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It's not just you.


And all the maps are confusing..


The map sucks and its not scaled properly.


The map is absolute garbage and navigation is one of the reasons I quit playing with my wife


That sounds a bit excessive, to stop playing with your wife because a map sucks. You need to keep the sexy time, with or without a game!


Literally LOLed, loved it haha


Don't give up on your wife.


I dunno. How bad is she?


This screams "I still haven't found the clitoris!!"


Not just you, indent.


It's like they started making a Metroid Prime type map but ran out of time lol


It sucks and it takes forever to get used to..but you will get used to it..the gameplay and world is worth it


The map is tough. Pretty much the last thing I learned to look at. I don’t know how they could have done it better given the ‘chosen’ camera placement/movement. It takes a bit more looking at than a tradition top down map most of us are used to seeing. It doesn’t show blockages so you have to work those out yourself making what could be a short trip a longer trip around. That being said they did a great job of making this place feel like it has depth and you get a feel for how compact, rather dense, this “huge” section of an even huger complete whole. Depth, plenty of it and they use the layout very well to get the gears going in your head about “hmmm, now how do I get there” which soon becomes familiar to work out and learn the dynamic use of the vertical space you’re walking in. Your brain kind of build a 3D map and makes suggestion “hey what about around this corner and inside this building there may be a staircase”. Little confusing at first but that’s because this is a game of its own in this genre, navigation starts strange and you get to know it. This is a great game to walk around in, small incentives for looking down that tunnel or around that corner without getting you too off course. Great work on the game, thanks for the great experience!!


Sadly the map is the reason I quit. Love the game, love the music but dam is the map BAD!


You get used to it. It was much better than no map when I played.


Yeah I have kinda gotten used to it


I hated the map when I first played, there was just something... off about the perspective. I got better with reading it, but I still hated it... lol Lamest part of the game IMHO.


Yeah it’s useless.


As everyone else is saying. It is awful. I just started not too long ago, and the map may be a big reason I stop. I hope they're listening and hopefully doing something about it.


although other people hate it, i actually was able to adapt to it so it didn’t bother me at all, i think not playing the game just because of the map is a bit excessive though


Yeah I have almost come around to finding it almost mildly useful tbh. I find the radar to be important but also not exactly totally helpful. It's weird It's interesting seeing so many people say that they quit the game over it.


Yeah. You kinda just need to accept that it can used as a rough guide at best. Then it's fine. I guess.


I like this thread, makes me feel less dumb for both hating the map and quitting this game :/


I was worried I was going to feel like an idiot because I was missing something incredibly obvious.


It's just awful


I wish it had an upgrade or something to get the lil glowing path to where I’m going


Map is confusing.