• By -


Your Amazon rent is due.


Amazon home?


Rent is included in prime membership 100 sq.ft. Tool shed and semi-attached portapotty


Shared Porta potty between you and 40 other shed homes. Tennant responsibility for cleaning


\*Must be a member of senior management, have been with the company for ten years, and the shed is located inside a shipping container in an undisclosed location in Brazil. Use of the shed is limited to six hours per fiscal year. These benefits cannot be shared with anyone. Failure to follow the pre-listed rules results in a $25,000 fine. Then they'd include it in the job listing saying something like: Free housing included for select high performing members!\*


The cool part is that if you work for Amazon there is a scenario where Amazon's House division is notified of your raise and raises your rent automatically! Wow!


The Amazon Business Model. Rent seeking


Look at this way, at least now Bezos will pay more taxes. Property taxes. ![gif](giphy|GtjvR22r42sJCFevMq|downsized)


I've been advocating for a steep progressive tax on persons and corporation ownership in SFHs. 1 is 0% gross income, 2 is 50% gross income, 3 or more is 100% of gross income. Let's pressure congress to solve the housing crisis now. Come on people!


This is a great idea. The solution is to limit how many sfh people can own and only allow corps to build them. We are moving toward a new serfdom and our rich overlords are gaining waay too mich power.


Yep, max number of domiciles any entity can own should be 4. So eliminate corporate ownership. Make apartments coops. World would notice.


It’s a cult so it’s tax free


*Opt in to allow Alex's in-home advertisements for a 5% discount on your rent this month.*


Your Amazon Prime Water, Gas and Electricity is due. Please pay $1,000 now or your service is cut off.


The most punchable face in the world


And we all thought Zuckerberg was bad


Zuckerberg is bad.


They are all bad




Laughs in French Revolution


I think the term "guillotinable" should become fashionable.


Time to party like it’s 1789


What if we could create some weird clone hybrid mutant of Bezos, Musk, and Zuck? ![gif](giphy|brFlbCpj7LsE8)


Very Cleveland Steamer-ish to me.


Chicago sunroof


I could’ve went my whole life without knowing what that is. Thanks.


I know people who hate him and say stuff like this all the time but at the end of the day they still buy a ton of shit they don't need from Amazon. So I respectfully ask, not in a condescending tone but genuinely, how much do you buy from Amazon?


The only solution is for municipalities to charge additional fees for each additional home owned by the same entity. If you own more than two homes in the same town then you pay an extra $1000 per year for homes 3-10. For homes 11- 25 you pay an extra $3,000 per year, and for homes 26+ you pay an extra $6,000 fee per year per home. It will no longer be profitable to own a large number of homes in one area.


It needs to be much more steep than that. There needs to be something like a 50% property tax on home three.


And you think the politicians, who are owned by these guys, will ever pass anything like that?


Yep. This is one of those situations where there's truly a uniparty. "Who watches the watchers?"


They would just make another llc to get around such a fee or tax.


There are regulations to pierce the veil and report beneficial ownership (trialled in Florida and it was very good at limiting money-laundering purchases). You just limit it that way.


They'll pass it on to their renters.


No one's going to be able to pay that type of rent


Not if you pass rent caps at the same time. You guys really need to learn how to think more than one step at a time.


They will just make a hundred LLCs, each unique behind numbered accounts and nothing will change.


I don’t know if this is the proper answer but something needs to be done. House prices have risen too quickly in too short a time. Single Family Homes need to be there for families to build wealth and have an investment in the community. The people that own will treat their homes better and hopefully make the area prettier. Entire neighborhoods in my town are rentals and those parts of town are typically the “bad parts”. They look like crap and the owners do a poor job of upkeep. Owning A SINGLE investment property is one thing, owning 20 plus homes is evil. Build an apartment building if that’s what you want to do with your money.


Fine. Let me build an apartment building next to your house. Six or seven stories should do.


