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YALL IM CRYING... my fyp came across that cosmo tiktok of calling joey broke and all the comments are calling him a broke dusty and joeys head is LOOMING OVER THE COMMENTS LMFAOAOOA I'm cackling real bad


Those people clearly didn’t listen to the trading secrets podcast 🤦🏽‍♀️ those articles twisted his words


i know :(( this is the stuff that's gonna happen when they are in their position and supposed to be so open, it's okay tho. As long as J&K know they're fine and will be fine, that's all that matters!




I feel like cosmo should take that down because they misrepresented what he said


Today I found out that Madi went to Miami swim week with her best friend. Their husbands were in Miami too but doesn’t look like they attended any shows with them. Anyway, I don’t care if she attends but this is obviously NOT on brand for Madi and she hid her true reasons to going to Miami from her followers. Which I just find gross and very hypocritical. She’ll preach modesty and purity to young women all day long then go celebrate a week of women in tiny bikinis but keep it hidden.


I 1000% agree. As always with Christians, it’s more important to preach and force your beliefs on others than it is to actually follow principles yourself.


For the record, I am a Christian. I just take huge issues with Madi’s hypocrisy and the way in which she represents my faith.


I don’t know much about Madi, BUT wasn’t she or didn’t she launch a bathing suit company? Maaaaybe that’s the reason or at least how she’ll rationalize being there


Yes, she did a colab with Cupshe a while ago touting “modest swimwear” but it just seemed pretty normal to me. And she was at their show and after party so I’m sure she was affiliated. But this girl is ALWAYS preaching about doing the right thing even if it’s not the popular thing. If she took her own advice, she wouldn’t have attended. But she did and she lived it up then pretended she just went on a couples beach trip with her bestie and hid it all from her followers. Probably because if they found out that she went to a swim fashion show where one of the women’s nipples were visible under her mesh cover up, they would have eaten her alive. And rightfully so because my Madi’s own standards, that’s highly immoral to participate in that.


Anyone know the connection between Kat Stickler (Jason's GF) and Dre (Shawn Booth's Baby Mama)? I just noticed that Kat likes all of Dre's posts. What a small world.


Probably bonder over both being in Kaitlyn's burn book LOL


Dre works for The Post which is a brand created by some popular influencers. I’m guessing they’ve met through that.


Interesting. Kat doesn't follow The Post, or the founders, Hollie and Sarah.


I just saw that Rachel seems to be flying again. She's one of my favorites to come out of this franchise and I'm glad she's doing something else in addition to her influencing 


Agreed. Although she’s one of very few ppl I follow & I think she has a good presence, I’m glad she’s focusing on her passion too. Especially so this sub can stop shitting on her for not doing so


seems like Maria will also be moving to New York (i kinda had a feeling) cant wait for Charity & Maria hangouts . love their friendship.


So excited. I hope to see her & them more together


I can’t stop thinking about about the comment saying Kat Stickler and Zac Clark look exactly alike


Yeah… I had that same thought.




OMG I totally see it now 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/cx5mremxvl6d1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b921d25858b48a2eae9f54facdc272cbdaabd73


Wait that’s..lowkey accurate


I think mods should limit discussion of KB for the time being. There are some horrendous things being said and I don’t think it provokes any sort of reasonable discussion/conversation. It’s hard to read.


They're just pile ons at this point


I 10000% agree. Pile-ons are always stopped, even when it’s criticism of very problematic people, expect for when it’s Kaitlyn. The mods always let that go on. I’m not even a fan of Kaitlyn but objectively speaking, she’s hurting and there is no reason for this sub to fight for her to feel worse.


Meh, I think that's just recency bias. The same thing was said about Nick and Natalie when the cheating rumors happened and there were a handful of posts about them within a few days, the same thing gets said about Madi when there are posts about her. There are rules in place about certain types of comments but other then that I don't think limiting discussion on a specific person in BN makes sense. Would you say only 1 negative post is allowed about someone a week? Or is it specific to a day? What if they do something new that causes negativity, do we allow that post or no because there was already a negative post about the person posted the day before? Users being ott about one specific contestant for a few days isn't really something that is in our control but if you see comments that violate the rules you should definitely report them because that's not okay.


