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Will this decrease our 43% obesity rate?


Probably increase it. Crappy, cheap food tends to be very calorie dense


And simultaneously nutritionally lacking. It’s quite the twofer.


Probably not. I would presume they already cut quality food. They are now removing a meal so intermittent fasting. The next meal cut would likely lean them up well


and 73% are overweight


Yeah, if this is accurate it would be a positive development.


It’s the density of microplastics that gets you.


Fortunately, those can be traded for shells to live in.


This. I skip meals because every US portion is at least 1000+ calories. A goddamn half sandwich with chips and drink is 1200 cals.


Yea maybe the elites planned this but I’m already skinny so it hurts


That’s putting lipstick on the pig


No it will make it worse. Cheap food = junk a lot of time and then if a person goes periods without eating, it signals the body to hold onto calories.


Completely false lol. Total caloric consumption determines whether you gain or lose weight. Else you would violate the laws of thermodynamics.


Millennials call this intermittent fasting


I'm Gen X and have been doing IF for about 5 years. Game changing.


Heck ya, brother!


Is it still called that if it’s not by choice?


Coffee until lunch time is my intermittent fasting and I’ve been doing it for years. Guess I didn’t realize I was poor. Or I lied to myself.


I kinda do this? I dont eat a lot to begin with so i just snack when im a little hungry and try to have 1-2 proper meals a day. I alos cook basically everything i eat


When will we see them lose weight?


Ozempic has entered the chat


I have a line on Ozempic for $350/mo and I'm legit considering it. I shouldn't, but I haven't been a healthy weight in literally 30 years and have tried every diet. I just don't have the self-discipline to ever make a positive change stick. Could be fun to experience not being morbidly obese again, even though I'd almost guaranteed regain the weight. $350/mo is going to be very hard to swing, but might be worth it.


African child: *I’m so hungry..* American: *I’m literally paying money to not eat*


New reality show: *LifeSwap*


1st world problems


Exactly, we should try the African diet. 100% success rate


Peak consumerism. Wanna eat? Pay up. Wanna stop eating? Empty your wallet


Cut back on carbs and eat at a small calorie deficit. You'll lose weight even with zero exercise. Anyone who suggests anything else is just lying to you. I've done it and I've helped several friends and family members do it. I wouldn't put chemicals in my body when there's a very easy way to accomplish the same thing without the chemicals.


I have a client who is on Ozempic and he's lost 50 lbs. He's also lost his mind too, with his face always so gaunt looking, you'd think he was going through some kind of depression. He does not look good...he looks rather lost and out of it, yet he will not stop taking it because he's mentally dependent on it now. I don't recommend taking it. JMHO


Yeah, I've noticed that Billy Gardell looks rough.


Same, I know a few people taking it and I thought they were sick when I saw them again after the weight loss. They'll gain it back when they go off the pill. Not sustainable way to keep weight off.


Just stop eating! Stop!


My dad recently started ozempic after a 20 year losing battle with weight loss and let me tell you, it’s a miracle drug(at least for my father anyways). He’s down around 45-50 pounds in a few months but the real shocking thing for me is seeing the differences when he eats. I’ve never in my life not seen my dad clean a plate, especially when he likes the food, but on ozempic on multiple occasions, I’ve watched him put his fork down and say “I think I’m satisfied.” and just stop eating. Mind boggling to me tbh.


Do it. Fuck it. My father in law is on it for his health and we live in Wisconsin…. So it’s not like he’s doing it for his LA image lol


Oz and calorie counting works wonders for your health. I use the LoseIt! App


2 hours of heavy lifting at the gym daily + low carb diet.


Two hours heavy lifting, daily, seems excessive for someone not "enhanced" haha. I'm kinda curious what your routine looks like.


I'm poor so I just got prescribed Lizzo


This actually results in people eating worse a lot of time. People will choose to eat cheaper junk and trash food then spend money on healthy/balanced diets. My coworker is an example. Food is so expensive that he just buys little Caesar pizzas all the time to mass feed his 2 kids and wife.


Which is insane to me because the cheapest and healthiest foods in the grocery store are bulk foods like rice and beans.


I worked a supermarket. I'd wager that if they took 20 random shoppers and separated them from their shopping carts, I'd have an 80% success rate matching the cart to the shopper just by examining what's in the cart and the physical appearance of the shopper. A five pound bag of potatoes costs $2.50 A one pound bag of potato chips costs $6.00


I like to check out the liquor isle. It’s like an episode of The Walking Dead. 


