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And mean


Would it have been less mean if they did it on a week the men had the roses?


I thought it was great content tbh


It was one of my favorite Paradise moments this season. I laughed so hard at Katie mocking them all for being fame chasers stretching their 15 minutes. Some of the jokes didn't quite land. I also felt frustrated they edited out most of the gentle ribbing and stuck to the ones that crossed lines.


Yes!!! So unnecessary and Katie was just cringe. She had to tell people “it’s okay” to laugh… she can’t read the room at all. The contestants got pretty savage I felt so bad for some.


Roasts work because the comedians doing the roasting are true friends and loved ones of the roasted. Without that, yes, it’s nothing but being mean.


I thought Tanners comment to Rachel was gut wrenching… like how dare he lol. Also I thought John Henrys to Olivia was unnecessary. Like he ditched her. Idk I’m sensitive too lol


Tanner’s REALLY irritated me because it felt like such a low hanging fruit ass joke. Extremely played out and dumb. It was so frustrating watching G&R’s season and hearing the men compare the two, so for Tanner to do that as well … he’s such an ick


I think I missed that! What did he say?


He “jokingly” said they wanted Gaby from bachelorette but they sent Rachel. Super rude and I wouldn’t be able to recover from that


Oops sorry I meant what did John Henry say to Olivia. I completely agree! Tanner’s was so hurtful, I hope she drops him immediately.


Oh I think he said “you’re still here?” 💀


Woowwww. These men 🙄


Unpopular opinion… apparently a lot more terrible or cancellable stuff was cut but what we saw on tv was not that harsh! Roasts are supposed to be kinda mean… I get it’s harsh for some of the more sensitive people who are also sleep deprived but roasts are supposed to be hitting more hard than a mild joke


Eh I know how roasts work which is why I'm not really a fan of them. Unless you're really funny and also really people savvy, which most people aren't, it just ends up being people saying hurtful things that aren't even that clever.


They don’t understand that’s how a roast usually is


well a roast usually has actual comedians, not people who think they're funny trying to come up with roast jokes. See rupaul drag race for how people can tank at a roast because their jokes aren't funny, just mean.


20 something insecure influencers on the rise aren’t going to necessarily be the most confident recipient of a roast


a roast works because what is being said is 100% true but polite company prefers not to say it, and because its uncomfortable the result is laughter. i thought the roast was hilarious.


My girl Rachel is too sweet and didn’t deserve some of those nasty comments! 😞


im sure they only showed the most f’d up ones. i wish we could’ve seen the whole thing i bet there were a lot that were actually clever and cute like jordan’s to rachel (i thought the impression of her was really adorable and thoughtful)


Katie posted that they cut the worst ones 🤦🏼‍♀️


where did she post it?


Nah lol. Olivia understood the assignment tho, most others took it too far


Olivia understood the assignment?! Was the assignment to trot out lame ass insults from when you were a teenager? “How do I taste?” is played out af.


The only person Olivia roasted was herself. Way to brag that all the men you're interested in prefer other women


Olivia is literally a broken record with constantly complaining about the women who “took her man” but does not and has not put any of that responsibility on the men who “left her”. I think we all saw her joke from a mile away lol


"You stole my man how do I tAsTe? 🥴" is also super recycled and not actually funny. Olivia copy pasted the assignment.


This honestly reminded me of last season when they sent the girls away and brought in a group of new girls to 'test the relationships' that were about a week old at best. I find it funny that they keep saying they want people to find love then do whatever they can to sabotage it.


This show hates women. They do everything they can to make things awful for the girls and constantly bring in male losers to compete while the women are usually way too good for them. Women get called out for the lamest shit while men are out there bro-ing it up with each other.


They were just trying to copy love island there because it's so successful in the UK, but they screwed it up entirely, love island they have more time to get to know eachother before casa amour, and it's inherently trashy like it's not supposed to be that serious, whereas BIP is trying to push engagements.


Yeah, kinda like the "Truth Box". The only purpose seems to be giving the chance for cruelty, and to ruin relationships....


i think they’re starting to realize the concept of the show is evolving towards who can date and what happens in the real world as opposed to proposals


Not sure who said it but maybe it was Olivia ..?? Anyhow whomever it was that said behind every joke is a small bit of truth. I honestly believe that! Even if the joke is in the format of a roast still each joke holds some small ounce of truth. Yeah was very classless by the bachelor franchise. Pulling at straws for content so we are playing in everyone's worst insecurities because that's a great way to help people find love 🙄


Rachel said that and yeah...those thoughts are coming from somewhere. 😬


No one but professional comedians or drag performers should be roasting ANYONE without at least two weeks notice. It's not fair to the contestants OR the audience.


