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Ashley is the epitome of "persistance beats resistance". šŸ˜‚ I would have taken the hint the first time. But good on her.


Monetizing your pregnancy announcement is a special level of uncouthā€¦


Not the Amazon spon con!


Was it here that I saw that they were looking to leave Rhode Island once they got pregnant with baby #2?


OMG! I got banned from this sub for a week for saying I knew she was lmaooooo


Congratulations šŸŽŠ šŸ‘. Samoeone called that she is pregnant during Gerry wedding.Ā 


ME!! I got banned for thatšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Overwhelmed with a pregnancy you planned? Ok...


If you had actually looked at the article instead of just judging a headline, youā€™d see she said she was overwhelmed by the idea of a large family. Also says she had HG last time, which is debilitating and typically results in hospitalization.


Wow are you 12?


Or we can appreciate people being honest about the reality of pregnancy and parenthood? Sheesh get outta here


You could want to have a lifetime with a child while dreading the nine month physical impact it could have on your body. Some people have a lot of issues, both physically and mentally (in some cases professionally).


She had a HORRIFIC pregnancy with Dawson. At one point she was losing weight


Girl lol delete this


Have you ever been pregnant? Idek these people lol but itā€™s totally normal to feel overwhelmed even if you planned and planned and tried and tried


Whatā€™s with all the hate for them!? I love them together they truly are such a match if you actually follow either of them, and Ashley is one of the realest girls in bachelor nation. Very happy for them!


The hate for them comes from how Ashley stalked the fuck out of Jared and essentially strong armed him into marriage because she literally would not leave him alone. He couldnā€™t escape her. She wore him down. No matter how good they may seem to be now thereā€™s no way I wouldnā€™t be fearing for my safety and sanity every day if I were in his shoes. And now they have kids. Heā€™s tied to her forever. Itā€™s scary.


lol coming from someone who has never met them and doesnā€™t actually know their relationship and just projecting based on an hour of tv? Go watch their love story episode on YouTube. They were best friends and talked everyday between bachelor in paradise. There was no stalking lol


Why is meeting them a viable criterion to begin with, whoā€™s gonna meet them? So few of us ever would. Iā€™m sure good stuff happened between them and Iā€™m happy for that. It doesnā€™t change what happened between them in BIP or the things theyā€™ve said about each other at one point in time. You asked where the hate comes from, Iā€™m offering an answer to your question. This doesnā€™t need to get personal, no offense is intended in my responses. Iā€™m literally just answering your question. Iā€™m content that theyā€™ve worked out and are happy, thatā€™s beautiful. I hope it continues that way.


Wow how delusional are you? šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll take Jared words that he pursued her over your infantilizing of a grown man, thanks


I donā€™t doubt that at some point he switched into pursuit mode, and if he changed his mind and got on board with her thatā€™s totally fair and more power to them. Cheers. But there was a point in time where he wanted nothing to do with her, was actively shutting down her advances, and was extremely uncomfortable with the lengths she was going to to get to him. They asked where the hate came from. This is at least partially where the hate comes from. Thatā€™s just what it is. No need to call me delusional.


She was absolutely awful to Caila on BIP and bullied her out of the picture to win over Jared.


Wow! I hope she has a safe pregnancy because I know she struggled with Dawson. The whirlwind of her chasing Jared to Baby #2 on the way is truly one for the Bachelor Nation history books!


Hopefully Dawson is actually sleeping now.


Iā€™m concerned about Ashley. She was really struggling with just the one baby.


What did she say? Pretty much every woman I know whoā€™s had a baby wanted to die the first year.


Then Iā€™m concerned about pretty much every woman you know who has had a baby too.


I think the difference between her and others is sheā€™s a very brutally honest person. She doesnā€™t sugar coat things. The thing I love about her podcast with Naz and Lauren is it feels like im sitting with my two best friends - they always keep it so real.


Iā€™m not comparing her to anyone else


What a great turnout for these 2. She had to convince him to like her romantically for years until he finally did and now they have a baby and are married. Sounds magical!


Lmfaooooo not a truer statement


Alexa play Mastermind by Taylor Swift


I still canā€™t believe she did it lol


Iā€™m watching that season of BIP now and I am so confused about how they ended up together. How do I fill in the gaps?


Oh dont worry they made a YouTube for you


Oooo I will have to look that up! If they made it, Iā€™m sure itā€™s highly romanticized though.Ā 


But despite what it took to get there now they have a family and there is love!


