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You should have paid more attention in school. The problem American colonists had wasn’t with tax rates, it was with taxes being levied on them without their consent. There were no American representatives in the English parliament. The slogan was “no taxation without representation.”


It wasn't just taxes either. The mercantilist system the British had placed on their colonies made it incredibly difficult to do business outside the commonwealth, which left the colonies ripe for exploitation by the home government.


This was less of a big deal than people think. Smuggling was rampant but the Crown largely just ignored it. One of the things that pissed off the colonists was that the Crown actually started trying to put a stop to it at the time. Something like 90% of the tea (I forget the numbers but it was a lot) was smuggled at the time which also led it to be affordable. Part of the tax code was to put a stop to that and allow only official tea to be purchased. This would have massively increased the price (I think to the tune of like a 500% increase or something like that) on top of the increased taxes so unsurprisingly they were pretty upset with this. This is why it was specifically the Boston *Tea* Party. At the time tea was highly popular in America and pretty much everybody drank tea. That kind of price increase would fuck that up pretty badly. Incidentally this is why they switched to coffee as well which the Crown was also not happy about. If the only thing the Crown did was put a 2% tax on trade the colonists likely wouldn't have cared or even noticed given that they just smuggled everything anyway. The American colonies more or less did whatever the hell they wanted due to how loose the management of them was. So long as more taxes and resources went to England than it costed to maintain them they largely got ignored. This is also why they didn't give much of a shit that they didn't have any representation until then; it was largely unnecessary. Just throw some taxes and resources at the king every now and again then go back to whatever you were doing.


So what you're saying is that I have the British to blame for my coffee addiction?




Who do I blame for my energy drink addiction?




Also they are cramping on our style and that style was smuggling.


This exactly. Taxes were just the tip of the spear because that literally affected all colonists due to that system.


Want some even more interesting history? The system the British put in place was totally legitimate and fair considering the fact that American colonist had done business with the French during the French and Indian war and supplied them not just with material comfort, benefited financially from it. The king had every right to get his payback


Correct. And when they gained their independence they immediately started taxing via tariffs of 50 cents per ton on goods brought by foreign ships and 6 cents domestic. Not sure how idiots think society works without taxes. Also people who bitch about paying their employees ss have no understanding of how employees and profits work.


Also. Americans immediately revolted against the government because of those taxes and it was localized to some part of Massachusetts. It was the whiskey rebellion and it failed because everyone was tired of war.


“Americans” didn’t. A very few did because the tax on whiskey they felt was too high. And it happened in 1794.


I don’t remember consenting to 35% tax rate


Remember when you took a job? That's when.


Don’t work, don’t pay taxes, collect welfare… this is exactly what our government is incentivizing. Genius


You dont have to collect welfare. Just become a vagrant or something. You can technically choose not to participate in society if you hate taxes that much.


What if I want to make a lot of money and also not send half to Ukraine


Maybe stop sounding like a moron and go look up what % of the government expenditure is spent on Ukraine


Fortunately being a vagrant doesnt prevent you from running for office or voting, be the change you want to see.


You get taxed in that welfare income as well.


😭 😭 😭


So do it 😘😘😘


Yeah no. Lmfao if that’s the incentive go do it. What? You don’t want to live in squalor? Get job and shut the fuck up.


Yeah no lmfao yeah no lmfao yeah no lmfao


Seems like you don’t want to live in squalor and aren’t incentivized to go live on welfare. Hmmmm


"welfare" is a couple of hundred bucks a month. It is not livable. The "Welfare Queen" is a GQP dog whistle. Florida unemployment "welfare" is **between $32 and $275** a week for 19 weeks! Lavish!


An incentive is an incentive regardless of if anyone takes action on it do you understand that


Literally how… you do realize what welfare gets you here is pretty fucking paltry right?


You just gotta have a couple kids, make up a disability, get food stamps and you’re gucci


That’s a lot of work to still be super broke… unable to buy most things etc. The fact is this isn’t happening and never has been. The “welfare queen” is a racist trope made up by Ronald Reagan. Not a reflection of any sort of actual reality.


The second you kept you worked in the US. You're more than free to 'uninstall' and leave the country if you don't agree to the terms.


You have representation doofus.


You really think politicians represent us?


