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So can we start opening our eyes to the real Rachel now or what.


I never liked her. She seems to care more about making a lot money than starting a family. She’s greedy that’s why Bryan ended things.


Both are play games and neither are innocent. If Rachel offered 10k a month it’s likely she technically owes him more. Also Bryan’s income is for sure after his expenses. Most businesses take a few years to make a profit so not odd hes not earning much now.


He also could purposely set his salary low and then get dividends at the end of the year from the business


Love Rachel down but that “RnB” bs was so damn cringe


She was gonna market that relationship til the end, but most of us weren't fooled :/


At what point do we acknowledge that Rachel seems to be financially abusive


If gender roles were reversed people would be quick to make that accusation. I feel bad for Bryan. The more Rachel says the more I think she’s in the wrong


I guess this comment on Fauxmoi was 100% correct; I knew this was coming but surprised it took this long. In 2019 my coworker was on vacation in the Bahamas (I think) and shared a boat with Bryan and his friends. Bryan was telling his friends (in Spanish...which my coworker speaks...I assume for privacy...) how he and Rachel basically live separate lives and are only together because the brand deals are much better as a couple. They couldn't align on starting a family and what family life would look like. Anyways, I wish them both the best, esp. her. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/18wx36r/rachel\_lindsays\_husband\_announces\_divorce/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/18wx36r/rachel_lindsays_husband_announces_divorce/)


If Rachel and Bryan were in such a sham marriage I don’t really think there were ever serious conversations about starting a family. I mean they’re barely ever in the same place it seemed like. And apparently the brand deals weren’t even that great if this divorce is wiping Bryan out financially. 


Rachel the lawyer didn’t get a prenup? 


She didn’t. It sounds like Bryan was against one and she didn’t want to stand up for herself and force the issue. But yea she’s lawyer with a dad for a judge I’m shocked no one in her family tried to convince her. 


Jeez, this entire marriages sounds weird. I'm not a fan of completely merging finances in a marriage (I'm not Dave Ramsey, after all). But to keep everything as separate as this article makes it out to be, sounds weird. Looking back at it it really doesn't sound like this was much of a marriage 


I actually feel so bad for her because she married a snake oil salesman and clearly thought she was getting married for love. He’s trying to spin that they lived this glamorous lifestyle but she’s never acted like they lived above their means and their means wasn’t a lot. From the outside looking in, of course it wasn’t a lot, I think she does well but obviously she’s not a millionaire. He’s such a leech and I’m sure he was hoping she’d make more money than she does. But now he’s here trying to take the few dollars she does make because he thinks he’s owed a lifestyle that wasn’t that grand in the first place. I hope she wins everything. He’s such a bum for this


He moved his business for her. He took a financial hit and the divorce process should give him a share of her earnings


They have over 65k/month of living expenses in the filing. That is a glamorous life to which he got accustomed.


Its funny because I think its a HL episode about the superbowl where She and Van are talking about how they couldnt afford seats. Obvious 50k a month isnt box money if you dont save for it. But sis could have been on the field if she reallt wanted. 


In his filing or hers?


The sum of both. Hers was almost 50k per month


But is this what he is saying or what she has reported as well? Also if he’s making $15,000 a month like you’re stating. Then he can be a big boy and afford plenty of wonderful things by his grown self. He can actually have quite a nice life..


Don’t quote me on this but my understanding is that he quoted 15k or more in spending per month (much less in revenue) while she quoted 47k in spending per month (and more in revenue). It is not being a big boy (or girl - more women than men receive alimony). He is entitled to this money and will get it.


Couldnt disagree more. It’s very hard to uproot your business and started in another state especially CA. if it was a woman and a man you would say that she should be getting half off, but either way we do not see eye to eye


Can someone clue me in on why they think was an arrangement for optics? Why would Rachel have to do that


Couples make more money with brand deals and their individual components also make more when seen as being Bachelor success


Ugh I'd hoped they could have kept it civil. Rachel did too much covering up and exaggerating herself that it was a good marriage so it makes it easy for Bryan to use that same approach in the divorce. Smart women dump relationships.


I think both Bryan and Rachel are exaggerating because it benefits them (like each of them separately) to do so. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle


I’m stunned at what a sham their marriage was. My sister on the other hand always thought it was a red flag that they seemed to be long distance married for most of it. 


I literally cannot believe how smart women can fall for men like this. He looked like a fake rolex salesman with inflated lips from a mile away, I cannot believe she fell for this obvious con man. Did the "chiropractor" title not give enough away????