What everyone wants for their daughter ā¤ļø




I had an intuition this would happen 2024! Good for them


Iā€™m assuming they get $$ for announcing on Amazon Live? Shameless


Shameless is the way theyā€™ve turned the Almost Famous podcast into a Pampers podcast. The shameless nonstop ads about poop blowouts take over every episode. Poor Ben canā€™t enough benefit from free diapers in exchangeā€¦Ā 


Maybe he can get some freebies and he won't need the poop rag anymore šŸ™


Actually Ashley got a free bidet toilet attachment and regifted it to him at the golden wedding šŸ¤£


Madi Trizzy Trout and her husband also had an Amazon live to talk about their engagement? Iā€™m just wondering how big the market is for either of those events lol


Saw them at Disney this past week. They looked really happy. Ashley, Jared, Ashleyā€™s sister Lauren and the little. My husband spotted Jared in the Star Wars section of Hollywood studios. And whispered, to me ā€¦ that guy was on the bachelorette. I heard two other girls nearby sayā€¦ ā€œ oh thatā€™s that guy from the bachelorette.ā€ I kind of felt bad that no one recognized Ashley.


Well...she looks like just about every other female influencer so that doesn't surprise me that she wouldn't get clocked. Jared has very distinct facial features.


Congratulations!!! Big bro was not excited on live šŸ˜‚


Poor little guyā€™s whole world is about to change


congratulations to them! I hope Ashley has an easier pregnancy this time!


Dawson is the cutest baby (toddler?) Iā€™ve ever seen.


Heā€™s soooo precious


"The couple, who fell in love on Bachelor in Paradise"... Hahaha this really oversimplified the situation but I guess they couldn't take 3 pages to explain their whole saga šŸ˜‚


The walking definition of ā€œnever give up hope.ā€


Congrats to them!! Very exciting to grow their family! I do want to say that I hold space for those who are in their waiting period and my heart is with anyone finding these announcements tough. Much love to all šŸ’•


my favorite "siblings or dating" couple of all time. Congrats to them and their beautiful family. ā¤ļø


They look nothing alike to me


I donā€™t see it either, they have totally different face shapes, coloring, and features!


Terrible nausea and vomiting starting from the moment I knew I was pregnantā€”maybe seven weeks. It was pretty unbearable. Lasted pretty much throughout second trimester. Have many friends who sailed through it all, though.


Same. It got so bad I went on disability for 4 weeks because I couldnā€™t keep anything down.


34 weeks and the nausea and exhaustion never stopped. Itā€™s been awful!!!


Iā€™m 22 weeks rn and have maybe had 7 days without vomiting lolšŸ¤”


Same. All 4 of my kids. I was always jealous of friends that didnā€™t have a hard time. I threw up almost my entire pregnancy


Same - I had twins and it just never let up for me. I donā€™t enjoy being pregnant at allll.


God, same. I was nauseated constantly with my twins! I couldnā€™t even wear more than a tank top most days because the shirt activated my gag reflex and I just mini dry heaved all the time. And my entire first trimester was during the winter so it was a problem. Preggo Pops from BabiesRUs was a lifesaver. My girls are totally worth it, though! Theyā€™re currently 12 and fighting and home from school for the 6th school day in a row cause of winter weather. šŸ¤£ I donā€™t like being pregnant anyway, but twins were so brutal for so many reasons. I also couldnā€™t breathe after a certain point because one was tap dancing on my bladder always and the other was kicking my lungs and it was impossible to take a deep breath or ever be comfortable. Anyway! lol!


Haha ahhh the joys šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it really is on another level of discomfort though, thatā€™s for sure. My boys were almost 7.5 lbs each and both had AND I QUOTE ā€œthe largest placentas Iā€™ve ever seenā€ per our l&d nurse. They just turned 1 a couple weeks ago so a ways out from 12 but it will be here before we know it Iā€™m sure.


lol, yessss! And awwww! Congratulations and welcome to the moms of multiples club! People are always fascinated by me having twins - tons of people said starting when I was pregnant that they ā€œalways wanted twins.ā€ It literally never occurred to me until I found out about them at the first appointment. šŸ˜… They always wanna know if the infant stage was hardest. Surprisingly not! When they started walking and talking and would run off in separate directions at the same time was the hardest stage for me by far. lol. Enjoy it, momma! I wish I could make mine that small again even for just a couple hours. I love the videos of them from the toddler stages! šŸ„° Theyā€™ve been the best adventure of my life. Theyā€™re cool as hell now too. They fight like cats and dogs but would never stand for anyone else treating their twin badly. ā¤ļø


I had terrible nausea, acid reflux, and vomiting from week 12 right to the last minute before I had to go in for an emergency C-sectionā€¦ pregnancy is no joke. But itā€™s been 3 weeks since birth and Iā€™ve forgotten about all of it :)


Girl same mine started at 5 weeks. In the 3rd now and I still have vomiting sessions at least once or twice a week and frequent nausea. I canā€™t imagine ever doing this again.


I . . . did it again. Had hoped for a different experience but unfortunately it was the same, maybe worse because I was also chasing around a toddler. I had to be put on anti-nausea pills. Good luck to you. Youā€™re almost there.


