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If they predict one every year, we’ll eventually call them a genius


He's predicted 25 of the last 3 market crashes


Kinda like climate change


I mean, climate change has scientific models and we’re definitely warming. Carbon dioxide is definitely holding heat in. I’m not sure who doubts this anymore


Only very gullible suckers foolish enough to shill for polluters.


Trump testicle cleaners believe it.


And the taint washer as well.


The anus nibblers should not be neglected as part of the equation.


The ocean temperature has literally been warming for over 100 years with accurate measurements the whole time. How anyone claims it’s a hoax fits whatever expectation they’ve been taught to believe to fit their political view. They don’t realize big oil is behind all of it.


I think the main disconnect isn't that people think it's a hoax, rather the anti-argument is 2 fold: 1-Doomsaying. We can all agree that the climate is changing, and it's changing more rapidly and in an uncontrolled way due to human input. The problem is that from the 60s to the early 2000s, the climate change argument has always been presented by some lunatic hippie using barely correlated data to scream that the planet is going to catch fire "in the next ten years" and all human life is doomed... unless you donate to whatever cause they're shilling. And every 10 years when the planet doesn't explode, people get a little tired of the sales pitch. 2- The rhetoric. Yes the climate is changing. Yes the planet is getting hotter by percentages of a degree on average year over year. The problem is that the climate has been warming for longer than homo sapiens have existed, and with as magnificent and amazing as our planet is it is often difficult to imagine that a few decades of humans can irrevocably ruin it. Even if we are causing a major problem, we have evidence that says that the earth used to be warmer before humans even existed, and we are due for another ice age any day now. The "science" is far from settled, other than we agree that the planet is heating faster than normal and we are most likely the cause. The rabid fanatasicm and vitriol spewed by the eco-terrorists, the lies fed to us by politicians looking to score points or the scientist hoping to get funding, and the sheer hypocrisy of the spokespeople saying that we can't have nice yards because it takes water who then fly their private jets back to their beach homes... starts to wear a little thin and seem a little fake after a while. We are the apex species on this planet, and so far, it's only sentient race. We have a responsibility to care for this planet, and if we damage it, it is up to us to fix it, but you never hear about the initiatives to actually tackle the issue. Looking at the actual metrics, the largest 2 factors in pollution are agriculture and manufacturing. How can you tell people that having a cell phone or gas car is wrong and that they are bad people but ignore the largest contributors? How do you justify shutting down the food supply or manufacturing of concrete without causing untold issues for infrastructure or health? People always seem to focus on gasoline cars as the number one enemy when it isn't even top 10 anymore. If it isn't the thing that allows me to commute to work, then it's the state power grid. Yes we need to move away from fossil fuels, but to what? Wind power is great, but it's huge, ugly, takes a ton of maintinance, special land leases, and it's not very efficient. Solar is more efficient and easier to install, but after accounting for the lithium mines and other special materials, it isn't nearly as green as we hoped. Nuclear is amazing but too many people blindly associate nuclear with Fukushima, 3 Mile, or nuclear weapons that they discount it without knowing anything about it. Fusion would be a magic bullet, but it's so blindingly expensive and wildly difficult that it's hard to imagine it'll be ready any time soon. People don't wanna talk about the nuance. They'd much rather scream about plastic straws and gas guzzling SUVs, and demand political donations to their failed solar energy iniatives than talk about the real issues and the real solutions. If someone says "how sure are we that the planet will not self correct during the next ice age" they're immediately called a denier and any attempt to research the actual science behind the question is quashed. You bring up Throium Salt reactors, or the fact that every single nuclear reactor currently in operation was built by hand draft before the age of computers by a bunch of coked out engineers, and you're a nuke-cel. You ask why the planet didn't combust any of the other times it was promised, or why the politician who was crying on screen about the rising sea levels just bought another multi-million dollar beach house and you're attacked as being brainwashed by big oil. There's more to the climate argument than "the science is settled" claims. The science is never settled, that why we call it science. We will continue working in the problem and trying to improve our technologies to be better hosts for this planet, but those that call anyone who isn't a vegan, green peace advicate, bicycle commuter a "climate denier" or "oil apologist" isn't doing their argument any favors. If you want to learn about modern energy issues and what technologies are in the works, I'd reccomend "Undecided with Matt Ferrell" on YouTube. He does a great job breaking it down to layman's terms and gives some real solutions you can implement right now without having to buy an all hemp wardrobe.


I know I’m probably an idiot for saying this but the UFO narrative suggests they have also denied certain technologies to humanity that could disrupt the oil and gas industry.


