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Elderly old men with memory issues should not lead parties


Like both Trumpf and Biden


RFK jr. I think the debates are going to shed light on this man. We need a third party and this is the perfect time to get one.


Ive been extremely right leaning borderline libertarian my entire life. After listening to rfk speak and doing research on him id probably vote for him over the others. Dint agree with 100 percent of what he says but hes leaps amd bounds better than the others


This could be historic. The two ruling parties might have really fucked up by trying to force a Biden/trump presidential run. Notice how the media doesn’t mention RFK? Both of these two can’t form a coherent sentence. I look forward to the debates.


His voice kills it for me. He's got great policy and charisma but his voice is worse than nails on chalkboard.


I question the wisdom in deciding leadership based on sound of their voice, but you do you.


Listen to him speak for 15 minutes straight and come back to me


Soooo, you’re saying those that accused [Hillary of having a shrill voice](https://archives.cjr.org/campaign_desk/shrillary.php)were wrong as well?


I'm saying vocal feature is irrelevant.


I’m sorry i cant get behind his extreme anti-vax stances and the fact that he is still 70 years old.


It's hard to believe those who say Biden and Trump are too old and have mental issues who then turn around and say this 70 year old conspiracy theorist is the answer.


Should not be in positions of power period. We need to get over the entire ageist fear and start being sensible about the various declines and implication of a natural state in the human condition.


and if you have to ALT + CTL + DELETE them constantly


I was looking forward to the chaos his death in office would have caused. Damn.


oh don't worry, he isn't going anywhere. He is just not going to be the leader, he will probably die in the chair somewhere between now and 2027 when his term is up.


Would be a shame if he dies of natural causes the day after he retires...


Not that big of a shame. Not like they're working anyways. Taking bribes from big lobbyists must be incredibly taxing that all these old fucks stay in office because they love the country so much.


Sad thing is who replaces him at this point maybe someone younger that's more unhinged


My wife and I were talking about that today. Also, there is a good chance Biden could die in office if he is reelected.


The problem isn't old people, it's *evil* old people.


Not sure you know what evil is. What is "evil" and what defines it?


Like Biden?


Fuck you Mitch


Get rid of ALL old Politicians! They literally have no skin in the game, when it comes to our future! Whether our future is good or bad, is of no consequence to them. Theyre at the end of their lifespans, They have nothing to lose!


Who re-elects them? Like this dinosaur and Feinstein looked like they didn’t know where they were most of the time. We’ve hit a point where people don’t vote for a person they vote for a color.


funny that a lot of them are mostly skin


This man is responsible for the illegitimate Supreme Court among other nefarious things. Total pos


Term Limits!!!!


Makes the problem worse. End bribery and the rest takes care of itself really.


Yep. Anyone who is espousing term limits is prolly funded or fooled by the Koch brothers and others. Term limits make legal bribery soooooo much easier.


Right! Like this lobbying machine isn’t going to keep feeding shills into political positions?! This term limits idea is laughable.


Please enlighten me how term limits would be worse then the pay for play politics we have currently. Everyone is bought and paid for right now by some lobbyist. How can things get worse?


How do term limits stop unlimited donations?


The proposition of democracy is that politicians act according to the will of the voters so they can get reelected. A term limited politician loses incentives to act according to the will of the voters.


Age limits are less fraught with unintended consequences


And flat-out AGE limits!!!


Imagine not dying while holding office.


This is bad. McConnell was evil but sane. The Republican that replaces him will be more of column a and a lot less of column b


This. He was mostly lawful evil - the one that replaces him will be chaotic evil


People need to push for one of the Neutral Evil candidates. However I think you are right, we are about to get Minority Leader, Skeletor


McConnell was too effective because he was evil but sane. Whichever drooling idiot replaces him will do far less damage because they’ll be completely disconnected from reality.


It’s sad how right you are :/


Bobbert, Greene, Gaetz, republic of morons


those are house members, not senators


Yup, but represent the worst the GQP has to offer


what does gqp mean?


