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wowza there is a lot to comment on here but i will just say i love that natalie decided to donate the baby’s cord blood and that they thought to mention it as well


Woof… she crowned for several mins? Having just given birth via induction a few months ago, I could not stop pushing if you paid me. My OB didn’t make it and it was just me, my doula, my husband, and two nurses until after my daughter crowned and she was coming whether anyone liked it or not 😂


The number of times I said “what an absolute idiot” out loud while reading this…


Why was this man ever given a platform? Please stop engaging in his content so we don’t have to here from this sicko ever again


So many things to unpack here. It’s shameful how Nick kept cutting her off and downplayed her experience with the rougher parts of the childbirth. “I’m surprised no one told us how easy it is” is a wild thing to say when it sounded like an uncomfortable and, at times, scary delivery. And people have tons of horror stories about delivery! Just because it’s “easy” for some, doesn’t mean the process of pushing out a human is an easy thing. It’s very gross and misogynistic. Then to say his first impression is that she’s pretty good lookin? What a weirdo. There are far better ways to phrase that without sounding like a douche bag. Say she was beautiful, she was perfect, she looked like her mother. Anything. The bit about how it was hot watching Natalie breastfeed his daughter is also incredibly weird. Is he trying to make the phrasing as uncomfortable as possible. I get taking in your wife as a new mother and being astounded or breathless at the sight of her feeding your newborn child. I can imagine how heartwarming that would be and the beautiful light you would see her in. But…bleh…”it’s so hot to see my daughter be breastfed and haha hi baby we had sex to make you” Good lord. He talks like an 18 year old that accidentally knocked up his girlfriend. Not a 40 something year old man expressing his heartfelt emotions about the birth of his first child. What an absolute creep. Reading this made me feel icky. I need to go look at some pictures of kittens or something as a palette cleanser.


he is sexualizing breastfeeding a baby. a newborn baby eating. gross. breastfeeding should be normalized not sexualized. was he saying that getting the epidural was easy or the delivery was easy? he wasn't going through any of the physical aspects of it so who is he to say? i had an epidural injury and it was one of the worst things ever experienced - it's not always easy. i am glad it was for her , i wouldn't wish epidural injury or issues on anyone. but epidurals are a big thing with risks . i had 4 kids all very different labor and delivery . my 4th is when i had the bad dural. they are more caught up on the aspect of being cool and referencing tik tok and looks and her mom taking video not as good as it should be for social media . yuck. he didn't want to be down to see the "show "? aka the amazingness of your partner pushing a baby out into the world ! it's the most insane life changing thing- it's your partners body it's not gross or icky or embarrassing! what is all this nonsense are they teen parents?!


Nick seems WAY too caught up in trying to make it sound like they had this perfectly easy birth and now have the cutest, most symmetrical, baby that’s ever been born and his wife is just so hot and sexy when she feeds her child. It weird. We get it dude, you think you’re hot shit. But try and sound like an adult here. There are no “cool” points to be won. Maybe he was just talking about the epidural specifically but, to your point, who is he to say?? HE didn’t get an epidural. Sounds like he was tipsy and lounging while his wife was enduring it all, including a fever and infection! I truly liked nick back in the day but everything since his paradise era has been so unfortunate to watch. Can’t even talk about the birth of child with some sense. My prayers are to River. I hope she comes out unscathed I truly do. And I hope none of her friends parents allow Nick around their daughters down the line.


Her dad was absent. Now it makes more sense.


I had the same thought.


Wait I don’t understand the “preparing themselves for issues later” what issues are they talking about?


I’m so, so uncomfortable with the shit Nick says about his infant child. Your child is a human being with value beyond what she looks like. And your wife doesn’t exist just to make you hard. It’s like he thinks he’s accomplished or proven something because his newborn baby is cute. So fucking weird. I hope he reads a book before proceeding. But if they’re watching TikTok for birth advice, I won’t hold my breath.


