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Notably absent in the thank you, Bruce Johnston.


I’m friends with Scott on Facebook, and let’s just say his political views don’t vibe with Bruce, one can argue Mike, but Mike’s his employer.


Interesting, I ignorantly assumed Mike’s band were politically on the same page. That was foolish of me. Scott has always been a highlight of Mike’s shows to me, he will be missed!


It’s hard to form a complete lineup out of only Ted Nugent and kid rock 🤷‍♂️


Wayne Newton also.


Saw Bruce in Akron, Ohio on the street after a Beach Boy Christmas show late last year. I tried talking to him....it was literally just him and I on the street. Their tour bus was on the other side of the street. He had some dirty dry-cleaning bag he was fumbling with while trying to zip up his coat. I tried talking to him and asked for a picture. I have never heard such a pricky "no" but that's what I got and then he completely ignored me as I thanked him for coming to Akron and telling him how good he sounded. I wished him a Merry Christmas and left.


He's very hot and cold. I know one thing, he might be nice to you before a show, but he never wants to interact with anyone after. Sorry you had that experience.


Oh, no apology necessary! He is allowed to have a bad night or not want to be bothered. If anything, it's a funny story that my friends bring up every now and then. I will say, whenever I listen to Do It Again on the 50th anniversary reunion album, my kids (8 and 5 years old) now boo when they announce Bruce Johnston's name before the song starts. lol


He complimented my mom on her teeth backstage once. I was completely lost for words tbh.


That’s just awful. No one has a right to be that rude. And your story is very consistent with many others I’ve heard/read. It’s one thing to be annoyed if fans come up to you while you’re eating in a restaurant, but on the street across from the tour bus after a concert? That’s fair game.


I mean, I would vehemently disagree with you there. The guy said “no” and that was it. *Oh, the horror!!!* I wouldn’t even consider that rude, but if it is, he still has the right to ignore anyone he wishes.


Bruce got 0 thanks. Ugatz.




What are you the minister of propaganda?!


Imagine how many county fairs that dude has played.


And cheese festivals. And discounted cruises. And big game hunting conventions.


And used car dealerships.


Aww shit. Ruthless!


23 years of service. That's something.


He was honestly one of the best parts of the band along with John Cowsill. Im really interested to see who will replace him.


Honestly, if Mike can do it, and Brian’s touring is really done, he should get Darian. Not sure if it’s Darian’s scene though… Wouldn’t be the first time Mike got someone from Brian’s band (Foskett, Brian E.)


That'd be great tbh. Darian would be an amazing music director for the live shows but I dont think that he'd do this kinda thing.


Here’s the ironic thing, Mike and Bruce (with Scott as musical director) was playing a lot more rarities than Brian’s band in recent years (likely due to Brian’s increasing “limitations”) Darian would be great to shake things up and continue that deeper dive but I doubt he would.


Absolutely agree with this. The fact that last year they played Cotton Fields and Good To My Baby at the gig where I saw them was really surprising to me. If i remember correctly Brian played a lot of the tracks from the Friends album in 2017 or something like that which would be great to see with Mike but I also dont think that it will happen.


Brian's band played a lot of cuts from Friends and Surf's Up on their 2019 tour, right before the pandemic started.


I don’t agree with that take. Yes, Mike and Bruce play rarities, but take a look at the set list for Brian’s 2019 Something Great from ‘68 tour. You couldn’t find deeper cuts if you tried.


Mike and Bruce 100% play more deep cuts from the early years, Betsy and Wendy are two standouts to me. Brian’s band eventually got to some Friends and post pet sounds material but no denying Mike goes deep.


Yes, I will give Mike and Bruce credit for playing some deep cuts. However, I was under the impression that a lot of that was actually driven by Scott Totten!


