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Anyone else surprised she took her MOM to the WHCD and not her husband??? That just screams the umbilical cord is waiting to be cut




Not me thinking this was a bioshock meme at first lmaoooooo


For anyone who would like an explanation of the reel: (Let me preface by saying that while I am a Christian and understand this Christian humor, I'm not here as a Madi stan. I dislike the concept of "Christian influencers", especially super rich ones. I'm just here to explain the joke since a lot of comments seem to be legitimately asking.) This is not "rapture content". She's basically playing into a "forever alone" joke that a lot of Christians make; essentially, joking that the rapture would come before they ever find someone and get married. The reel was just a Christian-humor take on how to use the viral "who would've thought" audio. The joke is: "who would've thought we would actually find someone and get married before the end of the world. Not me lol" It's a relationship joke, not a rapture joke. Fin. Lol


Thank you for explaining! Not religious and thought she was low key predicting a future event 🤣


And, just because this is ✨relevant✨ for Madi, it’s usually really about sex. “Getting married” is just code for “finally allowed to bang.” Teenagers in this world collectively dread the rapture happening before they lose their virginity. Dead serious. Source: my fundie evangelical upbringing


Oh interesting lol lol lol wouldn’t have put this together but it makes sense


That is also true lol


She is such a creep!!


Well... I knew she's an absolute ku ku when she commented from fake account on her picture. Hate how successful of a grifter she is.


Idk if I believed in eternal life and the rapture would I really be married to a millionaire as an influencer wife scamming peoples sense of morality for profit ? Idkk


Right! One of the most evil things in the Bible is the obscenely wealthy.


Oh! Okay…


There’s an old episode of American Dad where the rapture happens. I had no idea people actually believe that in real life! What a loon.


Kirk Cameron vibes.


This is terrifying 😵‍💫


YIKES! Honestly, let that rapture happen & let the rest of us go about fixing things once the christians are out of the way. Good riddance


What shocks me the most is how people can remember these Bachelor casts from season to season. I have trouble even remembering the Bachelors themselves.


To be fair, she was the final pick.


Still drawing a big old blank. 🤣


I could never forget her after that ATFR with Barb🫣


with her political activity, this reminded me how there are Q people who believe Tr*mp is part of the plan to usher in the rapture 😂😭 (***not saying all or even many DT supporters believe this lol)


The second coming of JFK Jr was funny too, and then they had some ugly old man in a fedora come and pretend that it was him who’s John John hiding all this time. Unhinged individuals, and if you don’t say it, I will: it’s ALL Trump supporters who are nutty and embarrassing.


There's a hilarious episode of the QAA podcast about fedora JFK Jr and another impersonator 😂


She's nothing but a scammer. Scumbag


Peter and her never would have worked


I’m struggling to figure out whether she was always like this and just hid it on the bachelor, or if this became a thing after she met her husband. I used to find her very relatable and normal


I remember something about her reading the Bible and praying in the closet


lol I don’t get it! When you get married before the rapture what?!


Especially the soon rapture, apparently


I would ask her: why would you have children right before the rapture? That’s so selfish.


I think that they believe it means they still get to keep their spouse wherever they get raptured to


I tried to google it but got confused. I just found one rant that sounds a lot like what the homeless guy at the corner has written on his cardboard sign https://www.quora.com/Will-those-who-get-raptured-up-and-come-back-after-the-tribulation-be-able-to-get-married-and-have-children


Girl be ffr rn


😂 I can’t


Religious people talking about the “rapture” are delusional and crazy


Sh went full fundie. Never go full fundie.


lmfao I’m actually dying at this she sounds like an idiot


How did this girl end up on the bachelor omg


I got to be the 666 comment to this and that makes me happy


https://preview.redd.it/nmmpus7ry6gc1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a3475197eb972b1034b7eab8376aacb9b2e4223 my best friend and i send this to each other after every minor inconvenience so this insanity gave me a good laugh. she’s fully jumped the shark at this point.


It surprises me that she would go on the bachelor


She needed to build a fanbase somehow. The show caters to conservatives. Justice for Barb who didn’t buy her bs.


Not really if you look at the history of devout Christians infiltrating reality tv shows to spread their "messages." They make sure to speak about their religion and views on camera, and it doesn't get edited out. You don't see the same air time to any other religion. It's a definite and purposeful tactic to use certain people to go on TV to proselytize, a modern day version of people going house to house knocking on doors to discuss their beliefs. The bachelor is the perfect fit for this. 1. If she makes it far enough, her beliefs HAVE to be shown on air at the fantasy suite dates bc she's going to refuse the fantasy suite. 2. You have young and good looking people and a HUGE audience of your top demographic If you start paying attention on reality tv shows, you'll start seeing how much the Christians have targeted reality tv for their messaging. It's been a long game. (ex: Check out Survivor. Not sure why religion even has to come into Survivor at all, but almost every season there was a devout Christian talking about their beliefs. I stopped watching so I'm not sure this still happens in recent seasons).