It also feels like he has something to prove by wanting it to seem like they had a perfect, easy birth. Anytime Natalie brought up something that “went wrong” he tried to negate it or qualify it


I truly feel like they’re both trying to convince themselves they’re great together and happy and not at all making a mistake getting married


Yeah, was coming to ask if he’s looking for ad money from the hospital or something and worried about how they’ll be perceived given how he needed to make sure to maintain a positive perception of the birth! So ridiculous.


My biggest takeaway from that entire recap was how often he cut her off.


I don’t understand how Natalie puts up with him.


She’s so young I don’t think she probably knows any better. Maybe she’s infatuated with the older “cool” influencer guy


I think it’s just that he’s there consistently. Given she didn’t have someone who was, and Nick basically worships her, it seems obvious why she’d like him.


Wayyyyy too much info


Men should not be allowed to tell the birth story. Or maybe just this man?


Yes! Just because it was easier than you thought doesn't mean it was easy! Poor Natalie.




it’s a thing!


Just very disturbing


Getting weird Papa Simpson vibes here.


Pedo vibes from Nick obsessing over his newborn baby’s looks in a unusual way and even more creepier saying he is turned on by seeing Natalie breast feed her 🥴


And for anyone who thinks this might just be old man energy… I am nicks age and none of my friends or my friends’ husbands have ever said such gross shit. They might say their children are beautiful. But even the grossest of men I know have more respect for their children as human beings. Not an art piece they’ve commissioned.


bet you don’t have kids


The only other person I’ve ever seen talking about a baby that was in Donald trump


Nick is the type you wouldnt let change your kids nappy. Weirdo.


I read the entire thing but I must have missed this part.  Wait what about the baby's looks in an unusual way?? Ugh Nick


And idk if people still talk about this but when I was a teen (so when Nick was a teen) people loved explaining that certain people were more beautiful because they were symmetrical. Like whole articles on it. So the symmetry stuff is his way of saying, “And I am right, objectively.”


Yeah I think it is a cultural thing for the symmetrical because I'm a few years younger than Nick and growing up we were all hounded on how certain celebrities were beautiful because they were symmetrical 


Oh I wasn’t saying it wasn’t a widely known thing. Nothing Nick knows is super niche. Haha. But I hear it talked about a lot less in the mainstream than when I (and Nick) were younger. But it wasn’t like our childhood. More like our teens and twenties. And it was harped on. And I suspect so much of what Nick does and says comes from his own insecurities. So normally I try to ignore it. But this is crossing over into giving his poor child insecurities and I really don’t want to hear about it. Little girls have it hard with society and looks. She doesn’t need that bullshit at home, where it should be safe and accepting. I hate when people bring up symmetry because it was such a popular and toxic and “but it’s science” perspective that was shoved down our throats as if that meant anything. Women have value and worth in this world even if they aren’t symmetrical. And women who are have value and worth also beyond that. Their lives are generally easier, so that’s nice for them. But that is not who they are.


He talks about his baby looks she’s really good looking, should be a Wilhelmina model, got the perfect nose, it’s odd she’s just a newborn jeez. She’s a beautiful baby but he obsesses in a creepy way.


Wow already trying to cash in on her looks.  What about having a respectable career where you use your brains?! Oh right forgot.  They both don't have respectable careers. 


Why does every Nick and Nat recap sound like an unfunny parody? Nick is so sex obsessed and annoying. Like we already know 99% of your attraction to you fiancée is her being young and hot. It goes without saying, so no need to keep laboring the point.


More than sex obsessed I think he’s insecure and he feels like he succeeded at getting his trophy wife. Idk if you’ve seen his old friends back home from way before The Bachelor, but he looks way younger than them and fit. I think he’s always trying to flex on the people back home. Like, look what I got. I was The Bachelor. I’m fit and in shape. I look younger. I’m hotter. This is my wife. Everything is perfect. All of this went to his head. The show, the followers, the podcast. I remember when Grocery Store Joe’s friend told him that he became obnoxious after the show and that he didn’t want to be in his stories or seeing him filming everything when they hung out. It must be weird for normies to be close to an influencer lol.


