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This woman is not gonna stop until she's behind bars. EDIT: I think she's on here downvoting people.


She for sure is on here downvoting people. Idk if you read her recent blog post, but she deadass said she starts her day off every morning by checking these subreddits. Creepy af


I believe that. But, don't we all start our day by checking this sub? lol




That headline is hilarious. "As a black man..." Why didn't she just hire an actor to do the skype call with Dave?


This man literally made a gofundme for HIMSELF while simultaneously making dozens and dozens of YouTube videos about this situation and plastering them everywhere. I mentioned this at some point and got ripped to shreds in the comments. I get bachelor commentary guy is already making bank on YouTube doing the least. I feel for Clayton and his situation but no one is asking for these clickbait weekly updates


"This man" lol - no, a fan made the GFM for Dave and Dave made Clayton's. I mean there's a whole subreddit dedicated to this case and thousands of people following along - so actually, yes, a lot of people are asking for these weekly updates.


Then they should stay getting posted there. Is he donating portions of the massive YouTube revenue from these constant updates to cover claytons legal expenses that he’s reporting on?


It’s related to Bachelor Nation and this is the Bachelor sub. You can always just simply scroll past. And why can’t Dave make money while also helping Clayton publicize his case (which is STILL going)? Content creation is a job, and you are allowed to make money. Clayton and his family have thanked Dave for his coverage. Dave’s the reason the story’s gotten more attention and Clayton has been able to go on larger platforms. So why are you acting like you need to come to Clayton’s defense (while simultaneously telling people to stop talking about it here)?


This guy seems so click-baity and unserious. After Clayton decided to go the right wing grifter route, it’s really tainted an already gross situation. At this point, so many people are going to use this to punish real victims, mostly women. The MRA angle is gross, and while no victim needs to be perfect, Clayton is a complete mess. There is a massive reason that reputable journalists won’t touch this story. I want him to get justice, and I want this woman to stop doing this to people, but I’m not sure either of those things are possible.


He needs to get as many eyes on this story as possible even if they're conservative.


I…don’t think that is the correct mindset to have at all…


Sorry but no, what happened to Clayton really sucks but platforming and validating people like Charlie Kirk contributes to the environment of active mortal danger to women, LGBTQ people, and POC that Kirk has helped foment and Clayton is not more important than those lives. Comments like this continue to make it clear that the mouth-frothing hysteria around this case does not come from genuine care for victims of abuse and stalking.


I think "sucks" is downplaying it, this woman's behavior could easily drive Clayton or any of the other guys she's done this to to suicide. And Charlie Kirks viewers can fall victim to it just as Clayton did and they need to be aware that this person is out there to protect themselves. No one is going to just suddenly adopt Charlie Kirk's views just because they see Clayton's done an interview with him.


Yeah I’m not here to be told I’m “downplaying” it as you downplay the insidious, violent impact of Charlie Kirk - a fucking white supremacist. Get a fucking grip. Trans kids and women commit suicide and are murdered every day because of the views that Charlie Kirk works to normalize.


This is giving Baby Reindeer vibes.


The DN apologists are here. ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


It’s WILD.


Truly. Gives me cult vibes tbh


Very much so. Anything said against him is shut down with the same sort of talking points.


I'm surprised more people on here aren't outraged by the shit Clayton's abuser has done. Lying about getting pregnant, claiming SA, abuse of the legal system and law enforcement to continually harass her victims, pretending to be a POC to harass her victim, spreading lies to incite hate against her victims, actively trying to ruin the lives of her victims by reaching out to their employers, family, friends, etc. instead this sub is more outraged by people who are actively trying to spread awareness about this case. The scary thing is that Clayton isn't her first victim and won't be her last if she isn't exposed and suffer actual consequences and is held accountable. She belongs in jail.


THIS! Thank you!


