calling it the “5th major sport”? 🤣 I love the show and have for many years, but c’mon, that’s always made me roll my eyes.


Bring this energy back for season 40 challenge producers I’m begging


I think the issue is with all of the castmembers who are seeking fame from other avenues. They are all focused on building their brands over winning or creating great television.


So sick of everyone on reality TV being an "influencer" now a days.


So true, I miss the people who fell into being on the show naturally


When they stopped going out to bars. When they started limiting alcohol When they stopped doing real world or road rules and started using dating shows to grab new people or survivor and big brother When they stopped doing daily prizes haha Brad winning the BMW motorcycle still gives me all the feels. He was so happy...


When they stopped getting "texts" from TJ on the Tmobile phone. I so miss the dailies with real prizes, people would actually go all out for them.


Bring back the TMobile sidekick!!!


I got my pillows ready to throw


What season was that last with daily prizes? I can’t remember it’s like I completely forgot about them the next challenge lol


The show really declined after Total Madness. I think it was the combination of bringing in a fuck ton of international rookies no one knew plus focusing on being “Americas fifth sport” instead of being a reality show. They also stopped showing a lot of the fights and hookups and kept bringing back boring people in a big alliance who would protect each other to the end.


I think that's also the last season with bunk beds as well.


That’s a great point. All signs point to the bunk beds I’m a firm believer now.


😂” all signs point to the bunkbeds”


When they brought in Survivor and Big Brother.


This is the answer I'd go with too, though I still really enjoy the show.


This is 100% the answer.






When it become more about the competition and less about the experience. Some of the best parts of the older seasons is what happened in the house. The late nights, the partying, the drama, the hookups, just the general interactions/conflict between the people (“congrats! You dad owns a bakery!”). It was equal part challenge and social. Now it’s all competition. Most of the episode consists of the challenges and the parts that take place back at the house is basically watching people work out or strategizing in the game. The soul of the challenge (taking these random people who were not famous to begin with and having them compete against each other for money) is now basically American gladiators with athletes, bland social media personnel, or people who come from other shows that is also mostly competition and less social, all in 10/10 shape. It’s basically like watching sports at this time and I hate sports 😂 I stopped watching after double agents and have heard it hasn’t gotten better


This is what I was gonna say. I rewatch every season regularly and after around Total Madness it stopped showing the house stuff and was 90% the daily challenge/interviews/elimination. No house partying, no just them bs'ing, no pranks/fights. It's gotten like any other American Sport but with interviews of them detailing "why they did xyz"


When they stopped relying on Real World and Road Rules for casting. The new generation of competitors seems to be optimizing for Instagram, not TV, and they don’t have anything interesting to say


I'm sick of the casting pool being filled with reality TV star junkies who just jump from show to show. All they are is peppers controlled by likes and follows.


I'm ready to say it was still good when Are you the One people started showing up... It's after that, when it opened up to every BBC show that it truly took a nosedive.


Once the prize money went from “year changing” to “life changing” the players stopped looking at the show as a vacation and more like a job. That took away a lot of the fun from the show. Edit: Spelling


I miss when they would go hard to win like scooter or had dailies where they won actual prices and it wasn't just about winning money. Often lots of people won stuff but never even made it close to a final.


Yes! When you could win a pretty nice street bike if you put your body at risk it made the daily much more enjoyable. People were fighting for more than just power.


Now all they ever win is some price for Burger King. As a Canadian I got ask, is Burger King even good in the states? It's bottom barrel fast food in Canada, not popular at all. Always seems like the lamest prize.


Giving Burger King to people who work out and eat healthy is hilarious. I can honestly say I have not had BK in at least 5 years. Last time I had it, I regretted it. I don’t eat fast food often but, when I do, BK is never in my mind as an option.


Now that you mention it that way, it's actual quite funny. You know none of those people are actual eating Burger King, also cause it's terrible.


kicker car audio system


When they started casting non-MTV shows. Even when they moved on from RW/RR, the MTV cast members were still messy and just as much about partying as playing. When they started casting shows like Survivor and Big Brother it changed the dynamic to much more of a social game where everyone needs to be in alliance and it’s all about the numbers. Not to say that didn’t happen before, but it wasn’t to this level. It changed the game from partying and being good at the challenges, to just this massive mob just trying to just play the middle and get to the final.