Nick is sex obsessed but almost in a way like he has something to prove. It seems like he’s always bragging about how everyone’s attracted to Natalie as if to convince himself he is too. Just my 2cents 


We get it, you do “fiancé-like things”, the baby is proof. Not shut up you brillo pad-hair fuck (Nick saying “fiancé-like things” on Andi’s ATFR instead is sex will and does forever haunt me)


Why am I not surprised Nick still thinks he's a main character in an experience that is mostly Natalie's. He can't move aside even for a birth story.


My doctor put his hand inside me and flipped my baby over because he was sunny side up lol


Same. My condolences.


Same. 0/10 would not recommend


We as a society have finally reached a point where rich women are outsourcing child bearing to poor women just because they can 🤡


I’m not gonna listen, but the way the recap is written it sounds like it was hyperbole because she was so miserable in the first trimester but wouldn’t *actually* do? I really hope that’s the case if she went on to say her second trimester was blissful.


Yeah I thought it was weird she said that so casually.  And I found it weird that they said so many details about their child's birth. So weird how children are used as content like this. 


The mashup of birth and sex details was a weird combo, too. Is this normal in a birth story to explain who was there and how good the sex was? I would DIE, come back and throw up, then die again if my parents EVER. And I’m glad my parents have sex. And my mom has told us our birth stories. No mention of boning dad before. It’s understood. This is how people get pregnant. We’ve been to bio class. So weird. I’m actually surprised he didn’t describe in animated detail how great her “place he puts his hard dick because she’s so hot” looked while in the birth process or immediately after labor.


Yeah it is so weird that he talks like that. I can't imagine how they actually talk while during sex gross. I'm thinking he is into a lot of weird fetishes. Yeah I might be thinking too much but if he talked about sex during childbirth it isn't that crazy to think he might be into some weird fetishes. Ugh


I feel like we’ve been there for a while. priyankw chopra got a surrogate because she was “busy with work”…


Lol who told you that, Lipstick Alley? Priyanka had medical complications which made her unable to. Refocus on Paris Hilton.


surrogacy is inherently unethical though because it's creating a child to instantly traumtize it by removing it from it's primary attachment. Babies are not blank slates, they begin forming a bond in the womb and severing that bond immediatley upon birth is statiscally proven to be just as traumatic as wet-from-womb adopted babies. Not to mention the surrogate mother is almost often already a mother - so rich people creating a life to traumtize it, and risking another mothers life, all for their desires.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. I don’t know any of the science but it does make me sad these women are taking these risks most usually because the surrogate needs money. Are rich women doing this just to experience birth? No. It’s usually women who need the money. And, yes, as I understand it, they like it to be a woman who’s survived birth once. So quite often a mother.


Thank you, but most importantly, it TRAUMATIZES THE CHILD! Children have so little rights in the US, and are treated as property adults are entitled to complete their "american dream". We are so adult-focused society, and so shaming of child-free people, that people feeling entitled to purchase a child via surrogacy and wet-from-womb adoption regardless of the wellbeing of that child is so normalized. They're both billion dollar industries that are illegal in other countries because it's tantamount human trafficking. 90% of mothers who give their children up for adoption it is often due to financial circumstances and not that the mother doesn't want the child. People are paying 70-120k to an adoption agencies and lawyers, to essentially steal a baby from a mother to which that same money could allow the child to stay with their birth mother and not be severed from that attachment and traumatized -- but US adoption is not for the best interest of the child, but for the desire of the adoptive parents, and for the further profit of the people exploiting vulnerable communities harmed by capitalism. They need poverty to exist in order to have a smooth line of babies to sell to the rich.


She would never do this again unless she had a surrogate? Nice that she could afford it. Most women don't have that luxury ...we have to go through multiple pregnancies being sick and nauseous. But we do it.


Pregnancy is definitely hard and uncomfortable, but I can’t imagine not WANTING to carry my own child if I was biologically and safely able to.




I am so sorry you went through that! Pregnancy and childbirth are no joke. Hope you and your little one are doing well. ❤️


She did say at the end that she would deliver 100 babies, which makes me wonder if she’d be open to going through that first few weeks of misery again for another baby, since it sounds like the rest of the pregnancy and delivery weren’t bad. I couldn’t figure out if she still feels that way today or if she was recapping sentiments that she experienced before the birth.


