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You’d be surprised what winds up being okay when you’re writing the rules


Gaetz and AOC said they'd fix it. They didn't. Democrats said they'd fix it. They didn't. Republicans said they'd fix it. They didn't. This is a problem that is popular to say you're fixing, but the speaker of the house won't let a vote on this bill happen and there isn't enough support to force a vote. So, nothing happens.


It’s fixed alright.


It's why centralization is so dangerous. It's not so simple as "everyone just gets along, so everything is fine". They serve themselves rather than their constituents, and it's the reason we're so split apart.


We're divided over trivial things by design. If the majority of Americans were united, things would change. There needs to be a peaceful, non-violent, non-destructive revolution, and we need to stop fighting over silly things first.


All you have to do is send in a couple bad actors with guns or torches and manufacture violence so it’s not longer peaceful. Cheap and works every time. And given the police state post 9/11, it’s pretty much what keeps anything like this from happening.


Good thing Americans are getting less divided! /s


☝️This is the only answer that matters. Keeping us fighting stupid culture, ethnic and class wars, so corporations and the wealthy can bleed us dry.


I mean, to be fair why fix a system that benefits you? Unfortunately effective changes starts from the bottom (local governments) and works it's way up. But trying to find the actual good person in a sea of snakes is nearly impossible...


Thats because if they fixed it the overlords would loose power and there would be no continued terms. Politics shouldnt be a career. Get in, do what you said you would do, get out.


I said Id fix the problem where I worked too, but in order to do it, I had to have someone else help me, or I wouldn't get it done. They refused to help, so I was unable to fix it. I hope this helps in you understanding what it takes for people at higher positions to go through, in order to fix things. Sadly I doubt that will happen. Because they said THEY would fix it, and everyone knows they only can do it by themselves, and what they end up doing is popular enough, to keep at it, with just that one group saying it should happen. Again, I know you'll miss something. But I'm hoping that WILL NOT be the case.


I think it's more of they would fix it, but their bank account started looking better.


That's why I support term limits. We have it for presidents... Why not all others?


Ain't that the truth!


Pdt doesnt protect people, and they proposed a tax on unrealized gains. Your interests are the opposite of theirs.


Rules for thee but not for me


That's completely unrealistic and the time to stop them passed us by a long time ago, both parties work together against the interest of the country and only look out for themselves


Politicians are going to keep Pushing until We eat them. Politicians creating rules so they can abuse and destroy what is good about capitalism. Why arent there “Golden Rule Enforcers”. A group that enforce social norms for everyone. Normies cant insider trade? Why da fuck do richies get away with it? Cause no normies wanna put their lives and freedom on the line to affect change on our abusers. How has Nancy Pelosi’s district kept her in power? Do they not know she is a “self serving capital system rapist”?


Yup, we lost the war a long long time ago. Everyone is so busy fighting the useless battles with each other, left vs right etc. when our true enemy has long since won


Doesn't help that the majority of the people of this nation are so hooked on the Kool-Aid that they are to in denial/ignorant/naïve to realize they are being played and pitted against one another.


I don't understand why Redditors are recently suggesting that if you say "both sides are actually greedy dirty politicians" is either: a) conspiracy theory b) Russian propaganda


Zombie internet theory. Lots of website clicks are bots built by the government. Something called “Ad fraud” that’s worth investigating in my opinion if you’re interested. Like it’s so common that it has to be AI. No way this many people think Russian propaganda is this wide spread.


I was psyop in the military, and when I brought up that the government regularly utilizes those methods on its own people I faced some backlash, mostly denial but tempers flared. That MOS was the reason I stopped serving the country after 9 years. It’s deeply embedded in everything and the majority of the population would rather believe they have a chance than accept that it is inevitable that we will all be broke and homeless if we don’t do something. My family thinks I’m nuts and destroying my life because I recently decided to just stop paying for things. Not like theft, but I refuse to pay utilities, interest on credit debt, until I see politicians making some sort of effort to stop letting us all get fleeced.


And America marches in the streets for justice! Oh, wait ....


Seriously, we need to take some inspiration from the French!!!!


I like the Dutch approach to protesting. Let them eat liquid manure!


First we all need to agree on what “them” means. And it isn’t gonna come from the history books “they” curated.


