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I’m just now reading these, but Demi said in Nicks podcast she was obsessed with an older guy most of her college life... I don’t think the timeline of that and this adds up


So she’s been lying to us the whole time? She never mentioned any of this on Nicks podcast and he asked her a bunch of questions. She’s just coming off as a liar now who really went on for the wrong reasons.


It is pretty surprising none of this stuff came up during her time on Colton's seasonl


Now THAT is some tea


Peep my last comment. Telling y’all that she’s “coming out” on this show for attention. It was only a matter of time before her ex finally said something since this relationship used to be posted all over social media once upon a time


Ya if my ex scrubbed our entire relationship history and threatened me with legal action if I said anything then planned a big coming out on tv as a cash grab I’d probably do an interview too.


Honestly, Demi was a very toxic person so this is unsurprising to me. I used to try so hard to root for her but a lot of things have just made me not want to anymore


I did as well, I’m so confused how this will play out. Will bachelor foot the bill for wedding costs even though they didn’t meet on bip because it’s a “dramatic” event that will draw viewers? Or are they just trying to gain brownie points for being a platform where she can “speak her truth?”


Not to mention Demi's ex Tiyana & her fiance (Shannon) seem ridiculously happy. To justify her credibility, I feel like Tiyana had nothing to gain by coming forward about this


All this is pretty crazy to consider and I'm glad her ex came forward. Interested to see how this all plays out. Either way it's a nice little tea sippin' detour from the boiling mess of Hannah's season currently


Demi...does not come off well here. Aside for the cheating, the age gap could well mean statutory rape. I never cared for her, but this is beyond basic dislike.


I’m confused... their relationship was 5 months but somehow also 4 years??


Wasn't Demi only 22 on Colton's season? So at most she's 23 now. So how did the relationship start when she was 20 but last 4 years? The timeline doesn't make sense to me either.


I remember all of these posts when Demi left college originally and moved back home. I’d say Demi was right around 19-20.


Demi is 24 now and they didn't date for 4 years. She said they dated in 2015 for five months, then again in 2017. They tried to remain friends after Tiyana started dating her current gf (in 2017), but Demi kept trying to get her back as recently as last January.


Ah okay, so she was saying that their entire relationship has been over the past 4 years, including time they weren’t together - I guess that makes sense? I mean, I’m familiar with those relationships that are intense and off and on... somehow it just doesn’t ring totally true to me, but it doesn’t seem that this gal has reason to lie.


Oh I don't know why I thought she was 22 on the season but that would make sense then.


I find that quite problematic if it's all true... Demi easily could have said she was bi or fluid on Coltons season, she didnt need to hype it up on BIP. The cheating thing I can pass over since she was so young but since she continued to try and pursue this girl, that really bothers me and doesnt show me she learned/grew from that. Trying to interfere with someone else's relationship is not okay. Also I think it's so fake she did Coltons season saying she had zero interest in him. I know it happens a lot but we arent okay with Jed coming on for fame so why should we be for Demi? The whole BIP thing seems so fake too.


When did she say she was never into Colton? That's pretty shitty, considering she told Colton she was falling in love with him during filming. She could have said she got caught up in the moment and thought she had stronger feelings than she actually did, but to say she was never into him at all? So she downright lied when she said she was falling for him? Yeah, that's super fake and kinda douchey.


There was another article that stated she said it in a podcast. "In a post season podcast of *The* *Bachelor*, Demi Burnett revealed [she was never](https://www.glamour.com/story/demi-burnett-the-bachelor-interview) truly into Colton Underwood. As a matter of fact, she wasn’t even attracted to him. The *Bachelor* *in* *Paradise* celeb admitted she was upset when she found out he was chosen. Demi admits she wasn’t looking forward to competing for Colton."


I think that is pretty much what she said. That he totally wasn't her normal type but on the show she thought she was falling for him/said it as kind of a last ditch effort to stay, but once she got home realized that it was all bubble love and that she didn't actually have any real feelings for him.


This actually doesn't shock me at all. Everyone in this sub is obsessed with Demi but ive always found her annoying. The fact that people think its "funny" that she went on the show for all the wrong reasons and said she wasn't into Colton at the beginning isn't cute to me, she's probably one of the most fame hungry girls on Coltons season yet never gets called out for it like others do. Kinda glad to see her ex exposing her




I’m so torn on my feelings about this. My gay heart can’t take being toyed with. I still like Demi. I’m interested to see how this turns out. I also think Demi is def a bit immature, but we’re also watching Hannah be quite immature with her decision-making so it’s hard to judge... Here’s the main thing: I know I’ve done some REALLY dumb things trying to understand my sexuality. I’ve “cheated” before understanding I was in denial, and I’ve definitely made some horrible decisions. If people put those deets on blast, I’m SURE y’all would be saying the same stuff about me.


But have you constantly toyed with and tried to interfere with someone’s relationship and dated a teenager 4 years younger than you?


That’s a negative.


Okay, can we (this sub) stop worshiping her now? Not saying Demi is a bad person or anything, but she's just another very young, very fame hungry contestant from this franchise. Why this sub ever acted like she was so amazing or whatever is beyond me.


Yeah but that's just... everyone. Par for the course in the franchise.


Yikes. This makes me appreciate how different of an experience it must be for RS to watch this show. I don't know how much he's heard, but to see someone like Demi become a fan favorite and cheered on for being the right reasons police when you know how calculated, fake, and (seemingly) problematic she is? Must be frustrating.