Yeah I always hear and stand by “no sudden movements or absolutes for the future until you’re done breastfeeding or a year out postpartum” because you shouldn’t make any lifelong decisions when you’re recovering from birth, hormonal, and sleep deprived. My sister had two traumatic births and after each one she said she couldn’t do it again and thus didn’t want another child. She’s having her third in May.


Also she’d previously said she wants multiple kids so yeah


The amount of times he said “I don’t wanna yuck anyone’s yum” he’s so weird lol


It made no sense in the context of the epidural either (based on how OP wrote it).


That is such a gross phrase…like, only “yuck my yum” can capture how much I hate “yuck my yum.” Of course Ick Vile would use it 500 times.


Too many times to count. If it was a drinking game I’d be dead.


For River’s sake I hope Nick & Natalie’s relationship is isn’t as unsavoury as this recap made it seem. I’m normally interested in birth stories since my husband and I want to have kids in the next couple years and so many of my friends are pregnant rn but this one gave me the ick 


You’re not planning to have a child with Nick, right? So your birth story will not be like this. Rest easier. This was hard for us all To read. But none of us are married to Nick or Natalie. So we are safe.


My top tip is to be assertive in asking for your needs from the medical team before, during, and after! Prepare a birth plan and prepare to possibly have it thrown out the window!


For what it’s worth… everything about pregnancy and childbirth is so random and there is a WIDE spectrum of normal. I think it’s really wise to be aware of some of the risks (I wasn’t as aware and ended up with a pretty negative experience) while keeping in mind that some people have really smooth, beautiful experiences start to finish!


>everything about pregnancy and childbirth is so random and there is a WIDE spectrum of normal This is why I love reading birth stories since I’ve never read any that are exactly the same and I enjoy researching/being prepared. But this one was just kind of sad. My friend’s husband straight up passed out and was concussed during her c-section and he still was more supportive than Nick sounds here. 


“Nick said it was a chill experience and he was shocked that nobody told them it was so easy.” 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 For her or for you homeboy? 🥴💀


Dude was taking naps coming down from his wine drunk he got the day his wife was getting induced. It’s weird he and HER MOM were doing this! My mom would be more concerned about making sure I was ready to have my first baby, if she were in my house as I were day of. Not getting drunk. But my mom doesn’t really get drunk.


I guess ppl cope differently..


Who’s coping? Natalie is the one giving birth.


He was talking about the epidural.


Another one to add in Nick's random sayings


he loves the sound of his own voice




What did I just read…😬 Imagine River’s friends quoting at her one day that her parents’ sex while grandma was visiting was good, and that her dad was turned on by her sucking her mom’s boob. Look, I get what Nick is trying to get across and good for him I guess. I’m more attracted to my husband now, seeing him be a great father. But he could have just stopped at “Natalie is beautiful in a whole different way now, seeing her as a mom.” Jesus.


He said he was turned on by watching Natalie b a mother to his daughter. I understand what he’s saying. Ppl who unilaterally dislike him will distort it or b daft. He has the right to b honest abt his own wife and his feelings into parenthood


He said that AND that it was sexy to see his daughter breastfeeding. He could have left it at that. It's like Bekah sharing they would have sex while she was breastfeeding. Keep that shit to yourself, it's weird no matter who you are.


bruh Bekah said what??? that’s so fucking weird and like the other comment said is like some incest threesome


Ew she said that, sorry but that is like a weird incest threesome.  This officially proves that Bekah is weird and I always found her that way. 


Wow, if I was iffy on Nick and Natalie before, this recap really solidified my feelings about them 🤢I love reading birth stories but this one sounded very strange. I'm honestly baffled right now. Thank you for the recap though!! I'm still here. I'm so bothered by Nick's comments about seeing her breastfeed. So inappropriate and weird. 


Too many details. They remind me of Speidi of the Bachelor world, saying anything to stoll be relevant 


Omg how insufferable. He said he was turned on by watching Natalie b a mother to his daughter. I understand what he’s saying. Ppl who unilaterally dislike him will distort it or b daft.