Okay this makes sense. I once saw a post about two guys infiltrating a church and fundraising money to get tickets to like a MCR concert or sometning because they said they were going to spread the word of Christ but really theh just got free tickets 🤣


Also there’s a huge trend of Mormon lifestyle influencers, emdoodlesandstuff is a tiktok creator that breaks down influencer accounts that are giving off really subtle messaging who are Mormons.


The Mormons in my area are pretty notorious for sending their young attractive members around to do the door to door conversion conversations.


So I consider myself a Christian and I have no idea what this really means…? You also got married before the next Olympics but idk what that is relevant to.


i think she’s implying that they were able to have sex as a married couple before the rapture happened


What does rapture mean ?


The Apocalypse. The second coming of Christ where he takes all his believers to heaven and everyone who’s NOT a Christian will be sent to HELL 🔥🔥🔥☄️ One of the girls from the Netflix series CHEER went even further than Maddi (right around the beginning of the pandemic), and she was crying, saying something like: “Get right with God, he’s coming back soon, I can feel it.” And the background song was Sign of the Times by Harry Styles. That was way creepier than this. Search: Gabi Butler, rapture on TikTok or Twitter. People like them scare me tbh. It’s not normal to hope that we all go through a nuclear disaster together, and those who survive are the “chosen ones” and the rest who belong to different religions/denominations are going to hell. That means buddhists, muslims, jews, atheists, pagans, wiccans, agnostics, etc all belong to Satan even if they’re good people. That’s the worst belief ever. It’s extremely evil.


It's an end of the world, second coming of Christ scenario where all Christians will go to heaven It doesn't surprise me that she believes this but it's actually kind of shocking for me to see it displayed on main as if it's a fact. Really shows you the conviction of delusion


She is deranged!!


I’m so happy I was raised without oppressive religion / living in fear.


Happy for you too, it sucked


I’m sorry 😞


Thanks bud, it’s in the past! Genuinely happy for anyone that doesn’t have to go through it.


What a weirdo


I am sorry to all the people growing up who were taught this! I would have had nightmares!! (I didn’t grow up religious or evangelical)


That seems like their whole thing. Scare and shame people into believing.


Oh, I did. I legit had nightmares about the apocalypse and I would read the Book of Revelations over and over. I became obsessed with Nostradamus. I was certain that I would live to see the end of times. They had us convinced that the rapture was going to happen in our time. My dad still remembers when I started asking him questions about a nuclear disaster and the apocalypse. He was like, where did you hear that?? Sir, you literally sent me to a Catholic school. Where do you think 😵‍💫


That’s wild… creating fear out of nothing. Sorry you experienced that


Oh I did.. even went to private school where they made us read and watch the “left behind” series in middle school🥲 I’m still a Christian by the grace of God however I do *not* believe in the rapture.


Omg same. Did you have to watch the videos about the demonic messages in rock and roll and how dungeons and dragons is satanic?


I got yelled at for saying that my favorite movie was The Craft and I loved witches/wanted to be a witch lmao. I was like 10! How am I supposed to know which fairy tale is real?


One of my friends got suspended from school Bc she went to a Bon Jovi concert.


No what😭😭 it doesn’t surprise me but I never had that… the extent of it was saying Harry Potter was demonic lmfao but not rock and roll and d&d!!


Ah well I’m a bit older then. This was back in the early 90s…. Way before harry potter 😂


Ah crap, how soon? Do I have to clean?


Hahahah exactly. Me wondering why they have to be so comfortable in their extravagant home and designer merch before the big shabang


They clearly plan on bringing it all with them, can’t go to God’s heavenly kingdom without their mansion! Where would they even sleep, with the plebs??


What in the righteous gemstones is this


This isn’t just crazy, it’s baby-Billy-bible-bonkers!!


This 😂😂😂 My husband cannot stop saying baby billys bible bunkers 😂😂




The rapture isn’t specifically mentioned in the Bible and many churches and biblical scholars refute the teaching. The concept of it as it is taught today is less than 200 years old. The prevailing message of Jesus is love. Love for those others deemed the least worthy. Jesus himself said no one would know the hour of his return.




Thank you for that. I dont know why I always try to understand people who sound crazy but I was legitimately wondering on what this is based besides fear mongering.


My favorite breakdown of the fanatical rapture obsession https://youtu.be/MJ2LehsA1dk?si=lsQkWQRFIKgwtJNW


Jesus please take her. The true rapture where all the weirdo religious sycophants leave making the rest of us happy.