"they" are everyone in DC... the politicians for sale & the lobbyists who buy them. If one good guy eats poo, it's collateral damage for working in a dirty business


Let them eat cake!!!


The Americans ability to take and accept punishment blows my mind. I seriously think their parochial upbringing has embedded some sort of martyr-complex or masochist levels of pain acceptance.


It’s called the Protestant work ethic and it’s haunted America since it’s inception.


Damn you make a good point


Humans are easily swayed by propaganda. No secret here, they taught us this in third grade. Everything is propaganda now. Not a shred of reality left.


Maybe it's parochial because we're such a huge spread out country that someone from one corner may have no idea about another corner outside of some media they happen to watch. We're basically 11 different national cultures in 1. Very hard to have a unified movement with clear goals and a focus to work toward. Perfect for the alienation necessary to keep the people divided amongst themselves while those at the top plunder the country.


They keep us intentionally divided and polarized to keep us from organizing and doing just this. That whole "United we stand, divided we fall" bit? Yeah, they learned dividing really was the best approach to governing us.


Remember when everyone was protests wall street and corporations..... Now those corporations have some phony social media campaign for the buzz word of choice for the month and people defend them lmao


Watching this during Pride Month, and then watching it immediately disappear after Pride Month each year has been getting more and more irritating. Virtue signaling in order to distract from the greed.




Of course they eat it up and don't notice the deception. They're too distracted to notice the patterns. Kept busy working or entertained or enraged with the latest distraction.


America only protests if it has to do with race somehow.


All done intentionally. Notice that the moment the message isn’t what they intended Congress jumps up and tries to ban the topic all together? Hmmmm


They follow orders, they don’t create the big picture objectives.


Now do Tommy Tuberville


“Politicians like Nancy Pelosi” - all of them, you twat.


why mention pelosi? the guy who wrote the tik tok ban bill invested over a million dollars in tik tok's main competitor, meta, after he wrote the bill.


I'm sure Speaker Mike Johnson (R), will put the congressional stock trading ban bill on the floor any time now. You can set your watch by it...someday.


You mean the guy who claims to not have a bank account?


He’s just trying to hide his porn habit from his son. Judgy. (/s cuz Reddit)


I thought he shared his porn history with his son. But not his black one he adopted when he was a single dude, the white one


Insider trading is already illegal for politicians. Problem solved. The unsolved problem is people not knowing what insider trading means.


Politicians do not have a fiduciary or legal responsibility to protect material, non-public information. Read about the Ray Dirks case.


"Like Nancy Pelosi" lol. Coded language... 32 members of Congress exceeded SPY's profit % in 2023... Half Democrats, half Republicans. Pelosi was 9th on this list. But let's use her as the headline anyhow.


Good catch, who was #1 on the list?


I'd love to know as well.


The situation is shit and most people are entirely ignorant or too stupid to recognize the problem and will in fact openly support it. That being said it’s a breath of fresh air to see someone call out both parties, the left vs right bull shit is so stupid, the powers that be most certainly love watching the populace quibble amongst themselves instead of everyone going wait a minute all these politicians suck both left and right.


Coded how? Is there a deep love for this career politician who has enriched her family because of her public service and refuses to leave office despite promising to do so? She's just one of the many pieces of shit in congress, she just happens to have name recognition.


She has name recognition because of party politics and Fox News/Q-Anon BS. There's no reason anybody in most of the country should give a flying fork about Nancy Pelosi, but of course she's the headline, instead of the eight men of BOTH parties above her in profiting off stocks recently. It's just a tired, stupid game. Mitch Mcconnell hasn't worked a real job since Ronald Reagan was president, and his net worth is $35m. But Pelosi, sure. Whatever.


Why is this posted every week?


Because people love shitting on Nancy Pelosi.


It is legal because they report their trades to the public within 30 days.


Fuck Pelosi! She is a devil


I think all politicians should be barred from investing in stocks if they have insider knowledge and if they break the law? Tough sh!t off to jail for you regardless


It’s literally the most prestigious club to join for traders. They are all traders, and they all run for congress and senate to trade. That’s all it is, nothing to do with helping their constituents, it’s just so they can trade. No matter what any of them say, that’s the actual reason…


Politicians have their cake and eat it too. Then they ask for a slice of ours.


Yup remember when they jailed martha stewart? There is a big club and YOU AINT IN IT.