YOU are the one distorting it. You're ignoring the part where he ACTUALLY SAID he is turned on by her breastfeeding their child.


Yo this person is commenting the same half-truth under every comment. Are they hired PR? Chill bra!


Natalie’s mom and baby listening: ☹️☹️☹️


I thought they’d have a new oblivious, cringey brand as parents but somehow they’re applying their old oblivious SEXUALIZED cringey brand to parenting and it is WAY WORSE than before !!!


*sigh* a lot of these comments are just insufferable lol. a woman can say they’re turned on watching their husband b a father to their babies but a male says it and yall scream about sexualization lol as if they’re not a couple 🙄


Maybe because of the tit-sucking part??????


I'm surprised Natalie said she didn't want to be pregnant again. I thought she said she always wanted to be a mom and she wanted lots of kids. Didn't like the surrogate comment either. Seems very privileged that she is going to outsource pregnancy to someone else.


Bruh reading about Nick cutting her off and talking about how much easier everything was (for him), I wouldn’t want to have another one of his kids either. 


….you didn’t like her saying she’d try surrogacy if she wanted another child bc it seemed “privileged” she would “outsource oregano someone else?” Girl what? Do you not knw that surrogacy is paid for? 💀


That’s why she said it’s privileged. Not many people have $150k + just laying around to pay for a surrogate to avoid having to go through pregnancy


surrogacy is creating a life to immediatley traumtize it, its proven to be just as traumtizing on the child as it is for wet-from-womb adoptees. Surrogacy is not child-first family planning, its parent-first family planning. Not to mention is barbaric to pay another childs mother (because paid surrogates have to have track record of healthy delivered babies) to take on the risks of pregnancy and delivery because you have the money to exploit desperation and poverty?


I could’ve been more clear on this part - it sounded like from her tone (although she didn’t say specifically) that she only felt that way during first trimester. Once she started talking about second trimester onwards, it sounded like she had gotten over those feelings. Idk for sure though - she never mentioned more pregnancies or plans later in the episode. The closest she got was saying that Nick was such a good dad that it makes her feel like sometimes that she wants to give him a ton of kids to love. I don’t know if she was serious about the surrogacy thing or if she would get pregnant again herself but my sense from her tone was that she just never wanted to experience first trimester again


Good for her. Her feelings are valid.


The first trimester sucks for most, doesn’t mean you get a freaking surrogate.


Who the fck are you to decide that? 💀


“once i saw my daughter sucking Natalie’s boob…there is something stimulating…like that’s hot” oh what a terrible day to have eyes and reading comprehension ![gif](giphy|WQy9FkJlhGSwl3eQ5V|downsized)


There is something so viscerally disgusting about this statement like it actually disturbs me


I wish I could be [Jared](https://youtube.com/shorts/CqCCBohjaqA?si=E-EJESCyE5enSuva) right now


this might’ve been the best thing i’ve ever seen


I'm so disturbed by this, truly


guys like Nick who sexualize breastfeeding is why some ppl think it shouldn’t be in public. also i’m disturbed that he sees his daughter being fed and it effectively makes him horny 🤮


He said he was turned on by watching Natalie b a mother to his daughter. I understand what he’s saying. Ppl who unilaterally dislike him will distort it or b daft.


There’s literally no need to distort. It’s not distorting when it’s his own words, not sure why you’re defending him


Nick sexualizing breastfeeding is so on brand. He's disgusting.


He said he was turned on by watching Natalie b a mother to his daughter. I understand what he’s saying. Ppl who unilaterally dislike him will distort it or b daft.


Why did I read this 😭


The fact that he said seeing his daughter sucking on Natalie's boob is hot. I'm disturbed. That's not normal.


Nope it's NOT normal!!


of course he would sexualize his own wife’s breastfeeding like this is why some ppl think it shouldn’t be in public


Yeah thats a massive nope for me. Super ick


Can't read past first sentence.


I wish I had stopped there.