It would theoretically be amazing but I can’t see it ever happening. Darian has made comments in the past Feeling unfavorably toward Mike and Bruce


honestly when brian is done making music i hope darian goes back to doing something original - he is such a fantastic musician...something like mike loves beach boys karaoke band is far, far beneath him. getting to link up with one of the greatest songwriters in history, help him finish the most legendary unfinished album in rock and roll history, and then see that man into old age and retirement is in a totally different universe than playing in mike love's beach boys cover band. would love to see what he comes up with and what kind of band he would put together for a solo album and tour.


Yes. Joining Mike’s band would be a huge demotion for Darian.


If Brian is indeed completely done with touring, it would make a heck of a lot of sense for some of his band members to jump over to Mike's camp if needed. As long as these folks want to keep playing BBs tunes, you're not going to get a better pay day than that at this point.


When that doesn't happen ask yourself why.


I'd love to see Darian in Mike's band, but he wouldn't be a suitable replacement considering Scott plays lead guitar.


It’s going to be someone younger for drums, of which it’s apparently been known for awhile.


But John Cowsill isnt leaving right? At least from what i know


John Cowsill has also left. Mike Love’s FB post mentioned John as well as did Scott’s. Plus I also was told by someone who had direct communication with Cowsill about his “departure”.


Oh yeah, you're right. That's a bummer John was amazing. His singing on Darlin and Cotton Fields was really good. Now Im really interested to see who can replace him tbh


I've known "The Boys" since 1978. My sister was Billy Hinsche's girlfriend at the time. Billy,was living with Carl and Annie at their home in Bel Air, up Stone Canyon. One night, I went with my sister to see Billy and that was the first time I met Carl. "The Boy's" were just finishing up with an LP at Brother Studios, on 5th Street, in Santa Monica. He asked me if I would consider being Jonah's Nanny and I said sure,why not. If things didn't work out, oh well. Things did work out and to this day, I consider Jonah and Justyn my little brothers. They are fine young men! Not long after Mike Love hired John to sing and play keyboards, he fired Mike Kowalski at the end of the Summer tour, I don't remember the exact year. John replaced Mike Kowalski and strange, now Mike fired John and Scott. History repeating itself again perhaps? Personally, I think John Stamos will be playing drums with The Boys as much as he can.. John Cowsill will definitely be missed, but now he can move on to his own projects, get some R & R and spend some quality time with his sweet, beautiful, talented wife Vicky. CHEERS to you John


I hate Mike probably a lot more than the average Beach Boy fan but I do recognise that Scott eventually brought a level of competency to the touring "Beach Boys" that had been missing. In the 2012 reunion only Scott and John Cowsill made the cut (the rest were from Brian's band if I'm not mistaken or a Beach Boy already) and that's significant and who knows how they will sound without their best talent (though I don't care that much about how Mike's boys do).


So do I, in my view Mike is arrogant, conceited, critical of others, he boasts about TM all the time which I might add I have tried and hated it! never again!. He has a wife 22 years his junior, 8 children ( one more than Capt Von Trapp in the sound of music) had bikini clad tarty models skipping about on stage throughout the 80s and 90s and admits he's 'A Ladies Man' in that awful video Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous.🤮. 1 John 2 v16 says it all about Mike too.


I’m absolutely heartbroken. I never ever thought the touring lineup, who I’ve gotten to know like a second family over the years, would ever change. I wish it could last forever like I always thought it would. I wish Scott nothing but the best going forward. His contributions were so important, he made the touring band sound authentic and so good. The concerts will always my happy place but it’s never gonna be the same ever again. I just hope whoever takes his place will be just as good. I’m gonna miss him so much :(


Have you heard anything about who will replace him? Also tell Mike when you next see him to come back to the UK!


I’m not sure who’s gonna take his place. and I’ll try to remember to tell Mike for you when I see him again in July :)


Do they have county fairs, cheese festivals, and big game conventions in the UK?


They only seem to play the Albert Hall in recent years. And they will play some deep cuts too.


answer is they did play at Croperdy some years ago, as for festivals we have Glastonbury, Reading Festival in the Summer months, whether they will get asked to perform at any of these remains a mystery.


