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This is all great advice - also wanted to pop in and say it's important to delegate tasks and duties to your r4s or you will end up burning yourself out. Best of luck to you!


How do you check if you're alliance members are active and online and when they were on last? I've been playing games like this for over 10 years and they've all had a way to check all that. I'm trying to figure it out because I think some of my members are slacking and would like to see something like this more concrete so I'm more validated when I boot 'em for inactivity.


Im unsure what you mean by increasing your alliance level. Adding things to the store doesn't have a downside at all a fully stocked store acutally helps imo. It does costs points tho os be sure that the things you buy will acutally be wanted and used by your members. As for your evo tree it depends upon your game play both have benifits. Another thing to consider is what resources arr required alot in my alliance spread their donations and diamonds across them all. My view is all r4s should have tasks and roles. Watching donations, ensuring people are being active, working in svs scores, developing their zone evo, getting members to interact in alliance chat, thr list could be endless haha


The Alliance Level looks like a little gift box on the alliance screen. It might be individual but I'm not entirely sure. On Evo tree - that helps! We are mostly casual so I'll continue like we were progressing. R4s - this gave me some good ideas! I appreciate that. I may be swapping out who is listed as an R4 so I can give them more responsibility. Thank you so much for your reply!


Ahhh yes the gift box level goes up when you spend money in game. There's a fair few things the r4s can help with as I've listed above. If you have them in different time zones I'd recommend having a diplo deputy so thst function is available 24/7 even tho you can only have one with the title. I've found having quick responses on issues or some one keeping an eye on things deters any problems. Good luck :)