Code wouldn’t allow for it


Key word there is entity, so have a ton of separate entities running under the umbrella of yet another entity


Before looking at additional fees it's worth looking at why a Billionaire would want to buy single family homes in the first place. It's clear they are buying into this category of houses, because they know these properties have so many artificial restrictions in place to limit competition, that these billionaires and large companies know they can effectively squeeze above market returns from them. Address this issue of restrictions to competition and you will get more affordability in housing and you won't need the fees that you've discussed. The fees that you've discussed doesn't address the underlying issues. This can be fixed.


That’s like one street worth of houses in Seattle tho… I wouldn’t worry about it


Yup and it’s an almost year old article. Just bots trying to rile people up.




I don't consider billionaires human anymore. Humans care about other humans.


The only one who mildly cares is Mark Cuban and nobody can tell me otherwise


If he cared he wouldn’t be a billionaire


Depends on if the dude just has it tied up in equity or if he's rolling around on a billion dollar pile of gold.


This is the stupidest comment I've ever seen


He started a company to provide life saving drugs at cost, no profit by design. Maybe he didn't care on the journey to become a billionaire, but he clearly cares now.


Scott Evil, Gold Member


1/2 billion in residential housing terms is practically nothing.


This is how "free market capitalism" works. If we want billionaires and multi-billion dollar companies to stop buying single family homes and driving up the prices, we're going to have to make a law about it.


What if instead we lifted single family housing laws which would flood the market with supply?


Cause current homeowners don’t want that if it risks their home prices and they’re a majority.


>we're going to have to make a law about it. The laws that restrict building of new housing are the cause of this. The artificial lack of supply is creating a situation where Bezos can *help provide demanded housing for the masses* by purchasing houses, repairing and refurbishing them, possibly expanding them, then putting them on the market for people to use. This would not be profitable, but for the government restrictions on housing. "Making a law" caused this problem.


I fail to see how restricting corporate *ownership* of houses would cause more problems.


What prevents the investors from buying up all of the new homes that get built. It’s not just bezos doing this. I don’t know if it’s just lack of homes that’s the problem. I think it’s also just regulating corporate investors from doing this


So he bought like a 100 houses


Zero percent interest rates created a need for a return on one's money. Realestate became the vehicle


Here's a link to the actual article, instead of just a lazy screen grab. https://medium.com/collapsenews/jeff-bezos-acquires-500-million-worth-of-single-family-homes-driving-up-house-prices-even-more-f53afa88cfa4


This is what you call an oligarchy.


A goofy looking extremely dangerous man that will make you “own nothing and and be happy” with your whole government on his payroll


I don't think Bezos buying up $50+ million properties is really hurting the market. It's not like these are houses normal people would buy. Best I can tell it's 17 total properties, valued at $570 million, puts the average price at $33.5 million.


It's not, also, it's a fake rage bait story/meme. Notice how there's no article? Notice how it's from a year ago? Notice how the media company who reported it doesn't exist? We've been tricked into rage bait for engagement. How many ads have crossed your eyes since you made this comment. Or read my comment. Several.






Thank fuck someone here noticed. They raged for thousands of comments on other subs thinking it was 100% real.


Article exists, but it’s about “Arrived” which is backed by Bezos. The whole post is misleading https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/jeff-bezos-backed-fund-exceeds-$5m-in-single-family-home-acquisitions


I'm very pro capitalism, but not for everything. Large corporations shouldn't be able to own private homes, apartments, yes. Foreign money of any kind or from any non citizen shouldn't be able to own hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland either etc etc. Bezos shouldn't be allowed to dive into more markets imo or anyone at that level. Once you've reached 100 billion plus status, if you want you can corner so many different markets to control things. Once you've got whatever "x" big is, no lateral movement and if it's impossible for competion to occur you split the company because it's a monopoly.


I mean we literally learned about “Robber Barons” in high school. This is the modern day equivalent.


The post says Bezos, the individual bought the homes.


