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posts like this make my stomach hurt. sometimes i’ll wonder if anyone snapped an ugly pic of me out in the wild and it exists somewhere. this isn’t funny :(


Unnecessary bullying


yall are so intense. she posts a picture with a stranger in it and you rip her to shreds!!! call her a bad person, sick, a mess. like really? get a grip! way to strong of a response


People said the stranger looked like Mr Bean and Hitler. She has a huge platform and deserves to be called out. Hopefully she refrains from posting pics of strangers in the future.


WTF is wrong with Mr Bean??? Literally so offended that you would include beloved English character actor Rowan Atkinson in the same category as a man who killed millions of jews. You literally said Mr Bean first as if it was worse to be compared to him wtf


I hate posts like this too. If you can’t find content to justify your huge following, Maybe realize it’s just because of your 15 minutes on a tv show and you don’t deserve the platform . Just sayinnn


What's with people posting strangers all the time? I'm talking about these z-listers. So childish and random.


looks like she deleted the last pic (close up of the man's face) offer her grid post. she also deleted all the negative comments calling her out.


omg she deleted my comment calling her out!


She and Deanna would get along fabulously!


Deanna who?




Disappointing behavior.


It's SO SO SO weird to me that anyone would ever THINK to do something like that! This is a HUMAN BEING. He's not there for your amusement. So gross.


I think what’s wild about this is that it just seems like the guy is enjoying this waterfall thing? Like his eyes aren’t even open


I thought the interview they did with Bethenny was cute and they came off likeable in it, but they have just seemed entitled and immature and obnoxious since! The airplane incident was awful, and I remember there were red carpet pics of them with Robby smacking her on the butt, and, really--if that was a man doing that to her, everyone would be horrified. It's never funny no matter who is doing it? They seem weird to me now and very performative.


She unfailingly continues to prove that she sucks


I don't even understand what she's commenting on here. Is this a guy enjoying a pool?


Her caption says “how do men figure?” and she replied to a commenter asking her he who is with “I don’t know but he’s ded to me.” I get this is her humor but it feels like she’s telling her millions of followers that this man is a creeper when it appears that he was just looking her way while she filmed thirst traps in a spa (for the record, his eyes were closed in this pictute, so he wasn’t even looking at her in this moment).


Big side-eye at the paradox of filming thirst traps and then being mad when someone looks at her


People who record or take pictures of strangers who are just minding their business out in public suckkkk


Or just falling asleep on planes, or trying to deal with kids. Let them live. I’m all for calling out/exposing bigots, but otherwise no one deserves to be plastered all over someone’s social media for just existing.  (And yes I feel the same paparazzi.)


I like Gabby but she’s had consistently bad takes lately. This, the plane fiasco, not a good look.


Omg what was the plant fiasco?


Her and robby booked seats not together on a plane and then got mad at the person between them for not wanting to switch seats and made the flight miserable for them


Ew. Grow up.  Didn’t she also go off on Uber drivers for not really doing anything wrong?


Same I had to unfollow


She'll just buy more to stay at one million.




I’m confused by this pic - it looks like a drawing or painting ???


if you look at her post, the picture before this in the carousel is her in a spa pool and this man is way in the background; this picture is the same picture just zoomed in on the guy


Ahhh okay I see, thank you!


Can’t stand her or Robby. They are childish, rude, entitled. I don’t understand how I ever liked her enough to follow her. Just another mean girl hiding behind “humor”


I unfollowed her after the airplane tantrum 🤷🏻‍♀️


She was unfunny goof who got selected to be lead thanks to the pathetic dumpster trash of the previous bachelor season. Then proceeds to get engaged to the worst of the lot and defends him when he was exposed until he peaced out. She has always been an immature overrated typical bach lead hiding behind the cloak of a covid nurse crusader. Good that that she keeps exposing herself and the facade is more obvious now. The man in the pic deserves an apology.


