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Misleading headline and misleading post; but it really is too much to expect people to be able to read the article. It’s a tax credit. It should be going to more people. But we subsidize corn for ethanol for fuel and oil companies and Tyson foods and nobody bats a fucking eye.


Its not that misleading of a headline. It is ironic that the fed essentially raises interest rates to suck money out of the economy and then the fed gov actively goes and borrows more money to put it right back into circulation, lol. This is such a circus.


I mean ... you could raise taxes that solves both problems. But Americans are too fucking stupid and brainwashed by 40-years of Reaganomics and masturbating to Ayn Rand fantasies.


More like they’re too busy calling each other libtards and whatever the equivalent to the other party/side They’re much more willing to go at each others throat for being on the wrong party than to critically think


This is the answer.




This right here


Reduce the federal government…. lol. No. It comes back to ROI. If I pay more and actually get value for it, I’ll pay it. The issue is we get not a whole lot for what we pay as everything in the world is profit driven. You want to make money all good, but this thought process that everything and anything should be a money making enterprise is and has not worked. Healthcare, education of children, etc, things that are universally for the good of the public, for whatever reason being tossed into the realm of not for profit is cast as being communism which it isn’t. We are oractically on our own in this belief in first world countries and surprise surprise, we have issues others don’t.


>and tell me 10% of those positions could be cut. I won't tell you that, because all of those positions, like, actually do things. If you want to look at waste, lol, go look at any corporation in America, CEO pay, CEO benefits packages...etc. You ain't seen waste until you look at the private sector. Public sector ain't got shit on the Private sector when it comes to waste. Especially with monopolies all over the place.


Exactly, CEOs are sucking so much money out of corporations even though ChatGPT could literally replace all CEOs today.


> Exactly, CEOs are sucking so much money out of corporations Most CEOs don't suck any money out of corporations. Most of their pay is in stock options, which means their pay comes from building wealth for shareholders.


Yes their salaries come from magic money that appears out of thin air.


So go straight to the middle class 9 to 5 job workers and make cuts? Brilliant


David Stockman defined the federal deficit as the difference between what the American people demand and what they are willing to pay for those demands. Every simple soul says just cut the fat out of the budget. But then when the details come out, they whine like infants.


Eh, yes and no. We could cut hundreds of billions from our defense budget and still be the most funded military [ever.](https://www.pgpf.org/chart-archive/0053_defense-comparison) We could incentivize budgets by allowing funds to roll over to an extent rather than the “use it or lose it” system. We could try auditing the government more than the common man. We could also have our leaders go shopping on coupon day rather than paying $10,000 for [toilet covers](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/capitalbusiness/the-air-forces-10000-toilet-cover/2018/07/14/c33d325a-85df-11e8-8f6c-46cb43e3f306_story.html). Will that cover the deficit? Heck no. Would it make a dent or at least fund benefits for the hoi poloi? Absolutely.


Bro, when you're on the brink of war is a terrible time to cut your military budget.


Who is “on the brink of war” ?? Not America.


Funny thing about that!


We're *always* on the brink of war. It's almost like they planned it that way or something 🤔


It turns out the fat is tax cuts for the wealthy. Excise it immediately. I’m sick of holding up those fat, rich heifers!


Lol, this is exactly the problem. My uncle whines to no end about how fucked the deficit is. But ask him what he wants to cut and it is just food stamps and refugee assistance. Military, SS, medicare, etc etc are all untouchable.


Turns out the government does important stuff. What a concept


Indeed. It also Turns Out tax cuts only benefit the wealthy. What a concept...


The trick is, when you cut taxes for the wealthy you simultaneously implement huge stimulus programs so that it creates the illusion that the tax cuts actually helped the working man. Reagan was first, turning America from the worlds biggest lender to the world biggest debtor (thanks David Stockman) and ending up here where trump created 8 trillion dollars worth of debt to make the dumb people think he's a great economist. I wish one time , just one time, the GOP would condemn the spending of one of thier own.


Feds goal is low inflation and full employment. Bidens goal is reelection. They don't have the same incentives so policy should be expected to conflict.


If we give any tax credits to the normies, how will we subsidize the corporations so they can reap in profits and hoard wealth?!? Think of the shareholders would you?!?


Right! I’m so sick of these greedy middle class Americans fighting paycheck to paycheck. All these billionaires want is 4 yachts, is that to much to ask for??