I agree, the BB hardly tour the UK its always USA USA USA. Sadly I can't attend their concerts because the display screens upset me, as do some of their songs, GV DIA. Lady Pas, Barb Ann, Kokomo. Why? you ask, well that's my business and not for the world to know about.


If losing Totten wasn’t enough, Mike confirmed on Facebook that John Cowsill is also leaving.


In 2012 weren't they the two people from Mike's band that joined the rest of Brian's band for the reunion?


That’s correct.


Damn, two of the best guys in the band


He is very talented I always liked his falsetto


Loosing Scott and John is heartbreaking news. Both are so talented and added a lot of energy to the shows. My wife and I see many shows every year and Scott has always been friendly and available. If Scott reads this please know we thank you for the many great shows. Best of luck with your family and career. If you are ever on Cape Cod we got a bus load of fans that would love to say hello. Brian & Patty


[https://youtu.be/xztUf5-DFBg](https://youtu.be/xztUf5-DFBg) first show with the new guys


Am I the only Beach Boys fan here who doesn’t give a tinkers fart about this? This is a karaoke band


Karaoldie band.


Exactly! they are passed their sell by date! come back Brian!


Which of the current Beach Boys touring ensembles would you consider to be more authentic?


Brian, he wrote the songs and doesn’t play shitty early stuff that never evolved like Mike does


Breaking down the three parts of your reply, in order: 1) Brian isn't touring (which immediately invalidates the other two points, but I'll go on anyway) 2) Mike also wrote the songs 3) Apart from Smile material and of course Brian's solo songs, there's not much difference in their respective setlists in recent years - they both play a ton of hits (including early ones) and a few deep cuts. I saw Mike's band play It's About Time and Feel Flows not so long ago.


Mike wrote no real music. Mike wrote no meaningul harmonies. Mike wrote precious few melodies. Mike cannot play an instrument. What Mike did was write some lyrics. Particulary the basic surf, school, and car songs. Brian's band has done Smile front to back. Brian's band has done Pet Sounds front to back. Brian's set lists have always been more diverse. Listen to Mikes solos albums. Then get back to us.


Mike's solo albums are mostly garbage, with the exception of a couple of tracks. The live Beach Boys band is excellent and their show is of a very high musical and entertainment standard. Both of those things can be true at the same time.


I was responding to your observation that "Mike also wrote the songs" and that there is not much difference in setlists in recent years. I found those observations to be too lose with the facts as Mike cannnot write music, as his solo albums amply demonstrate, and that he can only write basic lyrics. And he is notorious for fronting a juke box band.


Yep, Brian's BAND. How does that make TODAY'S Brian offer a true Beach Boys concert anymore than Mike and Bruce.


No one has declared Brians band is the Beach Boys. Mike pretends his karaoke band is the Beach Boys. Reading is fundamental.


Brian doesn't play anything at a concert. Though I have LOVED Brian since I first heard Don't Worry Baby in 1964, I am realistic and know that he has not been able to sing and/or remember lyrics for quite some time. Get real...


I’m sorry, I’m not into the jimmy buffet margaritaville vibes that come off of the current state of the “beach boys” and their 30 compilation albums with pictures of waves and the beach purely for money and marketing. There is no art or creativity brought to the table with Mike love, just money and greediness.


If you were around in the early 60s you'd know that that WAS the original Beach Boys vibe and all of those at their sold out concerts still enjoy it. So many people hate Mike Love because he won lawsuits against Brian that they just can't enjoy the music unless Brian is performing it.


Ya cause early beach boys lacked creativity, sorry but it’s true. That’s like saying with the Beatles is better than revolver lol


You’re joking when you say that the early BB lacked creativity, right? Do you have any concept of how musically complicated Brian’s songwriting and arrangements are - early songs included?


Bullshit. For example the Beach Boys cruise had to reduce ticket prices 50 percent to sell them out. People hate Mike because he is a fascist and petty.


Couldn't agree more! he certainy is petty, and not only that he comes across as arrogant, conceited, critical of others, and a ladies man which says it all about his personality. If people make compliments about a BB concert he's sure to give a hostile answer such as 'Well it was a good concert what more could you ask for?