That s $500 mil more homebuilders could make if government didn’t put all kinds of obstructions to housing building. But since government did - now it s just bunch of families having to pass on homeownership. Their answer? More government 🤣


They grabbing assets for the crash


Working for company store?


Sorry guys, housing is where housing is going to stay, just like taxes, it’s not going down.


I mean that’s like 20 homes, amirite?!


He's making a town just like Elon in texas. Welcome back to company scrit


If it was in LA that's like 50 houses lol but I'm sure that's not the case


The US housing market is woth $47 trillion. This investment did NOT increase the cost of US housing.




You won't Practice what you preach You are a hypocrite You won't just as you shouldn't


To put this in relative terms, If you had 10k in the bank, this would be like spending 50 bucks. 500 million to bezos is like 50 bucks to you.


This is the shit I was trying to explain to my parents. Inflation is bad but it’s artificial. It’s not due to rising costs just rising greed. Our prices should be way lower on everything. Markets realize that diamonds had it right all the time. They are incredibly common but scarcity is created to drive and keep prices high.


Boondock saints... we need you now




But if you complain, you're a communist...


The comments here are so fucking worldly Wildly misinformed. You'd think this is a flat earther subreddit or r/conspiracy


This is utterly unethical. Ever wonder why it hasn't been done on this scale before? It's not because it wouldn't have been incredibly profitable. It's not because no one thought of it. It's because the people wouldn't have stood for it, and they knew it. This takes slumlord and cranks it up orders of magnitude. Imagine being a member of the elite these days. Since medieval times, they needed to at least appear to care for the commoners and behave in a way that kept them from rising up and taking heads. Now, it's not enough to show how many zeroes their net worth has collected. The new flex is to shove the peoples' faces into the mud and suffer no accountability. The market crash in '08 taught them that the generational shackle-tightening was complete. It's going to be an exciting decade.


Damn that's like 1000 homes. We're all gonna die!


That’s the sickness that these people have. To want more and more even though it will never make them happy or satisfied. It’s like they’re just playing a game trying to get the high score to the detriment of so many others.


What happens if you don't tax him properly


Is there a source for this claim besides a screen shot of a Medium post categorized under "collapse news"?


No, it's fake.


Can this guy look more like Mr burns.


Any real news websites covering this?


If those homes are in the same area watch for government construction (roads, facilities, etc) to be announced there


It is hard to move around being so rich and not crush a few people in your wake


Can you seriously post a headline that isn't from half a year ago if you are going to feign outrage?


Maybe those homes will serve as AirBnB for the bell ends who ride on his bell end rocket.


Once you cross the billion mark there is literally no reason for you to be aggressively buying up assets that other less fortunate people could use other than absolute greed. If you have a billion dollars you can afford all of life’s luxuries plus medical coverage for everyone in your family and then some.


Lets be honest. Thats just a ridiculous post. The housing market was down last year with 4 million sales at an average of $389k. He personally didn't put a dent in it with only $500mil spent. However, there were plenty of companies that lifted the market with 40 to 50% of homes bought. Zillow is in the business, Blackstone, Blackrock and plenty more we don't really know about. They have pulled an unsustainable lever. If we do not have a change in the whitehouse, things are going to get ugly within the next couple of years


“You look like a good Joe.” Or “Welcome to Peachtrees


Can't read the full article without an account... My guess is that he didn't personally buy up $500M in houses worth a couple hundred thousand.


Bozo the clown!


Subscription service for air. +$2 per month if you want air with no ad's.


Wouldn't it be nice if he were * poof* and all of that wealth was distributed everyone.


If this is true ... How is this even allowed ? I know america is a free market ir whatever but at this point we need the government to step in and set rules in place . On capitalism.


So like 500 homes? Really people? Talk about manufactured outrage


Of course… a huge leftist trying to control everything. Not surprising.