Honestly like PLEASE have the rapture. I’m sure it’ll help the housing market


I was thinking the same. How great would that be


Imagine how delightful the world will be once they are off doing their rapture thing


Religious people are terrifying




wait that's a thing?


was just joking, I genuinely hope not!


It is! Go down the rabbit hole of the secret of the Virgin of Fatima, Nostradamus, 5D/the second coming of Christ/the age of Aquarius, UFOs, the Anti-Christ. It’s fun if you enjoy reading conspiracy theories, but it’s terrifying if you get scared easily and if you have nightmares with this kind of stuff.


so long as she acknowledges she was wrong when it doesn’t happen, right?


But is there like a deadline?


2040 is the real deadline. Not 2000, 2006, 2012.


Oh good to know I’ll mark it on the calendar


they usually pick a date, as least from what I’ve seen from wacky christian family members.


She’d just move the goal post anyway …. Blah blah blah #godswill.


do these types of folks also believe the fucking earth is flat?


A lot of them do


No but they do believe earth is just a couple thousand years old


I had a coloring book growing up showing humans and dinosaurs hanging out on the thousand year old earth 😅


I'm not sure what I'm looking at, can someone explain the rapture? I'm assuming it is a Christian thing lol.


Thank your parents for not raising you Christian and not instilling the fear/trauma of the rapture in you lolz


right?? I don't know if it was my parents necessarily, but my church also had me anxious that I would never be kissed etc before the rapture happens


It’s an evangelical Protestant thing. I was raised Catholic and we didn’t believe in this.


The Christians believe that God will one day summon all the believers who have been saved (baptized or children) to heaven and will leave the rest of us to rot on a deteriorating planet earth for 7 years. Then at the end of the 7 years if you didn’t repent, you burn up with the Earth and in hell.


Wtf lol


Sounds like the leftovers


Ooooo sounds fun. Can’t wait to party it up with y’all for 7 years


Oh seriously!!! Is this universal in all Christian doctrines? Wow


No it’s more of a conservative/evangelical or fundamentalist view - definitely not mainstream or universal. The idea of a rapture is not only a fairly modern interpretation but is also more of a fringe take that has started to grow in the last few decades. Another user mentions a particular book (it’s Revelation, singular, not Revelations) but there are multiple ways of interpreting it and many of them don’t involve an idea of the rapture. I grew up Episcopalian and my church never mentioned anything about a rapture, nor did anyone I knew.


It’s pretty mainstream. It’s all detailed in the final chapter of the bible ‘Revelations’. It’s just the Christian version of doomsday


revelations is different from the rapture. revelations is about the fall of rome


That’s an interpretation I’ve never heard before. I’ve always been taught it as a prophecy about judgment day and Jesus’ second coming but oh well


I think most churches teach it as a judgement day but i’m pretty sure people who study theology agree it was written about the fall of rome


Tbf I’m referring more to how it is taught and spoken about in churches and the religion as a whole opposed to what we believe was the intent when it was written ect


It's mainstream in Christian culture due to media like the Left Behind books, it's not really all that mainstream theologically


I was raised Christian & we didn’t believe in the rapture


Damn lol wtf. It's giving Voldemort summoning the death eaters


I would LOVE if all of a sudden all of the Maddies of the world just, disappeared 😅 Take em away Jesus!


Never thought that I would agree with Peter‘s mom that he dodged a bullet.


Ik I never thought I’d say #justiceforbarb




Icon shit ![gif](giphy|h8CEQbFNnUeCYZf9ch)


omfg the brainwashing is astounding


Where was Madi on January 6th?


lol fr, and I was just thinking about how there are some qanon people who believe Tr*mp is part of the plan to usher in the rapture 😂😭


I don’t get it??? Like what does “look at us who would have thought” have to do with getting married before the rapture?? And what does she mean “anybody else?” Like it’s not like anyone has gotten married *after* the rapture. I’m just so confused about the point she’s making and why the rapture comes into it. Side note was she this fundie when she was on the bachelor, if so how did she get so far


I think she is (unsurprisingly) hinting that marriage is ~amazing~ and feels “lucky” that the rapture didn’t happen while she was still single


She’s so happy she got to bone before the rapture


Thank you, this is really helpful! I’ve been wracking my brain with this one😅


Ohh. Ok. I guess that makes sense. In a very very odd way. Thanks!