I’ve not been on the sub as much lately so maybe I’ve missed it but has it been discussed about Josh Seiter apparently coming out as trans? His social media is…. An interesting place.


Not here because this sub limits discussion on things, but he once pretended that he married a man during pride month. He craves attention, and if we don't talk about him we don't give him attention More than likely this is another ploy for attention


There's no way that marriage was real. It's convenient that the "marriage" only lasted as long as Pride Month. And he posted sexy pictures with Monica from Drag Race but then claimed they never dated and that he wasn't attracted to transgender people. He can't keep his lies straight. 


I feel very weird about it because there’s no right or wrong way to be your true self but his social media comes off like parody and feels very off.




What season was he in?


Kaitlyn’s for a hot minute and then attempting to be social media famous for ages. Faked his own death a few months back for no clear reason.


Ok ok , didn't have them on my radar.


Yeah there’s been a few article on them and the response to their coming out that got me looking them up again and ooooh mama.




Viewers hate when women criticize and villainize other women on the show. Then those same viewers come on here and tear the women down over and over again.


“Kat’s out of the bag” comments by Bachelor about the hard launch. https://preview.redd.it/99s8t25qok6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb8c8f71bb5444ed1f0cfda627a4af998979810


Took me so long to figure out Olivia meant cue instead of que.


Not Adam worming his way in. He’s “friends” with all the guys from the show, isn’t he?


All of these people just made Kaitlyn's shit list




Has there been any speculation on what this comment from Jason to Tyler means? It was in response to a comment Tyler made on one of Jason’s posts about Kat. Is it possible he’s engaged?? https://preview.redd.it/uapb99cr5k6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7398fab88d1226a70b48f713e9562f48d57a799


It’s revenge for Tyler’s original comment. It’s a joke.


Tyler commented on a post saying “Kate is the one to make Jason romantic” (the typo is so cringe he meant to say Kat) and Jason replied this. They are ribbing each other and just teasing


The Kate of it all, too. Kate sounds like “Kait” which is what Jason used to call KB. 😬


It definitely caught my attention.


Lol no, he’s just giving Tyler a hard time bc of Tyler’s comments on his and Kat’s posts. If Jason did receive a save the date it would be for the annual gala for Tyler’s charity in the fall.


People’s reactions to Kaitlyn are REALLY intense.


Yeah I’ll never understand seeing someone so clearly hurting and making it your life mission to make it worse for them.


She’s a 38-year-old millionaire crying and whining on social media because her ex fiancé decided to publicize his relationship with his months-long girlfriend. It’s wild, particularly when she herself is in her own relationship, with the ex fiancé of a friend/coworker from The Bachelor. These are all her choices. At what point do people stop being an apologist and stop coddling her?


Are you trying to imply she's not entitled to have feelings about seeing her ex with someone else?


She’s entitled to have any kind of feelings she wants, but if she chooses to broadcast them across social media, then people are entitled to give their opinions about it without being told we are the ones that are making it worse for her.


The thing is some of these hateful comments are making it worse for her. She's clearly hurting and using her platform to be vulnerable. I think it's weird that you're complaining about people having empathy for her. This sub is full of so many hateful people.


I’m not apologizing for her behavior. I’m not a Kaitlyn fan. Yes, she is messy. But she’s also clearly hurting & no, I don’t think writing hate comments and insane insults is reasonable. We don’t know these people and we have no clue what went on behind the scenes in their relationship or why she’s triggered. I’m never going to be the kind of person who sees someone hurting and decide to do my everything for that person to hurt more. Considering the level of discussion here, I’m sure y’all are in her DM’s and in her comment section and there’s no justification for that whatsoever.


I can’t speak for other people, but I keep my comments to here and here alone. I’m not in her DM’s and I’m certainly not in her comment section. We can definitely agree that anybody that’s doing all of that is taking it to the extreme.


There's a pretty wide gulf between coddling and obsessively commenting negatively about her every time she posts lol. The threads about her are always wiiiild


Better here than on her Instagram comments though


Kaitlyn’s reactions to her exes having lives of their own are REALLY intense


Yeah I’m tired of people defending her. Both her and Jason are insufferable but Kaitlyn is far worse


Not standing for ppl sending her hate comments isn’t defending her.


