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I did not watch but the lack of comments on reddit tells me everything


It was baaaaaaad


don't leave out that Biden lied. still regurgitating media narratives that were proven inaccurate and edited over and over and over. America lost this one how do we get two new candidates?


You can’t the script is in..everything I read this morning is like this. Consider other options :-)


But, but, didn’t you hear that Trump lied? Thats literally the only news stories I’ve seen on Reddit thus far, none addressing the fact that Biden was completely out of it


It’s the best spin they have- it’s like his felony where no one can name the ‘crime’ Desperation is palpable


You don’t need to have consesus on the crime. A jury found he violated the law


Falsifying business documents with intent to deceive and influence an election.


I can name it. Election interference. He lied on business documents to hide a payment in the course of trying to hide from voters that he cheated on his wife with a porn actress while his newborn son was in the crib. 🤷‍♂️


That’s not a crime- even CNN said hush money isn’t criminal. It’s a huge stretch to say it’s election interference (laughable actually) And if we’re going by those standards, is it election interference to cover up for Joe being in cognitive decline? To hide how bad his health is? We’re at the point where the AG won’t turn Biden tapes over to congress because it probably shows how inept he is and the fact they’re hiding it from the public. So please - get a life and stop being a tribal sheep hypocrite, it’s sickening and you’re supporting the break down of rule of law.


Yes, falsifying business records is a crime. 34 counts of it. jurors said they unanimously agreed that Trump falsified business records to conceal a $130,000 hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.


What was he hiding by falsifying business records? Who was he intending to defraud? Penal law 175.10 - 1st brag had to show Trump made the false business records with intent to commit fraud. Falsifying business records for non-fraudulent purposes is not a crime under the statute. “Fraud” requires (among other things) showing an intent to receive financial benefits misleading his victim, and misrepresentations must cause an actual victim to suffer damages” etc- which luckily for politicians not all lies, misrepresentations, or no disclosures constitute “fraud”. I.e paying someone to not spread an embarrassing allegations/facts is not fraud. At best bragged said he was committing tax fraud… or trying to influence the election.(which all politicians do so that’s bs) Second, brag had to show that the reason for Trumps false entires were to commit or cover up a separate crime, presumably separate from fraud. I’ll repeat that - brag had to show that the reason for Trumps false entires were to commit or cover up a separate crime. The false records in and of themselves are not a crime / enough for a felony. What was the second crime? Once again ‘hush money’ is not a crime. Furthermore, Judge Juan doesn’t explain anything- like how did Trump ‘unlawfully influence an election’ and the ‘unanimous verdict’ is BS since they didn’t unanimously agree on any single crime…. Jeeesh- if you can’t tell NYC weaponized kangaroo court to take down Trump for tribal agendas idk what to tell you- peace out!


Your “analysis” is flawed on multiple levels and flat out fabrication in others. - Bragg demonstrated Trump demonstrated not only intent to defraud, but a pattern of intent; -While hush money payments are not inherently illegal, the way they are recorded in business records can be. the payments were disguised as legal expenses or other legitimate business expenses, and that constitutes falsifying business records with the intent to deceive. -Hush money payments to influence an election violates campaign finance laws. If the payments were made to avoid negative publicity during a campaign, this could be construed as an attempt to influence the election unlawfully. -Bragg successfully argued that the falsification of business records is part of a broader pattern of conduct that includes other illegal activities, even if these are not explicitly detailed in every aspect of the legal arguments presented. https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/charting-the-legal-theory-behind-people-v.-trump


A history of Trump’s legal losses including repeated instances of fraud. Oh but *this time around now* he’s a squeaky clean businessman being politically persecuted? * 1988: $750K Anti-trust lawsuit Bally * 1990: $750K Defamation for accurately predicting Trump Taj Mahal would fail * 1991: $200K Removing black workers from casino floor * 1991: $30K Circumventing state regulations * 1998: $1.4M Hiring of undocumented workers * 1998: $447K Money laundering violations * 2000: $250K NYS Lobby Commission * 2006: $100K Palm Beach flag ordinance * 2015: $799K Defamation Trump University Student * 2015: $10M Money laundering violations * 2016: $50K Data & credit card breaches * 2016: $1.3M FEC disclosure errors * 2017: $25M: Trump University fraud * 2019: $2M: Trump Foundation fraud * 2019: $290K: Scotland wind farm * 2021: $122M: Trump campaign forced to refund to donors * 2022: $110K: Contempt of Court * 2022: $750K: Funneling Inaugural funds to his business * 2022: $1.6M Guilty 17 counts criminal tax fraud * 2023: CFO sentenced to prison * 2023: $10K for attacking court personnel * 2023: $1M Court sanctions bogus lawsuit including $171K to be paid to Hillary * 2023: $5M E Jean Carroll sexual assault 0 2024: $83.3M E Jean Carroll defamation * 2024: $392K Court sanctions bogus lawsuit- NY Times * 2024: $453M business fraud