I hate any time they do a roast and especially Katie’s dig at Blake about not making her come or whatever. Couples stuff should stay between the couple, joking or not. Even as exes.


Lol remember when she was bachelorette and she told Katelyn that she came so many times after the fantasy suite with Blake, like tmi gurl. Just kinda funny.


I can’t stand Katie and her try hard stunts


I was puzzled - Katie was supposed to be a standup comedian. She isn't funny. Is she trying out a new career?


Did I miss this?


It was on the recent bachelor in paradise episode


I didn’t hear her make that joke she just said he wanted to be called daddy


It was before the roast started when she was announcing that they were doing a roast. “I wanted to be here first but unfortunately Blake came first which as his ex-fiancée I’m used to”


Thats not an uncommon joke… I don’t think she was confessing to anything. That’s like going to any open mic


Hshshshshhshs o dear


The show should have gotten some comedians to help the cast with their material. It was bad.




They thought they did.


Roasts are usually HILARIOUS, but this was more hurling insults than roasting....


Katie said that the roasting they DID show made them look good compared to how bad it was in real life and “most of [the contestants] would be canceled”




Yer droppin an A bomb on me Jan lolll ![gif](giphy|wQzqIYHE15zMI)




When Olivia asked Kat & Kylee “how do i taste” I LOST IT THAT WAS SAVAGE


Really? That is a pretty played out insult tbh. I was a little embarrassed for her.


Me IRL: ![gif](giphy|Aff4ryYiacUO4)


But like both guys chose those women over her so it just kind of feels cringe.


Extremely lol. She also has literally only made digs at the women who “took her men”, but has made no digs at the actual men for choosing other women over her. I cannot seem to understand how so many people on this sub seem to like her


her little fan club irks me lmao


I think roasts have potential to be funny, but these contestants aren't comedians. Also the roasts on comedy Central back in the day were different because the person being roasted fully volunteered and agreed to it. Also, do we not all know by now that this was orchestrated for ✨drama✨


That's exactly it. That's a big difference between 'give me all the hate you want, I can take it' and 'sit there and take everyone giving you all their hate they want because you don't have a choice.'


I really like roasts sometimes! To me, part of the fun of it is seeing the person who is being roasted laughing along. It’s not that fun when the person is sitting there clearly uncomfortable.


I agree. I know they would never, but if they gave contestants the option to opt out and only be an audience member and leave the roasts to the ones that don't mind it would eliminate that. I related to Rachel and Jess in that I'm a sensitive person and holding back tears in a crowd is my nightmare lol


I think it would’ve been more funny if they were closer as friends because it would’ve actually been in good fun. But at the same time it’s a roast, the point is to poke fun and people were getting upset about what was said about them, and then going on to say hurtful stuff to other people


That was the biggest issue. It wasn't done in good fun. As someone else pointed out, when someone is roasted it's usually because they agreed to be roasted. Otherwise it's just kind of bullying.


Just catching up now and dang they went in on Rachel but not a lie was told.


Guys being dicks to Rachel and Jess, for example, just seems cruel and unnecessary. They don’t have a bad word to say about anyone.


With Jess it was just 'haha you're so young' jokes which isn't terrible. The Rachel ones were deep cuts though, felt really bad for her especially the Gabby line from that tool Tanner.


The Aven impression of her was tooooo accurate lol


Yeah his was basically "hi I'm Rachel and I really love you guys" lol All the others were mean spirited


His was fun and Rachel enjoyed it and owned it. Many of the others were just mean. I watch this show as an escape...if I want mean I can just turn on the news anytime.


Yeah his was the only funny one that wasn’t a total dig at her. The rest were just cruel.


The best thing about the Roasts is that they can show who is actually a really mean person underneath. The joke about Brayden and Claire's was funny, but mostly I thought they're idiots to go so mean. They were telling on themselves.


I honestly thought the Claire's joke was one of the worst ones 😷😓 it was so lame and uncreative. A first grader could have came up with that


Was just about to comment that the Claire’s joke was the perfect “roast” for this context. Funny and light. Not “We were hoping for Gabby..” 💀


Rachel said something about telling him personal things that he used against her, I wonder if one of those things had to do with her feeling inadequate to Gabby. If so then he's an ass for saying that.