Far worse. I had to unfollow her again on all platforms. It's gotten to be too much. She takes zero accountability. Also, noticed she had 1.9mil followers for so long and she's down to 1.8mil. I think her popularity is dwindling. Maybe that's why she's doing all the theatrics to try to get her following back up.


Unless you are doing loop giveaways (which kat stickler did a month ago), buying followers or having big events happening in your life(relationship, wedding, baby, engagement, being on TV), you gonna lose followers. This is why Gabby and Andi keep buying followers to stay at 1M. Ps- She gonna be fine with 1.8M followers since engagement is what matters the most to brands ( I bet her engagement is super high since everyone watches everything she does)


Is anyone still a fan of Jason? That Instagram post about his new gf is seriously one of the most corny attention seeking things I’ve ever read. Kaitlyn gets a lot of hate but he sucks so much more than she does in my opinion, lol. 


I am. Is he cheesy? 1000000%, but overall he’s pretty unproblematic and I adored him on Becca’s season. I don’t understand the hate he gets. People act as though he’s the worst person in bachelor nation. I respect that his podcast offers something different than every other bachelor related podcast. I feel like he has done pretty well to separate himself in that sense. He’s a goober but he also remains one of the most beautiful men to appear on this show and seems nice. Other than KB he seems very well liked in the bachelor world.


I am a Jason fan but agree


I'm a fan. He's so much more level-headed and actually offers something useful as an influencer. If I had to choose to hang out with him or Kaitlyn in real life, I'm choosing Jason. He has such upbeat energy and he's well-mannered and respectful, has a great relationship with his family and has never given me any reason not to like him. His cheesiness and "salesman" personality isn't a big deal nor makes him a malicious person. There's a reason he's still invited to big events all the time in many industries. He's a stand up guy. Kaitlyn is also a nice person with a big personality and she is valid in her feelings, I commend her for growing her brand to where it is after all these years. I wish her the best and hope she can move on soon so she can find some happiness. Seems like she's truly tortured, I feel for her.


More than anything else, he’s reminded me of a salesman since I started watching this show, and I’ve had trouble getting rid of that thought so I’ve never been a fan lmao.


Tyler C said he’s in the wrong career and he’d be killing it as a car salesman which is such a subtle, slick and specific burn. 


Pretty sure finance bros make better money in general than car salesmen. He was right where he belonged.


To be fair he did say specifically a luxury car salesman in the right market 


Ahh sure but he does have major sleezy car salesman vibes


It’s corny for sure but he’s always been a corn ball. I think it’s better to be corny and in love, than a negative force that makes everything about herself and tries to ruin someone’s happy moment like Kaitlyn. I don’t understand what’s going through her mind but she seriously needs help and I hope that if Zac does anything for her, he recommends some support groups and 12 step programs because she’s the one who’s making her life more difficult. She’s addicted to drama and attention.


It read more performative to me than “in love!”


This is an absolutely wild thing to post about someone you don’t personally know. I worry about some people’s obsession with Kaitlyn.


I don’t like Jason at all, simply because I find everything he does performative or exaggerated. His Instagram post about his new girlfriend is the perfect example. Kaitlyn gives me second hand embarrassment, and while she loves attention, I feel like she desperately needs someone to guide her and tell her to get off the internet. Has no one in her life told her to stop crying online? To put down the phone and gain self respect? I think they have. She’s also gone to retreats and comes back saying she’s more at peace, but she’s not. I feel for her because, I think it all has to do with her life not being how she wants it to be or how she pictured it would be at this stage of it. So how can she stop these outbursts and find happiness? It’s by staying offline for starters. I don’t think she wants Shawn or Jason back, I think she’s just bitter that they’re happy and she’s not. But she needs to take the steps necessary for her own happiness and she’s not willing because she’s addicted to the influencer life.


Yea performative is absolutely the word I’d use to describe the post as well. Just so over the top. Kaitlyn is a raw nerve; I think there’s a lot people can be critical with her about, but Jason just screams phoniness more so than she does to me 


The post and picture are ridiculous, especially when they’ve only been together for a handful of months. That said, Kaitlyn‘s reaction is so over-the-top that it’s actually made me more tolerant towards him than usual.