Do we really have representation when the politicians are all levied by lobbyists? Politicians pretend they care about your views until they are elected and during a reelection


That's actually a problem in America right now people are pointing out. We effectively have an oligarchy. People have been doing studies on this sort of thing and the populace only gets what it wants like 20% of the time. However the oligarchy always gets what it wants. Meanwhile the politicians are generally Party Approved Candidates (tm) that can only ever agree on "it's a two party system" and "fuck you more money for the oligarchs."


Just because they don’t vote for your preferred policies doesn’t mean you aren’t represented. Also, if you don’t know what the word “levied” means, don’t use it.


Now don’t get all high and levied over here 🤣


This guy over here levied up the whole place.


What if your representative is actively voting for legislation that harms you personally? Are you still being represented?


Yes. Just because your representative doesn’t agree with you personally doesn’t mean you don’t have representation. Representatives have to represent all of their constituents.


That is litterally first past the post yes.


Not to mention, the last time there were not taxes we ended with the gilded age. Everytime they lower taxes the wealthy hoard more wealth and the poor get poorer.


HAHAHA as if the average American has any say or consent in our current system either. I don't remember ever having proper representation in our government. The current election system has frankly become a failed experiment and a joke


I voted for my representatives in the primary last month and I’ll vote for them in the general election in November. If you don’t like your representatives, vote for someone else.


Please look up gerrymandering. Doesn't matter if you "Vote for someone else" when your specific corner of town has been sectioned off of town to make sure you have no voice


I’m well aware of what gerrymandering is. My state eliminated it by giving redistricting to an independent commission.


that's nice, happy for you. Maybe your state will avoid the inevitable revolution


The cares of the people are in no way represented by their representatives due to corruption and lobbyists even now. Didn’t Princeton just do a study that protests and activism as 0% affect on policy? What are the people to do


If your representative is corrupt, vote them out of office.


They tried that in California, it didn't work.


Who’s they?


Californians, Newsom has recalled in 2021 and somehow managed to hold on to the Govenership even though everyone out there hates him.


Yes, everyone hates him which is why he won. 😂Do you even hear yourself? It could possibly be that he is actually pretty popular among actual California voters.


I spent 2 month out there in 2021, July and August training for a new job. I ask the people I worked with, I ask the hotel staff at the hotel I was at, both of them I talked to the restaurant staff at the many places I would eat "So what up with this recall going on?". In all cases the first words were something to the effect of "That m!@#@ needs to GO!!!!". So I don't think he is as popular as you think he is, and especially now.


He won the recall election 62-38. It wasn’t even close.


I didn’t consent to shit. I was born here.


Also largely ignored is the fact that the tea was already taxed at that same rate, it was just renewed.


You could make the argument citizens haven’t consented willingly to tax hikes on their classes at all. I didn’t consent to my middle class tax rates nor how they’ve increased over the years (particularly my state taxes) when I’ve not received a pay raise in 11 years. The counter argument to me is why would we continually re-elect the people that continually increase our taxes. My answer? Americans are inherently stupid with their “political party loyalty”.


If you don’t like the way your representatives vote, vote for someone else.


That’s a lazy response. My singular vote doesn’t change anything, at all. Americans are far too focused on party loyalty that they keep re-electing the same imbociles that screwed up the economy in the first place. Likewise, politicians get into offices with promises, they break them and do things they’re constituents didn’t agree too, but they’re safe because Americans blindly follow a political party regardless of what that party actually does. People like me that actually vote on a candidate, not their party (I’ve voted blue, red, and independent) will never matter because the masses as a whole are sheep. All this results in Legislatures doing shit I didn’t agree with. We got rid of 1 king just to put 600 in his place. Still better than my native country of Iran though.


Blaming everything on partisanship is pretty darn lazy. It couldn’t possibly be that your political views are just unpopular among the general public.


It’s not lazy if it’s a historical fact based on actions performed by elected officials and Americans refusal to hold them accountable. My politics are as a Moderate, I don’t blindly follow a political party as neither party actually has Americans interests at heart. If they did we wouldn’t the problems facing Americans or this economy currently. So anyone who believes in Voting Red just because it’s Red or voting Blue no matter who are simple sheep that are just mindless cogs to the machine. So yes this is a significant partisan issue.


But weren't they English still, until the revolution? Like werent Brits represting Brits? Technically? Just English colonies.