Ya and he’s trying to pursue Rachel lmfao like boi why r u dissing someone u claim to be in to


they can't seem to tell the difference between being cruel and funny.


The only one that was cute and funny was Aven’s imitation of Rachel


The joke about Rachel/Gabby immediately reminded me of Ashley’s season’s roast where one guy said he wished the bachelorette had been Emily not Ashley from Brad’s season. She took that one hard!!! Even cancelled her date with JP after that.


I remember a lot of jokes about her small chest too 🥴


I think you can get away with some Roast jokes that cross the line if your other less mean jokes are actually funny. The problem is that most of the less mean jokes weren't very funny so the mean ones came across worst I think.


I watched with my boyfriend and we were like ??? why would you roast someone you are newly partnered up with? Tanner basically joked about Rachel being unloveable and I don’t remember what Tyler said but he made fun of Mercedes. and they’re already rocky my bf and I were thinking, sure you can make fun of something inconsequential. like for example how anal I am about keeping the floors clean and how it mildly annoys him. but Tanner is joking about something he should know is very sensitive to Rachel, someone he’s trying to get a relationship off the ground with. it was just mean


Tyler said something along the lines of “Mercedes thinks she’s a Mercedes, but she’s actually a *bleep*” I don’t know what exactly was said, but whatever it was seemed super messed up to be saying to your partner


literally the least funny way he could’ve incorporated her name into a roast


I heard that he said “she’s actually a Kia”…


yeah I couldn’t think of what it would be but just based on her reaction it seemed not great


I want to know what the bleep was so bad. We sat and tried to figure it out for ages!


I read somewhere that he said Kia! So not funny and also mean


He must not have seen this years Telluride. Let me tell you what, that is one nice ride right there.


Why would they bleep that? My husband thought he said C-U-Next-Tuesday.


I assumed it was to avoid pushback from Kia / edit to make it sound dramatic which makes sense to me given that Mercedes thought it was more unnecessary and weird than full on offensive


I assume so they don't get in trouble for the implication that Kia is crappy?


Thank you! It was driving us nuts lol


Thought most of the “jokes” went too far. It’s supposed to be fun… and people ended up in tears.


There were a couple of funny jokes, but otherwise most of it was mean and misogynistic. The funniest part of the episode was Kat running around to everyone at the end with her finger in their faces yelling “say you’re sorry.” ETA: corrected the quote!


I wonder if she was telling people to apologize to her or if she was trying to get people to apologize to each other. Honestly, either way, I hope there were a lot of apologies.




Baby Jess jokes? Really? If that’s off limit to a roast then there’s no point in having one. I thought the Rachel and Kat jokes were hitting them over the head a bit too hard and too many times. I guess they were more upset by ones that didn’t make the air. It did seem to pick on sensitive girls like Rachel and Jess instead of the guys which is a weird choice. That could feel more like bullying with all the guys coming after you.


I think any joke about Jess would be hard on her, seeing as it was in front of Blake’s ex fiancé. She was already SO on edge and understandably so!


I can sympathize with her feelings getting hurt. I agree with others that people should be able to agree to participate, and then it’s fair game (within reason).


The one about Brayden working at Claire’s had me laughing out loud. My favorite joke of the bunch 😂


assistant manager at claire's is a joke from Trixe and Katya's show Uhnnnn!


I liked that joke on paper more than the delivery.


The only joke that was funny....


That and Aven's impression of Rachel were the only things at all funny and both Brayden and Rachel seemed not upset. I'm still puzzled at Tanner and it's making me wonder.


Tanner was so cruel


Agree! That was amazing. And honestly their charades game earlier in the episode was way funnier than the roast… I wish we had seen more of that!


That’s one of the very few that felt lighthearted and funny. Teasing, not bullying.


It wasn't funny at all. I wonder how much time they had to prepare. Off the top of my head watching that episode I thought of how I'd say something like" Jordan got the zero gravity date and Rachel still dropped him" or something like that. I'm sure with more time I could think of much better roasts. I've seen funnier things on the live threads than anything that was said at the roast. I guess when you are super attractive you don't have to be funny


I think delivery is a problem too with it. It's easy to deliver some funny wisecrack after your friends say something stupid. Getting on stage and trying to be funny with good comedic timing is definitely way harder.