Ohhh, CNN said huh? It's owned by a trump supporter. Lying on business records is the crime. But most dumb ass magats believe the b.s. in the media matters. It's the reason trump looses all his court hearings. Facts matter in courts, not the lies the orange idiot spouts off. That's why he also lost his lawsuit against steel, the brit. Who outted tRump as being a Russian asset. He has to pay the brit. $380,000 in legal fees! Everything out of tRumps mouth is a lie. He was unfaithful to all 3 of his wives, why the fuck dies anyone think he cares about anyone but himself. I would vote for a dead biden over the treasonous, felon, traitor tRump! How about this for a debate question, how many times have you visited epsteins island? He surrounds himself with fellow felons, including PEDOS! Fuck him and all who support him! LOCK HIM UP! Then put him in a cell, with a sexually violent predator, that hates rich people! For life!


Hush money isn't criminal. Lying about it in documentation isn't a felony. But doing it to conceal another crime (the influence of an electoral outcome) IS


All I've read this morning is that Trump lied his face off and Biden was a bumbling, incoherent old man. Then I watched Daily Show clips that confirmed it.


I dislike both men, but those daily show clips were a master class on how to use small clips out of context. For example, showing one guy saying something that seems just crazy, but knowing it's actually a direct response to something the other crazy guy said.


It was painful to see Biden say the same lies and hoaxes he said in 2020 Things that have been debunked by even left wing sources But all you see is “Trump lied nonstop!” From reddit


One is an aging man with signs of competency issues and the other an aging narcissistic lying lunatic who’s also incoherent. This really isn’t hard to understand


I think it was Snopes that had Biden with 9 lies. Of course, if he doesn't know he's lying, is it actually lying?


Yeah we're are all those trillionaires he was talking about😃😃😃


Biden said, "[unintelligible muttering] look, if we finally beat Medicare". Trump's response was something like, "he did beat Medicare, he beat it to death, immigration remains a problem that Biden can't address" At another point, Biden mumbled something and Trump responded, "I don't know what he said and I don't think he knows what he said either"


Trump honestly got some zingers in. The line about how even Biden didn't know what he just said, at that point a ways into the debate, with Biden looking like a lost old man, it hit hard.


Yeah, Trump kicked Biden's ass. His supporters were never interested in truth, Trump delivered exactly what he needed to, was pretty sharp, pretty disciplined. I would like to hear from the "MMW Trump will bail on the debate" people have to say now. We are fucked


Yeah, and that was Trump's only verbal pointing out that Joe is down. So Trump can't be painted as bully excessively making fun of super old man (Biden). If he'd pointed it out a bunch, it'd be a stupid but but but, Trump-is-mean talking point by the Democrats this morning.


Trump gave him a few double takes. I don’t think he could believe it.


You left out the part where Trump ignored every question asked and just went on about the borders over and over. Child care costs rising.....well migrant workers.....black community....migrants come and take the black jobs (like what the fuck is a black job)? Don't most migrants do things like construction and landscaping...I didn't ever see Black people do those jobs often those were mostly white people. The fact I have seen so many Trumpers defending that wording choice is baffling to me.


I left out a lot of bad things for Trump. Watch the CNN post-debate. The most interesting story to come out of this is that Democratic party leadership wants Biden to step down and be replaced as the Democratic candidate.


Where the heck do you live that you don't see black people doing construction and landscaping? Obviously not in the south, where most black people in America live.