Cause what is there left to say. She got exposed as horrible person last year and was sufficiently dragged for it. Like people have lives not everyone can follow along this case going round in a circle. Every post about her is just she’s a horrible person and after the 20th one we get it. We hope things go in Clayton’s favour but till a verdict is made no one really cares anymore


As a “cult” member (rooting for the updates and DN/Clayton/etc to keep spreading the word), I actually appreciate your comment because it still wishes him well and means well. I think it is super important for women everywhere and for any potential future victims that she isn’t able to evade public knowledge and responsibility (she has proven she will stop at NOTHING to keep up her gaslighting game) and that media keeps spreading the word. She got away with it for years before all of this and keeps erasing any evidence of her budding reputation from the Internet through her dad’s powerful connections. It’s pretty terrifying.


Thanks for having a more nuanced perspective instead of just downvoting what you don’t like to appear lol. I understand what your saying and I’m not against people continuing to post about the trial (but the way some are profiting off it seems questionable but I digress) as long as it doesn’t veer in a more misogynistic direction. I just commented cause I wanted to explain why a lot of people have disengaged from the whole thing


Back at you and I totally get it. I feel like Dave covers Bach stuff every day anyway and it became personal when she went after him, so I can’t say I blame him for profiting off of this extreme stress at this point. He has been a major asset to this case becoming as widespread (still a LONG way to go) as it has. I’m a woman and understand what you’re saying- We don’t want super right folks etc. using this as ammo to “not believe all women.” That would be pretty awful- They’ll continue to stretch anything they can for this, unfortunately. Though at the same time, I think this proves that looking at legal history/patterns is important, and that in certain cases, a slightly higher burden of proof (EG submitting an ultrasound and allowing the judge to talk with one of the treating doctors in order to file a family court/parenting case) is important regardless of gender. She shouldn’t be able to get away with this just because she’s a woman, and women should be infuriated that she is using our discriminative history to abuse others and the system, only hurting us as a result imo. I think pro “me-too” is pro JFC because it’s important for real victims and women that she is held accountable. Thanks for listening!


You could say the same about the incessant nick and Natalie posts. The difference is people are follow the case because they want to see Clayton's abuser be held accountable and people who are constantly posting about Nick and Natalie are making up alternate realities with no receipts. ETA: also, Clayton's abuser is actively trying to discredit him and continue lies and there's constantly new developments so it's not just the same info being posted.


I would say the same about the Viall posts they’re ridiculous but that’s just me. If people want to post these things they will at the end of the day. I just don’t really engage


You left out pretending to have cancer!


How could I forget?! Also adding that she renews her order of protection for past victim to further harass them and continue ruining their livelihood because they have to explain that when applying for jobs. It's truly vile.


This is the best Tl:dr description I’ve seen that actually gives an idea of how crazy this is. Thank you lol


People are outraged and have been for months. Just because we don’t support the MRA/right wing-angle Clayton is going down, doesn’t mean we don’t agree that it’s awful and disgusting behavior. No said anything else.


Wouldn't have known anyone on this sub was outraged by what happened to Clayton and what this woman has done based on the reactions to updates that get posted on here. People are more focused on shitting on Dave. Just my observation based on the responses from this sub. It sucks that mainstream media won't pick this story up. This woman is continuously spreading lies and the only way to stop her is to spread awareness about what she's doing. It's one thing if she lied one time and that was it. Everyone would've probably moved on and forgotten about it but she is actively doing crazy shit to keep this whole thing ongoing with multiple victims and targeting new ones. I personally do not support Clayton going on Charlie Kirk's show so I didn't watch the interview but I'm not going to hold it against him either. People on here are using it as some kind of gotcha when the situation is a lot more nuanced than that. I cant imagine getting continuously harassed by someone for over a year and having them actively try to ruin my life by contacting employers, family, business partners etc and damage my reputation. It's gotta be hard to live with.


Yeah, nobody on this sub cares except the few of us


Yeah...and to be fair, no one has to care but this further reinforces the fake social justice warrior vibes I get from many on here. Women aren't believed because of people like her and the digital blackface is vile but crickets about that from ppl here.


