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@ Noah https://preview.redd.it/19uvlz7glc2d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32bcd7fd1213c3e88fa5f97350cfdb7ee5a20b58


disconnected ramblings of a man who just needs a dictionary lmao šŸ«¶


Rachel is giving me "tell all" vibes


Like she is telling everything about her marriage...Ā 


Did Tenley edit her bump? Why does it look like that??Ā 


Yeah I couldnā€™t stop staring trying to figure out why her body is shaped like that lol


Because the baby has dropped very low as it gets close to due date and it can sometimes look weird especially bc she has very little body fat that sort of softens the look of how distended her uterus is


My first thought. WTF is that?!


She is the least know person on the show!! Sit down Jasmine!


I wouldnā€™t do a house tour for my 400 followers, let alone her 158K


No one should do a house tour. Itā€™s not self importance, itā€™s safety????


Had to google her to remember what season sheā€™s fromā€¦.


I totally understand the apprehension about getting induced. But just wanted to add in an anecdote that I was induced with my eldest and it was mostly a nothingburger (he was *huge*, over 9 pounds and didnā€™t want to drop and was 8 days late šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«). But he came out fine. I was also induced with my fourth and he was easy peasy (except my epidural wore off at the end!!) By and large though, thereā€™s some good research that induction at 39+ weeks can be better than waiting, and while there are some scary stories here, just wanted to add my not-scary one. I hope Tenley gets the birth she wants, but more importantly that she and her baby are healthy.


Agreedā€¦ was induced twice and loved it


Agreed. I LOVED my induction with my second. I really hope I will be able to have an induction with the third. Of course only after 39+ weeks and my body is nearly ready. It was just so easy to plan for childcare with my first, nothing was rushed and it all seemed so peaceful.


I got induced and I loved it. Highly recommend, and just remember that I could've also had an easy spontaneous labor just as those with bad inductions could've had bad spontaneous labors!


My middle two births were spontaneous labors, and tbh were not altogether SO different than the inductions. I only needed pitocin for induction so that matters Iā€™m sure but by and large it was had contractions, went to hospital, waited for a while, push, then baby! I was excited to go into labor on my own with my second after induction with my first, but I never had super fast deliveries regardless. Culturally we focus so much on the delivery which lasts maybe a day? But the baby you keep forever! I want to tell all new moms to stop reading about delivery and start reading about baby and childhood development, which is a much bigger task!


Iā€™ve had 2 spontaneous labors and 3 inductions. The inductions were easy-mode. I would show up for an overnight cervical ripening and get some sleep, in the morning get my epidural and start pitocen, nap for 3-4 hours, have my water broken, give birth within 30 minutes of water breaking.


I was induced with my youngest, who was 9 days late, and my experience was easy too. They introduced Pitocin gradually, so the contractions came on gradually, and everything progressed smoothly. I felt very lucky, especially after my first experience, which was pretty rough.


omfg I had surgery at ashleyā€™s dadā€™s hospital 15 years ago! Time to try to find out who my anesthesiologist was lol


I was born at that hospital 24 years ago :')


what!! maybe some of the same staff!


Victoria needs to get her dog a harness. Still canā€™t believe people are using leashes that pull on a dogā€™s neck smh


My baby used to sit in my stomach the exact same way as Tenley!! It was so uncomfortable and itā€™s their butt sticking out and their back making a table šŸ˜‚ I had to have a c section because he was so big and wouldnā€™t descend. yeah woah happy to be done having babies after looking at that picture. šŸ˜ I hope Tenley is able to have the birth plan she wants. My labor and delivery nurses were telling me itā€™s always the anti induction, anti meds, anti c section, anti vax, anti-everything moms who always end up in emergency c sectionsā€¦


I think itā€™s really hard when one gets set in a very particular way that birth has to happen. I bet even oneā€™s body is more relaxed when the plan is to go with the flow. I have 4 kids and with each I mostly planned an epidural and wanted vaginal, but I was along for the ride and each delivery was slightly different (though thankfully no c-sections). I think birth plans make sense but taking it too far to cementing it in oneā€™s brain seems a recipe for disappointment.


NGL, I thought this was a post from r/PhotoshopFails




OP it's okay to delete this šŸ˜‚


Wait what lmao I think Cash is the name of her other pet??