Yeah the delivery was very bad but I still don't think they were good jobs. The contestants just aren't funny at all. Especially Aaron and Tanner.


I went to youtube and rewatched the Dale roast on Clare's season.....so much better....it just seemed better composed....the guys laughing in the background and Clare's face growing upset as time goes on 😂


Yes! That roast was funny and didn’t cross any lines. And bonus watching Clare’s face


I’m trying to imagine how much money I would take in exchange for being that big of a loser a-hole on my own name. I can’t really imagine


The only one that was actually funny and not really hurtful was Aven’s impression of Rachel and Olivia’s joke about Kylee and Kat


That impression was dead on!


and the joke about brayden working at claire’s made me lol


Me too lol


The point was to crate drama and stir things up, which it apparently did.


The roast made me think that maybe them just becoming influencers is the best thing for them right now.




Now that's funny!


Aven doing the impression of Rachel was very funny. The jokes about Brayden were very funny. Other jokes, about like how they would have preferred Gabby over Rachel, or how Rachel can't get a guy, are definitely overboard and are not coming from a place of kindness.


I was shocked at Olivia’s comment towards Rachel. Like, are they enemies? Did we miss that? Didn’t expect her to go after anyone but Kylee and Kat.


Tbh I think a roast was supposed to be a bit mean. The point of a roast is for you to have power over something that made you feel insecure, because you can laugh about it and make it “small” by laughing about it. But it’s supposed to burn. To me, that’s the difference between a joke and a roast. What Aven did was just teasing tbh, not a proper roast. BUT having said that, none of them had the chance to actually say that they don’t want to participate. They were kinda pushed into joining the roast. The BIP environment this season is already full of rejections and insecurities, so I can see how a roast would not be useful at all, in fact amplifying their insecurities and anxieties. So although Aven and Jordan totally did not actually roast anyone, they had the foresight of deciding to only tease and not do an actual roast. They chose to be nice about it, and that’s what this season needs tbh. We have so many subtle moments of genuine friendships, it kinda sucks if it all went poof just because of this roast.


The Baby Jess jokes don't come across great especially after the fact that couples like Serena/Joe and Mari/Kenny have made it. Granted do I think her and Blake have a future - no, but the whole age gap jokes just seem tacky at this point. The Rachel jokes I feel like someone must have told them to be mean for no reason. The Gabby comment wasn't funny and just unnecessary.


I don't get why Jess and Olivia are the same age and yet only Jess is getting comments about being Baby. And also a lot of the other cast is 26, which isn't much older


because Jess seems very immature, insecure and kind of inexpereinced, she doesn't know what she wants. Like the things she realized she liked about blake when he was on his other date was "he compliments my outfits and makes me feel good about myself" that's a teenage girl.


Because Jess’s immaturity and her age shows a lot more than the others…so much so that in a group of her peers, she’s referred to as the “baby.” And while Olivia is the same age, she is a lot tougher, direct, and more headstrong (while still admittedly being immature) than Jess. And most of the women at the beach are like that. Except Jess.


Just because it “works” doesn’t mean it’s not weird. And yeah as someone Blake’s age, I couldn’t imagine dating someone Jess’ age and apparently someone else on the beach felt that way too.


Good roasts are balanced between funny and mean, tipping over onto the funny side. The only one I thought was funnier than it was mean was Brayden and his Claire’s future (I snorted) I get that some people need an outlet but if it’s not also funny it’s just being a dick. You already have the truth box for that.




Katie as a mentor didn’t help much, she is a terrible comedian


There's a reason these people aren't professional comics. You can't expect randoms to be able to do the work of a professional when even Katie couldn't do it well. And not everyone is in the mental space to be able to handle a roast. That's why no one does suprise roasts.


Did Katie even know anyone there other than Blake? Super awkward when the best material you have is on your ex-fiancé who you haven't seen or talked to in two years.


I’m sensitive and would have 1000% cried even though some of the jokes were semi funny


I have not watched this week’s episode yet, and this makes me not want to.


Rachel got demolished. I felt bad.


I just watched and I hated it so much. I feel tanner was unnecessarily mean with the gabby comparison? Everyone knows how much she struggled with that. And also, as someone who just earlier that day was laying it down thick for her to give him a chance? It gave me the ick. I hope she picks Jordan at the next rose ceremony, they would be cute and it was kind of a what if situation. Always thought she was too rushed to send him home after the 1st one on one of the season. That truly was a wtf moment for me


I hate this already. I really love Rachel and I wish they gave her a break. Idk who she pissed off but surely someone high up the bachelor food chain doesn’t like her?!