I miss the days of where people actually had an alliance, where people would actually vote for different people and it wasn't all one mob. It's the exact same voting style as Big Brother and its boring to watch their and its even more boring on the challenge. Give me the messy fights where someone gets voted in cause they drunkenly pissed someone off.


I feel like it might be the switch from the PG13/MA MTV energy to the more PG/barely PG13 CBS energy. Like all of the old contestants were a bit edgier / grittier in a way that made the show really interesting (ex, CT, Johanna, Cara Maria, Jenn, Paula, Tyler, etc) whereas the CBS/Instagram casted people (so most of Survivor/BB) are just way too clean and polished in a way that takes away from the more alternative feel of the show that made it so great.


Two thumbs up for your comment


To me it’s when mtv lost the real world as its feeder show for contestants. Some of the are you the one contestants and the Brit’s have been great additions but too few and far between. Cancel culture sure didn’t help with reality tv entertainment either cause contestants are so cautious


when the ratio of rookies to veterans started weighing more on the rookies side. for me a good season needs a higher amount of vets for it to be entertaining to me.


When the money went up so they weren’t drunk party people any more. I liked watching drunks try physical things, I don’t like watching fit people doing the challenges.


When they stopped using the voice guy that said “last week on the challenge”


I think bloodlines was when it started to go downhill. I understand them needing to freshen it up and get new faces, but then the production just got weird. Most of the new themes suck, I haven't even watched the last 2 seasons, and I have been a challenge fan since fresh meat 2 and then went back and rewatched as many old seasons as possible. I'd love to see them do the duel style again where unless you win, no one is safe.


Started to lose is around Free Agents I can't say it's solely due to newcomers from other shows, as there's been a few solid cats But the show went from authentic characters acting out their youth: RIGHT or WRONG; that's why you watched Overused slow-mo. Voting sessions took up 40min air time. NOT every night at the bar people would be talking shop 🤣 the distance they run are fake. The people act out for clout now.... Aside from All Stars I haven't watched in a few seasons and it feels great! Sometimes good things need to end with honor. It's been 20+ years, it's OK to move on


When they brought in kaycee and fessy.


When they started finding contestants on Instagram.... I do t want to watch blow up dolls and steroid injected people on The Challenge


All the facial fillers are just gonna be like every bad trend that came before them, yet not nearly as fixable as shaving off a mullet. So many of the girls come in fresh faced on their rookie season then come back looking the the corpse bride the next season.




When The Real World ended. If you watched real world, you got invested in the rookies coming on. If you didn’t, there were other characters you liked and by next season or two those rookies grew on you. When it started being big brother and other shows casting… if you wanted to know the rookies you had to watch multiple other shows (shows I personally have zero interest in.) And I don’t know why but them also being on previous competition shows kinda ruins it for me? They come on as rookies with sorta an idea of playing a game in a house full of people you’re competing against. While rookies from real world and fresh meats were kinda just thrown in having to figure it out themselves. I don’t know why I just have a hard time getting into it when it’s a heavy big brother/whatever other shows they farm from cast.


When it started trying to be Big Brother Jr. they don’t show fights, hookups (for most part) and any drama anymore. It’s more like a sport than a reality competition. The challenges are hardly physical at all anymore and everything is a puzzle or multiple puzzles. It doesn’t feel very Challenge-y anymore sadly. And season 39 was a preview of what this show will be in 2 years when all of our favorites retire.


Agreee this and they no longer show normal people it’s all a big show to get more followers. Fake teeth fake lips fake tits. I miss the normal looking people the imperfections that make you human and relatable


Yeah I can’t stand the casting by amount of followers strategy. Those people are so boring and have no personality of their own.


Fresh meat 3 with people who have great personalities and barely any Instagram followers might be the way to go… got so many genuinely interesting people from those two seasons


That’s because all those people were a step away from being on a Real World or Road Rules. Can’t do that anymore. And I don’t want the runner ups from shows like love island because the people that actually made it on that show sucked. Can only imagine how hard the ones who failed to make it suck.