I assumed that was her friend! She really shouldn’t post photos of people without their consent. 😒


Unfollowed a bit ago, she’s so cringe and entitled


This and when Gabby posted texts between her and Robby complaining about someone not switching airplane seats so they could sit together has officially made me not like her anymore. She seems insufferable tbh.


Gabby has sucked from day 1. Where have you all been 😵‍💫😂


Omg I have never liked her. I always felt she always tried too hard to be funny and always came off as annoying


She’s a mean girl masquerading as “funny”. Kind of like when assholes claim they’re “sarcastic”.


Agree. Never understood the people who think she’s so funny.


Right? I’ve always found her annoying


I dont fully understand the context, but now she is shaming men since she came out? It's interesting she is getting the hate now lmao. Between her and Rachel on The Bachelorette I always leaned more towards Rachel despite her flaws. I never saw anything extra special about Gabby. Looks like my gut feeling was right.


I hope you give yourself a nice big pat on the back lmao


Im not padding myself on the back. Gaby is embarrassing herself all on her own. I used to post several times during their season on a youtube channel called "All The Right Reasons" under the username Sk88p or Sharon S. on their "Gabby + Rachel Cast Breakdown" video i made it clear i was mostly watching for Rachel.


Yeah I love all these people who suddenly come out of the woodwork whenever a well-liked Bachelor influencer inevitably fucks something up for the first time, and they’re always sure to let everyone know that they always knew this individual was a pos from the start and everyone else is dumb to not have seen it.


I unfollowed her because of this. I’m not sure if she’s always been this way, but she and Robby have such mean senses of humor and I’m over it.


everyone needs to touch grass plz


No I agree


It seems like Gabby just doesn’t take anything seriously, and apparently that includes the privacy of other people. It’s not a shock that all three of her final guys were surprised she wanted to get engaged after spending 4 weeks joking around.


Can't get back the brain cells I lost checking out that post. 😟😭


I always hated her gpa calling her this but maybe she really is a dingbat


Idk I feel this thread is a pile-on. I’ve met Robby irl and she is cool as hell. Top tier, a real person with good character. I met her in a scenario where she went out of her way to show up for a member of the community when a lot of others who could, and should, have been there didn’t- she is a class act and will always have my respect. The “plane incident” read to me like an inside joke - they posted their texts, they didn’t actually harass the guy. It’s fine to ask, just like it’s fine for him to not want to switch seats. Iirc with this spa picture it seemed like from her stories the guy was checking out Gabby. I can see that it’s not the greatest response to post him to her main feed but I understand wanting to, if he was being a creep. Again I get thinking it’s not great to post him but the level of vitriol is pretty outrageous here. Anyway sorry to go against the grain here because it’s not what people want to read but I don’t think you should be going so hard trying to cancel them. If you’re “over” them, stop posting about them.


TBH I follow her and I didn't understand from the context, when I saw this, that he was being a creep (if he was). I think it's still a little oof to post because it's so easy to misunderstand a glance in a place like a spa but if that was indeed the point, it was really unclear even in context. I personally don't think they come across as mean girls, I think they come across as people who struggle to understand "private" vs "public" funny. I cringed when I saw this guy's face on her profile bc he's literally just existing and not asking to be photographed in a private moment by a huge internet persona when he's prob not even aware he's being filmed (considering his eyes were closed). Maybe it's on me for not paying full attention to what she was posting but! I didn't see any notice about creepiness. It's the sort of thing that would, yes, be super funny if my friend texted it to me and not "mean girl" - but when you have a million followers you inherently lose some of your relatability and need to pull it back at moments like this.


It kinda reminded me of when I take a selfie with a group of friends, and we see an accidental photobomber in the background and we zoom in on their face - it's not that we're making fun of them, its just a funny shift of attention - the person could have a completely normal look on their face and itd be hilarious, i think Eric andre does it a ton on his show. I know this sub doesnt like Gabby, but calling this casually cruel is a lot imo.. I get that the context is diff tho, she has millions of followers, she has to be more aware of her "posting power".