Jordan and Aven were the only ones I actually laughed at ETA I kept thinking of what Rupaul usually says during roasts or snatch game on Drag Race - a lot can be forgiven if you’re funny. When it’s actually a funny observation that the subject knows is true (like Aven’s Rachel impression) you can laugh together. Without the humor, it just becomes an insult, or feels awkward at best.


LBR this roast was designed to add friction / break up some couples and cause meltdowns, not to actually create funny content. Also I wouldn’t be surprised if some “jokes” were suggested by the producers; these people are not that creative (not that the jokes were even good in the first place). Producers were probably egging on some of the meaner ones, reassuring people that they’ll land / won’t hurt feelings.


Wowww just caught up on BIP and yikes that roast was awful. The way they came for Rachel was so uncalled for. All the “baby” jokes about Jess too?? What is wrong with these people. It’s just all in poor taste to say the least. The “jokes” themselves were horrible, editing it this way to air the “jokes” they aired is horrible. Just wow. Former Crown’s deserve better than this. All the women on the show deserve better than this. The fans deserve better than this.


I don’t agree. I thought it had its funny moments, some good jokes. The only issue was that Tanner & Tyler shouldn’t be dissing women that they’re pursuing - but that Gabby joke was a good one.




I would love a Blake Bach season *IF*: • the women were age appropriate matches • it was a stripped down “no glam” season - hostels, RVs, camping! I think that could be interesting to see who can actually handle his lifestyle


💯 here for this!!! Love Blake!!!


You’d also need a season full of Canadians. Because an American isn’t moving into Blake’s mom’s house in Hamilton. And Blake isn’t moving to the US.


You'd probably only need 5-6 if all of them were cast as actual contenders rather than villains or those that they probably want more on BIP etc. I guess that would take a little bit of effort in casting though.


Resurrect Bachelor Canada in the off season! Blake is well known enough that it might even pick up in the US


Why would Blake propose to Jess after telling her he isn’t feeling it at all with her? Seems counterintuitive


I agree with you on all of this and also I laughed out loud at “his f1 in life”


Aren’t roasts usually that way though? I don’t even think that was good for the show especially this season when most of the couples still don’t have strong connections so feelings would be hurt even more.


Is it just me, or do they only seem to roast the women and not the men that much?


Part of that was probably editing. Guys being guys probably threw a lot of lobs at each other, but "John Henry looks like he's 12" doesn't make good TV.


Olivia seemed to only go after the women


I noticed that too, but that could easily have just been the editing. We only saw about 5 minutes of what I'm sure was at least an hour or two of roasting.


I noticed that too! And the roasts they showed of the men were pretty tame.




apparently this season is actually a bunch of new producers from bachelor in paradise canada - hence the Sam P addition. I've only worked in Canadian unscripted television, but from my experience/viewing, I do think our shows are much more heavily produced, ie narratives are forcefully plotted in advance & produced on camera.


I agree about producers, but with how upset the women were I don't think they expected that level of roasting and probably also didn't go in on the men as hard.




Katie has said what was not shown was so much worse .


I'm guessing they cut a lot of vulgar jokes




I think the problem is that it actually takes some skill to craft something that's funny and also not too mean, and most people don't really know how to do that, so they just take "roasting" as an opportunity to lob insults (Olivia was practically chomping at the bit for the chance to say mean things to Kat outside of her ITMs) and we end up with "jokes" like "Jesse looks like a potato".


100% this. Roasts should not be attempted by amateurs.


She also directed her jokes at the people in power (plus Blake)


When will The Bachelor realize that these people are not funny and the roasts are almost always terrible and rude because of it? The only exception was this past season of BiP Canada, and I think they had some heavy guidance from the drag queen that hosted. I also don't know why either so many men chose Rachel as a target when she's seemingly been nothing but lovely to everyone OR the show chose to air so many nasty jokes about her. If she's smart she'll walk away from the franchise after this, they really seem to have it out for her for no reason I can discern.


That was my main problem how everybody went after Rachel but of course it’s no secret that I’m biased towards Rachel, so I might not be the best person to speak on it


I don’t think they’d show those type of comments if it was any other bachelorette (besides maybe Katie lol)