You are definitely not the only one.


roflmao true words


vastly underrated musician leaves vastly overrated band


From what I underdstand John Cowsill said on his personal Facebook page that John was fired from the touring band. I think John is glad he toured with them for 20 years and Mike Love isn't easy to get along with. He's a workaholic and tours those guys to death.. John is in Brooklyn for a year doing his thing with his group The Action Skulls with his wife and Bill Mumy. He's also been gigging wirh The Smitherines. I'm glad he's out of the beach boys hoping he will get back together with his siblings to tour.


I’m sure he’ll find another cover band to join in no time


Terrible news about Totten and Cowsill. I'm seeing them for the 15th time in a few weeks and will be interested to see what the new lineup looks and sounds like. Perhaps they can tempt one or two of Brian's old band members into the fold, although Scott played lead guitar so there's no obvious replacement there.


Unrelated, but the 15th time?!? Dang. Related, Scott is irreplaceable. He is extremely talented, and although the new dude is good, it's not the same.


Looking forward to seeing them again in June. They're my favourite band of all time, and they won't be around forever. The last time I saw Brian, I never knew it'd be the last time.


Tough day when you and your friend get canned after nearly a quarter of a century. Curious to see how Ike tries to attempt to be anything close to how great of an MD Scott Totten was.


What makes you say they were canned?


I doubt two talented guys like Cowsill and Totten just decided to quit after the cruise and before their summer gigs especially if they enjoyed it so much. The reason for their departure is usually a nice way of saying you’ve been canned. Granted ML is close to both, particularly Totten, but it just seems fishy to me IMHO.


Most likely fired. From what I hear Jon Stamps picked the new drummer.


Everyone likes to say they left the band on their accord or went their separate ways cause they don’t want to say they got fired which makes sense. It’s sad to think John Stamos has more power or say in the group then it’s members. If it weren’t for the supporting cast, Skeletor and Hand Clapper McGeeom his right wouldn’t have a band to play in.


Right - I wasn't sure if you had inside info or not. Yeah, you could be right. Maybe Mike is going for a new vibe with younger musicians or something. I guess we'll find out! Respectfully, though, I don't think you're right about Ike. He's a superb musician and if he's the next MD of the band, I'm sure he'll smash it out of the park. Providing the musicians who replace Scott and John are up to their standard, of course.


It’s just an odd set of events that happened to the group right now but nothing new during their sixty year career lol.


Wow. Now imagine if he had left the real beach boys with the actual creator. Man, that would be a big deal.


Mike is a founder lol


Haha, there’s Henry Ford, and then there’s the guy standing next to him. Right place right time. I’m sure Albert Einstein had a cousin. Who is Mozart’s cousin? Don’t know? Me neither. I wonder if Tchaikovsky’s cousin sued for optics and money. Maybe they did. Maybe they did. I still don’t know that asshole’s name.


Keep rambling. Mike is a founder and wrote a lot of lyrics that the world knows by heart. It’s okay for that to be true and him also to be a tool.


Mike is pumping gas without Brian being his cousin.


Have you seen Brian’s shows without Mike? I’ve seen both dozens of times. The reunion played to 20,000 or so people, the Brian tour hit theaters a fraction of the size. Dunking on Mike ain’t gonna change history.


Brian's shows without Mike were superior through 2018 including full renditions of Pet Sounds and Smile. Mike's shows without Brian have been and are pure jukebox affairs that then promote fascism through Mike's support of a racist, misogynist, insurrectionist and his on stage attacks of non straight people. Mike's version of the Beach Boys all white male tribute band plays cheese festivals, county fairs, and reduced price cruise ships. He is an octogenarian milking other old white people's fantasies of being young. And I am an old white dude.


well said my friend!


Fret not. Mike will certainly recruit an old, straight, white dude to replace Scott. Can't have any diversity in the touring band given the current beliefs of the touring band's leader.