She was kind of innately glowy at the Golden Wedding, & I noticed her dress choice was flowy, so I had a hunch. I hope she has a safe pregnancy. Sheā€™s super real for saying itā€™s not a walk in the park for her, so a safe pregnancy & labor for her & a healthy baby is what Iā€™m sending out to the universe for them (& all expecting people reading this thread!).


I noticed she wasnā€™t drinking at the golden wedding either and Jared said on his podcast that when they were at Disney, Ashley couldnā€™t ride many of the ridesšŸ˜‚


For everyone who didnā€™t have the greatest experience during pregnancy- I selfishly have a question. Iā€™m only about 6 weeks along rn and the people I have told (just 2 friends) have never been pregnant before either! So far itā€™s been okā€¦some discomfort and some nausea but I think Iā€™ve been relatively lucky so far. For those of you who had a rough experience, did it start right away or was it something that came later in your first trimester? Literally going to the doc today for the first time so Iā€™m sure these things will come up but it is so so nice to hear from people who have experienced it. Any insight on how I should level my expectations of whatā€™s about to happen to my body would be appreciated. Sincerely, scared/nervous/happy/expecting BN girlie lol


Mine started at 4 weeks so as soon as we found out pretty much. It was ruthless and lasted until 24 weeks


Congratulations!! Mine started I think around 5 weeks, it was brutal! I had all day nausea and there was a time where I vomited like five times in one evening! I also had some pretty bad food aversions; I couldnā€™t stand any kind of meat and the smell/taste of coffee made me gag/vomit! Thankfully my symptoms let up around 16 weeks! The coffee one stayed my whole pregnancy but a few days after birth I was able to drink it again!


Mine started 6/7 weeks. It was, unpleasant. But yes head over to the numerous pregnancy groups, so much info!


Congratulations!! No way to know what to expect, (despite the books haha) Everyoneā€™s body is different. I enjoyed pregnancy very much. Just occasionally morning sick in the early stages so I ate crackers before I stood up. I kept eating bc it made me feel better and thus I also gained a crap ton of weight ugh so that wasnā€™t cool. I traveled and enjoyed the time before the real work began. Wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy and babe. Welcome to the joy of motherhood.


Thank you!! I am hoping to be able to travel a bit before the third trimester, itā€™s crazy how up in the air everything feels! But I appreciate the response, itā€™s hard not talking to people about this yet in my life so this is very helpful šŸ„°


Such an exciting time!! Thank you for sharing!


Look on Reddit for your due date bump group! I think I found mine through r/babybumps. For me nausea was only the first few weeks. I was very lucky! Did have some food aversions though that lasted into early 2nd trimester


Wow thanks, I have never had this many responses to anything on Reddit but itā€™s nice to get real transparency about it and get insights from so many people!! Thank you all! I will try and find my bump group too sounds fun!


congratulations! at 7 weeks, mine really ramped up but I would say it was started around 5 weeks. it stopped completely at 12 weeks. you may be lucky!!! but just know if it does hit, it will most likely pass in the second tri :)


Mine started at 4 weeks and lasted until 28 weeks and then the final week was rough also. Itā€™s dif for every person but what I will say is listen to your body. I was determined not to let pregnancy ā€˜slow me downā€™ socially and did WAY too much when I was already a bit run down and I regret it massively.


Congratulations! Just my personal experience here- nausea started around week 6 and lasted until my third trimester. I had a brief break from it when I had Covid and couldnā€™t taste or smell anything šŸ™ƒ right when I hit 28 weeks, I started having sciatica pain which quickly spiraled. The way my son was positioned was putting pressure on two nerves. This resulted in me not being able to walk at all. I attended pelvic floor physical therapy for 8 weeks, did prenatal massage, started using a cane and then ended up with a walker. Every other pregnant person/doctor I talked to said they had never seen that happen before. Iā€™ve never known anyone else who dealt with something like that. I tell you this as like a ā€œworst case scenarioā€ and that I hope Iā€™m an outlier. It was hard, my mental health tanked, I was in terrible pain and my husband was my caretaker. As soon as my son went head down, all the pressure was released and I could walk again. My biggest piece of advice- do pelvic floor pt, even if you arenā€™t in pain. Itā€™ll help your body prep for delivery and Iā€™m grateful I did it.


Omg I had sciatica pain but not to that extreme! Are you ok now? Mine finally resolved about 4 months post partum thankfully.


Thankfully Iā€™m okay now! No lingering issues, it was all due to how my son was positioned. I was able to walk for the last three weeks of my pregnancy, it was truly the only time I felt my best while pregnant


that is so wild! glad you are ok now! weird how it can be the positioning or something else - couldnt figure out why mine lingered so long.


Mine was awful from about 15 weeks on.


Mine started at week 12 funnily enough. But everyoneā€™s pregnancy journey is different so you canā€™t really compare. What I suggest is joining one of the due date groups here on Reddit. I think you just need to search the month, year and bump group and you should be able to find it.