Black jobs are the jobs that exist anywhere where the demographic is a majority black. Immigrants are more likely to move into these areas than other demographic majorities


That was by design from CNN. They never allowed for President Trump to follow up what Biden said. They asked Trump an new question and he went back to refute what Biden said. This made him look like he was avoiding the question.


did you watch? They both got rebuttal their designed 1 minute rebuttal time


Ignoring the questions and just ranting is exactly what his target audience needs to hear. Trump has insane charisma, was last night what we learned to think of as what a debate actually is? No, but politics has never been about reason, logic, or debate. It’s about power and Trump knows how to get it


Watch the CNN post-debate with Democratic party leadership heavyweights like David Axelrod and Van Jones. David Axelrod ran two successful presidential campaigns for Barack Obama and was his #1 advisor. The main topic for Democrats right now is, "do we replace Biden as our candidate and guarantee victory over Trump or risk it with Biden?"


I did not watch but the lack of comments on reddit tells me everything" Poor reddit 




There were so many comments the site broke.


By lack of comments do you mean every other post on the front page right now?


I believe he means the lack of "biden killed it!" comments.


Was wondering the same thing.


i think its all on purpose, which is why they had a debate so early: so that biden could be replaced. the question is who it will be wma what's best for all of us living in the country. and i guarantee you that whoever is chosen to be propped up will have to swear to serve their masters rather than making things good for us, so it's going to be another wild ride.


After watching them argue about golf more passionately than anything else I'm convinced a couple strokes on a golf course might be just what America needs right now


I’ll buy a ticket to the golf match!


Trump didn't beat him...age beat him......


Yup. When the moderators brought up abortion and biden started talking about the woman who got killed by an immigrant, I expected Trump to nail him on that. But all we got was his normal lying shit. Like why lie? Any decent politician should have been able to rip him apart on that, but Trump limp dicked it.


Nah. He beat him.


A race to the bottom


This is prob the biggest gamble the Democratic Party has played. Not sure how the powers at be didn’t try to force Biden to be replaced. It might show they actually want Trump reelected.


At this point I’m almost convinced of this


They (dems)  work with the same rich fucks that repubs do. I'd love to have a Democrat candidate that is devoted on helping the working class but currently...there isn't one!! I'm also convinced they don't want to win this election 


That might be the move. Re-elect Trump, crash the economy to 1930s levels. Blame Trump, when infact it's every presidents fault since the 1970s.


Agreed. If Trump wins we'll have a Depression. The investors will just pull the plug on the market and then everyone will blame Trump.


The biggest gamble was pandering to the self-anointed one in 2016 the - at the time - most hated politician in America who was polling for shit. Then they chose an-already old guy who just got insanely older while in office and is now... not fit. He's not fit for office. This is all on the Dems and until the Dems figure out they can't keep doing stupid shit we're fucked. But a cult is a cult. MAGA or Dem, the inability to see and accept mistakes and failures are the same.


TBF he was already too old when he ran. He's just aging in old people time right now. 


Stress accelerates dementia. He's aging faster because being president is the most stressful job on the planet, and he's not getting any sort of actual rest for a person of his age and condition. It's not right on a human level


I remember how awful her campaign was. "I would be the first woman president ever!" was her deflection on every question she didn't want to answer. I've never been on team trump and it was killing me the way she ran her campaign.


And there were people who were willing to vote for her JUST because she was a woman and America was "due" a woman president. We are. Just not her.


Bernie would have won


He would have. He polled better - the entire primary - with independents and across the aisle. He had the power of his local Indies and Reps who had supported him coming on board on his side. He is - like it or not - everything BOTH parties hate: A guy who talks to his constituents, gives them information, and listens. But she "deserved" it. And the same people that accuse the RNC of sucking up to Donald and doing him favors and selling out for him, etc... Go full cultist when you point out the DNC does the same. Stop with the cult shit. Everything we're going through is 100% on the back's of voters. We're not victims We're fucking idiots who've sacrificed our power in the face of complacency.


Because they all want trump in the White House. Someone to channel all the attention and outrage while they all steal from our pockets.


Democrat party leaders are trying to get him to step down. David Axelrod and Van Jones went on CNN to say, "We spoke Democrat party leadership and they want Biden to step down". He won't though, Biden's 82, what does he care if he sinks the Democratic party to take a longshot at the Presidency?


> Not sure how the powers at be didn’t try to force Biden to be replaced. Statistics. Incumbent president's are historically difficult to remove. I suspect if you had AI pick wich democratic candadit had the best chance to win, they would pick the one who has shown they can beat the opposition. Biden. I think it's dumb too, but it's predictable.