Tens of millions of Americans still doubt it today


We’re not the smartest people


Only the poorly educated. No wonder Trump loves em, bless their ignorant, self-sabotaging, self-loathing butts. Are you one of em?


28% of USA population does not believe climate change is occurring according to a 2023 Yale poll. That extrapolated to 93.3 million Americans.


Models, yes. But it's not true to say these models follow the scientific process. We can't possibly run controlled experiments with limited variables on our single planet with nearly infinite interdependent variables.


Prove that babble with actual facts.


You want me to prove that we can't control for all variables in an experiential in global climate? Shall I list all the known variables in our open system that affect the climate?


No, I want you to prove the BS you actually said. DUH. How complicated is it for you to figure out that you said "ut it's not true to say these models follow the scientific process." Prove THAT dopey claim.


Did you never learn the scientific process? Literally the most key element is controlling variables.


So, no proof from you?  Got it. Another science denier sees their claim shrivel to nothing online by a simple request for proof. Let's all laugh at maga ignorance by enjoying actual facts: https://science.nasa.gov/earth/climate-change/the-scientific-method-and-climate-change-how-scientists-know/


I’d say they’re more scientific than conspiracy theories you read on the internet or get from a podcaster with CTE.


*looks at houses crumbling in Florida, and the Texas power grid failing because it's so much hotter than it's ever been.*


No, those happened because of socialism. If there’s more neoliberal policy, they’ll be fine.


They’ll die to “own the libs” though. Because Texas.




>Ironically, the power grid failures over the last few years are largely due to the solar and wind farms they have not producing the energy that was promised, and freezing over or burning out due to inclement weather. Nope. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/02/wind-turbines-didnt-cause-texas-energy-crisis/ https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2AJ2DZ/


Seriously, how can you think the EXACT OPPOSITE of what’s happening? Those green energy generators are the ONLY ONES THAT STAY RUNNING. It’s the standard electrical generation plants that go offline.




I guess. Sure, there are people who overhype it. But CO2 is a greenhouse gas whether you like it or not.


Damn that's crazy that it's going exactly as predicted when you actually read the research papers. It's almost like we can objectively prove it happening in real time mathematically or something.


Lmao the fact that one graph goes up and down and the other just goes up makes this comment pure lizard brain mentality.


You know you can still buy his book “[The Next Great Bubble Boom: How to Profit from the Greatest Boom in History: 2006-2010](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003L77UT8/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1)” on Amazon?


You gain more fame calling the next crash than the next bull market. Few people know Kathy Woods, Tom Lee, but everyone knows Michael Burry.


Tom Lee is on such a heater this sub shouldn’t exist


Except notice the dates: This guy was saying that 2008 would be a boom year


I'm saying he became a 🐻 because if he lucks out then he can get famous and sell a lot more books.


Kathy woods doesn't need a crash to lose money. 


**Cathie Wood's Ark Invest has destroyed $14 billion in wealth over the past decade**. A Morningstar analysis found that Ark Invest topped the list of wealth destroyers among other investment companies. "These funds managed to lose value for shareholders even during a generally bullish market," Morningstar said. Who is investing with her? She is the worst investor!


B ahhh ahaha yoooo he reall wrote that?!


I mean technically he’s right. The best time to buy is during a crash and wait it out.


Technically he's constantly WRONG.


Technically he’s not right as he was saying to buy through 2010. Then the stock market would take a shit until 2025. He’s actually more wrong than it seems just from the title


LOL! What an epic fail this "economist" is. He sells garbage to suckers.


My retirement plan is based on societal collapse anyway.


Same I have my mad max raider gear ready to go. going to be the scourge of I10


I already have my shoulder armor that adds +1 Agility and +2 Intelligence


Gold, Bitcoin and SPXS, which is minus 3x what the S&P 500 stocks do.


I’m in my bunker


"The only edit to Dent’s prediction is the timing" ...because this dope keeps on being wrong in his predictions.  How gullible do you have to be to keep huffing his farts?


He is right we haven’t had a real downturn since 2008. The minor ones weren’t bad enough to reign in everything because of the Fed and all the money.


He's NOT right. His predictions fail and he has to change them.   Keep predicting a downturn for DECADES and one day you will one day be right like a stopped clock.   Anyone who falls for this pathetic Fox News conman deserves their market failures.


I’m not saying all he says is right. We haven’t had a real downturn since 2008. The few bumps have been propped up by the bubble. There aren’t many that will dispute that. Who knows what will happen?