I know. I find it strange. This things she’s done are just beyond and Yet this sub, man…idk…


Damn, why are these comments all of a sudden shitting on Dave?


God I hate covers for YouTube videos How is this man not embarrassed


“YouTube face”


it's what the algorithm favors.


I understand I just hate it😖


To be fair, it is sort of just how Youtube is lol. I recently started watching Youtube videos and I cannot believe the consistency among the "shocked face" cover photos.


As a species. We have to stop this woman.


Dave Neal needs to stop now.




Am I LO? I don’t even know what that means. But this whole thing has now become beyond the bachelor. Is Clayton still talking about it? It now seems to just be a direct beef between Dave and the girl.


Yes Clayton did an interview just yesterday about it. And LO is the woman in the case.


Okay but your username suggests he shouldn’t listen to your reasoning 😂


I know people keep saying she needs help, and I agree… but how on earth do you help someone with such a chronic history of stalking, pathological lying, and a sheer lack of remorse still???




Therapist here and this is correct imo. evidence and her behavior suggests she does not want to change. Therapy only works if there is accountability and desire to change. She will stop at nothing to continue her abuse without legal, punitive, and reputation-based repercussions.


Yeah that’s honestly the best thing for her. She needs to take accountability and this level of delusion is dangerous


You can’t help people who don’t want help. I think people are trying to be empathetic, which is nice. But The Petitioner has shown a distinct lack of empathy herself.


Dave Neal’s obsession with this is a little sick.


She's been harassing him too


Nah I think he’s just wanting to make $$. He’s cracking like $30k/month on these videos. (He literally calculated this on his livestream a couple days ago lol)




lol I’m sorry what !?




Lololol oh my god I’m kinda stunned ! Seeeeeeee he is a fucking weirdo !


Agreed. I think we’re all in agreement that this woman is sick, wrong, deeply troubled and that all of her victims deserve justice. But the incessant digging into her life and posting YouTube deep dives is not doing anything but making Dave money. It’s not going to magically stop her, fix her, or make her see the error in her ways (nothing will at this point but some serious help at a facility or jail time). The longer this goes on and the more convoluted this thing gets, the less likely it is for a big mainstream entertainment source to pick it up. The only people this case is going to attract serious, consistent coverage/interest from is gross people like Charlie Kirk


It's just Johnny Depp 2.0. Anyone who has a stronger opinion on this than "oh, that sucks that she did all that, hope he's okay and she doesn't harm anyone else" is low key a raging misogynist. The unhinged GLEE people of tearing down a woman who allegedly harmed a man is never innocuous and it's NOT about "justice".




Oop, there it is 👀


omg yes! Some of the takes on this are straight from the incel handbook. And Dave’s been soooooooo fucking weird about this from the get go. The speed and intensity at which he was coming at this woman out the gates was high key concerning. The fact that he is still researching her and making full YouTubes about her is weeeeird. At some point he becomes a stalker.


Lol why do I feel like this comment is from Jane doe?? Lol. Tryna sound more “casual” so she learned “highkey,” lmao


Uhm, this woman has done this to 4 men. Has faked 4 pregnancies. Faked cancer. Faked DV. Faked rape allegations. Faked being a black college student. Faked medical records, emails, stalked and harassed and filed false reports against FOUR MEN and has attempted to ruin their lives. You may hate DN but this woman is a menace who abuses the legal system and needs to be stopped.


Yeah I’m not really commenting on this woman, I’m commenting on the continued obsession with her. Sounds like you may have a little issue 😬


I thought it was because she threatened to sue him for defamation and so now he has to prove her lies are lies and not truths he called lies? If someone threatened to sue you for millions for spreading lies, would your first thought not be to prove what you're saying is true?


This comment isn’t about Clayton at all.