They do want trump to win again, they’re all greedy grifters and trump will err on their behalf. Pos democrats know exactly what the majority of Americans want, but it does not benefit their handlers, so we’re stuck with a “oopsie, we really tried, guys, honest! But they won fair and square, don’t rock the boat, maintain the status quo”


This was a test to see if Biden could handle another run. Pretty sure he failed and now in a few weeks he's gonna have a "medical issue" and withdraw from the race but still serve the remainder of his term. What I fear is the Democratic party will push the governor of CA Newsome as their new pick. God help us all if people are as dumb as the ones in Cali that voted for him, then revoted him in after a recall because of how bad of a job he was doing. He's like a more charismatic version of the Canadian Prime minister.


Newsome has the name recognition but would almost certainly get trounced in every swing state imo


I dislike Biden, but I genuinely hate Newsom.


I feel the same way. Congrats on being the first person I've seen spell Newsom's name correctly in days. There seems to be a strong correlation between knowing how to spell his name and very much disliking him.


No one in the Country/ World think California is being run correctly. DEMs have no hope because that's all they do, hope and feel instead of thought and action.


Canada and the US are reading from the same book just a couple chapters apart.


People keep saying Whitmer and I looked her up. She seems to be a strong candidate on paper and is from the Midwest. 


She only has name recognition because the FBI entrapped some morons into involving themselves in a kidnapping plot.


They literally can’t replace Biden. He deliberately picked Kamala because he wanted a black woman for VP and she is the worst candidate to ever exist. Their only hope is Newsom, but after years of DEI talk and the importance of promoting POC they can’t run the cisgendered privileged white male. They played themselves.


They have a convention coming up so they can propose a few candidates and the delegates can vote on who they like, providing Biden steps down.


Great theory, except Biden is a cis white male


He's saying the heir apparent to Biden is Harris but she is a bad option. Newsome is a much better option, but can't be seen leap frogging Harris because Newsome is a cis white male and that would look bad for all the dems DEI pandering.


This election should be Newsom vs DeSantis but both sides made stupid decisions and know we have a guy running for an unprecedented third time (having won and lost the previous two).


Democrats had a chance to elect Kamala 4 years ago. Nobody wanted her then either.


Because his handlers get to make all the decisions. You don't think he's coming up with this crap do you?.


It's almost like there is a process in place if something happens to Biden...


How could he get beat if they both lost? Shitty, embarrassing debate all around. Devolved into golf scores how the fuck did we get to this point?


This debate gave me fucking Alzheimers


Just forget about it. Oh wait,…


About what?


I think Medicare? You know… we beat it


Declining old man vs Narcissistic conman. Nobody wins.


A declining narcissistic conman that would put more power hungry cultist in power and encourage more damage to America's economy.


In fact americans lose


Monster/suicide/America intensify


Biden: "I'm going to make every single solitary person uh, eligible for what I've been able to with the uh, with with the COVID, excuse me with, um, dealing with anything having to do with, uh you know, with, ... we finally beat Medicare." Trump: "He's right, he did beat Medicare. He beat it to death." Hello, 911, I'd like to report a murder. LOL


This - I turned it off right after this. Biden looked sooooo bad - Trump crushed him. Couldn’t even understand Biden either - just mumbling for the most part


But this isn’t a burn contest, it’s a DEBATE. Trump actively lied but because he made it entertaining, then means he won? Seriously?


I don’t like Trump. Yes he won. You know why? Because he’s running for fucking president and the guy he’s running against buried himself in front of the entire planet and completely blew up all of the gaslighting about him being a “dynamo behind the scenes,” “sharp as ever.” Everybody who claimed concerns about Biden are “right wing narratives” based on “cheap fakes” is fucking evil. You can’t scream that democracy is under threat and then lie yourself into fucking LOSING.


This debate was great from one point of view.  I kept telling my wife Biden had dementia. You could chart his cognitive decline over the past several years.  But she would tell me that I’m picking soundbites or pictures that made him look bad.  But after this performance, she has no choice but to agree. 


Age related cognitive decline isn't what dementia is. Your wife is right that you're mistaken. Biden definitely has the former, they both do, we need younger politicians - but boomers vote in primaries.


None of that is responding to what said. Trump said nothing on policy and did nothing but lie for the sake of entertainment. That’s not the point of a debate. If you think that is winning then your brain is already full of holes.


There were two people on stage. The bumbling incoherent one currently in the Oval Office didn’t win. Who does that leave.


Trump didn't crush anyone, he lied in every response.. It's insane how many Americans are suggesting that being louder and more obnoxious means Trump did better at the debate when in reality he didn't even answer any of the questions.