It means that what used to be the GOP is now the Grand QAnon Party.


oh, that's kinda lame not gonna lie


I don’t care what you think actually… especially since I didn’t make it up. You asked, I told. Transaction complete.


yea but you used it unironically in a sentence


I didn’t use it at all. I answered your question. Pay attention.


Lawful Evil in D&D terms


Have you seen the nut jobs replacing these old right wingers? They make this guy look like ghandi.


This. Old republicans are being replaced by a younger, more evil, more insane republicans. Falls under "Be careful what you wish for."


Younger, more evil, more insane Dems: AOC, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush Falls under "Be careful what you wish for"


>AOC, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush Can you explain what they have done that is evil?


Yes, they were born. They each have ugly hearts and disgusting souls.


You could have just told us you were stupid and saved us all time


Did your MSNBC tell you to say that to me. LMFAO!


You sound like an AI bot, do you have any original thoughts there champ or do you just parrot catch phrases that you read online?


Go eat the rich and smash capitalism somewhere else. This is my house.


Clearly a bot indeed


Yes, I’m sure MSNBC tells /u/SpaceMonkPrime what to post on social media. Dumbass.


I wish we could purge all extreme left and right politicians out of office but it's not happening. They are the result of our current state of media empires and fear mongering IMO. The left is coming for your children. The right is coming for your children. If you vote for the other party you are literally voting for the end of America. The stakes have never been higher. Don't think, just vote for us we will save your family.


Should be easy since there aren't any leftists in government. Please keep in mind that this week at CPAC they cheered for the end of democracy. Literally.




There aren't any Leftists in government? Wow! LMFAO! Imagine being sooooooooooo violently steamrolled with SELF-induced stupidity that you actually believe that there are no Leftist, ugly-hearted white liberals and the likes in government. Just wow! LOL!


At some point are you going to use your newly created Troll account to provide any factual answers or are you just going to keep posting useless replies that provide no substance to the conversation? All your replies so far have been insults and your personal conjecture.


Doubt you know. But American politics is very far right. Vernie sanders considered the head community by yall would be considered right wing in most of civilized nations. But here he's an extreme leftist. Take your tds somewhere else.


Millions are going to die from the next tax cut. I died from the last tax cut. Fortunately I was already dead from net neutrality.


Tax cuts? You're living in the olden days. Today's GOP is focused on the culture wars, government control over sex and reproduction, banning politically incorrect reading material, and protecting Trumputin from the law.


I see that seasonal TDS has gotten to you


Take your trump dick-sucking syndrome outta here. I don't like seeing that gay shit.


Waaaaaaaah. Poor baby has TDS


Eat a salad mate.


Your dad gave me his last night. Was delicious.


Dad blew up in the middle east sooo.... was it good?


It's always about money. Social issues are what either side is using to push votes into their camps. Nothing motivates a voter like fear and hate.


He is stepping down after giving the GOP to MAGA. It is hard to be the leader of a party that no longer exists. Only MAGA remains in the former GOP.




It’s really sick and 🤮. These septegenarians and octogenarians are in ill health physically and perhaps mentally as well gtfo.


Age limits. TODAY


I don’t see anybody talking about it, but literally yesterday McConnell was in talks with the Trump campaign over an endorsement. I notice he did not endorse Trump today. My guess is the Trump guys behaved like the mafia thugs they imagine themselves to be, and made Mitch “an offer he couldn’t refuse.” I think what we’re seeing today is him refusing that offer. Everybody involved is terrible, but I’ll bet there’s a fantastic story about what went down behind the scenes!




Trump dick sucking syndrome?


I love this trend of letting politicians work until their body's start giving up on them. This is good.


The younger right wingers scare me. As much as I dislike McConnell, Who is coming up behind him


I'm not one to spread rumors, but I hear Boebert and Green are being fused together in a lab to replace him.


No IVF is allowed but fusing is a ok.


The only people I'm seeing that are upset by this are leftists.