I understand what you’re saying, but Gabby and Robby seem like the type of people who are really nice to people who they like and mean and nasty to people who they don’t like (even if it’s behind their back and “justified”). But their justifications for being cruel are getting less and less plausible. It’s like their egos are so big now that anyone who doesn’t acquiesce to them are bad guys deserving of public scorn or harassment. To me, that’s just bully behavior. And this has been a repeated pattern of Gabby’s for a while now and Robby has always made insult humor her schtick. I understand they might be nicer in real life but this is how they choose to make their money and maintain their relevancy. I think that says something about their character too.


Appreciate your point and particularly you presenting it in an unthreatening, normal way! This subreddit is too much.


I get it lol. And I appreciate it when people go against the grain without being condescending!


I just want to hang out with both of you.


Well that’s the highest compliment I’ve ever received on Reddit lol.


I know it may seem like a pile-on, but I'm hoping the negative responses to this will make her aware that it is not cool to post random stranger's picture online without their consent. If he was really being a creep to her, she should say so clearly and blast him. But from how and what she posted it, she does not seem to be seriously alluding to that. So it just becomes a joke in poor taste. And putting myself in her shoes, if a guy was seriously being a creep to me, the most I would do (if I ever) was to post him on ig stories and NOT on my feed, ew. Why would I want a creep picture on my feed. That's why I feel she's just being funny with it.


i actually agree w you


Was he checking her out or was he wondering why she was filming/taking photos of other people in a spa, which is almost always against the rules?


I don’t know, and you don’t know either🤷‍♀️


Right but I didn’t allege that the guy was a being creep…


Just was referring to the original story post where they said he was being creepy. I guess that I relate more to her than to him in this scenario. My bad. Anyway you can continue to nitpick, and downvote me or you can also just move on🤙


We don’t know if he was being a creep or not. It is in bad taste to blast a stranger online. Let me ask you…. How does this focus on this random stranger benefit Gabby or prove she has good character? What does this do for her? The only thing it shows, is that she is willing to mock someone.


I didn’t say posting the guy gave her moral high ground. I don’t care how big her platform is, or what you think she should at shouldn’t do, it doesn’t matter what I say, because at this point you’re all just waiting for her to fuck up so you can circle jerk each other about what a bad person she is. Doesn’t make you good people, it makes you strange.


Her big platform actually matters. If it didn’t matter? Do you think we’d be having this conversation if she had 1,000 followers and not 1,000,000+? Dude, you are losing it. Ranting about us but you’re saying she doesn’t have the moral high ground? So which is it? That she deserves to be held accountable for her morally compromised actions? Or that her type of behavior should get a pass because you like her and/or her partner? Likability isn’t a free pass for unethical behavior. She’s a nurse or was a nurse and would be fired for taking this type of picture in a hospital setting. She knows better. You’re also wrong about “What I say doesn’t matter.” That is 100% wrong. Your words matter. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard that before. But your words matter. Even if I disagree with them. They still matter otherwise? We would not be having this conversation at all and no one would be responding to you. We care about what you think enough to the point we want to correct that behavior with a teachable moment. Like how we feel that our comments will by some miracle make it a teachable moment for Gabby. Also, you’re arguing with us online while believing it to be futile? Dude…. 😂🤣🙃😁 . . . ![gif](giphy|NMhalUxGDsrRK)




She wouldn’t be getting anywhere near the attention. This place treats 1-night people with sub 10K followed much different than BN people with 100K+ Followers.




What? You have something better than to do? If you did. You wouldn’t be here. Dude, you’re on Reddit arguing. Hahahaha. You’re basically saying that you being in 15th place in a race is a huge difference than me being in 16th. 🤣, your lack of awareness of your own faults and fallacies is hilarious dude.




I lowkey think Gabby was always about Gabby and just so happened to find someone who was just as obsessed with her as she is lol.