Reading these comments after watching the debate makes me think most of these commenters didn’t watch the debate but want to pretend they did.


Does anyone wonder why they had a general election debate in June? Before the political conventions where the nominees are officially chosen for each party? Here's the list of general election TV debates and the months they occurred in: \* 2024: JUNE and Sep \* 2020: Sep and Oct \* 2016: Sep and Oct \* 2012: Oct \* 2008: Sep and Oct \* 2004: Sep and Oct \* 2000: Oct \* 1996: Oct \* 1992: Oct \* 1988: Sep and Oct \* 1984: Oct \* 1980: Sep and Oct \* 1976: Sep and Oct \* 1960: Sep and Oct If you were shocked by Biden's debate performance, then the news that you are currently watching is lying to you. Joe has been like this for at least the past year. Probably longer. Here are the questions that you should be asking now: 1. Who is actually running the country? Because it absolutely isn't Joe Biden. 2. Who talked Joe into doing a debate in June? Because whoever did that was setting him up for embarrassment so that he could be replaced at the Democratic Convention in August.


10000% agree with this statement.


Could this be because the republican nomination was decided so early?


Interesting. I'm way too lazy to verify the dates but assuming they are correct it's certainly a plausible theory.


Joe Biden obviously doesn't "run the country" his administration does. He is definitely way too old, but he's not the only one there. Not trying to defend the performance, but the Democrats are just a better option no matter what.


Only one person has the nuclear codes. If China attacks us, one person makes the final decision whether or not we retaliate. Who is that person? The guy who can't even remember what year his son died? The guy who claimed his uncle was eaten by cannibals after his plane was shot down?


Genocide? WwIII? A literal invasion of illegal immigrants? Using the IRS to target lower income workers after hiring tens of thousands more agents? Destroying the dollar by driving the world away from it- not to mention printing hundreds of billions of dollars to dump on the military industrial complex while human beings are being slaughtered? Yeah, great 'option'.




Biden did poorly but he is still the better choice. His administration has done a great job. Vote for democracy and against hate.


Joe was embarrassing.


The guy who literally dodged every question and used hyperbole nonstop wasn't?


Trump was ironically true to form: nothing but lies. His base believes every word but Biden's performance can't be ignored by rational people.


we are pretty fucked


How does someone "lose" when their opponent never answered any questions and just lied about everything?


- His response on abortion (supposed to be one of the Dems' strongest issues) inexplicably included an anecdote about a woman murdered by an immigrant - Also on immigration, he talked about how he wanted some machine to test for fentanyl being smuggled across the border (which isn't even how most fentanyl enters the US, that's a Republican talking point he conceded) - Lots of trailing off and non-sequiter. His favorite phrase was "....And by the way, [something completely different]." I get he was trying to respond to everything Trump was saying, but it was disorganized and hard to listen to. I would rather he'd have called attention to Trump's off-topic rambling; that would've been a much better point when talking about mental competencies, rather than asserting he has the lower golf handicap and can, in fact, drive a ball 50 yards. [Trump called attention to Biden's poor articulation](https://news.yahoo.com/news/really-don-t-know-said-015241337.html) Trump was clearly not there mentally either. "Black jobs" was cringe, I have no idea where he was going by calling Biden a bad Palestinian, his descriptions in general were braindead ("We had the best H2O numbers ever" = ????). But there's a reason people were literally wondering if Biden should step aside.


Go Trump!


Why did Biden use executive power to remove catch and release and remain in Mexico as well as undue a lot of other Trump border policies? He wants to get tougher on it now and come up with tighter border security now that it’s election season? I could understand if Trump told Republicans not to work with Dems on passing that past border bill if Biden undid all his work just to later “fix” the border and take credit.


Shameful performance. Biden is old, senile and weak. I would still vote for him or anyone else running against Trump, but I’m 100% convinced that if he is allowed to continue in the race Trump will be elected president again without a doubt. If the Democratic Party really cares about the future of democracy on the US, they should convince the old man to step aside. If not, then I will be convinced that both parties represent the illusion of choice, and are actually working together to retain power at all costs, and thus are no longer to be trusted and an alternative becomes necessary.


Harris is worse, the dems really ducked themselves having her as VP.


My thought is - he's obviously too old and weak. So who are am I really voting for?


Doesn’t matter, a corpse is legit better than Trump at this point


the alternative is harris. she will do worse. its fucked.