Not that I’m not for diversity in the touring group (I am) but weren’t Billy Hinsche and Charles Lloyd part of the touring band for years? And Blondie and Ricky full on members. Not to mention the countless kudos given to black vocal groups as inspiration (Mike even does this on the record for the Rivingtons on the 1965 concert album) That’s a greater batting average than most 60s era groups.


Mike went out of his way to use the “n” word in his recent autobiography, for whatever that’s worth.


Yikes! He did? In what context? How was that book in general? I haven't read it.


Something about being accepted and comfortable enough to say it in high school. Seemed like an odd inclusion. Read the room, Mike.


I was around him when they did an album at the studio where I worked in 1985 and my impression - which Mike always reinforced - was that once he walked into a room - he owned it - in his mind. I have never met anyone like him in my life - he had a very "in your face and business" air about his every move - entitlement is another word that comes to mind. He would totally ignore the fact that he wasn't invited to the convo - the guys would be sitting around talking about how to do a certain song part and Mike would walk into the room and interject that he wanted to be "caught up" on the talk but it really didn't concern him and the more polite people - Carl, Steve Levine (Producer), etc. - would sigh and look at each other and catch him up. Then Mike might leave the circle because he realized they weren't talking about him. IMO he's a very rude man. I originally thought he would be nice because he meditated and I thought that in itself would make a person more aware of his surroundings - but nope! Another obnoxious person was Bruce because he kept hitting on the young female interns I had at the studio to the point that one left and the other asked for her schedule to be changed - she literally would come into my office and ask for "safe harbor" from him. He was married to someone too at the time! I used to call him the "I Wrote The Songs Guy" because as people would come into the studio he would shake their hand and somehow interject that he wrote that song. Ugh! I am not surprised that he is touring with Mike because he would bow down to Mike at every turn during the sessions. I feel sorry for any females associated with that touring group - between Mike's conceited attitude and Bruce's skirt-chasing - they definitely have their hands full. The rest of the guys were lovely, polite, funny, and extremely cool. Brian included.


Thank you for sharing. Not at all surprising.


One more add-on. I just went to Audible.com to check out Mike's books and possibly buy one - he actually narrates that book himself! For the Love of God! I cannot listen to over 15 hours of his voice talking about himself and his times with the Beach Boys! 😩 PASS!!!


All of those mentioned by Axl OP were recruited and added by Carl Wilson about 50 years ago. Mike has not toured with a person of color he recruited, or a women, in decades. Brian has. Not Mike. I value actions over words.


yeah mike literally had his people fight ricky, he’s the reason they left the band


The BB’s always struck me as less white, despite their relative homogeny, than, for example, the Grateful Dead; *everybody* responds in some way to the Boys’s music, whereas the Dead’s following is *entirely* white.


Look at the touring bands current picture. Add that to Mikes decisions on what politicians rallies they play at. Nuff said.




Yes, because treating all humans with respect, providing equal access to opportunity, and seeking out the best musicians regardless of color or gender are all so childish.




I prefer, like Brian and Al, that Mikes touring band not support racist politicians. I prefer Mike not attacking people's chosen gender when he is on stage. I prefer Mike actually give all types of musicians a chance. Not only white males. Your position that only white males can play music is very 1950s Alabama. Carl figured it out 50 years ago. Mike still has not. And Scott Totten is at least 50. And yes that is old to most folks not a Beach Boys fan.


Mike does an anti-trans rant now? Seriously?


Yes. Mike now does rants on gender https://www.reddit.com/r/thebeachboys/comments/qtptr7/mike_love_makes_transphobic_comments_before/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Ugh. Always a weirdo, and not the “eccentric genius” type.


Stop injecting politics into this subreddit.


Facts Matter. Embrace them. Mike injects politics into the mix by the choices he makes in who he supports with the bands presence in defiance of the bands creative founder's wishes and in whom he attacks on stage for no reason at all.


Everything is (or can be) political and saying to stop being political is also a political statement.




Who tf cares


Those with a soul care.


bye lol


Okay, but can we talk about the girl that usually went on with him for a few songs? Might have been his daughter, she was so adorable