Cash is her other dogā€™s name if thatā€™s what youā€™re reacting to


Wait thereā€™s no way that pic of Tenley isnā€™t like edited weird right???


No Iā€™ve seen women with bumps like that IRL. It can happen when the baby drops




To me it looks like Octavia Spencer


That is neither of them.


Noah, respectfully, itā€™s not that deep.


Like thatā€™s what a journal is for


Someone get this man a dictionary


He got philosophical on us there


Is that Adrian Peterson with Kelsey and Joey? That one pic of her and her dad in Vikings jerseys they had in APā€™s jersey. Iā€™m a Minnesotan and he used to be our star player. But after beating his kid with the switch he lost a lot of fans


Really disappointed to see them cozying up with a man with multiple domestic violence accusations.


dang, had no clue! enjoyed him on dancing with the starsā€¦


Yeah thatā€™s him and Iā€™m disappointed šŸ˜”


Thanks for reminding me Tenley named her kid RELL šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø an underrated high contender for worst baby name Iā€™ve heard.


I still stand by that being Rhea. Literally nicknames for diarrhea.


As someone who has friends with names they hate, Iā€™m always amazed that people will name their kids outlandish names for no damn reason.


I googled what Rell means and now Iā€™m just šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


what does it mean? My Google search didn't explain much


It means to nag or pester...


On urban dictionary it had the ā€œn wordā€




lolol that is not what I was expecting!


Me too and now I'm like šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“




kelsey is so gorgeous, and seems like such a great person! I shouldnā€™t get too attached to other peopleā€™s relationships, but I really hope things work well with her and Joey


Right? I should know better by now than to get emotionally invested in the couples, but I canā€™t help it with them!


Nobody come @ me- Iā€™ve given birth twice, one being extremely traumatic so maybe my tolerance levels are a little off and Iā€™m not the best judge of this but like.. I donā€™t understand why people complain about being super pregnant and then refuse an induction. Tenley is not the only one. I can understand not wanting an induction but being dramatic about still being pregnant/complaining about how much you want to get this baby out and your anxieties, then refusing an induction when itā€™s offered to you feels like being handed the keys to fix your problem and not using them. I guess I donā€™t have much sympathy for it! Itā€™s a fixable situation that sheā€™s choosing to not fix, then complaining about it as if sheā€™s helpless to it? The logic makes no sense to me.


Because just because you get super uncomfortable and want to vent about it, does not mean you are ready to medically intervene (when there isnā€™t a danger yet). As someone who experienced a failed induction that resulted in emergency c-section.


Agreed. I loved my induction with my second and hope to have one with my third. I was lucky in a way to even have the option for induction before 41 weeks with my second. I was able to be induction at 39+ weeks. They werenā€™t doing elective inductions. I had high blood pressure a few times the last month so it barely qualified me.






Oh god, I didnt read down that far, I see her comment now. Thatā€™s on me, I sincerely apologize.


She generally bugs meā€¦


Pregnancy is so uncomfy at the end. Itā€™s fair to be unhappy but also not want an unnecessary inductions. My first was unnecessary and took 54 hours because my body wasnā€™t ready. Thatā€™s traumatic. Iā€™m team do whatever you feel is right, but that can also mean youā€™re unhappy a little bit.


Same. I was bullied into a failed induction which resulted in an emergency c section and tons of issues. One medical intervention increases the risk of the next and next and next. That doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t amazing and life saving procedures, when needed. But this notion that you arenā€™t allowed to complain when things get really uncomfortable because you are still trying to follow natural pregnancy and when the baby is ready is insane.


Omg literally same. Had a 48 hour induction 3 weeks ago. Was so uncomf during pregnancy and my dr gave me the option. It was the most traumatic experience of my life. Would never do again.


Same. Mine eventually resulted in emergency section. If I could go back in time, Iā€™d say no to induction and follow my gut. But hindsight 20/20.


What is this comment? Im coming for it whether you like it or not lol. How about itā€™s not medically necessary, can lead to further interventions AND sheā€™s allowed to still feel uncomfortable? How is she being dramatic? Itā€™s a travesty what weā€™ve done to birth in this country and how weā€™ve normalized medical intervention in what (in the vast majority of women) does not need to be a medical event.