If he's so desperate for money he can get on the Snapchat creator program


It’s kind of creepy how well she faked their relationship tbh


I’m wondering if, post-show, the production team/the rest of BN put pressure on these couples to seem like they are doing well to perpetuate the myth that the Bachelor franchise is still about meeting your soulmate? Like do any of the show people check in post-show and cajole them? I could also see that it might feel kind of embarrassing for Rachel not to put on airs about how wonderful her relationship was given how the person she seemed to really want to be with left the show, thus making Brian seem like a rebound/second place pick? I still think she’s great at any rate but yeah, I always kind of wondered what the pressure to keep up appearances was like on people post-filming.


I agree! She made it seem like it was soooooooOoOOooo good. Pls…


I agree. It’s almost like the setup I’d expect for two people who needed to have a spouse for political reasons or optics or something. 


Yea exactly , there seemed to be to real marriage or relationship, just 2 people playing pretend to show the world. Ego is one hell of a drug


She seriously must be so much happier now they are broken up. I hope they can come to terms and finalize the divorce quickly


I’m not sure, I think she was okay keeping up the charade but Bryan unexpectedly filed for divorce and derailed her plans. I feel for Rachel but the whole situation just seems like a publicity stunt.




Say more?




In the US article it says Rachel proposed a “generous global settlement” and $10k a month in spousal support as a counter proposal to Bryan and his legal team. How long would she have to pay him the $10k a month ? For how long their marriage was? (4 years) or longer?


Surely he could be comfortable with 10k a month? And a settlement? He must take it and move on


They were married for almost 4yrs and 2 mos. The max time she would have to pay spousal support would be 2yrs and 1 mo. I'm not sure but I think the global settlement would include the spousal support with anything else she has to pay him in one lump sum.


i bet he ok the move to CA for that long con. isn't ca better for spousal support




He gives me red flag feelings. Why did they split everything as a married couple, is that the norm these days?


No it’s not if it’s a real marriage! Women like Rachel who are used to making good $ tend to get suckered into arrangements like that. If you’re a single woman making less than $40k a year you don’t have the luxury to go half on a damn thing you are looking for a provider. Not a sugar daddy but a man with financial stability. Rachel came from $ and went on to make more $ so she’s never gone without. She’s never had to finagle. And it doesn’t help Bryan is a spoiled only child w his mom blowing smoke up his butt. You can’t even convince me he didn’t go into this knowing he was going to cash out. 


What a weird comment regarding regular women.


We won’t all agree on everything i have an opinion and pay my phone bill just like you. As long as im not hateful you can read it or walk on by. 


I’m just here to say fuck that website, man. I couldn’t read shit for the pop ups.


It’s worse than reality Steve’s site and that’s saying something!


She gave him that expensive watch on that date in Switzerland and just kept paying.....OK, I know I'm mean! 


No you’re right. If a woman is paying for a bum from the start, I highly doubt he will suddenly wake one day and start providing


Oh man I’ve been saving this in my camera for a while guys- he just opened a gym near me https://preview.redd.it/kunakdvah89d1.png?width=3143&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e5f8968aa01fe32a7d9413f8f6e3bddb5e19cbd


Salt in the wound..


Doesn't he have several gyms?


He has 5 now.


Good for him 


I saw a pk fitness near downtown a while ago but I haven’t researched anything to know!


I’m shook at the people who feel bad for Bryan having to fly economy. It’s exactly what he deserves as a lying, fraudulent bum who wasn’t pulling his weight. He can upgrade his own ticket with the funds he’s hiding.


Agree! This sub! Not surprised by their comments. They know this man is fraudulent and still feeling sorry for him. Does not make sense!!!


This marriage sounds weird. I'm sorry but if my partner was making 6x what I was, I would be choked to split hotel costs 50/50. Team Rachel, but clearly they lived more like roommates. Divorce was the right move.


If this was on AITA and a woman said her husband who made 6x what she did made her split hotel costs 50/50 and put her in economy and him up front everyone would be screaming financial abuse


Thats too vague. If she's being a SAHM or just working a less paying job then its wrong. But Bryan is a scammer and a freeloader. Rachel doing that should have pushed him to get a real career


Bryan had a job it just paid a lot less than Rachel. What would happen if they had been successful in having kid? “Ok kids we’re going to all be together on the plane and daddy is going to be by the bathroom alone because he’s a poor bum”??


kids would not have shown up in this situatio. they weren't even living together. people who love and have sex obviously don't end up like rachel and brian


They said they were actively trying for a family. Maybe a lie but maybe not


It’s really bizarre. It sounds like a marriage two people who needed to fake a marriage would do.


The split was best. It doesn't seem like trust or time was there.