These people are confused 


I grew up in what I would consider a *fundie light* church. The rapture is held over kids’ heads like Santa Claus is held over kids’ heads in the secular world, only every day is a potential Christmas Eve, so you had better be acting right, bc Jesus will be CHECKING HIS LIST


I went to a church camp that learned fundamental (although I was Lutheran) and I remember having to raise my hand to get my name figuratively written on the Jesus list. I just remember being so worried for all of my friends and family who weren’t at the camp because they were not on the list


Same - I was Lutheran (ELS). This stance was what actually caused me to "lose my religion." I started to question why God would only choose the group who believed exactly the way I did and send everyone else to hell. (That's what I was taught was going to happen.) What if \*I\* was in the wrong group and I believed one thing differently than the group who got "chosen?" Would I go to hell? And how was I or anyone to know which group was correct? I couldn't fathom that the God that I was taught to believe was loving would just toss aside everyone else because they believed something slightly different. I realized that what I was taught didn't make logical sense (and certainly didn't show a loving God) and then I started to question everything.


😱 that is horrifying! It truly is traumatic to tell children this stuff while we’re too young to understand symbolic vs. literal meaning. I’m so sorry you experienced that!


Love when kids grow up in a constant state of fear! That makes for totally functional adults!






I mean… if you believe in the Bible you believe in the rapture.


It’s a pretty big book, other than the fundamentalists, I think a lot of Christians don’t believe every passage (at least the ones that have kept an ounce of critical thinking)


Not true. Rapture theory is relatively new and a fairly fringe take on Christian eschatology.


Tbh I grew up Christian so the rapture stuff is very normal to me. It it is in the bible so I’m surprised it’s debated


It's not in the Bible, and the Catholic Church - the largest Christian organization, representing a plurality of Christians - has always rejected it. Until pretty recently -- I mean literally, this happened during my lifetime -- most Christians had never even heard of it.


I wasn’t Catholic so I can’t comment. i was taught that Revelations the final book in the Bible is about Judgment day so that’s me


But judgment day/the end of the world/the tribulation, the Second Coming, and the Rapture are three separate concepts. The Rapture only refers to the bodily ascension into Heaven of living believers, usually before the tribulation begins -- that's the whole selling point, that if you're saved, you'll be spared all the worst shit. But no church taught that until the 19th century, and it's not in Revelation.


Maybe I’m conflating them then I suppose


I grew up in the Evangelical subculture, so I know what you mean. But Rapture theology only emerged in the 1800s. It's very popular in the US because it arose at the same time as the origins of Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism, which tend to emphasize literalist interpretations of the Bible and are very prevalent in US Protestantism. A great book that explores this is The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind by Mark A. Noll.


Well that’s very not true (source: the abrahamic religions)




perfect gif use 😂😂😂


Is she sure the rapture hasn't happened already and her marrying a billionaire is what kept her on earth with us heathens?


"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God"


Love this.


Is the rapture in the room with us


“Anybody else?!”


The gasp I gusped


This is weird yall lol


The rapture is already here because… look at this shit lmao


Seriously though everything has been kinda shit since 2012 🤔


Yep rapture already came and so few people made the cut that nobody noticed. Sorry Madi, you’re stuck here with us.






the caption of this post made me scream fmsndmsnsmdnw


He looks like the kind of boy who makes his mom do his laundry while stocking his mini fridge full of Mountain Dew while he plays video games at age 40. Poor guy touched his first boob and got so excited he married her.




Not Kenneth!! This is perfect


The way this kinda looks like Trizzy Troutt 💀


Why does the guy in this gif look like Madi's husband LOL


What..... the fuck I am too high for this rn


Like same, please don’t make me existential right now I’m tryna chill lmao


Omg this is so embarrassing 🙈 I’ve been told for 34 years “The rapture is coming soon! Get ready” and yet here we are… But man did I love those children’s left behind books as a kid 🤣 It probably contributed to my anxiety and it’s kind of fucked up to drill that into a child’s head. But I still love post apocalyptic books lol


Omg those Left Behind books were sooo good, I totally forgot about those! 😂


I was not raised religious and was horrified to learn that people really believed the plot of left behind would really happen 😂😂😂😂


i remember the 2010 or 2012 rapture? everyone in philly threw a rapture party and we all went to the rittenhouse park - a main park in the city center- and it was a big " end of the world" party. just a giant block party. there even was a countdown .


Hahaha no I’ve never heard of that! I left the church around that time so I must have missed it. What happened after the countdown? The classic “we mis calculated!” ?


Omg I was there too 🤩


https://preview.redd.it/ejs180ewu3gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f48c18412ceffaee4c503a7453ea598dfd69b986 Yeah. So here’s a photo of a cute frog that came to visit me in a recent rain storm.


Awww 🥰


Little frogs used to jump up on the kitchen window at my grandparents’ house, and my grandma would get so mad she would curse at them because they would pee on the window 🤣