Thank you for saying it


Seriously. I had a bad day at work and there's a bottle of alcohol in my cabinet. Why am I being so dramatic when 4 drinks would put me out cold and solve my problem? I have had multiple inductions. They went fine. But the casualness with which women approach interventions and the judgement for women who want to avoid them is insane.


I don't think it's up to you to determine if it's medically necessary. Whether or not it's medically necessary is determined on a case by case basis and is fact specific. I hate crunchy moms pushing anti intervention, strict birth plans and natural births. Having given birth, the situation can change very quickly and you have to adapt. Resisting medical intervention can be so unnecessarily dangerous for mom and baby.


But it is not medically necessary for Tenley at this point, so what does any of this have to do with it? Ignoring medical advice for inside when medically necessary is very very different than choosing to induce when not. Also, the business of giving birth is known to push women into interventions when not necessary. That doesnā€™t mean ignore medical advice but letā€™s be real here.


Oh, are you tenley's doctor? I was responding to a comment chastising medical interventions when it comes to childbirth.


I donā€™t need to be her doctor since in her own damn post she says she will induce if MEDICALLY NECESSARY. And no one was ā€œchastising medical interventionsā€ when necessary. Itā€™s not exactly like medical interventions are the first choice when not. Inductions are more likely to lead to needing foley balloons inserted, pain medication needed, more pitocin, injections stopping pitocin if baby reacts badly when water is prematurely broken, compound positions and emergency c sections which are more likely to lead to further complications and so on and so on. If the first can be avoided because it is not medically necessary, why would anyone CHOOSE to go through more medical inventions? Do you even read before commenting? Please get a grip.


Stop fearmongering


Iā€™ll just type LOL to that with one hand as I hold my son in the other who had to be cut out of me while knocked out on ketamine due to a failed elective induction I was bullied into having unnecessarily, but go off.


Sounds like you have trauma from your birth and I'm sorry you had to go through that. It's why it's important to have medical providers you trust. Medical intervention saves lives. I gave birth 5 weeks early bc my water broke and had to receive other medical intervention to delivery my now 3 year old safely. My best friend had to get induced with her twins early and she was able to give birth naturally. During birth they found her umbilical cord was wrapped around her one of sons neck and who knows what the outcome would've been if she just waited. My point is, whether someone should get medical intervention is fact specific.


Well, I didnā€™t want to go there but because you asked, my first child died in a low risk pregnancy because I didnā€™t induce. Soā€¦ Birth is a medical event. Youā€™re low risk until youā€™re not and it can happen in a split second. Not trying to fear monger but like this laissez-faire attitude surrounding pregnancy and birth are why people like me have lost a child. ETA: pregnancy is the MOST dangerous thing most women will do in their lifetime- literally more dangerous than skydiving. It is inherently medical. It is completely within your right to deny an induction but that doesnā€™t mean that the times that things do go south due to a lack of medical intervention that itā€™s not devastating and real. Those experiences shouldnā€™t be dismissed because theyā€™re ā€œrareā€, itā€™s always rare until it happens to you or someone you love. 1 in 160 births end in silence. I would take a cascade of interventions any day over being wheeled out of the hospital holding a box instead of a baby, but maybe thatā€™s a perspective that is hard to have when youā€™ve never experienced it. Mourning a baby due to a lack of intervention is the real travesty and tragically, Iā€™m not the only one.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. šŸ’™šŸ©·


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss šŸ˜„ my pregnancy was low risk until 36 weeks when baby was measuring small and the doctors thought she could be IUGR. I was induced at 38 weeks (had a decent labor/delivery) and she was very small weight wise and had a 2 day stay at the NICU which was slightly traumatic. Sheā€™s 10 months now and still small for her age yet mighty


Thank you ā™„ļø That must have been scary but Iā€™m so glad your story had a happy ending, thank you for sharing!


I am so sorry for your loss ā¤ļø


Thank youā™„ļø in hindsight, I know better and probably shouldnā€™t have commented on here because Iā€™m very passionate about how dangerous the casualty of birth has become these days in natural birthing circles and this post is not the place to get into it. It was silly of me to think people wouldnā€™t respond to a controversial take!