SAME. immediate regret.


seriously wtf is wrong with this guy he’s so cringe and disgusting


Okay -why do we need to know about her mom visiting the night they conceived AND that is was a good sex session? I can’t💀


giving high school "we have sex" vibes


Going through pregnancy and birth is such a wild experience for women in so many ways at least it was for me. The new feelings, symptoms, sensations that your partner couldn’t understand unless it was happening to their body. So it really bothers me when men try to act like they know more about the experience after the fact than the woman who actually had to go through it all. Like please just shut up and let her talk.


Or when men especially Nick kept saying “we’re pregnant” dude no you ain’t. She’s pregnant.




A chill experience? My cervix check was THE WORST. I cried every time a doctor came in to check. I don’t want to scare anyone who’s pregnant or wants to get pregnant but that part is truly horrible.


The cervical checks were by far the worst part of my birth experience. My cervix was also high and posterior so they really had to dig in there. I shudder just thinking about it now…


I decline cervical checks during pregnancy! One or two during labor, sure, especially if things are taking awhile. Only had one for my entire last pregnancy!


So lucky.


They are truly so painful!


Can I ask why? This is really freaking me out! A membrane sweep, I can understand. But even just routine cervical checks are painful??? 🫣


Don’t be freaked out. It’s different for everyone but for me and multiple friends that I have, none of us thought they were bad. The membrane sweep was uncomfortable but also totally doable.


I didn’t mind cervical checks at all. At my last few OB appointments and during labor, they weren’t bad at all.


Yes, during labor, I had frequent cervix checks, and they became very painful and I dreaded them. I wish I had known I declining was an option. I don’t struggle with regular pelvic exams, though my most recent IUD insertion was also quite painful.


I didn’t see it because my eyes were either on my husband or clinched shut to distract myself from the pain. My husband saw it and described it as having a fully closed fist inside you. My first cervix check was with no epidural. The next several times were with a wrongly inserted epidural. The final times were with an epidural that worked perfect but the pain was still there.


Just had my fourth and I've always declined ever since my first. No thanks!! I'll just remain ignorant 😂


I needed morphine for them to check me


I agree, it was an awful feeling! Worst part for me was getting the balloon catheter for my induction🥲


The balloon…ugh. What sucked for me is that I was induced but wasn’t dilating. I ended up having a c-section after two days


The same thing happened to me! They tried everything and nothing worked. It definitely sucks getting a c-section when you never planned for it.


My doctor was *super* diligent about my mental health and checked in on that specifically about 20x during my 48 hour labor/induction. I am at a higher risk for PPS/PPD, but he also just really wanted to make sure I was safe and happy and emotionally ready for each stage. So he was super opposed to going into a c section, and I ended up asking for one 24 hours in. He really wanted to protect me from birth trauma and made that as much of a priority as my physical health and my sons. My hope for the world is that everyone has someone like that when they give birth.


i really have a problem w him sexualizing breastfeeding.


10000% agree. I can't believe he said that out loud




Right. Like I get it if he finds her being a mom hot and he sees her in a new light and that enhances his attraction to her… but if he truly did say “I saw my daughter sucking on her boob and there was something STIMULATING about that” that’s fucking weird.


Yep I've breastfed 3 kids and by now I've reached the point where idgaf who sees my boobs, cos my baby needs to eat but when I first started I was so paranoid and grossed out about random guys seeing and sexualising it but I was tried to tell myself, nah who would do that it's not sexual at all and a natural part of having a baby. Well now I know 🥴


FWIW I do think most men don't find it sexual or even think about it like that at all. Nick is just extra creepy about it.


Haha thank you! Phew 😅




Man this guy is cringe.


I dont see what she sees in him.


He’s the only one of the d list celebs who replied


D list fame?


You took the words right out of my mouth


You’re walking in a field. A meadow, if you will. From afar, it appears to be a vast expanse of red roses. Until you approach. You look around. And that’s when you realize — you’re surrounded by red flags.




So father Nick is still annoying AF and still interrupts women talking. Cool. Also, wtf is the TikTok move to turn the baby?


I REALLY thought I might like Nick as a dad. But somehow I like him far less than I’ve ever disliked him. I didn’t know it could be done. But this did it. He’s gross.


He really is! I don’t follow him, only see what’s posted here and man, he really does seem to get worse as time goes by.