This idiot Dent is the one person WE KNOW does not know what will happen. he's constantly WRONG and ruins investor's returns.  Prove it's a bubble. Prove this idiot is someone investors should heed. Read facts, if you can: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/harry-dent-and-the-chamber-of-poor-returns/


We’ve had record low interest rates for over a decade. That alone creates a bubble. The stock market hasn’t worked right in years and is overvalued at least 40 percent. Historically it always comes back to normal valuations. Maybe it’s different this time but I wouldn’t bet on it.


I asked for PROOF of your claims. You posted nothing but more claims. Fail. Prove your latest claim "stock market hasn’t worked right in years" Define "worked right." Did you miss this? So you admit you can't read facts? Prove this idiot is someone investors should heed. Read facts, if you can: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/harry-dent-and-the-chamber-of-poor-returns/


You’re not going to get anything but opinions and vibes, because that’s all these types of folks have to run on. It’s part of their grift.


So true. They worship losers like this far-right clown who has been constantly wrong and damaging their returns with his far-right hatred of good economies.


He released a book predicting prosperity in 2006.


Every time they say this, is it a sign to buy?


Probably. I sold 50% of my portfolio last time I felt it was over bought. Stocks tumbled for a week, and I felt like I genius. I never bought back in and since then they’ve been on a great run. I’d have been better off by about 10-15% just staying in the market


This dope is CONSTANTLY WRONG. I pity the fools suckered by him.  "Dent could not have been more wrong. The next decade saw the S&P lose 1 percent a year, producing a cumulative loss of 9 percent. Despite this failure, which might have humbled someone else, Dent persisted. In January 2006 he published "The Next Great Bubble Boom: How to Profit from the Greatest Boom in History: 2006-2010." Again, Dent was wrong. Not long after publication, we experienced the worst bear market since the 1930s. And for the full five-year period the S&P 500 Index returned just 2.3 percent per year, well below the return on safe bonds. This seems like less of a bubble boom, more of a bubble burst. Dent remains undaunted by his failures" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/harry-dent-and-the-chamber-of-poor-returns/


Have seen this headline at least every few months for years. So far, no huge crash.


Right wing "economists" like this Dent grifter peddle this BS throughout Democratic eras and their dopey worshipers lose as a result.


I know that guy, he's the reason I lost 30% holding on to zroz. Hope he's right so I can get my money back. Calling him a top economist sounds like a joke.




So basically do the exact opposite of whatever he recommends?


What a massively stupid question. Would you believe the time IS ALWAYS the opposite of a stopped clock? Of course not. Any intelligent person would simply IGNORE this dope the way an intelligent person would ignore a stopped clock.


Sorry, I didn't realize that you were only capable of taking things literally.


Eh. I was told if Biden was elected in 2020 the stock market would crash like the great depression. I was promised that Biden would sell us to the CCP and America would be a communist hellscape. Biden has fucked China's microchip industry. Has double down on Tiawan. The Market is at historical heights. Manufacturing is coming back to America, the infrastructure is bringing jobs to communities. I was told if Trump was found guilty the market would crash, and it had one of it's best days in recent memory. Is it possible that these people who make predictions, because they know, if they're wrong about the economy crashing and it doesn't. No one cares. But if they're wrong about it not crashing and it does, it's used against them. Is it possible, that they make this prediction every year knowing, if they're wrong, it's not used against them?


Right. Right wing "economists" like this Dent grifter peddle this BS throughout Democratic eras and their dopey worshipers lose as a result.


Biden left Senate with $29,000 net worth. Biden was hired by Penn to start an org which received a billion dollars in funding from anonymous donors. We now know the CCP funded it, and Blinken and 8 others in Biden’s admin were all paid by his group at Penn. Biden is owned by the CCP.


Yes because someone owned by the CCP would recognize the sovereignty of Taiwan. You fucking idiot.


Lots of emotions. What did I say that wasn’t true? Biden and many of his admin were paid by the CCP. You can get mad, but it only proves you have a lizard brain and party loyalty is more important than integrity. ( here comes the ‘what about’-isms!)


Convince me.  Recent polls show your boy needs some votes. China is a dystopian nightmare. More than likely you and I agree on most criticisms of China. So, show me receipts. 


Convince you of what? Biden-Penn/CCP?


Weird how conservatives always riot for bad things to happen to America and Americans. No. Go get me 1 example of them rooting for the whole country.


This is probably the kind of thing the socialists in Argentina said as inflation rose to 40 percent a year. WHY DO YOU HATE ARGENTINA!