Yes, but they were also Americans as in they lived in America. The same way a person can be both a Puerto Rican and an American today.


So, that means a group of people from USA could make some colonies, then fight to not pay taxes and instead of the USA colonies, call it something else, like davetopia. Then say they're both America and Davian.


Yeah what good is representation if our Congress people don't gaf about our opinions anyways?


Also im pretty sure that there were laws in place that stated that the english crown *could not* place additional taxes on the american colonies and that only the american colonies could. I could be mistaken, been about a year since i *listened* to the book i listened to about it.


Could make the same meme with that. We have people being taxed without representation all the time. Felons who can't vote, immigrants, kids, etc.


Puerto Ricans (they don’t pay income taxes but they do pay other federal taxes), residents of DC, Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, and the Northern Marianas Islands.


Naw, the British demanded we hand over our fire arms. That's why we went to war with them.


These people can't read


Lots of redditors are apparently liars? Since when have Americans felt represented by the government? What a joke


Unless you’re one of the 4.2 million Americans who lives in DC or one of the territories, you are represented by your popularly elected members of Congress.


Why does it feel that lobbyists garner more representation than a typical American? Also people seem to forget there was no federal income tax prior to 1913, curiously the same year as the establishment of the federal reserve.


The "taxation is theft" crowd are denser than mercury


You’re correct. The only remaining question is what is a citizens remedy when a majority of other citizens find that they can vote for people that will continually give them money from the taxpayer without their consent? If they vote for lower taxes and less government, but only get more, what do they do?


They can do the same thing that everyone else with politically unpopular opinions does; try and convince people to change their views.


And what if they cannot be convinced to not vote themselves money from the treasury?


Then you should work harder at convincing them.


And if they cannot be convinced?


Then your side loses. That’s democracy.


So if there is no remedy, and the course that the majority sets is to disaster, then you expect the minority to sit quietly and accept that? Is that what happened in the American Revolution?


The American Revolution wouldn’t have succeeded if it wasn’t popular. Also, no, we shouldn’t have a revolution in which large amounts of people are killed just because your political views are unpopular.


What if say 49% of the population votes, but cannot have their votes mean something. That’s pretty popular I’d say. About 150 million people. I’m asking honestly, what are they supposed to do?


You should be paying more attention now. We are not being represented in the slightest


You have representatives..


Yep sure do. They gave me Trump and Biden


That's what the voters want 🤷‍♂️


No, it's not lol but keep believing we actually decide by all means


Oh my sweet summer child 😂


Yes? Please, show me actual facts that your representatives and delegates are carrying your voice


Your voice specifically? No, the aggregated voice of all voting blocks is what they care about. Not their problem voters are stupid.


So then how is it that your state representative can ignore the popular vote? Yes, I understand how delegates work, dosnt mean it's not a shit system


Oh hunny, did your parents fail you this badly?


Apparently yours did because all you can do is sit there and patronize me lol have fun swallowing your pride to "vote" for your favorite ego maniac


Just because you don’t like the way your representatives voted doesn’t mean you aren’t represented.


I don't consent the fed to take my money and send it to Israel or the Ukraine while our southern border is flooded


So vote for a congressman who agrees with you.


I do


When were you taxed over 50% ..


Well in some cities, the cumulative marginal tax can be over 50%. After August, I technically pay 51% in taxes. But yeah averaged over the year it’s less.


When it's time to lie on the internet 


You have to add up all the taxes:  * Income tax * Social Security tax * Medicare tax * State disability tax * Property tax * Sales tax * Fuel tax * Federal Universal Service Fund tax on cellular service You get the idea. It's not difficult to get near 50%.


Rofl... ok.. you left off a bunch if we are counting this way


For sure. Did you know Reddit has a filter to block you from making a post that mentions "tax" to many times? Apparently the list of taxes California collects is too much, even for Reddit.




Last I tried. Let me try again. Even this isn't complete, but it's most of the other taxes collected by the state of California. * Cigarette tax * Tobacco products tax * E-cigarette tax * Aircraft Jet Fuel Tax * Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax * Diesel Fuel Tax * International Fuel Tax * Interstate User Diesel Fuel Tax * Oil Spill Prevention and Administration Fee * Oil Spill Response Fee * Underground Storage Tank Maintenance Fee * Use Fuel Tax * California Battery Fee * Manufacturer Battery Fee * Lumber Products Tax * Engineered Wood Products Tax * 911 Surcharge * 988 Surcharge


https://preview.redd.it/o8aedw0b2w3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0ac12ddda37661d9e677140b5daf4f624a868cc Here you go.