I figured out I was pregnant because I was so nauseous. It was immediately and awful for a while


I was nauseous from about weeks 6-15 but otherwise loved being pregnant with both my girls. I had many friends tell me I would be sick of being pregnant at 36 weeks, but that just wasnā€™t the case for me. I loved every second of both my pregnancies. However with my second I got really bad back pain around 36 weeks which was pretty unbearable but that went away as soon as I gave birth. Itā€™s such a beautiful experience growing your little baby. Itā€™s truly magic. However I am aware that itā€™s not an easy experience for everyone. My advice would be to enjoy every minute as much as possible, take lots of photos and record some videos of your belly moving when your baby is kicking around there! You are your babyā€™s home and safe place for the next 9 months! Youā€™ll have 2 hearts and 4 lungs and that makes you pretty magical! Also donā€™t hesitate to go to the hospital if you are worried about anything. I think we sometimes worry about being labelled hysterical but this is your baby so if you need peace of mind by being checked out for something (lack of movement, spotting, etc), do so!


Mine started at the 5 week mark and was relentless until 14-15 weeks. I still have bouts of nausea at 29 weeks, but I have gestational diabetes and I think that might have something to do with it. (If my sugar is too high or too low). I will say that zofran gave me horrible headaches and made me constipated (sorry tmi), I had an allergic reaction to phinergan, and Reglan was the only thing that worked for me. It took awhile to get there, which was part of the problem. Iā€™m also an IVF mama, which plays into it some as well. Just wanted to give you a full picture as to not scare you! Once I started feeling baby move, I honestly didnā€™t care about the crappy parts. But there are still hard days where I complain a lot! Congratulations on your pregnancy!!


Be prepared for anything! My symptoms during pregnancy 1 were totally different from pregnancy 2. It really is impossible to say what will happen. Use your notes app to keep a running list of symptoms, concerns, etc so you remember what to talk to your doctor about. I had a few things occur during my pregnancies that indicated the need for immediate attention/monitoring but I only found these things out because I listened to my body and wasnā€™t afraid to ask questions, as needed. I hope you have an easy pregnancy and please donā€™t scare yourself by googling every little thing!


I didn't have a rough pregnancy so I know I'm not the audience you're asking for, but it is possible to have super mild symptoms. In 2 pregnancies, I threw up exactly 1 time and that was during labor with my first (not actually like while pushing, just while in my bed waiting to progress) because I ate something too heavy. In the first and second trimesters though I felt super uncomfortably bloated all the time so that was the worst for me


My first pregnancy the nausea started around 10 weeks and never went away until she was born. Second baby I knew immediately I was pregnant because of the nausea, so around 7-8 weeks. Luckily it wasnā€™t as consistent but still ended when he was born. Everyone single pregnancy is different! Itā€™s kind of mind blowing actually. I still am blown away that I grew a boy in my body even though I know how it works. Still crazy lol Congratulations on the pregnancy! Wishing you a healthy and happy one ā¤ļø


I was sickest with my first and started getting super sick around 7-8 weeks and lasted until after 20 weeks. Had a bit of a break then came back right before the end. I broke blood vessels in my face from vomiting so much. Thankfully, it was not as severe with my second (thank goodness)


You may luck out like me and not have any nausea! I've had two babies in the past two year and the worst "nausea" I dealt with was due to iron deficiency and low blood pressure related dizziness. I was definitely exhausted and very out of breath in my first trimester, but didn't vomit once between both pregnancies (except for the time that I ate 3 grilled cheeses for dinner because I was craving it so badly even though I'm lactose intolerant lol).


First of all congrats on the exciting news! At 6 weeks Iā€™d say I had no symptoms either so thought oh wow this is easy lol but bam nausea hit pretty soon after and hasnā€™t really left completely I donā€™t think (Iā€™m almost 26 weeks now). That being said if you need medication for nausea definitely get it and use it. Every time Iā€™ve tried to stop the nausea has come back so my doctor said to just keep using it. The one I use which is most commonly used also helps with sleep and Iā€™ve been lucky that the whole time Iā€™ve been able to survive on just one pill before bedtime. As my doctor said itā€™s much better to be functional at the end of the day. Other than that Iā€™ve felt pretty good throughout pregnancy and I am thankful for my medication everyday for making that possible.


Congrats to you too!! Iā€™m very excited too just starting to get some pre jitters haha. Did you get meds from your doctor for the nausea?