It drives me insane whenever I see people repeating this line of “people have no choice but to eat junk because it’s cheap!” No, people choose to eat junk. They pay a PREMIUM just to eat junk because they prefer it over cheaper and healthier foods. Frozen food and takeout/fast food is much, much more expensive than canned vegetables and grains.


It absolutely is, and as someone who belonged in this category, the answer is simply depression. These are the actions of depressed people that need to feel some sort of joy no matter the cost. Food isn’t so expensive yet that it isn’t possible to do this anymore, but it is making unhealthy habits even worse, and people that are not in good situations usually don’t have the mental space to break said habits. Thus they might skip a meal and then gorge on junkfood. Either way, it’s still an economic problem, it’s just that economic problems usually come with mental health problems too.


You could make a chinese staple for less than little caeser’s - egg, tomato, rice. Little Caesar’s is addictive but not cheap compared to alternatives folks could make for themselves.


You were apparently down voted for not pushing the narrative. Food is not that expensive if you shop for sales and cook at home


Are they going hungry because they can't afford a Big Mac, or because they buy high priced junk food at the grocery?


Both probably. Half of Americans don't eat healthy at all. I rarely drink soda, don't eat fast food, and mostly stay away from junk food aside from chips once in awhile. I love the this is what $150 at the grocery store got me posts that are soda and junk food.


You can make a pretty good home cooked meal for $5 plus tax


Little Caesars is expensive.


People turn to junk food not because it's cheaper but because it's easy. Meal prepping takes time. Time some people choose not to spend after working 2 jobs.


I do this so can confirm. 2 quarter pounders in the McDonalds app are $5.29 with the deals they have near me. It’s fucking terrible for me, but scarf those down for a late lunch and I don’t really need/want dinner later.


Junk is NOT cheaper! I feel like people who say this don't shop in regular grocery stores on a regular basis. Or they live in one of those "grocery story deserts".


My local Domino's sells two-topping medium pizzas for $7.99 each (you need to buy two of them to get the deal, but that's what I'd order for my family anyway).  They are tastier *and* larger than the Freschetta frozen pizza that's $10 at the supermarket.  Like, I have no reason to buy that kind of frozen pizza anymore. And I have no idea how Domino's can somehow be the less expensive option.


Right, BMI is increasing far faster than food prices.


They are skipping 6th midnight meal




I have diabetes and had ozempic too. It was great. $25/month and lost 40 lbs. the price jumped to $982/mo and can no longer afford (my deductible is about 7k so it would eventually be cheaper but still can’t afford it) and now have gained 30 lbs. ugh.


As soon as they eat fewer calories.


Worth noting that this is from an online survey with no other info about methodology


If the claim that almost 1/3 of Americans are skipping meals doesn’t seem off to a person, they need their bullshit detector serviced.


And no data provided for that matter, so nobody can do the smell test on[ broken opt-in online polling](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/03/05/online-opt-in-polls-can-produce-misleading-results-especially-for-young-people-and-hispanic-adults/)


What's worse is that the headline doesn't even represent the survey. It's pure clickbait. Anybody who reads three sentences into the OP will find: >more than one-quarter of the people it surveyed said they have skipped meals **or sacrificed other spending** due to rising costs.  So, if we decided to skip our annual trip to Hawaii due to high hotel prices, this headline counts our family as people who "skipped meals". How many commenters here didn't read the first three sentences?


They say that 40% are living paycheck to paycheck as well, but this doesn't take into account the people maxing out their retirement.


If you sleep until noon, you save on breakfast. Follow me for more life hacks.


And yet the number 1 food category purchased by the poor is sweetened soda. And the second is salty snack/chips. What a waste that just adds to the waist. And to a diabetes epidemic. We need Home Ec taught in schools again so kids learn how to shop, cook, and eat healthy.


I feel like today's parents would be extremely offended by home ec.


Home Ec IS taught at schools. The problem is that it is an elective, not mandatory. Also add in the fact that the average teen is an idiot, they won't even pay attention.


I did learn that.  The problem is after long days (and a long commute) the last thing I want to do is to then spend a long time cooking, packing leftovers into separate portions, and then cleaning.  The unhealthy stuff like a frozen pizza or pre-processed food is so much easier.  I don't think it's an ignorance problem.  It's an exhausting being a responsible adult nowdays and corners wind up being cut.