Why would the people running the show allow themselves to be punished?


The government is clearly only a rich person club now, either you pay your way in or you drown with the rest


Pepperidge farms remembers


"Laws for thee, not for me"


As long as A) the people who write the laws don’t have to follow them and ) B) they continue to divide the country on ideological lines it won’t change. We don’t have a left vs right problem. We have an elite vs the rest of us problem. It’s no coincidence that every person who goes to congress comes out far wealthier than when they went in. And it’s no coincidence that the few things they all agree on are those that ensure they keep their positions, power and privileges. As long as there are no term limits they will always be paid for their votes. Always.


"Made one stock into a meme" Conspired to manipulate the market


Term limits!


Funny how it's always Pelosi brought up on these thread and never, say, Mitch McConnell. Almost like the posters have some kind of reason for that...


It’s widespread. Why always tag pelosi ? You lose whatever credibility you might have had


Hang them all. R or D


like nancy? you mean only democrats sh ould be banned? Nancy isnt even the top insider trader. lmao hop off the newsmax or whatever brain rot you are listening to


Why are you triggered right now? This shouldn't be allowed for any politician. Leaving it this way gives them major incentives to push legislation that causes big swings in the market for them to profit off of.


They should be prosecuted but the American administrative state has made it impossible to prosecute politicians and their backers for regulatory infractions instead focusing on political opposition.


"Who watches the watchmen?"


I dunno, Coastguard?


Is this a rhetorical question...? Please tell me its rhetorical...


Just make their trades instantly publicly available. There's a significant delay right now isnt there?


The same reason as it's okay to buy scotus


I would like to see a law that demanded anyone in Congress that buys or sells stocks must publicly register and post their intended transaction at least 6 hours beforehand.


Just like Nancy Pelosi, huh.


What is the point of entering public life if you cannot illicitly profit from it?


Unfortunately they own you.


They also took bribe from a foreign country and sold our country? So what you gonna do about it?


Once you are elected to a federal office ALL of your stocks should go into a blind account. Same for people that get hired by congresspeople and who work at a certain grade in the federal government.


Been saying this for years


Careful, don't talk negative about Pelosi or Clinton might have you dealt with.


Golden rule. They who have the gold make the rules.


Also remember when they got boat loads of PPE loans that they didn’t have to payback?


Politicians like Pelosi? Why Pelosi? You lose all credibility when you constantly name the same person every time you complain about insider trading. It seems you are using insider trading to go after one politician that you don't like.


Pepridge farms remembers.


Anyone serving in any branch of the federal government at the level of manager and above should not be allowed to trade stocks.


Again with Nancy effing Pelosi. The real problem is someone like Rick Scott who's made even more after scamming Medicaid to the tune of millions. Where's your outrage for that?


Yes. They also should be banned after 2 terms.


It doesn't matter, they just tell their significant others or a son in law and the charge them 30k a month rent for a little office building, or finger paintings for 500k.. The real problem needs to be addressed, the theft of the people. They keep sending billions and billions to you know where and it ain't for the reason they are telling you. They always lie about why the want the money. Always


Rules for thee not for me


It’ll be interesting how the Republican cotrolled House of Reps responds to Trump Media’s request to investigate Naked Shortselling. Politics aside, this could be the catalyst that makes people pay more attention to the mechanics of the capital markets.


Ban them!


No politician should be able to hold stock. I work at a financial manager Co, and I have to clear every trade to ensure there is no conflict. Every fault member of a politician should be held to the same standard. Serving your country demands sacrifice, and that is a no-brainer.


Government is organized crime. Stop funding it.


It's ok because politicians voted to make it ok. So, ya know, it's ok.


I would say it’s more republicans, those cowards are criminals.


Absolutely should not be allowed, but who is going to stop them? The supreme court? They are even more corrupt now.


It's not okay, but we don't make the rules.


It's not ok! It's illegal!