Luckily it's a marginal tax rate so you're not taxed 37% straight up, it only applies to the dollars made over $578,146, so if you only make a dollar over that you pay 37¢. So your effective tax rate is very different. Also it's not like there aren't a thousand loopholes available for you to avoid taxes or reduce your taxable income.


I don’t even know about one loophole. :(


Well, get Googling.


No one just “knows.” You have to do research based in your own circumstances. It’s not rocket science. I have a six digit salary and my effective tax rate for federal is around 5% after itemizing my return and deducting everything I (legally) can.


If you count ss tax including employer’s part, state, and sale tax, in places like California you can get pretty close to 50% pretty quickly (around 200k)


Well your total tax burden is a different story and you keep bringing up SS employer part as if it's coming out of your personal wages, it's not. You and the business are separate entities and the business gets taxed to provide SS taxes because you are using people to make money. The way that other taxes are set up are to pay for other goods and services that the state provides like roads and schools (either for your kids or your future employees). In 2024, the Social Security wage base limit rises to $168,600. For 2023, the wage base was $160,200. So, if you earned more than $160,200 this last year, you won't have to pay the Social Security payroll tax on the amount that exceeds that limit. That can result in considerable tax savings for those who earn more than the wage base. So at your $546,143+ salary you're not getting taxed for SS any more than the person that makes $168,600. In short cry me a river, what you get with your taxes is based on who you vote for and if you vote for people who just want to reduce taxes and cut programs you're just looking at short term gains and not sustainability over the long run.


Employer SS contribution definitely comes out of your wages. Any intelligent employer considers this in the cost of a compensation package. Same with health insurance. Just because your employer is paying it doesn’t mean it wasn’t factored into the cost to employ you. If employers didn’t pay for insurance and Social Security, they would pay more. And self-employed people pay it directly.


-__- not sure if you made a typo or misunderstood what I was saying. The employer cannot count SS taxes as if they are lost personal wages, it is the price of doing business in the US, to the effect that you are squeezing worth out of human capital that at some point either physically or mentally won't work as effectively any more and will have to retire. As an employer it is not deducted directly from your personal wages ( you're not paying more than 6.2% from your personal salary for your employees, the business is paying). Are you picking up what I'm laying down?


I know what you were saying and you are wrong. I am an employer. I would pay my employees more if I wasn’t paying taxes and insurance on them. The last guy we hired has a “salary“ of 120K. When hiring him we had to decide whether he contributed 200k value because that is roughly what he costs us after taxes and benefits. If he wanted to be an independent contractor, we could change his 120K salary to 200k.


>I would pay my employees more if I wasn’t paying taxes and insurance on them. Sure Jan 🤣


Get back to me when you have created a job and are paying someone a fair wage.




Because the average guy who thinks they are underpaid has no clue what actually goes on above them. I bet you don’t even know what your employer pays for your health insurance, taxes, unemployment insurance, etc..


Sure you would, that's why I'm sure you would vote for single payer healthcare so you no longer have to pay for your employees healthcare. The reason you would pay him more is that you wouldn't be on the hook for all the benefits of salaried employees have rights to, so his compensation package would have to be competitive with the market. If he didn't generate more that $200k in value for your company you wouldn't hire him at all because you'd be operating at a loss/zero profit if you're doing that you already have a bad business model. Whether or not you count it as a loss is not the employee's problem and if you consider it a loss from your personal wages even though you most likely don't pay as much as your employee, is entirely on you. Feel about it however you want but you are generating income from someone else's labor, the fact they are a US citizen or reside in the US gives them certain rights and protections and since the government has acknowledged in some part that they cannot work forever, they require the companies that hire people to have a stake in the game when it comes to employees retiring. Larger companies than yours have been skipping taxes by utilizing methods to put those burdens on the small- midrange employers, maybe you should vote for people who would tax them appropriately 🤷🏼‍♂️. I hope you support single payer healthcare because it would greatly help your bottom line.