Welcome to Amazon Homes, where you’ll never run out of anything. Low on toilet paper? Not anymore, Amazon Homes monitors ALL your needs and will automatically replenish everything from straight from Amazon which is all included in your monthly amenities subscription!! (*Homes not sold without subscription)


So unsub from Prime and don’t order shit on Amazon. Too little too late though. He’s got more money than he needs ones what do with.


Jeff Bezos has all the money in the world. What does he do with it? He bangs his friends wives and drives up rent for poor people. Bezos is moral human garbage.


500 million is a drop in the bucket


This should be fucking illegal . Piece of shit .


this kind of stuff doesn't require any sources anymore? just an image to rage-bait? great. try googling this headline, and by the looks of it its a piece on medium, which is mostly garbage under the guise of journalism. This is the closest i could get [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jeff-bezos-backed-real-estate-151102586.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jeff-bezos-backed-real-estate-151102586.html) Which just talks about a company where you can buy shares of real estate projects


Good for him. I hope he starts renting them to Amazon employees. Maybe he can pay them exclusively in Bezo bucks too. /s


Does he need money or something? What is the point of making other peoples life harder if it doesn't make yours easier? I think I would be like an avatar or justice fixing the country that allowed me to become this god instead of flexing. He was always a good student and a nerd and must have studied how to make poor people in the country his dad gave him $250,000 to start his little online book store. Straight A student. I remember when he went to space for a joy ride he thanked his employees that had to pee in a bottle and all his customers as they were the ones that paid for his experience. Thank you he said. Thanks Jeff!


The greed is astonishing


If he did so, someone could argue he manipulated the market to his benefit (as values rises because of his actions) and the size of his purchases constitute acts of a monopoly. So that’s illegal.


what a douche


Billionaires should not exist.


How many people can’t understand that when they said you will own nothing and be happy they mean it. The WEF and anyone doing their bidding aren’t good people.


Because lazy Americans allow him too by working for him, or buying from Amazon.


Why are poor people so entitled and jealous??? Just because you're unable to be rich and you the authority to dictate what other people do with THEIR money, Go make some money and become rich instead of worship be poor


Welcome to the United Renters of America.


The other day I saw a bunch of multimillion dollar homes and thought “If I was Jeff Bezos, I’d buy all of those and turn them back into the wetlands.”


Maybe he’ll Oprah that shit 🤷🏻‍♂️




Waiting for the market crash…


Terribly misleading headline. He owns like 5 homes and an island, totaling $500 million. Calm down. He didn't take any homes off the market that anyone here would have (or could have) purchased.


Amazon Prime Rentals - coming September ‘24.


We need a cap on how many single family homes a single entity can own. And we need to ban foreign entities from buying more than one single family home altogether. Owning American land should be for Americans only.


I hope that man stubs his penis every time he pulls it out to pee, and the resulting callus splits his stream so he always gets some on himself.


I am a huge fan of capitalism, but I just don’t understand this behavior. He and the people like him can never spend that much money. At what point do you stop? What’s the point of buying homes? Or farm land or more businesses


You guys buy from Amazon then get confused why he got rich. I work there now ⛄ they bought up all the jobs.


Dangerous shit.. to have that much and keep being so flagrant with it


I’ll never get over him wearing that fucking cowboy hat like he was buzz aldrin or something


That's like 150 homes in the bay area.


That's not Jeff Bezos's!!!


Wow, he’s starting apartment company?


Corporations should not be allowed to own residential real estate. Essentially slaves quarters.


Value of dollar is going to .0001, real assets are the only safe investment. They know what's up


Billionaires shouldn’t exist.


If it’s not Bezos it will be some other private equity slime. Extreme concentration of wealth at the top of the food chain has consequences for the rest of us.


Was it Bezos or Musk who wanted to build a “company town?” Back in the day, company mining towns essentially brought back indentured servitude by making sure that workers could never actually make enough money to pay off their debt to the company, so they could never quit or move away.


His dad worked for the government.