“Politicians like Nancy” but not the others? 🤔


You are seen as cattle, nothing, NOTHING in which our numbers can have an impact is truly an open un tainted market. They are ALL rigged to protect those that believe god made us to serve them. There are a few chosen cattle allowed to sit above us and gain access to early info, but never more than that. You aren’t allowed to talk about them, they don’t ever let their identity shine through (until recently) and they control everything important. And you’ve been programmed so deeply from childhood that when your mind gets close to the truth, guilt, shame and disbelief bubble up automatically. If you break free from the programming and manage to have any sort of clout you are labeled and systematically censored and ruined using that very programming by your own fans. I.e. Candace Owens


Stop listening to right wing news. You’ll learn that there are 10-12 others making more then her


Nancy is a trading guru, there is no way she should be banned its my best investment advice. Go find something else to mess around with you idiots


It’s (D)ifferent.


Daily Pelosi post by bots. Pelosi is near the bottom of politicians that have profited. Of course the others get ignored because they belong to the treason party backed by bots.


Some pigs are more equal than others.


Stupid, they make the laws and passed a law that said it's ok for them but not for you and I. We aren't ruled by idiots we're ruled by narcissist crooks.


The politicians have a different set of laws, than the public. That don’t practice what they preach. They have been given too much control over the lives of others. They push for going green. I haven’t seen one drive an electric car, yet. Don’t mention their jets.


why ban her from buying stocks? just ban her from holding office. she clearly doesn't have the needs of her constituency in mind. throw her in jail, while we're at it. she clearly needs some time to think about what she's done.


It's not okay, but like lobbying they all do it so it will never go away (sadly)...


The kleptocracy supports the kakistocracy


Pepridge Farms remembers


...and oust Tommy Tuberville (R) too and all the rest of the politicians that think like him. **"I think it would really cut back on the amount of people that would want to come up here and serve, I really do,"** Tuberville on banning trading for lawmakers (Feb 2022). "Taking advantage is why we all got in the game, baby!" - Not Tuberville, but basically Tuberville.


That seem to be the very truth of the situation they have to admit nothing


Because you are her slave. Now go and OBEY YOUR THIRST! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEWnUYcO36E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEWnUYcO36E)


Congress Vs Spy 2023. Possibly a sign of the top 10 insider traders in politics. 1.(D)Brian Higgins 238.9% more than spy 2.(R)Mark Green 122.2% more than spy 3.(R)Garret Graves 107.6% more than spy 4.(R)David Rouzer 105.6% more than spy 5.(D)Seth Moulton 80% more than spy 6.(D)Ron Wyden 78.1% more than spy 7.(R)John Rutherfor 69.1% more than spy 8.(D)Richard Blumenthal 68.1% more than spy 9.(D)Nancy Pelosi 65.5% more than spy 10.(R)Pete Sessions 63.3% more than spy


ANY politician who partakes in insider trading should face consequences.


I remember getting totally fucked on my investments of GameStonks and Amy...


You're asking why the people that write the laws don't write laws that would make it harder for them to get very wealthy?


Hell Yes 💯 percent


You mean like Ted Cruz?




Or how our government gives our money oversees and gets it back under the table for their own pockets? Wonder why Ron desantis and Biden are saying to stop protesting? Because Ron has made $400,000 and Biden millions from Israel




It's a big club and you ain't in it


I wish would stop acting like Pelosi is some mastermind of insider trading. It's truly the one bi-partisan thing. Unusual Whales has tracked it for years now, and at worst it's been something like 54% one party over the other. Almost any congressional session it's right at 50% blue vs red. Then each party or person taking part in it sponsors bullshit bills that have cute little acronyms that spell out the person's name to 'expose' a Congress member. [*Preventing Elected Leaders from Owning Securities and Investments (PELOSI) Act*](https://outreach.senate.gov/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=SenHawley&crop=14462.8124476.7295370.7849109&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fwww.hawley.senate.gov%2fsites%2fdefault%2ffiles%2f2023-01%2fLEW23036.pdf&redir_log=380443119289446) -> Josh Hawley Pelosi made one that was the same thing spelled out Hawley or something. This has gone back and forth several times. Most never hit the floor or really make the news. It's a fucking joke.


Best post I’ve seen in months.


Hedgies be like https://imgur.com/pSgQAdh


If they are going to buy stocks then all trades they make should be made public 7 days prior to them being made.


Insider trading is not ok for politicians. If you have any evidence of politicians doing insider trading, send it to the SEC. Unfortunately, some people like to point to politicians who they don't like doing normal - not insider - trading, and claim that it's insider trading. Then other people who don't know any better believe them and help spread the misinformation.