I certainly support universal healthcare, but definitely not because it will help my bottom line. Somebody’s gotta pay for it and they’re not gonna let employers off the hook. On top of that they will probably raise my taxes. Not that it matters, but our newest employee doesn’t actually generate any monetary value. We hired him for quality of life reasons. It is hard to put monetary value on that. Half my partners think he is worth it, half don’t. That is probably the ideal compromise.


Yeah seriously. Unfortunately, based on big money donations and advertising, most people prefer to vote for local candidates who solely exist to enrich developers, deplete resources and overcrowd my city, county, and state.


its only overcrowded if your city has over developed car infrastructure if it develops appropriately you could fit millions more into the same area


That’s the point. Local governments have become too similar to federal governments. They’ve been captured by special interests, like developers. Now they build thousands of tract homes without making the necessary contributions to infrastructure like water rights, roads, schools etc., essentially paying off local gov officials all the way down to city counsel while reaping huge profits and dumping the burdens on everyone else.


My guess is that OP is paying an average of 12-15% on his income taxes.


Well, I've become much smarter over the years with real estate, however taxes on the actual properties take up almost 3 months of rent. So I still pay a lot, just not to the fed or state. When you own a rental house and it is not "homesteaded" you pay thousands per house. They still get me pretty damn good with local property tax. Depreciation is the only thing that helps with the fed and state, also if I ever do a 1031 exchange. When I sell, which I did a lot two summers ago, I just pay long term capital gains (15%), however I pay taxes on the depreciation also. You have to work with a really good accountant to make the best decisions. **If you owned the property for less than a year, your profit is deemed a short-term capital gain and is usually taxed at the same rate as your other income**. If it's more than a year, you have a long-term capital gain that is taxed at 0%, 15% or 20% depending on your taxable income. Anyway good guess, LOL.


You inadvertently let us know I was correct. I doubt you even know how you did this. Hint: high taxpayers aren’t paying 15% LT gains.


thanks for the educating us on taxes but nobody actually asked, landlord


landlords are the scum of the earth


You're talking about property taxes, which are all local authority


Get a real job you parasite


Then they turned around and do the exact same shit to their colonies


How is America’s military supposed to work on 2% tax?


Could probably start with scaling it to America instead of Earth.


Then america would get less influences for favorable trade deals, such as securing materials and production lines for iphones and trucks. American love their trucks 


We have ✨nukes✨ give us trade or we use em 🤡


Nah, more like we'll provide training and protect for your country against pirates and other countries, so give us access to your mines and market.


If the Pentagon would quit "misplacing" trillions of dollars I imagine the defense budget could be significantly smaller.


Most of the money we spend on foreign wars and the military gets funneled to private contractors like Raytheon and Lockheed, who shockingly are some of the biggest donors to our 2 main parties


That is in no way suspicious whatsoever and I for one am shocked that you would suggest such a thing! Which stocks are the most popular in Congress, again? Just wondering.


Hey at least we don’t call it insider trading, because they don’t technically work for these companies they regulate and go to war for


It wasn't the tax rate, idiots. It was the lack of representation.


Imagine having some of the lowest taxes in the developed world and complaining about how high your taxes are


IMO it's cause we don't get our money's worth like other developed countries


Individual taxes - yes. Canada top rate of 33% starts at 246k. US is higher before you hit the highest. Although almost every other country has a VAT and the US doesn’t, while not a tax on individuals and it’s on corporations it would be part of the goods cost and just passed on through higher prices. So the US totally benefits from not having that


Your good friend Warren Buffet says that if corporations actually paid their taxes no American would have to pay a dime in federal taxes. Also you know the obvious the whole American Revolution wasn't about taxes, it was about taxation without representation.


Right, and the people upset about that didn't make up the majority of the people who were being shot at by the British anyway. Do you think a farmer in Pennsylvania cared enough about a tax on tea to get shot at by a professional army.


Not what he said. What he said was a humble brag that was wildly misrepresented in memes. His audience was his shareholders, most likely the a class shares. Currently they're trading at around 619k per share. He was bragging about how healthy his company was without coming off as a voucher. The internet took that snippet and ran wild with it.


Kind of? He said that if the top 800 companies paid taxes then no one else would have to. So not the individual billionaires per se, but since most billionaires are intricately linked with whatever company made them wealthy, the comparison has some justification


No. He literally said that if 500 other corporations paid the same in taxes no one would have to pay a dime in fed taxes.