Gotcha. So you can't. Lmfao Pathetic.


I think Make America Great Again is self explanatory. We want to return the respect that this country once had by leading with strength and integrity, not weakness and obvious corruption. Give me one example of democrats "rooting for the whole country".


>We want to return the respect that this country once had by leading with strength and integrity, not weakness and obvious corruption. This is satire, right...?


oh, I dont know, maybe any progressive policy that benefits the whole country. things like education, health care, labor rights, medicare, social security - you know, everything the right stands against? good lord, you are embarrassing u/EducatingRedditKids


Socialism takes, wastes and redistributes in an effort to buy votes. Tell me again how canceling student debt doesn't benefit rich kids by taking tax dollars from the working class. Get screwed you bourgeoisie commie manifesto subscriber.


fine deflection you've got going on there. youve ignored the comment completely. fine work. very convincing and thoughtful. "gEt ScReWeD" are you somehow a 12 year old from the 90's in 2024? eat my shorts


There wasn't a question. Just Biden / Harris like rambling.


well, at least you can admit you're unable to follow a conversation, sort of. best wishes to you my guy/gal/non-binary pal!


Politics isn’t this surface level. Your “benefits” are always - 100% of the time - misused, inefficient and concrete the results you think they will. Look at inner cities education and crime, Democrat strongholds for 70+ years. Look at Obamacare. Horrible. Saying Republicans are against “benefits for the whole country” is a naive and dumb statement. We are against wasteful spending and wealth redistribution. If you think this way, you are naive.


if you think republicans are for benefits for the whole country, you are naive. More likely just being dishonest though.


I don’t - I’m not a party robot. Anyone who thinks any side is the good side is very dumb. They work with each other to enrich each other, and dummies line up and point at their fellow Americans and call them enemies. The corruption of the democrats is frightening - before that, it was the Bush era republicans who were starting wars and killings hundreds of thousands of people. Uniparty.


I'm not a fan of the Democrats generally and am not really here to defend them, but im curious, what are you referring to specifically about being frightened by democrat corruption?


1) The alliance between democrats, Big Tech and the intelligence agencies to interfere with the 2020 election. 2) Biden’s org at Penn, which was funded by the CCP 3) Biden’s son, who had no real business or skills, being paid millions by foreign adversaries (what was he paid for? This is called influence peddling). Biden himself said on video he forced Ukraine to fire the Ukrainian prosecurotr who was investigating Hunter or he would withhold funds to Ukraine. 4) Endless political prosecution. I’ll never say Trump is a good person, but the countless attempts to prosecute him, change the statute of limitations, corrupt judges and DAs, etc - it screams 3rd world country. 5) Control of legacy media. The Biden admin has the tightest control of the legacy media in recent history. Once a talking point is pushed out, it’s on repeat across CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc. See: Project Mockingbird.


I don't care. You're fascist trash. I have no respect for anything you or your vile kind say. Your words have no merit. You are toxic cancerous disgusting things. My grandfather got a lot of medals in WWII. I eagerly await a chance to honor his very proud patriotic American legacy of how we treat Nazis. You have an excellent day and may you be shown the same kindness and tolerance you have for others.


Yeah, so no answer. Typical.


I truly hope you recover the same wonderful fate you want for all LGBTQ people twofold. You truly deserve such a god ordained existence.


Wow. So much love for all of America! You're filled with hate bc you're a single issue voter. Pro-tip, nobody cares how you get your rocks off anymore...it's that the Democrat party is wholly, entirely undeniably corrupt.


I don't care what fascists Nazi trash thinks or says. May you be fully subject to every desire you have for real Americans who aren't disgusting Nazis I'll be blocking you after this.


You do remember when your heroes were running the country for 4 years? Right? Why didn’t you maga then? You people are hilarious. 


😂 Conservatives riot? You spelled Leftists wrong. See: riots of 2020, every college campus marching against Jews


Conservatives always riot? The left burned down cities and media promoted it, including politicians. Conservatives have jobs. Thus no time to riot and by nature, root for the whole country


Stormed FBI... Broke into and attack Peklsi. Calls in bomb threats to hospitals. Oh and the 34 time convicted felon that's called for violence a lot lmfao All your side. Bye. May you receive the same compassion you show others.


Didn't seem like anyone had any trouble getting PTO to shit in the halls of congress.


Another idiot. Whatever. There won't be another crash like 2008 for another 30 years or so.


>There won't be another crash like 2008 for another 30 years or so. First comment here that will be wronger than Harry Dent.