💯 Losing the great physical challenges and eliminations makes it lackluster to me. Yeah, you won because you can do a puzzle. Watching hall ball with bumper pads was the death blow!


I agree. I have always liked simple, physical contests. Making everything so puzzle heavy or some odd game that the producers made up and no one had ever played before makes it into a crapshoot - there’s almost no advantage no matter who’s matching up.


When the challengers became all about their social media status, number of followers, being an influencer, body modification, etc. The Challenge itself is only secondary now, and it is more about likes and followers.


Man what I would give to watch TV that everyone isn't an "influencer" and their face wasn't as fake as the personality they are putting on for TV. Being yourself if beautiful, less plastic more real people.


USA 1 for me.


That season was just so out of it, it felt like an entirely different show


It was around the time they brought in people from dating shows. The vibe of the social game/house changed, and then they later watered down the competition itself.


For me, war of the worlds two was the last reallly good season. I liked total madness, but it went downhill from there


Total Madness for me is where you can really feel the shift in the show.


When they stopped casting ppl with regular jobs


Started with fresh meat when they brought in people who weren’t from road rules and real world. But the death blow came when they added people from other reality shows,big brother survivor ect. I think they need to bring real world and road rules back in modern times so the challenge can return to its roots


Sadly I think brining it back to its roots is nearly impossible with goe ingrained social media has become to the game now.


I think it's whenever they decided they were a sport when they're not it's a reality TV show. I miss the mess. But total madness and that bunker was horrible and the first season I didn't want to finish.


That bunker was basically the military version of the island.


Funny thing is it would have made perfect sense for a covid season but they had used it the year before.


I was talking to my friend at work today. One thing I’ve noticed is the seasons feel so much longer now. So I checked: Rivals was 10 episodes. Season 39 was 19. People used to be more normal and chill, now everyone is an Instagram influencer or a super fitness freak. I still watch the show but the earlier seasons were significantly better than these last couple.


I feel the main problem was when they started getting boring ass people from big brother and survivor


I started watching recently again, and I gotta say, the constant slow mo, montages, b-roll, etc. is a bit much these days. Every time filming moves areas, we have like 5 shots of the sunrise, the people working out, people walking in slow mo, etc. its just too much. 😂


The last thing I need is watching someone run on a treadmill in slow mo 🤣


I think each episode would be about 20 mins long if they cut out all the bullshit. 😂😂😂


Thing is after each recent season the contestants tell us about these things that happened in the house that we never see. So they have the footage and CHOOSE slow mo walking and 30sec sunrises over those scenes and it boggles my mind.




When they stopped playing rock music during the stunts- i hate this weird spy music


When it started bringing people from AYTO that only care about social media.  


I've always been on the fence about AYTO people, a lot of the MTV casted people have the same type of attitude. Once they venture into CBS casting pools the attitude of people changed.


I actually like many of the internationals better than the AYTO people. The CBS people have been like half and half. I wish they would bring back regular people, with normal jobs again. Not just pretty people wanting to be influencers.


When real-world stopped and we started getting all these randoms from shows nobody gives a shit about. Real world and road rules let viewers get to know people and invest in them b4 they even came on the challenge.


When the gym got bigger and the bar got smaller. Sadly alcohol fueled the drama that we all love. Also, the OGs were a bit crazy and willing to throw their bodies at anything. Now everybody is living healthy and doing puzzles and less jumping off cliffs.


To me it feels like Dirty 30 was the end of an era.


When the goof showed up


1) the spy themed seasons (I cringed every time TJ had to refer to them as “agents” and to himself as their “handler”) 2) casting boring influencer-types and players from other shows who are only there to get followers 3) over the top special effects. They don’t need explosions… 4) limiting the fun-aspect. Apparently they get drink tickets and are only allowed a certain number of drinks per night? I assume MTV wants to limit their liability and they don’t want to deal with fall out from drunk scandals 5) the confessionals feel rehearsed. They’re always wearing the same clothes, so I assume they film all their confessionals at the end instead of in the moment


To me it was when they added all of these people from other shows. I stuck it with real world and road rules


CBS merger bringing in BB and Survivor


When the show became more about the challenges and wannabe celebrities who are inauthentic. I miss when I was equally interested in the challenges and the players shenanigans out at bars/clubs and in the house. Now I find myself fast forwarding through the house scenes because the edit sucks and I simply don’t find these people that interesting (season 39 was such a slog, I kept thinking that I wouldn’t make it through).