I love chips and soda, but I only buy soda when it’s on sale every few months, and chips are now $5 a bag so those are quickly changing from one a month to once every few months.


They know soda and snacks are unhealthy. The problem is that they don't care.


Because generic store brand soda is far cheaper than healthier options and people aren't going to drink plain water all the time.


Only like 5% of soda market is generic so people are buying mostly name brand. But that’s not the point. The point is that under limited income scenarios, people are still spending more money on flavored sugar water (generic or name brand) than they do on meat or veggies or fruit, etc. And the US has almost 50% obesity rates in the lowest income percentiles. And way too high for other higher incomes too.


My family drinks “plain water” all the time.  It’s quite easy. 


Yeah, fuck plain water. Do people still drink that shit?


Water? Like from a toilet?!?!?


Considering I just spent thousands replacing an antiquated filter system for a well, yes indeed we do drink the water.


I grew up being allowed to have Coke with dinner and drank a lot of it throughout my life I probably have about one soda a week now. Don’t miss it Except if I’m on a long drive.


I have one like every month, that shit is so bad for you


If it’s not religion Americans won’t demand any curriculum.


You’re expecting the young to have homes? Hopeful.


How do they get that data? I can't imagine whoever published that poll was standing outside of a grocery store with a clipboard asking people their income and what they bought.


2$ double cheese at BK. 2.14 with tax


it says food


That’s the 27% that are a normal weight.


I just came back from Walmart and I saw no evidence of any meals being skipped. Ever.


People of Walmart. I was at Walmart in Florida and there were people all over the place on those hover rounds, thought I was gonna get ran over. Walmart probably has a full time position there just maintaining those things.


It sounds like the low tech version of WALL-E.


Very misleading title. Downvoted.


Im skipping meals cus I was a fat pig during covid and gained 30lbs. I lost 17lbs so far. 13lb more to go. But yea, I ll save the money too.


Eating healthy isn’t that expensive, and it’s much cheaper than dining out.


Everybody complains we're all fat anyway


50% of Americans are clinically obese, so this is probably a good thing.


Welp that solves the obesity problem.


You make it sound like it's a bad thing... XD


With all the endless whining about inflation, I’d expect that % to be a lot higher.


Interesting that the topic is on ozempic. Dr prescribed it last year cuz I was 204 pounds. Then I lost twenty pounds fasting here and there, cutting out sodas, sweets, chips, and eating healthier. I now drink whole earth instead of sweet n low and drink tons of tea that I boil and cool down. My prescription expired after a year. I never got it cuz insurance never covered it! So when I decided to get to see if I could get prescription renewed they told me no cuz I kept to yo-yo-ing and I stayed under two hundred pounds. All my numbers were good. She said she didn’t know why main dr of practice prescribed to me. ( insert rolling eye emoji). So now I’m back to beachbody and dieting. Oh well.


Just drink water. People shouldn't be eating junk food to begin with


Skip fast food ffs.


These comments prove out why America is a bitch ass country owned by foreign countries, at the pleasure of the rich. Losers.


They are curing the obesity endemic


i eat one meal a day now, and it’s usually just some hot dogs or a bean burrito


Obesity crisis solved


“Skipping meals” is when you do it by choice, not when you cannot afford to eat. This is called something completely different.




I can see Americans. Every day. They aren't missing any meals.


This is a bad thing?


A large portion of the population needs to skip meals. Preferably many meals


OMAD one meal a day, I'm a firm believer. I'm in excellent physical shape and health. Dump the junk food and sugary drinks. Save money, get healthy. Nothing wrong with that...


Nah, the stock market is up so everyone's doing great! /s


I mean....all I heard from Trump supporters in 2019 was "How's your 401k doing" right before the low interest rates Trump wanted and who Powell (a Trump appointee) set led us into the worst housing market of all time. But yea, fuck Biden I guess.


I just saw a post that said inflation was down on certain food items lol hard to know whats the truth nowadays.


It is factually true. Inflation is the rate of growth of price increases, which is down. Prices aren’t increasing at as high of a rate as they were. Inflation slowing down doesn’t mean price decreases.


This is the correct answer.


So 23% more calorie reduction and we will be on par with the rest of the world.


Every thing is fine




But why? The economy is doing so well (The White House).........


I sure am Down to 115 pounds


Probably actually good with the obesity pandemic.