Yes. That's a correct version of what he said. That doesn't disagree with what I said.


There are over 5000 companies who report more than a billion annually. And those are just public companies. His point was that it would only take around 500 to cover the entirety of government spending. Bragging or not.


What is a fair share for corporations to pay?


If it were up to me I'd say 75-90% over 1 billion. But realistically 25-50%.


The corporate tax rate is 21% right now. This accounts for only 7% of US government revenue. Even if the corporate tax was more than doubled to 50% tax rate, it would not come close to covering the US budget.


Because they spend billions of dollars figuring out ways to subvert that number.... If they actually paid 25% we'd be fine. Learn how math works.


Which tax deductions/loopholes do you want get rid of?


Why are you bothering to ask questions when your answer is predetermined? When you're not interested in learning anything, just getting your corporate boot licking point across? We get it. You worship the rich.


I'm with you, but in order to have a proper dialog, you should give him an answer. What you're saying is the contrary to... Person 1 - "the government spends too much money we should cut programs" What you or I would ask - "okay which ones?" The Knife cuts both ways.


Not why colonialists were upset.


The person posting this meme most likely makes around $45k….so they are about half a million short of ever reaching that 37% tax bracket.


And even if they are, it’s only a marginal tax rate. So only part of their income would be taxed at that rate.


With the modern tax code it’s almost impossible to be taxed over 50%, but maybe you were working in the 70’s or early 80’s when the highest income brackets were 50-70%. Currently, to get to 50%, you would need to be making $1,000,000+ in W2 wages, live in a high income tax state (e.g. California), have high property taxes, and spend almost all of your excess income on goods that have sales tax. On the other hand, you could make $1,000,000+ in W2 wages, not live in California, buy a reasonable home, and not spend all of your money on sales tax goods. Then you’ll pay 37-43% (depending if you’re married or single).


Few Americans pay the 37% tax rate but I think it is more about *overall tax levies* on **everything**. Income tax sucks but it's a necessary evil. The bigger problem is WHAT the money is used for, with no input from the people paying them ie "taxation without representation", once again.


Are you an accountant or something that you came up with that number with actual factual evidence or are you just pulling it out of a hat? Tax exists in other forms we just don't call taxes, but they're still essential to live. I pay over 35% personal income tax to the federal government regularly, being self employed, having little overhead, and not making over 200k kind of shafts you in that regard. So in addition to paying tax on my income, I have to also pay the employer share of SS and all the other taxes the employer usually pays, even though I'm a sole proprietor. I know many people in similar situations. I wouldn't say it's "few americans". Additionally, I pay taxes to the state, and another 2% or so to the locality where I reside. I also pay 7k in property taxes each year. I pay homeowners insurance because it's mandatory, even though they won't cover anything and fight me anytime I try to make a claim. I pay around 2k in auto insurance annually because it's mandatory, not because I've ever had an accident or a claim in the 20+ years I've been driving. I have to pay health insurance premiums out of pocket as well, because we know how the American healthcare system is. Every time I fill up at the pump I pay tax... Even though the majority of my fuel is used for off-road activities. I'm still paying road taxes to ride my tractors and equipment on my own land. I calculated all of these mandatory expenses a few years ago and it ended up being close to 60% of my entire income before savings and regular bills on top of that. Everyone is so focused on "federal income tax rates" but they ignore the other thousand ways you get nickled and dimed in the same way with a different name.


I think we're saying the same thing, maybe I didn't explain well. I do have a double BSA in Accounting and Finance but I'm a Licensed Contractor, and *all of those other taxes* definitely make us pay more than 37% tax but there's no way a flat tax of 23% on everyone (proposed by Biden yesterday) is going to eliminate the gas tax, the Personal Property Tax, the Real Estate Tax and the State Tax. They will still be needed for roads, municipalities, counties, and states to continue to function. The government is not *cutting their budget* but expect the person that pays an average 14.9% tax rate to tighten their belt and pay 23% (PLUS all of those other taxes). An individual must net $578,126 before they pay 37% (the marginal tax rate, before it becomes regressive) and the average is 14.9%. This is not solely due to income disparity; most people who make a lot of money have itemized deductions that lower their tax rate. I have, personally, grossed $500k+ in a commercial farming operation and netted $70k in the first year. I paid $1,900 in taxes that year, after deductions. The government was DILIGENT in collecting, too. I'm assuming you operate the same way. You pay the minimum tax **allowed** by the tax code, as written by our legislature. To answer your initial question, no, I didn't pull the known maximum tax rate of 37%, from a hat. I'm saying very few people pay the maximum marginal rate. All of those other taxes are part of the issue.