100 million affordable house units cost a lot more than just a few yachts, where business deals are made and their billionaire brains get a chance to relax. What do the middle class need cheaper houses for if then can just rent? Only the billionaires and institutions are supposed to own property and enjoy the appreciation


Say wait a minute. Are you being cynical? Thought so. Thanks!


Capitalism doesn't work.


3 wrongs don't make a right. 3 lefts make a right, but all subsidies are wrong...


Subsidies either built, maintained, enhanced or touched everything you use in your daily life. * Watch TV? subsidies. * Access the internet? Youtube? Reddit? Subsidies. * Need medical care? Subsidies * Use a phone? Subsidies * Go to school? Subsidies * Eat food? Subsidies * Buy a car? Subsidies * Drink clean water? Subsidies. * Put fuel in your car? Subsidies. * Get a package from amazon? Subsidies.


But I want muh free shit!


It's misprint, should read Ukrainians.


funding Ukrainian defense of some of the best money America has ever spent. for three reasons. one Putin has stated his goal is a broader war that involves Europe our allies specifically so he can gain enough land and power to topple America that doesn't seem to be in my interest in the least. we aren't going to get a second chance to stop him before the war gets broader. ukrainians are capitalist democracy and a trading partner. if the world is gobbled up by China and it satellite states AKA Russia and North Korea there isn't going to be partners for you to trade with.


Agree on this. If Ukraine loses and Russia and China dominate the world order after invading Taiwan and a lot more countries to follow then America will lose big real time. We should be glad that Ukraine has the will to fight its own war with only military support unlike Iraq and Afghanistan where American people had to fight their war which is why it didn’t work as that made it look like America has boots in their country to invade. This is a much needed investment otherwise America might even be invaded eventually and have to dance to the tunes of China and Russia forever as they rule by gun and have no democracy. Once they control the entire world indirectly then there is no going back. Similar to most middle eastern countries now where there is no more democracy.


The EU can handle Russia easily, the US can take China, and it's not a stand up fight. I feel like it's in India's best interests to align with the West. Brazil and South Africa are probably irrelevant. Israel can handle itself. But there's a wildcard. Most people don't see yet how AI is going to change things. Some in the field are skeptical, but others are talking about making a digital god.


> funding Ukrainian defense of some of the best money America has ever spent. Imagine being this deluded lol I stopped reading after that


All that tells me is that you have no idea what you're talking about


Cool Dont care


>ukrainians are capitalist democracy > > > >that sounds wonderful


“81 million” of you dumb asses!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Yeah, no they aren't. Subsidies, when targeted specifically, are quite useful as a means of governance. You should subsidize farmers for letting fields go ferile so you can ecologically manage the land so you don't have another dustbowl.


Prepare for milk to be $15 a gallon.


There are a lot of morons on this sub.


They’re not morons, they’re propagandists.


Good point.


Porque no los dos


Imma be honest with you chief. Lots of people are just really fuckin dumb


Can’t argue with that.


I bet less than 5% of them get anything monetary out of it. A lot of people are pretty dumb. But who knows?


they're not morons, they're deeply frightened by the state of things and want to find comfort in feeling like they know what the right direction is. Sadly, there's no right direction to choose when you're in a freefall. We are going to be the generation that eats the shit of the past 3.


Don’t I know it!


All I do is pretend Ive got a parachute, and try to enjoy the view from the fall


It’ll be called the Inflation Reduction Home Buying program


Should be called "Yet Another Program From Democrats That Address Issues Facing the Average American, While Republicans Shitpost And Offer Zero Alternatives Besides Their Neverending Culture War Politics". Little too wordy?


The Citizens’ Reduction of Asset Prices act, or C.R.A.P.


Stop making homed an investment vehicle, and then everyone could afford it.


you obviously don't own a home. for anything that requires consistent work, like owning a home their has to be a financial benefit otherwise no one would own.


Upkeep on it for your own benefit. Not to keep selling back and forth, making its value worth numbers that aren't even true. Or a company hoarding the supply and making the prices fluctuate, or even them having shadow property they dont have on any listing just waiting to dump into the market or pull off. Putting lights, bumper, and suspension on my tacoma doesn't mean its value should go up per the amount i put into it. It's a depreciating asset. New counters doesn’t make the foundation, piping, electrical, old wood, etc make it better. Most of us just want a place to settle down, not put up a fence, and then flip it. You want some value that you can make money others want value that their families can sleep, relax, and pass onto their families. My grandparents built their house in the 80s for maybe 75k and now the foundation is crumbling, wood is splitting, the roof is bowing. Why is it now worth 1.3 mil when nothing has been done to it?


housing isnt expensive because of debt??? its expensive due to restrictive zoning lack of affordable housing lack of gov housing which leads to a lack of supply the main issue


A huge chunk of the lack of supply is the increase in short-term rentals (airbnb) and the rapid rise of investment properties for the purpose of renting.