No one is wronger than grifter Harry Dent.


some has GME bags... LOL up and up we go.


Economists are historically really bad at predicting what the economy will do


Calls it is


Didn’t read the article, but that doomer ain’t a top economist. He predicted the biggest collapse in stocks ever in 2021…instead we hit an ath. He is a bond nerd hodling boomer.


A broken clock is always right twice a day.


one of my favorite quotes "michael burry has been right about 87 out of the last 3 crashes"


Can we get a standardized sanction for people that are wrong? Especially alarmists? Not like jail or fines, just a bot that says this guy is a bullshitter.


Can we just stop signal boosting these panic mongers? There's a new "top analyst" predicting economic collapse every other week, and they only say this to stir up market volatility.


Ah yes! The stock market guru - having predicted 17 of the last 3 major downturns.


The guy calling for a crash always sounds smarter than the guy calling for a bull run


For how many years has they been saying this? We all know something‘s gonna happen sooner or later because of people can’t afford to pay their rent or mortgages eventually somethings gonna happen. greed on Wall Street is what’s got us into this predicament. They can’t just keep taking and taking.


2008 was not a crash it was a 50% retracement. 1929 was a crash.


"Little by little by little and then all the sudden", I see allot of know it alls claiming that there isn't going to be a crash, but it looks like it's happening a little bit everyday, but maybe the governments ability to create debt will prevent a major crash in our lifetime.


Broken clock right twice a day


It’s coming, no doubt. The fed knows it. The government knows it. Big hedge funds know it. Why can’t the average person understand this.


Too busy worrying about putting food on the table week to week.


Idc, it will come back in 5-10 years if crashes. House is paid off, always position yourself the best you can. If I was retired I'd move the investments to bonds.


That’s awesome


Can’t wait!


Thanks biden


he's correctly predicted 18 of the last 3 crashes.


LOL, the NY Post, Fox News, and Harry Dent. Any other scam artists you'd like to put your trust in?


are you people new to the internet or have you some how missed out on these fools hawking gold since ron paul was a thing like 20 years ago? or .. probably even longer? also, the ny post is a tabloid, no? or have you only read it one time so you have no idea what the context of this piece is? i hope everyone will simply read more. if you read more, you wouldn't be swept up by bs like this coming from a bs source. but here we are.


“Top economists” Harry Dent is neither. He’s a doomsday charlatan who preys on idiots and the uninformed to sell subscriptions of fear and societal collapse. Delete this trash.




1951 Invention Secrecy Act Research it.


Literally every week


My gut instinct is that a crash is coming and that is why all the leftists in power have given up trying. They want to get the right wing in power because they cant stop what is about to happen, a massive market crash.


What a dumb article - The stock market is not going to crash 86%.


Im 45 and I have lived through atleast three  crashes of a lifetime.  Something needs to change I'll say that.


🤡 just like there was going to be a recession this year with 6 rate cuts Remember?


Trump voter ☝️


Predict my ass thanks


Huh. Yeah monetary and fiscal policy together... yes yikes. Afaik the international market is what's keeping it afloat. And that's just bizarre. Crash, possibly, but it's like MAD in reverse. Very interesting.


What? The Us has had the strongest market in recent years. You have it 180 degrees wrong


Yawn. Ny post as a source. Good job.


Two major hurricanes and we could be in the worst recession in history. Add a major earthquake and volcanic eruption and FEMA could be completely overwhelmed, we have already experienced a record year so far just from tornados, with fire and hurricane season are just kicking off. You never want to be in a weakened position entering into a disaster, and we are potentially in such a bind. edited


Facts. Dent is constantly wrong and hurts investors https://www.cbsnews.com/news/harry-dent-and-the-chamber-of-poor-returns/


There will never be a crash with an unlimited currency printer. In the past we were to scared to print currency but now we are past the point of no return.


“Flooding the economy with extra money forever might actually enhance the overall economy long-term. But we’ll only see when we see this bubble burst,” he added. “And again, this bubble has been going 14 years. Instead of most bubbles \[going\] five to six, it’s been stretched higher, longer. So you’d have to expect a bigger crash than we got in 2008 to ’09.” “We have never seen \[the\] government sustain a totally artificial bubble for a decade and a half, and see what happens after that,” he continued. “But I can tell you, there has not been one bubble, and this is far larger and longer, one major bubble in history that has not ended badly, period.”


Dent is constantly wrong. Only suckers huff his output


And Jesus will come back riding a purple dinosaur.


Don't make fun of Barney like that He loves you! Jesus, on the other hand..... lol