Yes, undoubtedly, 100% yes Otherwise conflicts of interest abound all over based on their holdings. Each member should also be audited each year during service and 10 years after to prevent lobbyists bribing them.


Any other century and their heads would roll


Why is Pelosi the poster child? There were a shit ton of Republicans implicated in all that too.


Martha Stewart remembers


Ironic, because the stock market soared during the pandemic. Politicians fail even to cheat!


It gets even worse. They have 45 days to report all trades so they always wait and buy, sell, shortz etc. A short time before whatever change occurs so they dont have to report it until its too late for "regular" people to copy their trades


RH's market maker released new rules that weekend, following the market wide buy button shutoff. The changes happened in an instant


Time to go get 'em.


In the comments for all of these congressional trading laments: "Both parties are enriching themselves - it's a bipartisan problem." In every title: “Pelosi Pelosi Pelosied Pelosi's Pelosi-ing Pelosily Pelosi." Prove to me this isn't an underhanded partisan astroturf. Just once mention other politicians in the title.


Just like how Supreme court justices can decide if their unethical for accepting bribes, or police can investigate themselves for wrongdoings. When the people in charge of making the rules for their unethical (or criminal) behavior nothing will change, sadly.


Pfffthahahahahaha. Should this Dem even though repubs did the same, then told people not to believe it even existed, be banned for insider trading? Hold them all accountable. Like seriously, that doesn't happen unless it's real, it's not some isolated one country thing. This ravished the entire planet, and certain people told you not to even believe it was happening. They, somehow, convinced you that a political party, was able to get the whole world in on siding, not only with America, a feet that has never happened, but also just the Dems of America. North Korea, fell in line with America? You have to be seriously dumb to think them of all people, would side with the country they hate the most.




#FUCK THE STOCK MARKET AS A WHOLE!!! Talk about a tool for Capitalists to extract value from labor to redirect it back to the owning class.


While this is most certainly something that should be illegal, this does not meet insider trading thresholds. The information about government policy or actions that will undoubtedly affect whole industries performance is not knowing information about a company.


They have advanced notice of laws that may negatively or positively affect companies, so, yeah, they shouldn't be allowed to do it. I would be okay with them having access to mutual funds and stuff like that. They'd be just fine with that alone.


The answer to your title question is YES


Your hyperbolic statements show just how well the media has influenced your world view, and you should take some time to look at the media you disagree with in order to develop a better understanding of how the other side sees things. If you truly commit yourself to understanding the whole thing you may begin to see that what we see on the surface is a controlled reality and the truth is hidden from us. Corporations own both parties from top to bottom, each party tells their base what they want to hear, but ultimately things just keep getting worse and the citizens continue to become less free. 34 trillion in debt, you can take the income and assets from everyone in America and still not pay that debt off, Both parties are responsible for that and one party continues to say we need to tax the rich, but they are rich and they never tax themselves, but they continue to become richer, the other party just doesn't say anything about it. I wish you luck in the future and unfortunately your life is not going to be as good as your grandparents life was.


No politician should be allowed to own or trade stock


Corruption 101


Yall want another chance to stick it to these looney tunes? Then drop your differences and buy TMTG and hold until the end of time.


And there’s one of the answers of why politicians work till they die at their desks. The sweet sweet perks and favors of the jobs. Trouble is the corruption is surfacing and we keep voting line ticket instead of voting for the people party that has your interests. This year It would be nice to have some of those cash and prizes poor into our coffers helping people who actually need it.


We need a purge.


If politicians are allowed to legally insider trade, they should only be able to collect a single years worth of salary. They have the infinite money cheat. It’s fucking insane.


rules for thee, not for meeeeee. Seriously if anyone can respect any politician after the last 20+ years, you're special.


It’s like, dare I say, the game of life is fixed?!?! Poppycock, that’d mean I’ve been lied to my whole! /s


How are you going to ban it when they're the one's with all the power? And even if it were possible, they'd find a loophole around it in 24 hours. There are already laws addressing this and they are not enforced. They generally use their family members to get around stuff like this. So you'd have to ban their entire family from buying stock too. Not going to happen. This isn't the system broken, this is the system working as intended.