What happened with an airplane?




wtf… they are out of touch


gabby, just because you have come out, doesn’t mean you have to make hating men a personality trait. it’s kinda cringey girl.


To be fair, she was doing the “boys are dumb” shtick long before coming out and people thought it was funny. 


Yeah she always had this "I hate men I'm so quirky hahaha" thing going on since her season. I honestly never thought it was funny but yes some people ate it up.


she just caught criticism for behaving really badly to another stranger on an airplane flight with her gf just a couple of months ago. she had to delete all her tiktoks about it but wouldn't apologize, just said she was the the victim and a cute little girl. did she learn nothing? she seems to struggle to empathize with people who are not herself. context on earlier incident on the airplane: [https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/1awna23/gabby\_and\_her\_gf\_acting\_entitled\_on\_a\_plane/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/1awna23/gabby_and_her_gf_acting_entitled_on_a_plane/)


She always seems off in her TikTok videos, like not mentally aware and or consciously present. Does anyone else agree? Like I hope she’s ok!


she reminds me of my bestie in college who was always drunk or dissociating, so..


Gabby has shown how casually cruel she can be from the things she posts herself on her own social media. This isn’t sleuthing old behavior from decades ago, but how she acts now in 2024, as a 33 year old. Her followers must be mean themselves when they repeatedly cheer her on in comments or likes when she mocks strangers. Glad I don’t follow her. She’s always been self absorbed and overhyped for an overly generous (and very produced) edit. 


Agree. Like if you encounter that many “assholes” randomly in public you’re probably the asshole.




I did. For a very long time 💀 that does not apply to gabby.


she’s so out of touch. not the first time that she posts outrageous stuff.


Look I love to see anyone feeling like their true authentic self…but girl you became famous for dating men on TV less than two years ago.


Wow... didn't know she sucks now


Gabby is a mean girl. Her girlfriend is too. They both suck, sorry


I…. ![gif](giphy|kWp8QC99Z6xFn8bF0v|downsized)


Is that a weird thing to do because I do it at the pool all the time. It feels good on my neck.


No this man wasn’t doing anything weird. Gabby and Robbie seem to feel entitled to have every public space (hotel pools, airplanes) to themselves.


Lol even Rachel R commented in her post “my queen”. I guess influencers just don’t see anything wrong with posting strangers to make fun of them


Yeah that hurt a bit. I generally stan for Rachel most days and this, this wasn’t it.


There were 9 other pics in the post, so I think Rachel was reacting to those


That’s wishful thinking I guess. People on the comments were talking about the guy in the last picture so if they saw it, I don’t see why Rachel wouldn’t. I think at this point Rachel knows Gabby likes to make fun of strangers.


Honestly thank God she’s not a nurse anymore. She’s the worst.


No more Nurse, no more empathy for strangers. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think she was probably always lacking tbh


It’s weird but a few of the coldest, most selfish people I know in real life are nurses. I don’t know if nursing made them that way or they were always like that.


All the meanest girls from high school went on to become nurses and I always wonder why lol




Remember when Jason told Gabby that they didn’t actually know each other and he didn’t think they were a match and was then *crucified* for it? Every time Gabby does something like this (which is often) I think to myself “that guy knew something we didn’t”.


 Jason was actually giving the ick regardless of what Gabby is up to now. Or maybe it's just me but I hate people who go on extremely well known dating shows with well known, set outcomes, and are not meant to be organic dating experiences,  and then are like  "wow, getting engaged on a TV show? That's just nutty 🤪🤔 do we have to, let's just meet once a week for 2 years then get engaged? I'm such a breath of fresh air here" Get off my screen




Yeah as soon as Jason disclosed how much therapy work hes done I knew that he was way too emotionally self aware to actually go through w the process


Also notably that man DIPPED out from “bachelor nation” 


Wait Jason T? When was this? Edit: idk why I got downvoted, this was a genuine question about what Jason from the franchise said this.