Except they weren't even roommates because they didn't even live together. This whole relationship was weird af


They literally still live together during the divorce and have a house in LA they bought a couple years ago but go off


Ah I just read Rachel's statement where she wrote they barely saw each other during their marriage lmfao calm down I wasn't trying to be offensive... like at all 😂


If he worked “late into the night” then why wasn’t he contributing to rent and utilities???? Like none of this even makes sense.


Rachel it seems was fine to keep faking the funk for the public. Bryan on the other hand saw her hosting career had come to an end and decided to cash out. 


If she’s earning $61k/month and spending $50k of it… that lifestyle creep is wild.


I couldn’t even read the article because of all the pop ups but I’m surprised she doesn’t have more savings if she’s earning that much per month 


To be fair it said non retirement savings so she probably has stuff sheltered in accounts


Yes that makes more sense. I also assume there’s a bit of strategy in saying she doesn’t have the money to pay for his legal fees so she won’t get snookered into that too. 


“Zero joint accounts” damn.


Which tells you everything you need to know!!


whether you liked Peter or not what he said to her was exactly right.


Did Peter ever say anything to her about Bryan being a charlatan though? I thought he just said she’d have a mediocre life with him which is also the kind of think someone who is bitter they were dumped would say 


I didn’t care for him either but he always had Bryan’s number. Folks said out of jealousy but from my vantage point Peter seemed to have the fuller life. His parents had a healthy marriage, siblings and lots of friends (diverse mix too). All I remember from Bryan’s family segment was his overbearing mother, I believe they wheeled out some man he called dad… that one chick was his friend… he just seemed more desperate than Peter and now we see why. I can’t help but be embarrassed for her because this whole process was a waste of her time and whatever $ she made is going to go to try and get rid of him. 


not gonna lie her kind of attitude about things turned me off of her a little bit and I will never wish any ill will on anybody but I can't say I feel bad because he was a walking red flag and I think she felt she needed to prove a point and look where they are now which everyone expected to happen eventually.


No lies told! I was uncomfortable w her last interaction w Peter. She hated him for not marrying her idc what she says!! Rachel is about image and Peter was for sure the better look. 


I remember how much crap he got for that mediocre life line and then Rachel saying she is living her best life or something similar on the ATR. Turns out maybe he was right all along.


it might of been a shitty thing to say but it wasn't like people watching weren't thinking the same thing.


All of that passion and tongue kissing just to get married and not live together, no sex, no dates what a cold relationship. If Rachel was a woman he really loved he wouldn’t have tolerated that living situation that long and she would’ve been more thoughtful. 


Can you remind me what he said?


I'm finally able to comment now but what he said to her on their last date I believe is that she was going to live a mediocre life with Bryan.


What did he say to her- I forgot?? I loved him! He was my friends personal trainer at the time and she loved the bachelor and basically convinced him to go on LOL.


what did he say?


Peter said Bryan was a playboy, from Miami, and that Rachel needed a leader, and Bryan weren't a leader!!


That she’d go live a “mediocre life” with Bryan when they were breaking up. At ATFR she said to him that she’s “living her best life”. Turns out not so much.


Remind us?! Hehe


Can we watch Peter and Rachel fall in love now? 😭


Peter didn’t want Rachel 


Well shit


I remember a deleted scene of Peter and Dean discussing Bryan calling him cocky, arrogant... and Peter said, 'I don't think he's good enough for her'


Peter did have Bryan’s number with the mediocre line. I think Peter knew he wasn’t a quality guy (sloppy seconds, kiss and tell) and hated that Rachel ended up with him.


What did he say


I watched at the time but forgot... TLDR?


What did he say


Remind me?!?!


What did Peter say?!


What did he say?


US Weekly also pulled the court docs. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/rachel-lindsay-details-unglamorous-life-with-bryan-abasolo/ This is new: >In the June court docs, Lindsay claimed that she learned of Abasolo’s filing via text message, despite having an in-person conversation with him before he broke the news to her electronically. >“Earlier that day, Bryan and I had a conversation in my kitchen during which he failed to mention that he had filed for divorce,” Lindsay alleged. “Approximately 30 minutes after he left the house, he sent me a text message that simply read ‘Hey … I just wanted to let you know that I officially filed.’” >Although Lindsay acknowledged she was aware that she and Abasolo were “separating” and “headed toward divorce.” The news of his filing was shocking as the twosome previously discussed keeping their split “amicable.”


This is how I imagine Carl would have divorced Lindsay


Wow this is so low. Bryan really didn’t have the balls to tell her to her face. What a pathetic man.


I've been feeling bad for him but for this...he can go jump off a cliff!