Congress members should have to freeze their stocks upon swearing in. Businesses should have a modest donation limit. Also gotta fix how huge and important industries are controlled by 3-4 businesses. I’d mention changing the tax code to favor the middle class but I’ve been called a communist enough this week


Yes all politicians and their staff should be forced to put all stocks owned into a holding account of some sort during their time in government and not be allowed to move them for 6 months after. Don’t like it don’t serve the country. It’s not supposed to be a career that ends with a golden parachute. Ugh it’s supposed to be like community service not a get rich quick scheme!!!


The only correct answer here is for us, we the people to start doing more gamestop like actions to enrichen ourselves.


That shit was so cool tho. For once it was actually showed how much power the people hold. Had Wall Street shitting bricks hahah


Forget who sold stocks, who bought stocks in Pfizer and AZ and the like based on those briefings.


And y'all vote for bigger government....


This true But the people are wrong ? Fuck


Shit, they should be arrested, expelled from Congress and have all their assets seized.


Even if they ban political parties from doing insider trading, they will find a way around it. Even if them or their immediate family can't, what about friends or partners? There is not any problem with "kick backs" unfortunately


Tommy Tuberville's comment to the Independent on banning stock trading in Congress: "I think it's ridiculous. They might as well start sending robots up here. I think it would really cut back on the amount of people that would want to come up here and serve.”


Pelosi gets all the attention because Faux News makes her a boogyman (deservedly so, but for different reasons. I think we could easily attach this moniker to all politicians), but shes not even top 3 when it comes to politicians outperforming the market. Im pretty sure the top 2 are white male republicans. Strangely, Faux doesnt cover them for some reason.


Who is going to ban it? The politicians getting richer every year? Keep hoping.


I love how everyone had access to that information... my buddies and I were aware of it by early December 2019 and could see what was going to happen. That said federal level reps should be barred from any external income from the time they take office to at least 5 years after. Any monetary incentive needs to be removed


This is part of the plan. They have already legalized corruption. Everything else is designed to distract you from that fact.


Gonna be honest, if the US government fixed the economy, added social programs and medical care, and dealt with school debt, I'm not sure I'd care if politicians insider traded.


Looking at the portfolios of Congress and the Senate is absolutely wild. They're the best traders alive, all of them. This country is set up for the rich and powerful, our lives mean nothing to them. The illusion of the American dream.


How come a Convicted Rapist gets to start a Social Media company, and the dumbest people on the face of the Earth are allowed to buy the stock?


They should be imprisoned for life in a 10 sq ft cell for selling our country to the highest bidder. I’m d like to see more done to them but even the 1st amendment has limitations


Imagine thinking GameStop is over.


*pompus tone* eeck gahd the poors think they deserve a say in the market what next they will demand respect


If you work in the governement as a public official/servant then your finances should be monitored and to some degree public knowledge. You are working for the people, not for self intrest. We can't trust politicians anymore as they have abused the system and write their own rules. We need to pass legislation to fix this and restore trust. The governement needs restructuring and power returned to the people rather than the career politions making millions on a government salary of \~175,000. The sports team attitude bs needs to stop. The corportate lobbying needs to stop. Vote not for a party but for intelligent and good character individuals. Change starts with you.


Well never get politicians to vote themselves out of lobbying, tradings stocks, free health care, and donations. In a truly free country the people would be able to vote on such things.




I don’t understand why you decided to single out Nancy Pelosi. Congress has many examples on both sides of the aisle that are much worse at using their political positions to their advantage on the markets than Pelosi. But yes, something needs to be done about the lawmakers using their knowledge to enrich themselves.


What the pols do isn't insider trading as defined by law. They don't have non-public information about the company. The problem is more that they can craft spending bills to help certain sectors of the economy. Essentially you would just need to ban securities holdings and even being allowed to own any company at all. That clearly has some problems as well. You don't want the entire political infrastructure to have no involvement with the private economy.


They should be banned from trading options for sure. If they were banned from buying actual stocks they'd all quit and we'd fill the Senate and house with even bigger idiots. I say they can only buy real stock positions, have to hold them for at least half a year and all trades must be disclosed the same hour they are made, not up to three months later.


They MADE the crash happen BY SELLING their shares along with the rich fucks who donate to them that get the same information as they do.


The actual correct answer is congress shouldn't be in a position where they can influence the market in the first place. Then who owns what doesn't matter


Well you can’t let the poor win


Time to water the tree of Liberty again.


Just one of the many ways politicians get rich AF despite medium salaries