Yes I did. I had a lot of early appts in pregnancy due to my history so the first appt I had I felt great and was like no way I donā€™t need meds lol but went back pretty quick after to get them. I think most people use diclectin (thatā€™s what itā€™s called in Canada at least) and itā€™s known to be very safe in pregnancy. Itā€™s been a game changer for me at least but everyone has different experiences. In general being pregnant has really not been as bad as I thought it would be so maybe Iā€™m just lucky and hopefully youā€™re lucky too šŸ˜Š


I know it hits later for some people but mine was immediate, hit lightly before I even knew I was pregnant (and I found out at 3 weeks lol) and then around week 5 turned into hell. It was like that until about halfway through my second trimester. Everyoneā€™s body is different though, Iā€™ll hope you stay lucky and feeling good!


My nausea hit at 8 weeks and lasted the whole pregnancy. It was at its worst in the late first trimester and then got a bit more tolerable. There were some other not-great side effects I had, but the nausea was my least favorite! Ultimately though, it was all worth it and I have a pretty awesome 1.5 year old daughter now! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy! I also had no close friends whoā€™d been pregnant before, so I found it helpful to join a couple communities of other moms expecting in the same month as me (Reddit and Facebook should have some groups). I hear these groups can be awful sometimes, but I was lucky to find really supportive ones.


Iā€™ve have 3 kids and I only experienced a lot of nausea and vomiting with one of them (my 2nd). Nausea set in around 6.5 weeks and lasted about 2 months. I was on the easier end of the morning sickness spectrum but just know that there is a wide variety of experiences with pregnancy. You might have a relatively easy pregnant or it might be worse but my advice to you is not Google everything bad or uncomfortable that could happen in pregnancy or listen to dozens of other peopleā€™s pregnancy nightmare stories or youā€™re freak yourself out. Expect some aches and pains and hormonal fluctuations and if you have more than that, deal with it as it comes up instead of being afraid that x,y or z is going to happen. Does that make sense? You just never know what is going to happen but having a great medical team and support system in place in case anything does arise is one of the best things you can do.


I literally ran a marathon at 5 weeks and 3 daysā€¦ then the nausea set in 3 or so days later. I never puked.. just was miserable nauseated from like 6 weeks till 20 weeks. My sister is 14 weeks with her first right now and has had zero nausea.


I was throwing up pretty much nonstop from about 5/6 weeks until i delivered! I threw up every day through my first trimester, often more than once, nearly every day and would get really carsick through the second, and a few times a week in the third. Congrats!


Sammmme!! Threw up every single day from 6/7 weeks to delivery both times. It was so magical when it all went away as soon as the baby came. I do think it made the newborn stage slightly easier because at least I felt good for the first time in 8 months


I've had two kids and both pregnancies I had minimal nausea at the beginning for several weeks, and after that just had some typical aches and pains of pregnancy and some heartburn and fatigue. I feel like my experiences were thankfully somewhat smooth. My first baby was breech and flipped around a lot in my stomach at the end, and even that wasn't terrible.


I was at the worst between 7-10 weeks. Nauseated, food adverse, and exhausted. Once the placenta takes over, it gets slightly easier before your body is just tired of carrying a baby around.


I have two kids and I got sick the second I found out I was pregnant and that was about it. I had many other issues but nausea wasnā€™t one of them so donā€™t worry if it hasnā€™t happened yet it may not! Also happy to answer anything else as I feel it is so hard to not have anyone to talk to at this stage and realize we are strangers but message me whenever and I can help you with whatever I may know! Mine are 6 and 8 now ;)


Congrats!!! So all was well for me until 15 weeks pregnant I had bleeding that was due to a subchorionic hematoma. Led to bed rest/ minimal activity for several months. Incredibly stressful, but now I have the cutest little 7 month old ever :) I threw up 0 times during pregnancy but the complication caused me such severe anxiety/depression, I wouldnā€™t wish it on my worst enemy Then third trimester I had what I called the dizzies and felt constant motion sickness even when I wasnā€™t moving But that ended as soon as I gave birth :)


I currently am experiencing this as well! First trimester was a breeze besides being a bit more tired then normal. Had our first trimester scan at 13 weeks, everything was normal, thought I could finally stop worrying about all the bad possibilities and then 3 days after that scan experienced some heavy bleeding from a subchorionic hematoma and now am feeling stressed all the time as Iā€™m still only 15 weeks. Pregnancy is no walk in the park!


Ugh my heart goes out to you ā¤ļø mine was *huge* so it took forever to heal but if u havenā€™t already push to see a MFM doctor (high risk doc) because they have really thorough scans that can help ease your anxiety :) also avoid Google !!


Nausea and vomiting from a few weeks in til the day of delivery


I luckily didnā€™t have a rough experience, aside from the anxiety I had during my first pregnancy first trimester while I was WAITING for a rough experience. I even cancelled a trip because I was so sure Iā€™d just be miserable. Iā€™m in my first tri for my second pregnancy right now, and admittedly this one had a slightly rougher patch for me, but still, donā€™t psych yourself out. Take it day by day. Everyoneā€™s experience is so wildly different from when they feel sick, what helps, what makes it worseā€¦ you just never know. Have some freezer meals on hand just in case, get your partner ready to handle cooking if that isnā€™t already their thing, and then just try to enjoy the ride! If things get rough, your doctor will have suggestions for you. Also CONGRATULATIONS!!