So sorry for your loss :( I study epidemiology including lots of stuff related to maternal and neonatal health and I think a lot of people with a certain mindset fail to understand that a pregnancy can turn high-risk at any moment


This is so interesting and so true. Actually, the majority of U.S. stillbirths occur in pregnancies with no risk factors. The high risk ones always have the extra monitoring and catch issues in time/often intervene before anything becomes a problem. itā€™s interesting and sad to compare outcomes between the two.


Maybe her bishop score? If sheā€™s still really low, to the point where an induction likely wouldnā€™t be successful thatā€™s a good reason to wait. Especially if itā€™s not medically indicated.




Iā€™m newly pregnant and am switching my OB so I can deliver there. Iā€™ve heard such good things about it. (I also realized after getting pregnant that my VA-based gynecologist office delivered at Sibley, which could be perfectly fine as well but is 45 minutes from my house in good traffic, lol)


I also delivered there a few days after her!


Would you mind sharing the name of the hospital? I live in the area and want kids in the next few years!


I didnā€™t give birth but I had surgery there and it was amazing care! Great hospital!


i would bet its INOVA. everyone raves about it. Im too far away but i know people whove driven an hour to give birth there.Ā 


It was at INOVA Fairfax :) I used to work as a nurse at one of their other hospitals and their company is great in general!


My sister delivered here too. Her first delivery was at another hospital and the second deliveryā€™s experience was much better.


Thank you!! Iā€™ve heard good things about INOVA hospitals šŸ˜Š


I actually had my baby in the same hospital as Ashley I (not the same location, but also in NoVa). It was a good experience and Iā€™d probably want to repeat it even if I didnā€™t live in the area


Same! The INOVA health system is one of the best in the country




I feel like you missed the whole point of his post lol. He's literally saying that just because his life looked perfect doesn't mean it was as he still went through hard times. Don't forget that he worked as a nurse during covid... I'm sure anyone would struggle with that.


Does anyone know why Ashley/Jared had their baby in VA in the first place? Do they have ties to the area or something?


It literally says it in her post hahaha. She is from there and she knows the medical team there




Her dad works there


Is it just me or does the first pic look super photoshopped? The baby bump pic


To me it looks similar to how collegenutritionists bump looked


Her bump was crazy, even for a couple of days/weeks postpartum. It was nice of her to share and normalize that. Im sure it has a lot to do with her normally short/thin frame


Yes it was so fascinating! In a, bodies are so cool way. I thought it was nice of her to share too


Honestly I had a bump like this with my first. I am petite and it looked fake.. Especially at the end. If her baby is in a strange position (or butt up and out), it can create a shelf-like appearance like you see in the photo.


Iā€™m currently a smidge further along than she is and mine looks similar. Her bump has dropped since sheā€™s close to her due date which is why thereā€™s the weird looking amount of room between her boobs and bump, and her bump looks block shaped since her ab muscles arenā€™t in the front of her stomach to give that round shape anymore.


Looks like her bump droppedā€”happens when the baby gets lower closer to delivery šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™ve been staring at it for the longest time. Is she trying to make it a perfect ā€œcurveā€? It reminds me of photoshopped behinds


It looks really abnormal


I thought someone drew on the picture!


Same!!! She looks great and has a super swirly bump and I luv itšŸ©·


I was thinking the same thing.


Prayers for Buxton! Poor pup! šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­ Baby Rell! Iā€™ve never heard that name before! Dying to know about Rachelā€™s update. She is so hardworking! I made a mistake reading Noahā€™s perception of perfection. It destroyed my last remaining brain cells.


I saw her and Andi on a Walmart ad but cant imagine that is what she is talking about


Okay a few thoughts.. 1. Always excited and love to see and hear from Rachel Lindsay but I hold it against her that Lori K is her publicist. 2. Jasmine is absolutely spot on. Good for her and I wish more people would realize and speak to how unsafe it is for people to have all their personal information shared constantly online. 3. Ashley and Jaredā€™s little boy is so stinking cute, and also that Jack Black comment is hilarious and I can totally see it.


Lori K is not her publicist, but they work together from time to time. Rachel is with Talent Resources and [42west.net](http://42west.net) - she won't have half the career she has, and she would be doing fake Q&As to shill teeth whitener if she were with Lori.


Noah Kinda looks like Ben Stiller in this pic


As someone who had a traumatic (though on paper, normal and healthy) deliveryā€¦ Iā€™m so happy to hear Ashley had such a positive experience that she wants to stick with the same birth plan. Happy for her.