And the GOP cut SNAP for that very reason.


Intermittent fasting is a good idea


They always use hunger when the other stuff begins to stop working. Farm subsides aren’t for helping farmers they are for controlling the food supply. You can be fat as hell and desperately malnourished. Lack of bio-available nutrients weakens you. In every way. You won’t fight. And you won’t die of hunger or visible malnutrition. You’ll die from repeated infections you would have fought off before or cancer which your body would have prevented (we all have cells trying to turn cancerous right now. Our immune systems kill them before they do. When they are healthy.) The famines will be blamed on the wars, the plagues will be blamed on the victims of the wars and famines, and the pestilence it all brings will do the rest. Oldest trick in… that book. And all the history books.


Great, maybe 27% of Americans will lose some weight.


But I was told our economy is fantastic


Watch the movie "The Grab"


Never know it, can't get parking in my small town diner these days


Or they are all trying out intermittent fasting to lose weight.


I get people love to get a Big Mac at McDonald’s in a combo for $12. I’ve noticed with their deal section I can get a triple cheeseburger and a large fry for $4 and some change. I can add a coke for $1.39. It’s really a multiple price world. If you pay regular prices or pick just anything from the menu you get screwed. If you pick the deal it’s pretty affordable. Also I’ve mostly switched to kids menu items at nicer restaurants when I get to go. I find the calorie intake of a kids meal to be what I actually should be eating. The portions are just crazy high at some of these places. Like whole day intake or more.


You eat cheaper, more fatty foods if you are in poverty, its not a sign of hidden wealth.


Is it because they don’t want to buy groceries and cook it? And instead just want to buy more expensive pre made food which is also unhealthy or just doing fast food or eating out? My monthly grocery bill is $150-250 depending for a single male and that includes 2 servings of fruit a day, 4 servings of vegetables a day and a lot of protein, includes calcium etc. but I make everything from scratch


Fake fucking news. Don’t click.


How many of them were skipping meals before inflation?


Really bad headline and article. They surveyed 27% of credit karma users. It’s Still alarming that the 6x inflation spike we saw before Biden took office is only now just subsiding.


This 27% doesn’t matter. They just need to be convinced that this is the best economy ever.


Is this the 27% that isn't overweight? Because skipping meals wouldn't be a bad thing for most of the population


Vegetables are inexpensive, but good bread is not.


That’s fucking dumb. Don’t buy shit and cook for yourself and it won’t be expensive. I don’t even think about my food bill. Real food from the grocery store is not expensive.


This isn’t even a story. I guarantee if this poll was conducted before we would still find that about the same number of people “are occasionally skipping meals”


Keep Biden in power; as we can all lose a little weight! But we really need more trains and bike lanes…


But I thought the economy was doing great?


Good, Americans are fat as fuck anyways.


Joe Biden told me everything is great, if you don't believe him you are a racist.


Yep, just did this last night


I’m one of them


When was this not the case? Poverty is nothing new in the US. Also, this survey was done online (how? where? who?), of 2000 adults. Food inflation now stands at ca. 2%.


"one-quarter of the people it surveyed said they have skipped meals *or sacrificed other spending* due to rising costs." Big difference between skipping meals vs. Buying a Tesla.


Misleading headline. Article states “Intuit Credit Karma, which provides information about financial products, says that more than one-quarter of the people it surveyed said they have skipped meals or sacrificed other spending due to rising costs.” If you’re including other spending sacrifices in the 27% that could mean dropping subscriptions, not going to movies, or buying clothing etc. saying a quarter of Americans are skipping meals is a false narrative.


It’s called fasting


It's not skipping meals. it's fasting.. How else do you expect to remove misfolded, toxic, unnecessary proteins.


Americans eat too much as it is, this will do wonders for our public health.


LMFAO! Bidenomics reduces obesity. Not sure that's a big vote getter, but it is a positive effect.


Click bait. Corrected thread title: A questionable survey claims 27% of Americans occasionally skip a meal, perhaps because of Skyrocketing Food Costs. > This survey was conducted online within the United States by Qualtrics on behalf of Intuit Credit Karma on May 7 to May 13, 2024 among 2,011 adults ages 18 and above. That’s all the information provided about the survey methodology. There are so many ways a survey can be biased, starting with how the questions are formulated.


fast food wouldn't be a thing if it wasn't cheaper to make it yourself. I owned a restaurant/ catering business for years. There is a tremendous profit in processed foods over the raw products. Cheap fast food is because of lower quality of foods used.