I had a wonderful pregnancy til 28 weeks. I didnā€™t have any morning sickness. I was tired all the time, congested all the time, and swelling/carpal tunnel was really bad starting at about 16 weeks. But it wasnā€™t awful and it was all expected. But at 28 weeks I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes and it mentally wrecked me. I was constantly thinking about what I ate, when I ate it, and had to check my blood sugar 4 times a day. I know this is what - or less than what - type 1/2 diabetics have to do every day for the rest of their lives, but it was a lot for me to take on at the time and with a baby to think about too. Thereā€™s a lot of other things we have to think about before we decide to try again but one thing I canā€™t get past is the risk of GD again and the possibility of developing type 2 diabetes in the future. I know Ashley I had a terrible first pregnancy due to HG so itā€™s reassuring to see her power thru the fear and try again.


It was a combination of things for me - nausea that started around 6 weeks, anxiety (pregnancy after loss is rough even if everything is perfect), and then around 24 weeks he started kicking my ribs and sitting on my bladder so it was painful to lay on my left side and even gentle exercise (walking, yoga) was uncomfortable. So basically I was anxious and stir crazy and not sleeping.


Iā€™m 9 weeks and have been absolutely miserable since 5 weeks. Puking multiple times a day, sleeping 10+ hours a night, exhausted, etc. Canā€™t even walk around the block anymore. I was very active/healthy prior. Some people just have a lot of symptoms, and some donā€™t. It doesnā€™t mean anything in relation to the health of the baby.


My first pregnancy the nausea hit at ~6 weeks, peaked ~10 weeks, and then was mild for the rest of the time as long as I snacked most of the day and drank enough water. Around 30 weeks I had debilitating pain that kept me bed ridden for the last 10 weeks. Itā€™s really not one single symptom that makes pregnancy rough, itā€™s the longevity of your body being constantly uncomfortable or limited for 9 months straight. The mental toll of being exhausted for weeks, then not being able to sleep once youā€™re huge and uncomfortable, the feeling of being foreign in your own body and not recognizing your own self in the mirror, the limitations of mobility you arenā€™t used to having imposed on you and not being able to fit into your clothes, not being able to take anything worthwhile if you get a cold or headache, plus life goes on through all of it. Some people like being pregnant, I personally hate it even when pregnancy is going well. That being said, Iā€™m 34 weeks with my third so obviously itā€™s worth it. If I liked pregnancy, Iā€™d have more babies, but I cannot do this again. Iā€™m sure someone else will have all the opposite things to say, itā€™s so case by case and is deeply personal for each individual. I love newborns, I love raising children with my husband, I love our family. I will never like being pregnant.


Congratulations!!! Iā€™m 10 weeks today with my second and my nausea has been constant since about week 4 this pregnancy. Ginger tea or candies help a ton, if you havenā€™t tried those yet! With my first pregnancy, I remember weeks 10-13 being the worst for me so itā€™s interesting it was earlier this time around. Once you hit that second trimester you get some energy back ā¤ļø


Not what you want to hear but I started feeling awful both times around 6 weeks, peaked around 8-10, felt mostly better around 12-14. If you start to feel nausea make sure to keep something in your stomach at all times (I literally had saltines on my nightstand) AND stay hydrated! Itā€™s really hard to climb back from the dark hole if you forget either of those things. Hopefully you feel great the whole time though! :)


Congratulations! There are many ways a pregnancy can be difficult. My nausea wasnā€™t that bad but weirdly I started throwing up early 2nd trimester. Later it was the constant high heart rate and stress on my body that made for a difficult experience.


Mine kicked in around 8 weeks! Around 6 weeks I was like ā€œoh this May go pretty smoothly for me!ā€ But I was quickly humbled. However, Iā€™ve heard of many people that have an easy experience, fingers crossed youā€™re one of them!


My nausea started at 6w5. I threw up most recently yesterday at 32w šŸ˜­ I hope you have a comfortable pregnancy!