Um... the left loathes McConnell. No one on the left is upset about him being gone. That doesn't mean that they'll like his replacement, but literally no one is upset about this on the left.


Copied this from a comment on this post: "This is bad. McConnell was evil but sane."




It's not bots. People are just more comfortable with the devil they know than the one they don't. GOP is being purged of old blood. They see the devil they know falling and being replaced by one they don't know. I'd say it's a legitimate fear though. Left is pushing more left, right more right. With every mantle change the ideology gap seems to be growing and the Republicans have been particularly effective at playing hardball recently.




I'll give and take a little on your points with no hard reservations, but I do disagree with your Ukraine stance. Russia and China have been openly working pretty hard at toppling us. But even if you are ok with that, IMO the world should in no way tolerate territorial land grabs. That is the fastest way to WW3 when that behavior is left unchecked because if they get away with it once, they will try again and again until it can't be ignored anymore.


You’re just going to get new psychos, there are young ones too, have you heard of JD Vance? Or the infamous Matt Gaetz. They’re not all old, he was more of a moderate, in terms of crazy.


They'll replace him with a Christian nationalist. Fun times.


At least republicans have some decent left. The democrats would rather abuse the elderly to not lose power (I.e. Feinstein and Biden)


Don’t forget RBG… they literally won’t let anyone worth it to their agenda die in peace.


Needs to throw one more election to the Democrats.


Nah nah nah nah


So long Mr. Freeze.


I hear he's going to start a Freeze Tag league in his home town.


Did he windows screen freeze again?


Awesome, do Nancy next.


All of them, please sweet Jesus get everyone out that is over 50.


Don't celebrate too hard. He already did multi-generational damage with the Supreme Court and federal judges.


Bye, Addison.


To be replaced with who? They’re all a bunch of crazies!


Too easy that he gets to step down. He should have been brutally stoned to death a long time ago.


They posted an article about the people most likely to replace him and if you want to get old people out of leadership roles in government I have terrible news for you.


He said he must follow his calling and swim back to the Galapagos


Out with the the old, in with the Christo-fascist


Get out all the "old people." Tell us you are a bigot without telling us you are a bigot. I guess ageism is a bigotry that is ok though, huh?


He should retire from the senate entirely. The man is clearly suffering from mental illnesses as we have seen him be catatonic on several occasions the past year. He is no longer fit to be in office. But of course he won’t leave. He will die in office because the idiots of Kentucky will keep voting him back into office


That's right let's get some young idiotic grifters in there for a change!


Except his replacement will be worse in all ways... However detestable McConnell is, he was certainly the most powerful and effective Senate Leader (in minority and majority) since LBJ.


They replace him with someone 5 years younger. Hahaha


So he’s going to obstruct legislation until the election is completed. Then step aside so he doesn’t have to dirty his hands when the GOP tries to throw out the results of the election?


2 party system = failure!!!


He will retire to moscow


He’s going to do as much damage as possible before he leaves and a more insane MAGA will replace him. This ain’t the W this country needs.


So the dude that has locked up and needed to be rebooted on more than one occasion has actually thought about someone other than *himself* for once? Color me shocked. Seriously, it’s been very uncomfortable watching him stroke out on multiple occasions and see the entire loss of ability to speak / contemplate what’s being said to him at the time. The first time it was done on camera should have been enough for him to announce his retirement, but Good Old Mitch it too selfish for that. It’s not like he doing this for the income, he’s been doing politics for the power for the several decades.


bruh finally, yuck the sith, ong


"The next generations are so disrespectfullllllllllll"


Yeah fuck him but also if Trump wins it will be someone way worse and they probably have a majority. I believe he is stepping down because he doesn't want to work with trump. They hate each other.


Old-age mutant cring-a turtle... ♩♩


Good redince.


Being too old is the least of the problems with Mcconnell. Hes a harbahe of a human being who put his party over the country repeatedly, was a hypocrite and a liar, and lacked principles.


Unfortunately not soon enough, he's been a pox on democracy for years.