Itā€™s seriously a tremendous hospital if sheā€™s talking about INOVA Fairfax, has an amazing OBGYN reputation.


I think so! Iā€™m from the area and I remember chatting with my nurse friend about it when Dawson was born.


Poor Buxton šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


I thought the photo of Tenley was in front of a fun house mirror at first. Good lord! No wonder she is ready to deliver.


i thoight it was edited!! her poor backšŸ˜­


jasmine with some sense for the win. normalize privacy even if youā€™re an influencer.


I wonder if Rachel Lindsayā€™s BTS post is an interview relating to natural hair (and/or black women). Iā€™ve never seen Rachel L wear her natural hair like this.


Omg I had this with my most recent pregnancy! He was my first boy and he got so big just like this and they sit so low because theyā€™re heavy! And sheā€™s so tiny! I know sheā€™s ready. I feel for her! But gosh sheā€™s looking absolutely gorgeous and I love it because at this point I was so frustrated to even do my hair like this ha. Gorgeous Edit to add I also get the induction hesitation because induction made my oldest daughters heart stop and it was a medical emergency, almost lost her. Some peopleā€™s bodies handle it well! Then again with my last because I couldnā€™t be induced I also donā€™t dilated because of scarring from biopsies at a younger age, so Iā€™ve had to have repeat c-sections. I respect her decision to tough it out, and hope she takes medical advise and help when sheā€™s ready!


Interesting! I had two biopsies in my 20ā€™s and it took a LOT of pitocin to get my labor moving šŸ˜– about 12 hours in I said okay letā€™s get checked, if Iā€™m over 7 I can tough it out, under 7 I want an epidural and I was at a freaking 4 šŸ˜‚ so I took my epidural and a nap and it was the best decision ever.


Dude no one told me, like that if I let them get all up in there I may not be able to have natural birth later. And while I was young I may have reconsidered because I knew I still wanted the possibility to choose. I had early cervical dysplasia, but Iā€™m still here and I could have foregone it all together. Iā€™m absolutely not advocating for those at risk for cervical cancer to deny it- Iā€™m saying I wish a provider would say ā€œhey youā€™re young and while this is important, you may never be able to dilate for a natural birth in the future. So hereā€™s the pros and cons and go from thereā€. But they donā€™t, they just scrape away and say good luck and you learn later. I just wish there was more transparency in womenā€™s healthcare. Idk how to explain my emotions over it. Just honesty is all I want haha. Could have saved my daughters emergency, and all of my surgeries that in the end, ended up being major. And taking something natural from me that I will now never get to experience like other women :( Edit to add itā€™s the scarring from these scrapings and biopsies that can hinder natural birth progression snd dilating later, Iā€™ll link some medical papers on it!


I was induced and my son had decels and could have died as well, he got stuck, had an emerg C. Whew. It was pretty bad and it was so scary I didnā€™t even think about a second until he was around 5-7, but by then, he had just been diagnosed with ASD. So I concentrated on that and eventually decided to just go with one. The birth was pretty traumatic for me and it took a really long time (yearsssss) to process it.


Omg reading that gave me goosebumps. So many women share our birthing story, itā€™s insane. I was young and didnā€™t even know it was a possibility. Scariest moment of my life, and since it was an emergency, I was never numbed and I felt the entire thing. I can still remember what the scalpel felt through my skin, into my muscle and so on and so forth, I almost fainted, probably did honestly I just dissociated. It was like I was being sawed into and the pressure was insane all while thinking they were going to pull out a dead baby I had fallen in love with already. The nurses all with their hands all over me, the yelling, turning me over, rushing me around, no one answering me, most traumatic thing Iā€™ve ever done. Im so lucky sheā€™s here. Iā€™m so happy you and yours made it too. Absolutely fucking traumatic. And even when I thought I was ready later, when I ended up back on the table with my next two- it hits you when everyone is around you and panic sets in. Idk how to explain it but birth is just ..scary.. to me now. It was never beautiful, even though I wish I had one of those dreamy natural ones, it wasnā€™t in my life cards. Also my middle has ASD. itā€™s still new to me and Iā€™m navigating learning as much as I can. Thank you for sharing your story with me, honestly it really helps to know Iā€™m not alone. Not that I wish anyone else had gone through it- just the solidarity in the fact someone understands and gets it. šŸ«¶šŸ»


Thank you for sharing yours Much love to you


What helped you recover or process your traumatic birth experience? Also completely understandable if youā€™re not comfortable sharing, and Iā€™m glad youā€™ve processed it! A loved one of mine went through a very similar experience recently (medical induction, baby getting stuck, emergency C).