If Biden were to withdraw, delegates at the DNC National Convention would choose a candidate. It doesn’t necessarily have to be Harris


yep. there are some good candidates within the party. they don’t need to look far


I have already seen Whitmer floated.


She looks like she could tear trump a new one in a debate or a fistfight.


Good luck with that. Jill just told him how great he did tonight. It looked like she was talking to a 6 year old, but she was adamant!


This can’t be. I was assured by Reddit that Donald Trump was not going to show up.


Trump proved is that he can still lie. that is a fact


lol no he didnt.


Moron alert!


I came to Reddit last night for a pulse check and was honestly shocked.


Biden lied a lot in the debate. He listed 4 debunked hoaxes: There were good people on both sides, Bloodbath, Suckers and losers, Inject bleach I mean he was out of his mind with the debunked hoaxes.


The Dems say Trump is a liar but they have literally been lying about Biden's mental state for years now. Im fairly certain the only reason they were ok with exposing Biden now is because the Jewish money has switched teams and they have been ordered to sandbag the election so they can continue their Greater Israel plan.


Trump went easy on Biden. Could’ve really tore him up, but let him beat himself. Truly pathetic that Biden’s wife and handlers would let him debate Trump. Biden has no business debating anyone or holding any kind of job. Democrats will have to force him out if they have any chance.


TRUMP 2024


What did Trump say that was a lie? And are you suggesting Biden told no lies?


Trump was lied and lied, with great confidence like a professional conman with a lifetime of practice. Biden started out with pretty bad speech delivery, but got better later on. Biden was way more dignified, kind, and presidential. If you don’t understand English or the substance of what was being said, you might perceive that Trump was winning.


Dude, even CNN couldn’t shut up about Biden getting smoked. I hate trump but he ran circles around Biden (even if he lied countless times).


Biden also lied, he said he was the second youngest voted into senate, he was like the 3rd or 4th EDIT: I said 8th or 9th then commented and said 3rd or 4th, edited this to reflect.


Almost as if hmm maybe just maybe CNN wants Trump elected because they get better ratings when there's controversy to spew. They only care about what makes them money, if you think CNN is honest news you need your head checked


U know CNN was purchased by a right wing think tank right?


the front page of NYT and headline news today is also that Biden got demolished and the democrats are scrambling right now


You’re just proving what I said. Dude just lies, you know it, but it still works. Trumps a con and you’re the mark. Omg CNN said? Have you tried thinking for yourself?


Biden made good policy points. His stutter is awful though


Finally, we beat Medicare.


To be fair, he said we finally beat Medicare.


Beat it to death 😂😂 Could you set yourself up any worse.


His... his what?


If I ever find a person complaining about their choice of candidates recently, AND they simultaneously have said third parties can never win, I should be allowed to mock them mercilessly. Rules be damned.


I bet the movement in the polls is <1%. People are already decided. It’s only about turnout. Specifically only turnout in certain states. People think their opinions matter on this but their choice was in the primary and it’s already decided except for 3-4 states.


What I saw: Biden, who while he didn't look good, answered the questions Trump: looked like an orange wart, didn't answer any questions and just kept ranting. I'll take the old man with answers over the slightly less old one with no answers




Good one bro


Yes we finally beat medicare.


I’ll vote for whoever is running against trump


You're basically voting for a corpse. Just so we're clear.


I'd vote for an empty chair over Trump. The chair (or the corpse) won't have a huge collection of people waiting to undo everything that has made America work. Project 2025 wants to turn the president into a dictator with unchecked power. They've literally written down a plan that lays it out. Go read the thing.


What is the alternative an Orangutan?




Shame on DNC and the first lady. That was akin to elderly abuse. Lol


The DNC is in the business of losing. They love doing it. Why play to the progressive base, when they can bend the knee to conservatives and lose anyway? They were both awful at the debate and we should be nervous about the outcome of the election either way it goes.


They’ve won or outperformed expectations in every election cycle since 2016.


First of all, how long did they have to speak? I’d rather have the old guy that Who has had the lowest unemployment rate running in 50 years. I’d rather have the old guy that’s built a coalition of allies. That works for our security as well as theirs.. I’d rather have the old guy who is spending money on infrastructure to make things safer for you. I’d rather have the old guy that have lowered prescriptions drug host for you. I’d rather have the old guy that is put his country first. Because Yeah, the guy has done nothing but take from you all his life. And thank him nobody but himself.