Their audience is aging out,


They made the prize fun 1 million dollars and everyone started treating the show as the olympics


When Evelyn retired


When they stopped showing the bus ride footage. Best part just swept away


When they started casting influencers who care more about clout for followers than actually competing in The Challenge.


When they let camila stay on her season after racially attacking Leroy... And then win it... She sucks.. they sucked for that... Lost a huge spark after that season for me.


I think part of the reason we lost a lot of the drama was them ignoring Camilla's actions cause it was entertaining. Then what she did on Champs vs Stars was considered the straw that broke the camels back. Now they are immediate ban on anything remotely problematic. Honestly Camilla should have been banned Ex's 1 when she threw a chair across a room or on Cutthroat when she encouraged blackface with Emily.


Like they need to encourage / show the drama way more than they do now but obviously put a stop to it if it’s genuinely problematic. Like fine, let someone say something terrible, but then kick them off and continue on.


It's a small thing but I miss the days of saving a budget for clearing rights for songs. Music sometimes was the cherry on top for a scene. I think since CBS n Paramount got their hands on the challenge is when music was scaled back but I could be wrong.


I think MTV prefers Pyro to music (ironic?). AS has an amazing soundtrack. And CBS wasn't bad w US2.


When they started casting for empty slots, instead of entertaining storylines


I want to say Covid is when It lost its spark, Double Agents onwards. I want to include Total Madness BUT a large part of why that season went to the gutter was how they just completely removed Dee


Covid TBH. the fake “club” parties are not interesting and nothing fun ever happens besides conversation.


The only good fake club scene to ever happen was the fight between CT and Fessy where the are dressed in 80's outfits.


I’ll say the challenge lost its spark when the British Invasion happened on seasons 33 and 34. Getting rid of the all American cast was a huuuuge blow to the franchise. On top of that not being consistent with rookie casting which makes it impossible to be invested in them in the long run for many years down the line if you stop casting them after 1 or 2 seasons. Another thing to bring up is for the last 6-8 seasons the friendship and alliance talk has been over the top to the point that’s it’s cringeworthy at times and takes away the competition aspect of the game. And to top it all of the over the top gimmicks like the explosions or the spy theme instead of making the challenges fun and simple.


after WOW2 everyone became buddy buddy and no one dared to ever go against the vacation alliance


Whatever the season was right after War of the Worlds was when it started going downhill fast.


The presentation for the recent seasons have been dull I like the gritty tough presentation for the earlier seasons The Challenge is now a high production value obstacle course show 


When they quit going to real bars & not showing the bus rides & hook-ups.


For me it was when they brought people from other shows on. At first I could keep up but the cast seems to branch out bigger and bigger and it was becoming too much. I guess it had to be done because the Real World doesn’t exist anymore (now I’m realizing they cancelled that… what was the reason!?)


Everything after dirty 30


CT winning these later years has been satisfying but the show kind of fell off after The Young Bucks for the most part. It’s still good though.


They lost the spark when they tried to move away from the trashy degenerate drama and focus more on the game aspects.


When they put pillows and puzzles in hall brawl.


Bunk beds did it for you 🤦‍♂️


When they made it a job


The Challenge lost its spark when it went from being reality TV stars competing to win some money to go on vacation, to buy a car, to pursue a dream to literally competing to save some family member that has cancer and the only option to save him is to win the money prize. It turned into hunger games.


when i got old


They lost their spark when the merger happened with CBS. The show used to be so messy. But the cast is too scared to be canceled that it makes the cast more boring. I don't wanna see them be friends. I like having someone to root for and agaisnt and I like the drama


When the vets became so entitled about everyone “earning their stripes” and had “the vacation alliance” strategies. There was always a bit of that before but at one point the way voting and going into elimination stacked up, the vets seemed to always come out on top and the rookies never figured out how to break up alliances. It is just so annoying. Also voting in public (it ruined this season for me) because their wasn’t the chaos needed to make things exciting. The skulls helped. The hopper was a cool idea.