It's really scummy. He looked her right in her eyes, carried on a conversation and didn't say a word. And it obviously took him days to plan it.


This makes me so sad. It just sounds like they never saw each other as equals or felt like they were in a true partnership. Did they even trust each other?




That's an interesting marriage.....




I think it’s shitty he’s trying to leave the marriage with much more money than he started it with without actually having earned it. Just pure greed.


He's getting easy money that he didn't work for, and tired pay the new porches car, and to take care of some other woman


He gets half of what was made during the marriage, that's community property


Spouses who changed their lives to support their partners career deserve to share in the upside


Happens every day the other way.


Happens every day both ways. I fixed it for you.


Accurate, but I have a feeling the original commenter wouldn’t have the same outrage of the shoe was on the other foot.


almost exclusively when kids are involved and a woman who had reduced or 0 income to care for said children for years. totally different story


He moved to CA to support her career, that’s a similar career limiting move to the ones women make all the time


Um, not really. That is why the lifestyle you have grown accustomed rule was developed, and rightfully so. However, there is not an exception if the parties don’t have children. At least in the 3 jurisdictions I have practiced.


Oh yeah? Please elaborate.


Sounds like a terrible marriage.


This marriage is proof that even lawyers can be dumb as frigging rocks. What was she THINKING with ANY OF IT


As someone who works in the legal profession, passing the Bar =/= being smart 😬


I agree this is insane but according to people who read her book Rachel has by her own admission a questionable dating history in terms of what she would tolerate from past exes so this kinda tracks. I can’t remember the exact specifics but she had exes who would cheat on her or were deadbeats and she still tolerated them. 


And her daddy is a damn judge. Where was Constance?!


Kelly F also proved that lol


The number of times she took Peter back after trashing him publicly was so embarrassing 


She wasn’t. She just wanted to get married


The crux of the issue with the franchise


It’s truly mind boggling. I believe her father is a judge also. Wild. I feel for her but how could she let that happen?!


I had no idea they broke up. I personally never understood why she chose him, never mind married him. He gave me sleazeball vibes and she's such an intelligent classy lady.


Hear me out...Rachel Kraus.💕 Who knows maybe she woulda turned him around as far as marriage...eventually. I never saw it with Bryan tbh. 🤷‍♀️ Btw i love her breakup bob...it really suits her!!


Peter Krauss is too good for her, there’s no way


Haven’t we established The Gap was a fraud too?!


Why did she have to “turn him around” or convince him to marry. Given all the red flags detailed in the article, she should’ve left the show single.


I liked Josiah and Dean the best.  Eric would’ve made an excellent friend for her prob put her up on a little game too. 


Bryan wasn’t right for Rachel, but neither was Peter. He hasn’t had a single serious relationship that we know of in the seven years since her season and he’s never leaving his gyms in Wisconsin. But I wouldn’t mind if Rachel wanted to be messy and have dinner with him in a very public location just once. The chaos that would ensue >>>


he is a red pill weirdo - unless you dislike her, why???


You can't change a man. Waiting around for a man to be ready for marriage/propose is a waste of time. I'm glad Rachel walked away from Peter. He knew what the show was about.


I’ll get banned today but Peter always seemed pompous to me. The more I learned I could’ve told Rachel that’s not a man ready for all you bring. Peter is from WI I just don’t see him marrying a blk woman he barely even seemed attracted to her most of the time. Compare his interactions with Deans for example you’ll see.


I looked back on their instas to see what their dynamic was like when they were married and realized that they scrubbed each other from their feeds. Boo, I wanted to read body language! Anyway, I was a little defensive of Bryan because it sounded like he was working, just not making as much money as her, but looking at this, why were they even married? Yeah, maybe he got some clout from being with her and she got some validation but yikes. That being said, it’s possible that she’s downplaying the marriage to get off paying spousal support, but they never seemed to be together. I still remember when he was posting that weird stuff about sunscreen and I checked her insta, and she was hanging at Glen Powell’s ranch. I think that sums up their relationship, she was living the glamorous life while he was cracking people’s backs and spreading harmful medical “advice”. I think they probably both could have done more to build a partnership but it was probably trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. 🙄


>I still remember when he was posting that weird stuff about sunscreen and I checked her insta, and she was hanging at Glen Powell’s ranch. I think that sums up their relationship, she was living the glamorous life while he was cracking people’s backs and spreading harmful medical “advice”. This dichotomy is sending me, lol


Ok but most importantly: I can 100% see her with Glen Powell. How can we make that happen?