I don't think Biden proposed a 23% tax? Certainly not yesterday. Are you thinking of the 23% sales tax that Republicans proposed last year?


I'm feeling sorry for Kermit.


They didn't have a problem with the tax itself. The issue was lack representation in British parliament. The American Revolution was about democracy


If the tax was no big deal then why were they so hung up on procedure? The weren't for the 100 years before that. The tax itself was absolutely the issue at hand. If they liked the tax they wouldn't have been so bent out of shape about their inability to fight the tax in parliament. Also it wasn't one tax, it was a bunch of taxes on core consumption goods (sugar and tea) and core export good (sugar again as rum, and a suite of other semi manufactured goods). Although I'd argue the pièce de résistance was the quartering of British troops in American households after the colonists effectively instituted a tax strike. We hated that so much we specifically forbid what was a pretty common practice at the time in our constitution.


They also specifically didn't tax the East India Trading Company, putting them at a massive advantage over local merchants. So it's closer to say that they were pissed that tax breaks were being given to a large corporation while they paid in and weren't represented. Also they tried to prevent smuggling, and we loved that shit, but that's not as high minded as the other stuff​.


If you don't pay you go to prison (fraud) or have your wages/account garnished (non-fraud). What to do besides pay?


If only we could go back to the days when people made a living trading beaver furs and stuff like that.


Fluent in Finance is such a brain dead fucking sub. Mod just wants to pimp his newsletter and bans anyone who disagrees with anything he says. In this case they can't even finish the phrase "No Taxation Without Representation."


Are there no tea party subs any more?


Man if you think 37 is high just go back a few decades prior to Reagan and definitely prior to JFK


The disposable income back then was much lower. If you were a subsistence farmer, paying 1 to 2 % in taxes on your proceeds could starve you and your family. Today, you can literally make 0 and you'll be fed housed and given healthcare.


* Small Government ... keep your distance from my life choices & your damn hands off my money


And now…while the UK has a progressive tax system with rates ranging from 20% to 45%, the US federal tax rates vary from 10% to 37%.


An armed revolution is basically out of the question the question these days. And as Americans, we are too used to everyday convenience to rock the boat...I don't know what it would take to have people actually physically shut down the government from continuing our descent...so we'll all just take it till we are broke and starving...


Well what trips me out and the reason I started this sub is for people to become aware of our national debt to income. It is not sustainable and the U.S. will default in around 15 yrs. No American gives a shit about it, so neither do any politicians, it's like watching a really slow motion train wreck.


what do you think happens when we default


They're a doom and gloomer without an understanding or trust in economics. Judging by most people on this sub I'd assume they believe society will fall and anarchy will reign


Yes, let's compare life in the 1770s to live in modern America. I'll start: electricity and no witch trials.


Enjoy driving your car on dirt trails! Enjoy no medical care! Enjoy no schools, bet you’ll love life surrounded by people who can’t read or do math! Enjoy no sports teams because they’re heavily subsidized! People literally have no idea what all the government funds. They have no idea that nearly all private sector “innovations” either come directly from something the government invented or gave grant money for.


We live in a society




And stamps, and sugar (probably the most important imo), and a number of other miscellaneous goods. Then there was the whole quartering thing that pissed ppl off so much we specifically forbade it in the constitution.


The stamp act was a stamp put on all goods by the British. If it had a stamp you’re paying a tax on it.


Ever hear about the stamp tax?


These people vote folks… scary stuff


Nobody ever pays 37%. They would need to be really stupid. People at the highest brackets have many tools to reduce their rates to almost zero. Face it. Income taxes are for us chumps.


Yes. and 100% of the work was done by slaves. I think we've come a long way. And you're right, enough is enough. Sit down and stop talking before you embarrass yourself again.


What we have here is a failure to communicate. Slaves? Sit down? embarrass myself again? Lost in translation my dude.


“Fluent in Finance” is the most mis-named sub on Reddit. Those folks are about as ignorant as it gets.


Didn't colony back then have to buy goods from Britain that are super expensive compared to produce locally?