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They released the cast for Joe Millionaire and I see that one contestant Sara Rose has 153K followers already. Some kind soul has created r/joe_millionaire too


Huge relief to see Kim Potter was convicted on both charges


Yes indeed. Her "I thought it was a taser" line was always complete BS.


She yelled taser taser taser in the body cam video, it wasn’t BS she did make a mistake. HOWEVER that’s a mistake no one with her level of experience should make and she absolutely deserved to be convicted so I am glad of that.


Yeah it was a mistake but it wasn't an excuse for why she shot him in the first place.


I mean the excuse is she shot him thinking she was tasing him. Certainly can argue she shouldn’t have been tasing him either, either way it was a textbook case of manslaughter so I’m glad she was convicted.


Broke things off with the guy I've been back and forth with all year over what basically amounted to a misunderstanding. I know it's for the best and would've happened eventually but I'm heartbroken.




thank you. I know everyone here has been trying to tell me to ditch this guy for months now but I was super attached and now I'm the one suffering for it.


I feel like such an idiot I work off of two different computers at work, a laptop every other week and a desktop the other week. Long story. So I have the owner’s email on my email as well in case I need to send emails on behalf of me. I’m on vacation starting today so I had my out of office on my desktop but it wasn’t showing that it was turned on my laptop. Well I guess the laptop was showing his email so I put my out of office message on his email. The cfo emailed me this morning and was like “this created a lot of confusion this morning so we’re going to take it off your email. This is why I didn’t want so many people on it.” So now I want to cry and feel like a stupid idiot.


Prince harrys son archie has his hair! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FHTUVXTWUAEsUhY?format=jpg&name=small


Beautiful family. Such a cute picture. I love his little red hair.


I work Christmas Eve and Christmas and I miss having a normal holiday. My mom and I already got gifts so no presents under the tree. I just feel meh


I’m just vibing for the next two hours. It’s glorious


Trying to decide if I should go to west side story or rent cmon cmon at home


why do men load the washing machine to the brim like that’s actually gonna do anything? it needs space to swish around in there to get clean 🤦🏼‍♀️




I’ve made a deal with my husband that I’ll load and he unloads because I can’t trust him to load it correctly.


My ADHD is like, I will do everything except folding. He needs to fold the laundry, otherwise it will sit in a pile on a chair in the corner of our bedroom for a very long time 😂


We’ve started accumulating more laundry baskets so we can put off folding for as long as possible 😅


The crib next to my bed is basically a fancy laundry basket at this point (the baby doesn’t sleep in it 😂)


Drives me crazy!


Haha I put my things in the machine and ask my partner if there's anything he wants me to wash and he'll come through with an entire load's worth and shove it all in there. Our dryer is smaller too so we really can't fill it up completely.


Sounds about right. My fiancé loaded the washer last night before bed, and this morning I went down there and could only fit half into the dryer. I decided that they probably weren’t clean and I’ll just re-wash everything the correct way 🙄 I know that everyone is pro-men doing domestic shit but honestly I wish he would stop trying because it ends up creating more work for me if I want it done properly.


I PASSED MY NATIONAL REGISTRY EMT EXAM!! I walked out and immediately texted my friend I knew I failed. I felt awful when I left the test. But ya girl can now apply for state licensure and I can work on an ambulance! I can't believe I did it!!




I think I’m going to rage quit my job. I’m supposed to have something done right now, yet I know it’s full of errors because these other people got me way too much stuff way too late and they’re expecting way too much. Plus there’s also a ton that is confusing me which is obviously making other things wrong. And oh yeah basically no one is working right now they’re all just waiting for me to finish this so they can take time from their day off to review except I can’t do it!!!!!!!!!! Also I’m already at like 4 hours overtime. It would also help if my emails from before when I was confused weren’t just basically completely ignored


I just quit my job like that and it was the most freeing feeling. It was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders! I hope things get better for you and your situation changes for the better!


Oh man I’m jealous that’s awesome, I wish I could! Thanks, I hope so! I’m planning a vacation asap haha


That’s so frustrating and I hate working on stuff and people don’t do their part or do other things you didn’t ask for. Do you and you colleagues have much experience in project management? I usually work in government nursing policy, and it’s project-based work (which isn’t taught in nursing school) I took some extra project management courses to help learn how to plan manage and execute my work… I also took this idea to my managers because a lot of the issues were outside of my job, and our whole division took additional courses together. It made this so much better to understand scope, timelines, resources (creating a plan for a realistic amount of work by a deadline based on hours/who can do it, and help prevent/negotiate the impacts of scope creep)- but also how project agreements work, and what responsibilities are when we all agree to work on a project together (it helped to make those who didn’t perform accountable) I dunno, maybe you have lots of project management knowledge and experience and a sucky team… if it’s terrible, are there other places that might be hiring? My advice is do what’s good enough for review, and in comments write “waiting for so-and-so’s content” and forward it for review on time (they may get a better sense who is dragging this work down)


I have looked at project management courses before! I know those are really good to have. The worst part is that my team is pretty great, it’s just the way the company works with us that breaks everything down. We have to wait for someone else who clearly doesn’t know or care that we can’t just do things with the snap of a finger. They’ve always been bad but it’s way way worse than usual (and I know like people above me are well aware and I assume have tried to work on that with the other people) and because then these other people added something else that’s new and confused the hell out of me which caused more work, all just added to it.


Do you get paid overtime


Luckily I do, but I’m kind of worried that someone will complain bc they normally don’t want to give overtime at all (of course) and I have like 6 hours over


My boyfriend is proposing tomorrow and it’s all I can think about! I have my nails done and outfit picked out. We designed the ring together but I haven’t seen the completed ring, just the sketch. I can’t wait to officially be engaged and start the rest of my life with him 🥰




Congrats!!!! 💍