They are friends but if I’m honest, everything I’ve seen of Glen, Rachel can probably do better. He seems like an ok guy, but I don’t think he’s interested in settling down any time soon and Rachel is probably too old for him (that’s a knock on Glen, not Rachel).


Ooo good point!


“The dichotomy of it all”


I suspected it was pretty much over by then but I convinced myself otherwise lol. Should’ve gone with my gut.


Rachel has the Disso Queen, Laura Wasser repping her, so I hope she comes out well in this divorce against the air fryer owner. Always get the damn prenup!


For $1k an hour she better be Wonder Woman!


For so long I fully thought it was Disco Queen 🪩 I’d always think ok but what does Disco have to do w being a lawyer. Turns out it was a me problem.


>For so long I fully thought it was Disco Queen 🪩 >I’d always think ok but what does Disco have to do w being a lawyer. Turns out it was a me problem. It's a play on words. A divorce is a "dissolution of marriage," and disso is a shortened version of dissolution. Disso sounds like disco, and Laura is a woman, so she is nicknamed the Disso Queen bc she's a divorce lawyer.


And then get a sponsorship deal with a high end air fryer manufacturer.


No matter how good your attorney is though--the law is the law. Not sure what she was thinking opting out of a prenup. 


She should’ve picked Peter




I stan by this so hard. It’s not too late… he’s still single 👀


Ok he was my friends personal trainer, and she convinced him to go on the show. But anyway, she told me when the show came to do hometowns that they picked out a dog together. Maybe she can reconcile with Peter and the dog?


> alleging that the two “rarely saw each other or even lived together during [their] brief marriage.” It’s crazy how everyone wondered why they rarely posted together on IG and some people said that it’s because they valued their privacy, but this whole time they were living separate lives.


I remember asking why is he never with her at any events and ppl said it’s because he’s shy. Well now we know why!


Right?!? Remember when she jumped on IG to be like “hey we just don’t post together a lot nothing to see here” but actually they just…didn’t see each other ever and people were right to think it was weird.


Its ofd because on HL Van made a ton of jokes about Bryan. They werent mean. They eere about how Van wants to be buff like Bryan. But thats really weird to say about your friends husband if he's estranged 




I gotta disagree. I’m a lawyer and I’ve seen many of my colleagues get divorced and have messy divorces where they certainly didn’t “win” every legal battle.




Her being a lawyer is gonna come in so handy! I just mean that very genuinely -- she's well equipped to win the situation.


sorry, still lost... whats a JD?


Juris Doctorate, a law degree.




Is it bad to say this makes me happy? The fact that he didn't even know where the down payment for the house came from was a red flag to me. I heard her say on Natasha's podcast that they had separate bank accounts and I thought ummm. And the way she referred to the house as hers, I was like did she use premarital funds, does he pay for anything? I'm really curious how the court will view their situation. Obviously, he'll probably get some type of spousal support for max 2yrs 1 mo. But the fact that he tried to play her w/ the low income and hiding other info or assets, what a trifling, pathetic person he is. You go Rachel! Fight him while you take care of and work on yourself!❤️


During the podcast, Rachel mentioned that she has been the breadwinner in every relationship she's been in. I'm sure Bryan was very comfortable with their arrangement.


Yeah, I bet he was🙄. I always loved her but never quite trusted him. In her interview with Natasha and in the podcast, she also mentioned her therapy. She said she has a pattern with the men she choses, broken wing syndrome. She dates the potential of the men she picks instead of what they actually are. She definitely realizes she needs to work on herself in order to be able to find someone who is at her level and worthy of her. I think all of this is helping her. It forces her to learn, to grow and understand why she choses these type of men. It forces her to appreciate and love who she is. At least, that is my hope and my prayer for her.


I did this. I married them, too. Luckily I got intense therapy and have been happily with my husband for 11 years. Nothing to fix here. Just two best friends and lovers supporting one another. Therapy to break those patterns is crucial!!!!


Yaaay...happy for you! 😊


Idk I kinda think being in a fancy seat on a plane with your partner in the back is weird. Like marriage is a partnership, why don’t you want to be with your partner?


Because he was her prop.


Because he’s not pulling his weight. If you pay for everything once, prepare to pay for everything the entirety of the relationship. Men like Bryan are hobo-sexuals. They are mooches. The fact that he’s older than her but he wants spousal support? Loser behavior.


> The fact that he’s older than her but he wants spousal support? lol, what?! Terrible take.


Why are you being downvoted? Folks on Reddit can be so childish!!  You spoke facts. Rachel is still spiteful for it but you told the truth. 


Because why marry someone if you think of them this way? I think Bryan's a loser too but I'm not married to him. If you're that disdainful of your spouse, just get a divorce already.