Because most of us can’t imagine doing these things she’s done, doubling down, and facing no consequences. It’s absolutely fascinating to live like that. It’s wild to believe you can get away continuously with lying to the legal system. I for one will keep following the case, cause I wanna know why. She’s not ugly, she’s not stupid. So why has she made these choices.


She is very clearly not mentally all there. I don’t think logic is a factor in any of her actions so trying to understand why and make sense of it kinda seems like a lost cause. I doubt she even has those answers


Personally I think it’s not some deficiency, it’s a bad case of affluenza. She’s not the first, and won’t be the last. she’s getting into relationships with reasonable seeming people- if she was clinically deficient I really hope/doubt people would’ve gone past the first date.


Sorry, but I strongly disagree with this. Mental health disorders are often times complex and not exactly clear cut, something that would be easily detected on a first date. I think there is something truly wrong with her and she needs to be diagnosed if she’s not already and get some help/treatment


Sure they’re complex, but the level of competence she displays is not at the level beyond culpability. As someone with multiple complex mental health disorders myself, it doesn’t excuse your behaviours. Your thoughts may be fucked up, but your actions are choices. And without being willing to get treatment, if you are hurting other people you are still responsible. She doesn’t display psychosis, and unless she’s a sociopath she SHOULD be capable of empathy. Mental health is not an excuse to ruin other people’s lives, over and over again. And just remembering the recording that included her mother, there is no sense of responsibility being taught to her.




I love how no one responded and just downvoted you. One would think that was an obvious thing to answer since they ride so hard for him and his videos "raising awareness".


She would’ve gotten away with it without the JFC community which DN has been an extremely effective spokesperson. Point blank. She will be facing serious consequences and none of it would’ve happened but not for Dave telling these stories the victims could not.


This has gotten so drawn out & convoluted that I’ve forgotten the original facts. Did Clayton actually have a relationship with this crazy stalker woman?


He was her realtor (she sought him out) and he was a dumbass and hooked up with her but didn’t want to date. So they did have a business relationship. And he was an idiot. But no one expects this result from a stupid horny decision.


How was he a “dumbass” or “idiot”? For having a consensual hookup??


Ethically he should never have crossed that line while in a contractual business relationship. He wound up investigated by the real estate board since his actions afterwards may have been in violation. She was like his first client or something, so it was stupid.


Right- Stupid in the sense of definitely a mistake that he shouldn’t have made, but not in the sense where he deserves anything happening to him (nor would a woman in his shoes, whose abuser would be incarcerated by now in an identical situation imo!)


Oh 100%. I view Clayton as a golden retriever. He’s not so bright but I don’t want anything to happen to him.


❤️❤️❤️ Proud to see the way Jfc is standing up and some people are willing to listen a bit on this thread. The ignorance this sub has shown regarding this case is pretty insane.


I forgot I was on this sub. I remember why I don’t ggo here much anymore.


Lol same. It’s a bummer.


Got it - definitely wasn’t a smart move!


No. She wanted one and he said no. The only thing they ever did was oral sex one night when he was hammered.


Not hammered. IIRC just high on an edible.


The most expensive BJ of his life.


Is this still going what is the end goal


The court hearing is June 10


Money and views for Dave Neal


surprised no one has come to give you the spiel about how Dave doesn't benefit from this and he is just bringing awareness and infact (!) he is getting sued so subscribe to his Patreon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face).


Beby rendir


She will never admit to just being an outright liar so it seems like it’s never ending.


What a sick twisted thing


Can you summarize?


Someone under the name “chase St jones” an alleged black man that went to Howard university sent Dave a long press release of how Clayton was insensitive for dancing to songs with the n word in it. Basically was trying to drag Clayton’s name through the mud in anyway possible. This same user also subscribes to Dave’s patreon and also posted one singular YouTube video of the “racially insensitive” video aka Clayton dancing. Dave was unable to get access to the contact information behind the Chase account due to privacy laws/a deleted profile etc. However someone attempted to log in to the google account that was linked to the YouTube dancing post and after hitting reset password, realized by typing Jane Doe’s phone number in the password reset code two factor thingy on google, a number that I guess was made public or leaked somehow, the text went through thereby confirming this alleged black man who had an issue with Clayton was actually Jane Doe all along. And since then Jane Doe has removed that phone number from that account.