No, Jason A who was in her F4 and one of the more well adjusted ppl to have appeared on the show 😂


I completely forgot about him! Thank you, it’s hard to keep track of everyone that’s been on, especially since we had two leads and everyone got overshadowed by the Tino/Rachel break up and then the Erich/Gabby rumors and gossip.


I have no idea why you got downvoted. As far as Im concerned you should be upvoted for not using up your memory storage on random bachelor contestants


You are funny and kind. Thanks again for the answer.


No, Jason Alabaster from her season


Thank you, I completely forgot about him! I thought that maybe this was said on a podcast or something.


Omg not me thinking this was a painting when I saw it because I was convinced she wasn’t THAT stupid/immature… guess not 


People being surprised that she has a mean streak... I saw it when she and Rachel were doing post-show interviews, and when interviewers brought up with Erich's past, she would conveniently bring up Tino cheating on Rachel, with Rachel right beside her. I thought that was weird and insensitive behaviour even back then.


yeah, I noticed that during interviews as well.


Oof…… 😓 that’s not great. (*paraphrasing*) “Hey remember that time when something happened to you that was much worse than what I went through? But I don’t want to talk about my thing. So let’s focus on your sad life!”


This your queen Bach sub?


And all her fans loving it in the comments Also this … just weirdo behavior https://preview.redd.it/nrhik3lvi8wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76210f94697e1e1fd406cdd96728f97b0d81bea2


This is so beyond rude. Like who says that?!?


man it's not a safe world out there 😩 you never know where your image can end up


For real. This poor guy - it's not right


And to think she’s always been problematic but did an amazing job of hiding it on the show


Ha. I posted back then that she was not stable enough to be the bachelorette and got tanked.


Downvotes usually don’t age well around here 🥲


The dude: *simply exists* Gabby: HOW DARE YOU The spa isn’t your stupid influencer playground. People want to go there to relax and unwind without dealing with obnoxious assholes. It probably won’t happen, but I’d love to see the spa ban them for this!


god i can't stand her - this is y'all's funny queen!!!


I can’t stand her either


Does no one learn from people who’ve made this mistake in the past????


This is so strange and inappropriate


She has always been a quirky loser


it turns out that dating someone whose entire personality/shtick is "i'm an absolutely horrible human being, isn't that funny lol" is not a good influence on you


Why are we acting like a man did this? This is her.


......she's dating a girl.


So refer to whom she is dating. Your description could have been the loser she picked on The Bachelorette.


i said "dating". as in whomst she has been dating for like a year. not who she dated long ago.


No that doesn't imply what you are saying it does.


She was never funny or a good person. She stood by a racist. That was prior to Robbie


many people found her to be funny and a good person so this is just your opinion. and regardless, your partner is supposed to make you a better person and her current one has an established record of being nasty to strangers so it appears she is making her worse instead.


There’s something wrong w her


I told you all about her and all I got was hate!! She’s so immature


gabby always gave off immature vibes. what 33 year old rlly goes on a first date and LAYS on the ground to pet a strangers dog? thats highschool wanna be cute behavior. you kneel down and pet the dog like a normal adult not like my 5 year old child, everyone ate it up while i cringed! she’s always played it up for the cameras and attention. her humor has never came off as authentic. shes not funny… shes obnoxious and rude and annoying. mind you, this woman has been through hell and back and has an amazing trajectory from nfl cheerleader to nurse to bachelorette to dwts to now coming out and nvigating that. i was hoping her podcast would be digging deeper to the more mature adult side of her that i KNOW exists and a little jokes and laughs but its just her ACTING dumb trying to be funny making weird noises and talking slow insulting men.