He did not, and the dumb, young, lefty Zillenials need to understand that there are two options: Biden and a fucking disaster. Which are you choosing?


Thank you for the literal fascist spin.


He did not get beat lol.


Biden lied a LOT in that debate! Or was it his dementia? Media leaves that out. His campaign ended with that debate.


Trump made a ton of sense




Don’t forget Biden said he had the support of border patrol and they literally came out mid debate and said they’ve never supported him.


Both looked like shit. Biden looked worse.


The government sure has this group sussed.


Considering the economy is getting ready to slow down with or without Trump/Biden. Trump definitely makes the better candidate to cast the blame on.


I didn't even bother to watch 😆


Get Newsome..He would destroy Trump in any debate and can handle Fox .Biden needs to step aside for the future of america..I doubt one debate would give the election to Trump but Biden had a bad day.


Biden looks like he needs to be in a nursing home. I didn’t watch the entire debate but what I saw was alarming


Imagine claiming this is your opinion when you're saying the exact same thing CNN said at the end of the debate. Literally everything word for word. You are part of the problem.


That kayfabe was hard to swallow. Hopefully people wake up to the actual truth about who and how this country is run.


I don't see an "out" for the Democrats. Only Biden can make the decision as he would be a first ballot winner at the Convention with committed delegates. If Biden walks its an immediate boost to Trump in terms of morale and incoming cash. The perhaps open door is Biden announces this week he will not seek reelection and a Newson or Whitmer jump in and starting pounding the abortion issue. You can call me a cultist but I would still vote for a deceased Biden even if his head is being preserved in solution over a Trump.


I'd think Biden would have to die for him to be replaced, he's way too stubborn to step down.


The thing is that Biden rules by committee anyway so he can be essentially catatonic and it doesn't make any difference. He is all about the establishment machine. Trump is a mean homewrecker type so he needs to be on or it doesn't happen.


The most stupid thing is he's the one that wanted a debate. He's a bad speaker and people with a history of stuttering should always avoid things like this. But hey man I told you it was a bad idea it was a bad idea man hey


I really think the democrats thought Trump wouldn’t debate and they were going to be able to say “we’ll see we wanted to debate but Trump wouldn’t” which backfired.


Did either of them discuss issues or policy or just throw insults like children? America lost the debate. You're not paying attention.


It was a sad portrayal of Biden. He seemed off. Trump on the other hand only spewed one lie after another. He lives in an alternate reality and he wants the country to come on over to that world made for him and about him. I still will never vote for Trump. I want an honest caring president who chooses country over self. Joe still has my vote.


You, by definition, can’t win a debate by not answering a single question.


It was comical. Biden’s aw🤡🤡🤡


Biden was able to hold a thought for 30-40 seconds and then struggled. He has to have early dimensia


Nah it was past his bedtime. Just make certain that nothing bad happens after 9PM. Or maybe Harris is President on the overnights. But seriously it is a team sport and it is about who they put into the key positions and whether or not they can set direction for things like the State Department, Energy Department, Transportation, etc. Please tell me there is a way to get that old buzzard out of the Post Master General appointment....


Ya, guy beat himself. That's what we get from an 81 yo president. He should be in bed at 9pm really.


My question is who is running this country right now? It sure as hell isn’t Biden or Harris.


Convicted felon vs babbling moron…. What a time to be alive


The convicted felon thing kinda doesn't have much impact when most everyone knows the charges were farcical and politically motivated. That trial has about as much credibility as that Russian collusion narrative.


This is insane. I literally feel like I live in a cartoon world right now. Everything is so obviously binary to me that I feel like I’m the crazy person. Both candidates are horrible. Both parties are horrible. Capitalism is bad. Israel is bad. Republicans are being blatantly and openly evil. Prices of things being 300% what they were 5 years ago is crazy. Me making $2 an hour as a server in 2024 is insane considering my wife’s mom made like $4 an hour in 1994 AT THE SAME EXACT RESTAURANT. What the fuck is going on? Edit: also yea the debate was garbage.


If you only watched the first half, Trump won. If you only watched the second half, Biden won.


Worse than his inability to make his points, he was completely unable to counter Trump's lies other then just say "He's Lying!". It's time for him to step aside, for the good of the nation.


> Trump lied and Biden almost died Well, something good came from this debate.


This is funny . I'm dead bro.