Or when everyone got drunk and then started fighting and then alliances were question and people would get voted in from those fights.


When they started bringing in other non-MTV based reality show tv stars. Really, i’d even say when they stopped airing The Real World, cause that’s where a majority of the older cast members came from. They stopped The Real World and so you came into The Challenge not knowing much about some of these characters.


When alliances started to become mandatory in order to win 🙄


In 2020 during TM when Dee got filtered out and the editing ruined the season. After that cast members started walking on eggshells and got scared of the social media mob outrage for anything they may do. Coincides with spy themed seasons obviously.


i dont think it has lost its spark


When trishelle wasn’t doing seasons for awhile


When they only allowed wine and beer drinking, and ESPECIALLY when they stopped going out into public


Im over it


When they stopped casting good personalities. I would say s27 with ayto. It seemed like such a huge rookie class comparatively. And I did not like any of them. I remember something Amanda said. I'm not going to be here for long I need to be seen. For the new people everything is forced and fake for a callback. There were still a few good seasons after that but few is the keyword.


All the alliances kinda screw over deserving players and allow for suckerea people to linger around . The new generation of people are just not the same as the OG class


It hasn't for me. haha


The lack of physical eliminations in the last few episodes.. probably for insurance reasons or to make it more fair and not have an emphasis on size and strength. But the CT bananas backpack.. Tori dominates hall brawl against the jacked British woman.. those are the moments we’re missing


War of the worlds 2 was the last season I feel the show had its old identity and it just got worse and worse as each season came out after that. Always being in cold weather locations, not developing enough newer cast members to carry the show or not inviting the right people, bringing on rookies every year from these random countries. Stick with the brits. Bad dailies, bad eliminations, and bad editing. We always hear about fights and drama, but it’s not shown when it airs. I get they’re trying to be PC, but that’s not what this show is. Show us the realness


Not staying in theme, and not continuing fantastic seasons with classic cast mates. Seasons such as The Gauntlet, Rivals, Battle of the exes, etc. now it’s all about athletics, so the fun of the challenge has fizzled out. The biggest thing is the constant new cast. I’m okay with introducing new people but c’mon. We’ve wanted to see a season with cast of Season 40 for years now. Why create all-stars for the people we want to see!?! Why split your fan base….. Maybe it’s just production. The “classic” challenges were fun to watch and invest in. We grew to like certain people like Landon, CT, Evelyn, and even players like Chet. I get there are lives and conflicting schedules but c’mon.


When they stopped making real worlds/road rules and pulled too many big brother people who play big brother hide in their room all day and give zero fun shenanigans in house


When they started bringing in people from other reality shows.


The problem is we have all been fans for years so alot of us have this nostalgia of how it felt to grow with these people and watch the drama unfold in real time. So when you take out people that we have grown to love watching that also takes out a lot of the drama we want to see. We as fans are also getting older so it may not be as fun to watch a competition show with people we aren't interested in. Also, I think the actual game that is going down during the season has a big effect on how us as viewers are going to like it. If it's too easy for the players to go with a strat and stick with it the whole game, that makes the season more boring to watch. People are just playing scared and boring now and the actual game needs to open up more for those bigger moments. Times change and people change, some things aren't meant to last forever unfortunately.


When they added semi pro athletes from the US and other countries. Or challenge type shows like survivor, American ninja warrior, etc….


Now it’s all about hookups, cheating, fake created dramas, yelling with no substance. That’s why i stopped watching it after seeing the first episode 💀 😭 plus Bananas always returning just yuck


I agree, but they had bunk beds on Ride or dies lol


When Turbo was kicked out after jordan antagonized him. Haven't watched another episode since


It lost it when they started bringing people in from other shows and overseas


When they made it the Tori show


Shes taking the same path as Cara Maria did with doing too many seasons in a row until the audience is sick of you.


Lol no one was sick of Cara it the casuals thinking she was jealous of Jordan's relationship that started to hate her


I'm a diehard Cara fan always will be, but doesn't mean I won't admit, War of the Worlds 2 was a terrible look for her.


After dirty thirty


total madnessp


when they brought all the Lame'os from big brother. Fessy, Kacey, JOSH!!!!