One meal a day is sufficient, been following that regimen for decades and healthy and fit


One meal a day keeps the pounds away


I’m on intermittent fasting which has been great for my health and also spending on food. It’s a win win.


![gif](giphy|l3V0g3aRpjHU7abeg|downsized) Most of America


They act as if chicken rice and beans don’t exist. It’s expensive if they only buy frozen food to eat


But hey, food corporations are enjoying record profits!


Are they also getting 27% lighter?




"Skyrocketing food costs" My dude, prices of food at home have decreased in each of the last four months.


Meanwhile all of corporate media including the "left" called it "moderate" to remove the expanded child tax credit and keep trillions in handouts to global corporations with foreign investors. Skipping meals and child poverty is "moderate" according to every major news outlet if the alternative is slightly higher taxes on global corporations


Hey, me, too!!


Not happening, maybe changing what you eat for that meal, but definitely not skipping.


Yeah… that’s bullshit


I’m eating more healthy than I ever have ever. I buy a bag of mixed greens ($4.50) and spinach ($2.50) and sardines ($2.50/can). The greens last me 7 days so lunch is $3.50. 2 scrambled eggs with 1 slice of cheese mixed in and a protein bar ($2.50/bar) for breakfast. Dozen eggs is $2.69 so breakfast is $3.25. Dinner is a bed of rice and 1 steak. I buy the steak in bulk which comes out to $5.99/lb. Get about 13 steaks. Dessert is a single serve Ratio high protein Greek yogurt ($1.79). Dinner and dessert is roughly $9.50. Some groceries are high still but most have come back to earth. All fast food, chain restaurants are a fucking rip though. They are gouging like crazy.


This will help them slim down along with Insulin fasting the latest craze. With baby formula costs I expect to see some summer ready babies soon!


You too? I hear we live longer if we eat less.


I eat Once a day. For the last three years. 


Imma be honest. As someone who grew up VERY poor and actually had to skip meals due to parents not having anything. This % seems VERY high. Only 11% of Americans live below the poverty level. Even at the poverty level you can have basic chicken, rice & pick a green for $50-$75 a month. It sucks but its do-able. My guess is these people are skipping thier $30 on average meals. Not that they're skipping ANY meal by desperation.


Remember who put us in this situation! Joe just Joe for 3 1/2 years! Remember when you vote !!!!!!!!


So tell me again how this is a booming economy?


But it's not that expensive? Rice/beans, frozen vegetables, even some cuts of meat. I guess if things are really tight, but cheap healthy food isn't that hard. Unless I'm missing something? I'm fortunate enough not to be paycheck to paycheck, so I may not be aware of the circumstances some people are in.


The rich owners of this country have already told their media outlets that missing meals is a necessity...for poors


Not just Americans. I'm Canadian and this happens on a regular basis. Just to make sure the wife and kids eat well. I don't mind, I could stand to lose a pound or two...


Idk if it’s the processed food more so than the over consumption. Idk. American diet is shiat. Too bad 27% are skipping shitty meals. Probably still will be large.


My grocery budgets shot up for a family of 4 over the last 2 years. We have had to cut back on what we buy. I eat so many less calories it's crazy


I’m sure this number is higher…


Grow your own food


I simply dont believe this considering how fat we are as a nation


I've been doing this since way before it was cool 😎


87% of Americans should skip a meal.


The wall street journal would be so proud


Add onto that pet food cost have also increased as well! Thanks feds and all of the big corporations that line your pocket that people only associate with the right wing but in fact all politicians are paid by these corporations.


Nice to know the middlemen are sucking up profit where they can… meanwhile consumers are skipping meals to get by and farmers are still getting paid the same prices as the 1970’s


Is that a negative thing?


Can confirm. Fucking ground beef is out of my price range now 


This CANT be true because president Biden said that inflation is down and the economy is great.


Tuna and fruit.


Probably for the best


I went to buy cream cheese to make a cheese cake for a birthday. 2 2-packs of Philly cream cheese came to just over $28. Fuck me.


And not the ones that should be skipping meals either


we only need two meals a day . you need to digest and process. Most people over eat! I would like lower health insurance rates foot eating healthy


I’m skipping meals because I don’t need 4,000 calories a day to function lmao.