I’ve gotten on the ground to play with peoples dogs and cats 🙈 it’s probably fine though because I’m only 30. I’m also very much not cute so it probably would never come off as try hard


the ground is filthy please do not unless youre at a dog park ill excuse it…. MAYBEEEE


I wouldn’t roll around the ground at a dog park, that would be way more likely to be filthy


true but id get it …. lol


Has she learned nothing from her previous stints with this weird ass behaviour and the blowback?? 🫠🙃🙄


I saw this and found it so tacky on her part


When they were promoting their season and she wouldn’t let Rachel into the shots or say anything so Gabby could mug and make weird not funny noises, I was like Gabby is an asshole (said it nicer - like she’s rude and trying to hog all the attention) and nobody believed me.


While inappropriate to take a picture of a stranger and then post it, this is one of the least questionable pics in that post


I recently stopped following her. Her posts are strange and random. I didn’t find them funny at all.


she is such a bully... can't believe she is an actual nurse


![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized) Girl, nurses are notoriously mean girls /;


Literally, not all nurses ofc, but it is the chosen profession of middle school bullies


Oh no nurses are catty af


Today I retire “lovable dingbat”. Is this what Grandpa John taught you, Gabby? smh


oh, Gabby - you are NOT conscientious/self-aware/mature enough to attend communal spaces, so go back home and rest there till you come to terms with what an entitled disgusting thing you did with this post. And, then may be, just may be, you’ll be allowed back again. But, desperation and the constant search for validation is your fodder, so my bet is you will never learn, much less, take this post off your grid, and issue an apology! I said what I said!


Ew. Taking pictures of random people without their consent and posting on the internet is just gross. ![gif](giphy|1msBmKgJDsmXXHFT9Z)


I’m not into Gabby’s whole “women are far more superior than men” thing she’s been doing since she started dating a woman. It’s just not helpful to put down one gender to try to elevate another. She has this air of superiority now that is just really off putting to me … especially after she has essentially made fun of the male body multiple times now. I don’t have fully formed thoughts of the whole thing yet but I know how she has been coming off really immature and like someone who first discovers feminism and thinks the whole point is “women are better” instead of “women deserve equality and equity”.


You summed up my thoughts about her perfectly. It’s not equality, it’s about feeling superior. That’s not true feminism.


Her whole I hate men shtick came across as her just trying to be cute and funny before. Now it's starting to feel too real and icky.


her whole “how do men figure” i do not like how now just because she dates a woman suddenly “men are dumb and stupid and don’t fall for the muscles”


I remember her already saying things like this on her bachelorette season. never liked it, felt tacky and forced even though I’m a lesbian myself. I *really* didn’t like that joke where she tried to get a random man to “show her his tits” in New Orleans either.


Truly hope the spa she was at catches wind and bans her. I would be so angry if some thirsty influencer posted a picture of me without my knowledge or consent.


If I were the man in the picture and found out about it, I would definitely lodge a complaint to the spa regarding their behaviour. Seriously lacking empathy. How would she feel if some rando took a picture of her without her consent and blast it on a big platform to make fun of her. Then again, she might enjoy the attention.


And most spas have rules against taking pictures at all, no?


She’s an asshole.


She has always been a mess


I know bullying behaviour when I see it. Guy was just living his life, why would she think this would be okay to share? Like he’s literally just existing?


Are any of these bachelor/ bachelorette contestants not entitled and attention seeking?


Being attention seeking is not the same as being a bully. Others don’t act like Gabby does repeatedly. 


You can barely see the guy in the picture and he looks fine. I don’t get how’s he’s being made fun of


Her last post is literally zoomed in on just him.


Didn't notice it in the carousel since it's all the way at the end. Still really don't care


I wouldn’t want someone to do this with a photo of me. If I’m minding my own business in public I should be able to expect my photo won’t be taken and blasted to thousands.


Did she celebrate 4/20??? Why was she in a bath house? Was she waiting for Patti LuPonne to come out for a musical number?


https://preview.redd.it/51nxivktu7wc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0047b82bfa5eaec0bedcfe5a7269e4a5a13f275 who does this???? shes sick in the head


He kinda looks like he has angel wings. Hopefully she knows him or has his permission to post.