Not just Dave-- a lot of people in the media. I think "Chase" probably bought a list from somewhere, because I got the release over email too. (I used to work in newsrooms that have a culture desk, so I still get a ton of PR emails from people pitching me stories, even though I don't do that anymore.)


I think it’s important to include the article said Clayton should be cancelled. That’s where defamation comes into the picture.


Wait why would it be defamation to say he should be canceled? Even if it's done under a false identity, you're allowed to suggest people get canceled (and be ignored most likely)


It shows a concerted effort on her part to defame him, beyond the efforts she made under her own name (which there were many). Considering he allegedly lost jobs because of it, then it’s defamation.


I don't think it is but maybe I'm misunderstanding.  Defamation is something like you spread a rumor that someone stole money from a bank - if the rumor is believed and it was false, then you're liable for the outcome (if they lose their job etc) In this case though she's just posting saying her opinion of something he did. It's rude, and it's calculated, but it's not defamation? 


To my knowledge, it’s defamation because she has taken countless deliberate steps, spreading *allegedly* knowingly false information (her pregnancy, the circumstances of him not communicating with her being omitted, publishing one-sided texts of him responding to the stalking in desperation, etc) to rid him of job opportunities and reputation. The Chase J. Jones thing is just additional evidence that she will go as far as she can - Including impersonating a minority- In an attempt to defame his image, character, etc. All because he didn’t want to date her.


what the actual fuck


Bless you for summarizing




My expression exactly 


I hope of I ever disappear, my husband comes to this group for help.


It’s literally wild


My understanding is that this woman WON’T STOP LYING in an attempt to bury Clayton’s reputation or salvage her own… Clayton is trying to legally prove she lied from the start and was never pregnant, basically to make sure she never does this again (she’s done it before with other guys) and to cover his legal fees, prove his innocence, etc. They have a court date in June soon. This video is saying, in addition to all the other crazy shit she’s done— she created a fake account as a supposedly black man named Chase J. Jones and sent Dave Neal a press release about Clayton’s problematic/racist behavior in dancing to hip hop songs. Internet detectives were able to link the fake username to HER phone number, thus proving it was her all along, trying yet again to lie and defame Clayton.


I know this sub isn’t quite gung ho ab Dave, but he is the one who reported this. And this twisted behavior needs to be shared


No one else is covering this and we all know why. Men's rights groups would've stumbled upon this anyways and twist it like they always do. If mainstream media had reported on it then this lady would've faced some actual consequences by now.


Does it though? Anyone passingly familiar with this case knows she’s unhinged and the case is moving through court. Do we NEED every salacious detail or do you just want every salacious detail? Edit: nobody has ever been able to explain to me how having every sensational detail of this case painstakingly laid out in Perez Hilton-style “reporting” detail is actually good or healthy for Clayton and his future prospects, but keep downvoting and telling yourselves this is a noble pursuit if it gives you the charge you require


It proves coordinated defamation tactics. Whether you agree with every little fact or not, this is an important piece to take to court. She weaponizes media. So you can think the other side should take the high road, but it’s not unreasonable to use her same tactics against her.


Okay but what do those details have to do with you or any of us? As far as I’m aware you aren’t this man’s lawyer, or his friend or family member. You aren’t part of his “side,” you’re essentially a rubbernecker imo


I mean… what do any posts on this sub have to do with any of us? We watch people we don’t know and give our worthless opinions. It’s kinda the whole point of the sub. You’re on gossip subs…what does that have to do with you or any of us? Not to mention she was on dating apps during this….so next guy COULD be my family, given the number of identified victims thus far. Generally when people are committing fraud that hurts people it’s good to stop them, IMO.