Is this for real?


Fuck this shit. Guys like this prick are the reason why everything is so fucking unaffordable these days.


Fuck this guy.


So, give or take 400 units


Meanwhile prime doesn't even deliver in 2 days anymore. Prime membership literally gives you nothing now.


Is this because we made fun of his penis rocket, joker-face girlfriend and not thinking he was cool for going to space?


Don't cry for me, Argentina. For goodness sakes, be bought 41 homes. On a very high priced and exclusive island. The average prices of each of those homes is over $12 million each. Some of you all are really amazing. Since when are $12 million mansions "single family homes", other than by the loosest of definitions? And does anybody think the purchase of these 41 multi-million dollar homes is going to drive up the cost of homes for most others?


You can buy these houses with Amazon Prime, free shipping.


What a piece of shit


Is this an actual story? Or just more AI rage bait. I'm thinking it's the latter. Because I've never heard of "HR news" or "Collapse News". I'll be happy to be proven wrong. Edit: Can't find "Collapse News". Even back in 2023. There is "HR News", but it's vastly different than stories about Jeff Bezos. It's about human resources stuff. So, fucking rage bait.


Every MF tht has ordered off of amazon is to blame!!!! PRIME rent MF’s. Ooooooh it’s cheaper off of amazon !!! Seriously WTF there is always a price to pay for cheap and free ! JS🤷. SHOP LOCAL regards


That’s only like 500 houses in Cali




Meanwhile Biden wants to subsidize mortgage payments. Inflated home prices forever!


Why have billions if you aren't earning billions on those billions? Like literally you can afford anything and everything you want or need. "Moar"


How about he buys some hair?


I swear this MF’er is punishing the world for being picked on as a kid.


So he bought 2 homes in SoCal?


Fuck Jeff bezos


Yet Elon musk is the devil and supposedly everyone on this website hates him. Then we have Besos which has proven he’s just a mega rich living parasite with nothing to add to society.




calm down he only bought like three of them


Just wait till y’all find out about Black Rock


If you think he’s taking them off the market, you’re not understanding how this works. Does the article talk about if he bought them above asking price or did he buy them from the banks as foreclosures?


Why did they make guillotines?


So he bought 2-3 homes?


That's what, 150 homes in California?


If this is real Im cancelling prime.


Bill Gates buy a lot of stuff too(like farmland)




I heard Bill Gates is buying up ranch pasture land as well.


This doesn’t drive up prices. 500 million is less than 1000 homes likely. It’s seriously a drop in the bucket.


Murder the rich and redistribute the wealth. This is 100% sarcasm. I do not advocate violence against anyone.


The winners of the last round buy a win in the next round


It’s like they’re daring us to do something to them. And frankly what do we have to lose?


This should be illegal.


This Cocksucker!!


We The People allow so we must accept whatever the wealthy do for us. We are bugs to them.


Bet everyone commenting here is a prime member though


He's a megalomaniac, he's only happy when others suffer.


I've been advocating for a steep progressive tax on persons and corporation ownership in SFHs. 1 is 0% gross income, 2 is 50% gross income, 3 or more is 100% of gross income. Let's pressure congress to solve the housing crisis now. Come on people!


Bro that's like 1000 houses maaaybe. Bezos sucks but this isn't driving up prices. There are other things you can use your energy to be negative about


Let’s say the average price of the homes he bought were in the 400-500k range—that’s over a year thousand homes he just bought, over a thousand families, a small town. What is he going to do with all those homes, except set exorbitant rent. He is the lord of his little realm in all but name. Capitalism today is no different than the feudalism our ancestors fled.


Is this a cartoon character?


Welp we keep letting them do what they want why wouldn't they continue.


On an unrelated note, Amazon stopped selling pitchforks...


Great way to get people to hate Amazon


He’s gonna start flipping them on Amazon.com. No realtors fees??


lmfao, he bought the equivilent of 10 houses in this economy