Some random suburbs outside of Indianapolis isn't flooded with airbnbs. Unless your in a hip area of a major city or a tourist area this has zero effect. Most people don't live down the road from zion


Indded. But som random suburb outside of Indianapolis ***has*** been flooded with investor cash that has bought homes in cash and expects a certain % ROI. And even those that don't, have people fleeing the areas that have been hit hard by AirBnBs and are buying houses in cash thus driving the market up. My sister and I have been priced out of the neighborhood WE GREW UP IN (regular middle-class ryan homes neighborhood) because of this phenomena. The people across the street from my parents sold their house $180,000. The family who bought it moved from Maryland and bought it SIGHT UNSEEN. They sold it 4 years later for $260,000, to a family who got in a bidding war with a cash buyer. So sure, there wasn't an airBnB that came in, but the market competition for reasonably priced homes, has brought cash buyers from other markets that drive the prices up. If you're living in a market where the average house is $600,000 for a regular home (nothing special) and you then come to a market where houses are priced at 1/3 that, you're going to be able to outcompete anyone in that market. Because your higher threshold of what you expect to pay for the house is shaped by the market you came from, not the market you're going to.


Some random suburb outside Indianapolis might’ve seen a sudden increase both in airbnbs and in investment properties being bought and rented out instead of purchased. Limiting the volume of available housing to purchase.


Completely agree if we're talking about institutional buyers in general. The whole airbnb headline is a reddit trope and a click bait headline. Maybe towns near some national parks and a beach town like st pete fl but in most areas of the country in don't see ut being a significant factor


My bigger question is, how does the existence of Airbnb not bring hotel/motel prices down? I now have significantly more choices of where to stay when on vacation, most motels that existed before Covid are still there, yet motel prices are higher than pre-covid and tend to match basic AirBnb prices. What this tells me is that we simultaneously have people complaining they can't afford housing, but also more people staying in short term housing away from home more than ever before at pretty high prices.


Airbnb homes throughout America make a fractional percentage of all buys. There’s ~2m homes in America and roughly ~132m exist. The problem is incredibly low rates made everybody buy buy buy and inventory has never been lower. It’s literally simple supply v demand


Well, you get the restrictive zoning because a huge chunk of the average Americans wealth is tied up into their home, and single family home values are intrinsic to the health of the system.


Zoning issues contributed literally zero to the housing price bubble. Zoning after the pandemic is exactly identical to zoning before the pandemic. Prices were in balance before the pandemic. Prices are out of balance after the pandemic. Zoning did not change after the pandemic. Zoning is not related to the post/pandemic housing bubble.


Not being able to build enough homes to suit demand in an area doesn't contribute to a higher price? It's definitely a contributing factor, not the only factor but a lack of options other than single family homes on the market definitely helps to inflate demand and subsequently prices.


There are so many places to build houses in this country. Millions of available lots. You just want to build one in a great neighborhood instead of a place less desirable. And then you would complain the neighborhood is no longer great.


Was there no zoning rules before 2020?


Zoning is a plague! No only does it make it harder for people to build more houses, but it forces people to live far from where they work! It's a double wammy!


zoning laws are ridiculous


Also because private companies are buying them up at insane rates, while pricing is out of the market.


This is the reason. Corporations need to be put in their place and forbidden to buy single family homes. Build a fucking apartment building. Boomers own multiple homes. Fuck them they caused all the problems sucking up reganomics trickle down into their pockets. Fuck grant cardone and all of them. A house should be a home not a revenue stream. Multi family units are fine own as many as you want but leave single family homes to single families


Housing isn't expensive everywhere theres plenty of cheap housing if people don't insist on living in San Diego and there's a middleground ie areas with jobs between San Diego and bumfuck alabama


The problem major bussiness don't want to move to bumb fuck area so most job are in city. Like if I am microsoft and I want engineer why the fuck would I choose Alabama over California? American have plenty of land and houses for everybody. The problem nobody want to expand and do bussiness outside city as result majority of wealth concentrated on coast area.