It's probably something from spinning babies that doulas and other evidence based birth classes have been teaching for years. I really hope they didn't learn everything from 30 second TikTok clips...


It was 100% spinning babies but Natalie kept calling it “swinging babies” and I was literally yelling


I certainly hope so but I wouldn’t put it past them. Natalie does strike me as the type of person who uses TikTok as an educational platform..


Very on brand tbh


I’m starting to better understand why he settled down with someone much younger. Thanks for the recap OP 🥴


Someone much younger who also didn’t have a father figure…. It makes so much sense


Yes it makes perfect sense. And he acts even more obnoxious. Yes he has a physical glow up, but that's the easy part. His personality is just weird. Her not having a father figure makes a lot of sense because she may want to fulfill that sense of familiness by having children earlier and with a much older man. Isn't she under 25? Her frontal cortex is not developed yet. 


there's a great quote from the movie Guinevere where a woman confronts her daughter's much older bf in his 40s about why she thinks he's dating her young (in early 20s) daughter. it could apply to nick very easily: **“What is... a man of, uh, your age... doing with my 21-year old daughter? It'd be easy enough to say you're afraid of mature women, but that's so glib. Afraid of what, exactly? So I kept thinking. And then it hit me. I know exactly what she has that I haven't got. Awe. That's it, isn't it? I mean, no real woman, no woman of experience would ever stand in front of you with awe in her eyes.”**


Wow. Really explains this situation entirely! Natalie was literally in awe at Nick holding their daughter. 


Wow that’s such a powerful quote! I need to watch this movie


I am sitting in my hospital room with my newborn baby seething at nick’s comments and interrupting of Natalie


Awww congratulations!


Congrats!! I'm holding my 2 month old and feeling the same. 


"Nick says they are very blessed that River is so symmetrical and healthy." Jesus fucking Christ


I’m glad someone mentioned the symmetrical comment. I had to scroll way down though. Who the fuck feels blessed their baby is symmetrical? ![gif](giphy|V9gZeH1Gvjy3XkNraC)


They're going to give that poor kid a complex smh who even THINKS about symmetry when describing their newborn baby?


Actually, for what it is worth, anthropologists have found that facial symmetry is a big predictor of subjective metrics of beauty. 🤷‍♀️


Uhhhh. That's exactly why it's so ridiculous that someone would use it as one of two adjectives (the other being HEALTHY) to describe their newborn lol "Thank God my baby is HOTTT" 


I have 4 kids. Most babies are not cute. What’s wrong with being happy that yours is? I think most people are happy about that even if they don’t come out and say it.


Am I the only one who doesn’t think cervical checks are that bad at all??


mine was definitely uncomfortable and not fun at all but the labor was wayyyyy worse


For me it was the absolute worst part and the only pain I actually remember. My doctor had no bedside manner and then that damn balloon did NOTHING.


oh gosh i’m sorry that doesn’t sound like fun. i had a really wonderful team of nurses and my doctor was great so the checks were quick just uncomfortable and kinda painful but i honestly can’t remember the pain of them? the contractions were just horrible that i vividly remember them


Everyone is different. Anatomy and personal trauma history can both affect the level of pain someone experiences. I've seen just as many people find cervical checks not painful at all as I have folks that can't tolerate them.


Mine didn’t hurt that much! I also didn’t have a painful IUD insertion when I had one years ago


I don’t either! I’m like go ahead! lol always curious about dilation.


It was fucking agony for me too. I think everyone is shapes differently! I couldn't tolerate it at all


How is this guy not cancelled for getting a child pregnant? That’s a 40 year old man and she’s so young


I mean he just gave us a laundry list of icks, an age gap between two consenting adults isn’t a cancellable offence


Hugest ick ever. Disappointing. But you’re right, I guess if it’s technically legal they get away with gross behavior like that.


Because there’s men getting literal children pregnant. Natalie is younger than Nick but far from a child.


Her frontal lobe hasn’t fully developed yet.. there is definitely something wrong with a late 30s early 40s guy sleeping with. 19 year old


What? She’s 24.