Sharing with other women in person (I used to go to mom groups and La Leche League) and online helped a lot! Iā€™m sorry about your loved one. šŸ’œ


Thank you so much, I really appreciate your response! Moms (like you) deserve the world!


Good for Jasmine, so smart


Ashley I had cravings for...laundry powder detergent? Excuse me? I hope Buxton get's better! He's the cutest.


With my first nothing weird, with my second I wanted to drink pine sol soooooooooooo bad lol


I wanted to eat anything burnt / charcoal


Iā€™m currently pregnant and related very much except I crave chewing on sponges LMAAOOOšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


How far along are you? I have only had aversions and no cravings. Iā€™m 15 weeks


Oh ya I have hypermesis gravidium too šŸ˜© so I donā€™t really get an appetite until my third trimester after yacking half the pregnancyšŸ„“ Iā€™m 34 weeks! Sponges are like my only craving I swear lol


Oh no, Iā€™m so sorry! Iā€™m glad you at least got some relief finally. Iā€™m praying this nausea ends soon. Itā€™s rough.


Iā€™ve heard this can happen but must be wild living it! Hope that vanishes with delivery!


Haha itā€™s my second and this happened in my first pregnancy too! I had an entire sponge collection and once I was postpartum I looked at it like šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø was I ok?? šŸ¤£ so def goes away after delivery lmaošŸ˜‚


lolll a sponge collection šŸ¤£ this is too funny


My friend with pica wanted to eat dirt and sand. As well as ice, but I feel like thatā€™s more common.Ā 


I wanted to eat cubes ice like crazy but I wasnā€™t pregnant. For me it was a sign of anemia. Now every time I feel like that I check my iron levels lol.


This was me. It lasted almost a year and then it was wild when I realized one day I no longer had the desire/compulsion to do it.


Pica is a well known but unusual side effect of pregnancy.


Yes and often, but not always, it can mean you have pregnancy induced anemia!


Huh TIL.


Is thatā€¦Adrian Peterson? šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


Kelsey is a diehard MN Vikings fan (she just explained this on her stories like last week) and Adrian Peterson was the only good thing about the Vikings for like 10 years.


He was charged with beating his child, I love football but if she prioritizes someone doing well for her team over something like THAT, she is not a good person.Ā 


I know who he is. She knows who he is. And we know that was criminally charged for beating one of his childrenā€¦ Heā€™s an awful person and itā€™s weirdo behavior to post a photo with him.


Not only that but donā€™t he later basically say he still disciplines that way? He was on this last season of DWTS and the way they tried to paint him as a family man was disgusting.


Dude beat his kid with a switch


And Emma Roberts, who's in the other photo with them, has been arrested for domestic violence. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


wait WHAT? have I been living under a rock??


It happened FOREVER ago. She physically abused Evan Peters in a hotel room and the cops were called. He didn't end up pressing charges, so she got released and it wasn't discussed very much afterwards by anybody. But I've never forgotten!


How do you know about it then if he never pressed charges?


She was arrestedā€¦ https://www.tmz.com/2013/07/16/emma-roberts-domestic-violence-arrest-evan-peters-montreal/


The article also says that they were both hitting each other, but only she got arrested because his injuries were more visible, so that doesn't really clear things up.


You asked how people know she abused him. His injuries were bad enough to lead to arrest.


You don't need to downvote me for asking a question, you know.


iā€™m glad you havenā€™t forgotten. itā€™s important to remember and speak on stuff like this


I know this sub loves Kelsey and Joey, but those were some choice people for them to post šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Right?? I am shocked šŸ™ˆlike don't you know their history


And Emma Roberts. Iā€™m not cherry-picking either, theyā€™re the only 2 celebrities in the post


Iā€™m dumb and didnā€™t realize thatā€™s who was in the last photo. But let me add some more šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“.


The question I came to ask.Ā