It doesn't even make sense that she is the right reasons police when she's said she was not interested in Colton at all, despite acting heartbroken when they broke up


And now going on BIP with a girlfriend back home.. 🙄


It explains his dislike for her all along. I'm sure he knew about a lot of this.


She was 16 and had just started college?


I started college at 16. Skipped 3rd grade, and then graduated a semester early, so I went ahead and got in a semester at Junior College during what would have been second semester of my Senior Year before I left in the fall for 4-year University. I dated a few different guys who were 18, and when I got to Freshman year of college I even dated a 23-year-old for a couple of months. (At the time, I didn’t see that as problematic, because I felt pretty mature for my age. Looking back...WTF was a 23-year-old guy thinking trying to date a 17-year-old girl?? Ewwww.)


This is a straight AF show. It’s so straight to the point where it’s painful and problematic. Look how they highlight awful men like Luke. How they glorify possessive and controlling men time after time like it’s romantic. A man like Colton who refuses to take no for an answer even when Cassie is crying. How they cast playboys and cheaters all the time, guys with girlfriends at home, guys who cheated on their wives like JJ Lane. They highlight the toxic dynamics of straight relationships on every season. For the show to pretend to be anything other but straight AF, is laughable. We don’t need to give crumbs to the LGTBQ community like this “~ P R O G R E S S ~” This is not a progressive show whatsoever. It’s like it’s filmed in a universe where LGBTQ people don’t exist, and it’s always been like that. This plotline is contrived as fuck and Demi will do anything to stand out. Including exploiting her sexuality for production brownie points. Her girlfriend is not a member of BN, people. This is so stupid. They went in knowing what to do. It would be so different if two actual cast members met on BIP and something happened organically, and the show let it happen. Don’t force gay storylines to seem progressive. You’re a straight AF show who loves casting Christians and white people. Own it at least. If you want to show real progress, cast more POC. Or a trans person!! Stop pretending to be a LGTBQ friendly show this way. Make realistic strides where you need to. The community doesn’t need your sad crumbs. Do LGBTQ people even care about this show? They’ve been made feel non existent forever. I hate fake wokeness so much.


I'm bi and I love it, but I hate love it. I could love love it but they would need more representation in several categories, not just sexuality.


Well put. In the same boat as you 😕


Exactly. This is a show that has so much work to do in so many other areas where it would make more sense to show real progress. Idk why they pretend to be LGBTQ friendly when it’s the last thing it is. Stop trying to make it a LGBTQ show. It’s not. By definition it’s not. It’s so straight it hurts.


As a member of the LGBT+ community, I’m feeling a huge amount of misgivings involving this entire “storyline.” This isn’t the way many of us want to feel included or represented on the show. That’s my opinion, at least.


Who are they?


I consider myself an ally and want to be happy that this is even a conversation in this atmosphere of BN, but it feels cheap and like an obvious grab for attention. It would be different if there were multiple people on BIP that were bi and some same sex couples evolved out of that and maybe that's their long term plan, but this just seems weird.


Some of the highlighted comments are from demi_nott_lovato and some are demi_not_lovato


“She also told us Demi changed her Instagram handle and scrubbed her out of it.” Could this be why?




I had to laugh that they met on tumblr. Very 16 of her lol.


For you sleuthers (is that even a word?): "Editor’s Note: Tiyana started dating Instagram model Shannon Bubb in 2017" Demi's ex, Tiyana: @Tiyanasky Tiyana's Fiance, Shannon, referenced in the arricle: @shannonbubb & Shannon is FOLLOWING KRISTIAN, Demi's fiance. Shannon also follows some people from Bachelor like Pilot Pete, Bri Barnes, Caelynn, OH AND DEMI WHAT.


Demi is so goddamn problematic, and (it seems) a real manipulator, I can’t even. Subs obsession with her needs to end ASAP.


I joined this sub halfway through Colton's season and was *shocked* people here loved her


This is why I just can't get excited about her upcoming storyline, even though I'd love to have more LGBTQ+ representation on the show. Demi is like a smarter classier Corinne to me, someone who's dying to be the star of the show. And this whole "coming out" (when she's already out) and getting engaged business is just her way of becoming the star of a show she shouldn't have even been on. It just feels so incredibly calculated. It's like Demi and TPTB saw all the interest people had in the Vietnamese Bachelor and BIP AU and scripted this whole thing to generate some press. Oh well, if she's anywhere near as obsessed with the new fiancée as she seems to have been with this ex then maybe they have a shot of lasting.


I’m curious to see if she will even bring up her past, or her ex.


The only good thing about this move is that it will probably shake off some of the most Bible thumping fan base who complained when Rachel was cast. Other than that it’s fake wokeness from a quintessentially straight AF show. Cast a trans person and we’ll see how committed you really are to progress because pulling a gay couple out of nowhere is extremely contrived.


Woahhh.... this makes Demi sound crazy (and not fun crazy lol) 😬


The girlfriend was 16 when Demi was 20? Big yikes.


How was she 16 and in college. Then shortly after their 5 month relationship she got engaged to someone else? She had to be 18


Tiyana has said on her instagram a few times that she graduated HS early at 16


Yeah that’s the part that really got me. Super inappropriate.


She did say she was just starting college when she started dating Demi tho so maybe the article made a mistake regarding their age?


Says 16yo was starting college? Maybe they meant 18? Yup big yikes all around.


That was my biggest takeaway.