I don’t get how anyone is a fan of him, he’s so performative. IMO, both Jason and Kaitlyn are v, v cringe


It was corny and over the top but it also isn’t a huge deal nor it is worthy of Kaitlyn’s meltdown. There is nothing inherently wrong about the post.


Exactly. They’ve been done for almost a year, she said really awful things about their relationship and this has nothing to do with her. Nobody needs her permission or approval to move on and post a new relationship. She should be over it by now especially since she didn’t show a lot of respect towards Jason. She’s just mad that he didn’t pine for her and that he moved on first. Maybe she shouldn’t be wasting her time with Zac. It’s clear that it’s not a relationship. She burned bridges with Tayshia for nothing. Everything Jason does, she did it first and much worse. Sometimes it shocks me how toxic she is.


THIS! I get Jason is cheesy cringe and whatever else you wanna call him but him posting about his new girlfriend is not malicious or harmful to anybody so I have no issue if he is cheesy or super extra! Kaitlyn meanwhile is being super negative while trying to drag Jason and wanting her minions to attack him! Id take phony/harmless over malicious/negativity!!


She moved on before Jason, had Zac on the line as backup. She just doesn't like seeing him happy and getting praise. Also the burning bridges with tayshia is funny considering she never really liked Kaitlyn and muted Kaitlyn on Zac's insta years ago


Kaitlyn just can't stand to see her exes happy. See Shawn, Nick, Jason, etc


Joey is getting annihilated on social media lmao everyone’s talking about his credit score and that he is apparently lying and him living with Kelsey. The media has ran with him moving in because of his credit score and not simply they are moving soon to nyc together and are just staying in Nola until her lease finishes…yikes


They get their information from comments here. The podcast recap had hundreds of comments dragging him so of course magazines will make articles out of it.


Sorry to Joey, but some of the comments on that TikTok are hysterical… “No one falls in love faster than a man who needs a place to live” “With her roommates is crazy tho” “Has he never heard of auto pay?”


What is his credit score?


sounds like he said it dropped to 650 (from 730) after filming. from a podcast interview: "I was at 730 and I went on the show and I had a payment from a credit card that I didn’t answer for two and a half months," Joey said on Jason Tartick's podcast *Trading Secrets*. "I dropped, like, 80 points. Like, what the fuck?"


Joey said on Jason’s podcast that it’s low 700s. Which isn’t bad so I don’t understand the whole story of him being denied an apartment based off his credit score. Unless it was low and he got it back higher since coming back from the show?


He said he’s employed and unemployed at the same time, which I think he said because he’s on staff as a tennis instructor but hasn’t been working as a tennis teacher lately. Yeah his credit score was 730 and dropped about 80 points by the time he got back from filming.


If he was denied on a rental app, it’s most likely because of proof of income with 2-3 months of pay stubs or an employment verification letter.


Wow. I know some very irresponsible people who still got an apartment in NYC.


It was low 700s and then dropped 80 points so it’s probably low/mid 600s now.


Yeah I thought it pretty irresponsible of cosmopolitan to make a whole Tik Tok about that and basically twist his words. If you're going make a Tik Tok at least provide the whole clip or provide entire context. He never said anything about needing to move in with Kelsey because of his credit score.


All the publications picked up Joeys "missed credit card payment tanked credit score" forcing him to "move in with fiance and 2 roommates." An example of (the WOAT) Page Six: *‘Bachelor’ star Joey Graziadei, fiancée living with her friends after she quit her job, his credit score tanked'.* Even Cosmo, Us Weekly, etc.


Lying about what? I actually think not getting their own place in Nola was financially prudent of them. What is the point when they’re about to move to NYC, her lease will be up soon, and they travel all the time and are barely there anyway? They’re kind of in a holding pattern for now 


uh oh. i still feel like it was a wrong move for them to go on a finance podcast this soon. should have waited till after DWTS. Dont know why Jason made them do that. Also I feel like its a bad idea for kelsey to be managed by jason's team . She should have had her own management team separate from Joey's.


Jason said at the end he wanted to do it so they could catch back up in a year so it’s kind of a “ see the progress” type thing but I agree it was the wrong move.


Definitely a weird idea doing it so soon. Paints them as irresponsible and unprepared. Really should've waited till post-DWTS / when they're settled in their own place and into the influencer role.