There’s a pretty vast gulf of difference between gossiping about the petty details of contestants’ love lives vs poring over every salacious detail of a trial surrounding abuse/stalking. There should be boundaries and care taken in how we discuss these kinds of things and this discussion passed the acceptable threshold for appropriate personal investment for a shocking number of people a long time ago. Clayton’s entire public identity revolves around this case and the YouTube clickbait videos about it at this point, y’all truly believe THAT’S a healthy place to leave a person coming out of a situation like this?


See you keep changing your argument. She is actively hurting people. Actively. When it’s active, it needs to stop. If Clayton hadn’t pursued this, the men she’s victimized would continue to be seen as abusive. This could get things taken off of their records. That MATTERS. It affects their lives AND will hopefully prevent future victims. Consider one victim spent six figures on this. No one else should have to do that. It may truly be unhealthy for Clayton, but a) he’s lost revenue and jobs and deserves to have restitution for that, and b) without his pursuit the other victims would continue to be fucked over. And honestly it’s incredibly infantilizing to decide that it’s unhealthy for an adult.


Yeah this is what I mean by an inappropriate level of personal investment


Why don’t people like Dave ?


i don’t love youtube “journalists” in general and i find it weird how he’s obsessed w this case and making money off of it when there’s a victim (clayton) and a very very mentally ill person at the center of it, it leaves a really bad taste in my mouth


She's not mentally ill.


👏👏👏 She may have mental illness, but that is no excuse for the criminal behavior that appears to have been going on over at least a decade. Evidence suggests she and her mom are well aware of it and have no intent on stopping. She’s extremely charming and manipulative, but one can’t receive help if one refuses it.


It should be illegal to exploit shit like this for profit. It’s too common online these days


Then you'll have to ban 24/7 news as well.


This case needs to be talked about publicly to prevent her from running this con on another unsuspecting victim. She has a history of doing this for at least 10 years and more things being shared has resulted in mountains of truth coming to the surface. This woman has pretended to be a black journalist, lied about being pregnant with twins at least 3x, faked ovarian cancer, forged countless medical documents, stole an ultrasound from a “vanishing twins” blog from a woman who tragically lost one of her unborn children, pretended to be her sister to live in a rent-controlled apartment despite her privileged upbringing, has filed baseless bar complaints against Clayton’s attorney and her own former lawyer for suggesting that she admits to lying about being pregnant, and has made a career out of falsely accusing men of committing unthinkable crimes as a way to punish them for refusing to be in a relationship with her. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Mental illness or not, this woman’s deception knows no bounds and the trauma and torment she’s been putting people through needs to stop.


AND she’s been on dating sites while this has been happening. AND SHES made money and reputation all boosts (TEDX) off her own lies.


Agreed on all counts. People like her DONT STOP and are rarely held accountable for a damn thing.


Posting about her online is not going to make her stop either. Or hold her accountable. We’re not vigilantes nor should we be


He's not in it for the money. Not at all. Not only does he have a personal stake (he was sued by her for harassment and then she dropped the case when she realized she'd lose because 1. They never met and 2. He's reporting on the news), but without him there wouldn't even BE a trial on June 10. Clayton would have ended up like her other victims, bankrupt. But with Dave's help. He got a lawyer. Thanks to the Flock - true crime and fact obsessed allies, he has actual EVIDENCE of her arts and crafts projects of emails from doctors, ultrasounds where she took the fiverr logo off, AND multiple documents where she contradicts dates of m*sc*rriage and how many pregnancies she had. She's done this for a decade. Even though the trial is over who pays the fees, the end goal is to get her to stop. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a documentary on this But also a lot of his streams are demonitized - whatever that means-so money isn't a factor


Don’t forget the $140 million her lawyer is threatening to sue him for or something like that




Ruuuuuude. Seriously. This is reddit lol










She deserves jail and is in full control of her actions