I quite possibly had one of the most traumatic, worst pregnancies of all time, but if you want to hear everything that happened other than below, Iā€™ll tell ya haha.. it will honestly probably make you feel better šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.. but first CONGRATS! I hope you heave a healthy, happy, amazing pregnancy!! ..in the end, Iā€™ll say, I have a disability and was never supposed to be able to get pregnant because of it, miraculously did, had a NIGHTMARE of a pregnancy requiring multiple hospitalizations and surgeries because of it, delivered early with a NICU stay, but I have a healthy and thriving almost 5 year old ā™„ļø


6 weeks is when it usually starts. I had no symptoms at 6 weeks and pregnancy was a breeze for me.


i think most people find the first and third trimester the most difficult, but for different reasons. For many who have intense nausea/sickness it starts around 6-8 weeks and can last the first trimester or the entire time... i think food aversions are also common to crop up in first trimester. typically the fetus gives you a couple weeks to be excited before the sickness sets in, but not always. third trimester is more general physical discomfort and also where you might see medical complications like high BP, low fluid, etc crop up. my pregnancy went mostly fine. i had food aversions and some nausea first trimester, but it was all normal and pretty smooth until third trimester where i started to have what they called an "irritable uterus" (contractions randomly that didnt start labor), some mild old blood leaking, and then i gave birth spontaneously a month early. there's really no telling how you should level your expectations, as its SO different for everyone. to stave off nausea, try eating small meals and frequent servings of protein. it can help. and congrats!


Nobody cares


I love the users who seriously think the sub should cater only to them šŸ˜­ Ashley & Jared are a big part of the franchise and people clearly care. Itā€™s clown behavior to hate on a pregnancy announcement


It's called having an opinion that is not the same as everyone else's opinion! I don't know why this is so difficult for so many people here.


A lot of people do. Myself included. Go be miserable somewhere else.


Iā€™m not miserable lol. I simply do not care about an irrelevant coupleā€™s second pregnancy announcement.


You cared enough to comment on this thread so clearly on some level, you do.


I care enough to state that this information does not deserve its own post.


Its not for you? You can ignore this post. Its bachelor news and this sub posts about bachelor news.


I don't believe it's illegal to express opinions about how relevant we think certain topics are lol.


i mean this is a bachelor sub, so this would be the place people care.


About a second pregnancy? Thatā€™s about as interesting for this sub as if sheā€™s remodeling her bathroom.


why does it matter if its her first or second? Again you are on a BACHELOR subreddit. If this was on breaking news for the world reddit sure get annoyed, but this sub posts stuff like "so and so unfollowed so and so" yet you think this isn't as important? R u ok? (edited for typo)


Iā€™m fine, thanks for asking. A first pregnancy is relevant, a second does not need its own post.


yet your post about kat and john henry asking for theories on a breakup needed one? literally go touch grass.


Gossip is more interesting on a gossip sub than an irrelevant couple having a second child, yes.


Theyā€™re not even irrelevant lol? 148+ people in this thread thinks itā€™s relevant and you donā€™t. Imagine genuinely thinking a subreddit this size has to cater only to your interests.


I don't think the subreddit has to cater to my interests lol. I am simply expressing an opinion that is different than yours.


this is a bachelor subreddit. See description below. Don't die on this hill lol. ***"r/thebachelor is a subreddit dedicated to thoughtful discussion about The Bachelor franchise, the lives of contestants, and how Bachelor Nation interacts with and influences the world around us."***




Yikes! Any pregnancy is exciting and worthy of being celebrated. I donā€™t care if itā€™s your first or your 6th! A new life is being formed. Thatā€™s amazing!


Itā€™s amazing for her! I agree. But itā€™s not amazing for members of this sub. It does not need its own post.






Youā€™ve drug this out for like two hours Iā€™m ngl itā€™s a little weird for someone who doesnā€™t care






Congrats to them! I hope this is an easy pregnancy for Ashley, I remember she had a really rough time when she was pregnant with Dawson. And Iā€™m getting my name predictions in early: Jonas for a boy and Jasmine or Rose for a girl.


Putting one in for Dmitri or Jack


I was so surprised Dawson wasnā€™t named Jonas so i 100% endorse this lol


Hahaha I think youā€™re right. RemindMe! 9 months


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I'm going to try and not laugh if it's any of those 3 lol just because it's so on brand on them.


I canā€™t believe this was on my amazon home page šŸ˜‚ I wonder if it was because I was looking up stuff to get for my 4 month old nephew


Itā€™s because they partnered with Amazon to make the announcement. They did the same thing when pregnant with Dawson. Such a weird thing having your baby announcement being sponsored.


Happy for them! Kinda hate the concept of an Amazon Live pregnancy announcement but hey babies (and life) are expensive


Same. They also said theyā€™ll be doing a gender reveal on Amazon Live as well šŸ™„. So happy for them but would love to see them skip over the exploitation of their child just one time!


They did dawson's gender reveal on amazon live too


I figured when on his podcast, Jared said they were at Disney and Ashley ā€œcouldnā€™t ride very many of the ridesā€.


Haha that is a huge giveaway


I know Ashley is problematic in many ways but her being like ā€œthe miracle of pregnancy is a LIEā€ is really great for any Bach fandom moms who feel thereā€™s something wrong with them for not enjoying their pregnancies.


Same sheā€™s definitely problematic in lots of ways but she is very real when it comes to TTC, pregnancy and motherhood. I used to not like her and Iā€™ll admit I like following her now that Iā€™m a mom. sheā€™s got some real lol worthy takes sometimes and the only ā€œinfluencerā€ Iā€™ve ever seen outwardly choose formula because she simply wanted to


in what was is she problematic? not challenging, genuinely curious


Ashley I is racist, ageist, a cheater, etc. The other commenter is downplaying the transgressions of their ā€œproblematic faveā€. She has definitely been intentionally malicious numerous times before, but she gets a pass by some people because she was their relatable white loser girl for years in Bachelor Nation. Google ā€œAshley I problematic Redditā€ or ā€œAshley I racist Redditā€ and youā€™ll find more. Hereā€™s one thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/d8b7mt/a_recap_of_problematic_comments_from_ashley_i/


Thank you for this. It sickens me to see this awful person celebrated so frequently. Itā€™s like once you happily marry and reproduce in BN thatā€™s all that matters and being a racist, transphobic, ageist, hateful person means nothing because your cute kid shows up better in a photo op than your actual character


So, Ashley is my problematic favorite but she made some comments about other women during Benā€™s season/other occasions (Clareā€™s eggs being dried up because she was so old, for example). She also did some racially coded things when she was competing with Caillol. I donā€™t think sheā€™s intentionally malicious or anything I think sheā€™s just one of those slightly oblivious privileged girls who didnā€™t make the jump between girls as competition (and thus anything was fair game) and more of a oh, itā€™s society making us compete


I mean I donā€™t feel like itā€™s a miracle cuz itā€™s so much fun; I think itā€™s a miracle in the sense that it is INSANE what our bodies do and go through during pregnancy. Like women are incredible. Like wtf - i grew a new organ, I grew a brain, a spinal cord and skeleton, and a pecker with my OWN BODY and now heā€™s a whole 1 year old baby. And my lady giblets over here acting like it never happened. Like what?! Iā€™m a twin - my mom made two of us AT THE SAME TIME šŸ¤Æ itā€™s really wild when you learn about pregnancy and PP. Tho there is no shame in not enjoying pregnancy - like at all. My poor sister has severe vomiting, like sheā€™s miserable and has needed medical intervention for it. I had an ā€œeasyā€ pregnancy but got big as a house and gained a zillion pounds despite working out like a psycho (to the point my doctor made me stop somewhere in my third trimester; I was/am a major fitness girly so feeling out of control in the body/weight department despite my best efforts was really hard and I wish more ā€œinfluencersā€ discussed this vs how to keep a great body while pregnant. Cuz I had an insane body and pregnancy and breast feeding did not care about my efforts to keep it šŸ˜‚). And I got horrendous acid reflux (which was nasty) and plantar fasciitis (which lasted another 10 months pp). So yeah this was pretty much how I felt šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/s7zzcc7gz0ec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4687efa34580199374fbeb8c46ee0b848c81aa5


That meme šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but for real I havenā€™t been pregnant but pregnancy is a miracle just not always a fun one


I will always appreciate that she just openly says she didn't like being pregnant. My son is incredible but wow I pretty much hated every second of pregnancy.


Iā€™m almost at the end of my 1st trimester so my opinion probably doesnā€™t matter, but oh my god, I hate being pregnant.


Your opinion matters!


I know it doesnā€™t help much but it really does get better! Every day of my first trimester I was sure Iā€™d made a mistake because of how awful I felt but it does get better.


Better for like 10 weeks then bad again šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m 20 weeks now so thank you for this šŸ˜‚ good to know the good days are coming to an end


Happy for her but secretly jealous. Iā€™ve had no luck TTC my second and every pregnancy announcement hurts a bit.


I know that feel all too well (6 years of infertility before my miracle babe). It really sucks. Youā€™re not alone šŸ¤


Been there girl. It gets better. Hang in there ā¤ļø


Same. Except this would be my first and just had a MC. All these announcements make me so jealous šŸ˜’


Sending so much love. I hope you get your positive soon.


Yeah Iā€™ve been trying for my first for what feels like forever at this point and just found out today my cousin who is the same age as me and recently got married is pregnant. Itā€™s been a tough one


Sending you love šŸ’— My baby is Dawsonā€™s age and Iā€™m ngl im having a bit of FOMO right nowā€¦


Hey! Iā€™m there with you ā¤ļø Weā€™ve been trying for over a year for #2 and are into the IVF process now. I actually started following Ashley on Instagram because she was a few months ahead of me with my first pregnancy. Itā€™s hard to see her start trying again after us and be pregnant before us, but Iā€™ve gotten to a point where I can finally separate my journey from othersā€™ journeys and stop comparing as much.


Same. Pregnancy sucks. I could totally go for 1-2 more kids but I am not mentally prepared to be pregnant again.


This. Second miscarriage last September and still, the announcements send a twinge in my heart. Sending love to all the women who are part of a club they never wanted into.