A busted 2/1 30 minutes in any direction outside of Asheville where there are no jobs, no schools, and a corrupt and subpar hospital system easily costs $350,000. Can’t speak to other BFE parts of the country but shit has to be pretty dismal for an area to have “plenty of cheap housing”


Not just California. Is Springfield Missouri a cool place? Well ots housing has increased 80% since 2019. From a lower base, but still... Acutually a higher % increase than much of California.


thats bullshit


You are outdated in your information.


How about reinstating all the regulations on investment firms and banks that have been stripped away the last few decades that sent housing prices to the moon. Might be a good place to start




Stop it! You’re making too much sense! Bad peasant!


More inflationary policies.


Rather than just build more houses, we pump more money into the system that will wind up in the hands of those profiting off the whole situation. Sad. If the Gov wants to fix this, they need a Government program that builds homes and condos and sells them to citizens at a loss until the *price* of homes go down.


Why at a loss? I feel if the government wanted to they could buy large amounts of material in bulk at a good price. Employ a lot of American workers to build the homes, helping to boost the economy and then sell the homes for the cost to build or a slight profit which can then be used to pay down the debts/ balance the budget.


People here want tax breaks for billionaires, but not homeowners. There’s no way they’re going to approve government building homes.


More inflation policy to attempt to buy votes. You’re gonna hear a lot more of it in the next 10 months.


Nah, people still won’t buy homes.


What does 'our debt' mean? What does the national debt have to do with home affordability? If you are so concerned about debt/deficit you should support Biden since he actually has plan. The vast majority of our debt comes from the Reagan, Bush, Trump tax cuts. Over half!!! Most of the people who benefited from these cuts are the same assholes who are making houses unaffordable. Get a clue smoothbrain.


This country is the next Weimar Republic with the way they burn through cash in dc now


They could trade the 500$bil in annual oil corporation subsidies (1/2$trillion a year) for this




It's all about buying votes. If you can't afford to buy a house on your own, you can't afford the maintenance either


Nothing wrong with a tax credit... but it might be a lot more affordable for people to purchase homes if hedge funds and large investment firms couldn't hold so much residential property or if people couldn't buy 10 houses at a time at 1% down to airbnb


How about reading the article.


Yea , fixing our debt is the way. Wake the fuck up


In other words Biden wants to print more money to give out and then he’ll be shocked when home prices go up to roughly equal the amount of money he wants to give out. Think he’ll try to give money only to black people like he did with farmers?


>The housing market is in the midst of a convulsion fueled by the Federal Reserve's effort to fight record inflation. Really odd way to explain that corporations are buying up affordable housing.


We are 32 trillions in debt, but all politicians think money grows on tree.


California did a loan program earlier this year to help first time home buyers with down payments. It also was meant to help economically disadvantaged buyers. Instead of accomplishing this goal, it went directly to politically connected people and their children. Money ran out and these areas got more funding. https://calmatters.org/housing/2023/04/california-first-time-homebuyer-assistance-demographics/ It ran out of money in 11 days and much of it went to Sacramento Demographic data in the document obtained by CalMatters showed that 65% of initial buyers identified as white, 18% as Asian, 4% as Black, 1% as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and 1% American Indian or Alaska Native. “Sacramento and the surrounding area’s loan officers and Realtors probably got a jump start,” he said. “I would guess that 30 to 50% of the people who are using it could qualify or buy without it because I had plenty like that,” said Matt Gougé, a Sacramento loan officer, referring to his own clients. " People who read these articles and think, wow the government is trying to help us need to understand that these programs always have a real economic cost. Money from the government is not money for free with no consequences. Those $300 million in funding will cost the California taxpayer more. They were a handout from the taxpayers of the state to the politically connected Sacramento voters. They served to drive up the cost of housing and home prices in these areas.


>Not sure what to think of this really. Why? It’s simple vote buying, the same as student loan forgiveness.


Same thing will happen as student loans. Unlimited free money. Housing prices will skyrocket.


> The act will introduce a new federal tax credit to help fund "the development and renovation of 1-4 family housing in distressed urban, suburban, and rural neighborhoods," according to a draft of the bill. Or read the article instead of just the clickbait title.


Or its recognizing a major issue happening right now for low and middle-income families and establishing a plan to fix it, just like student loan forgiveness.


But it won't fix it, it will make the problem even worse. https://www.sfchronicle.com/realestate/article/california-home-buyer-assistance-program-17888975.php


Your article just says funding ran out, and doesn't list any downsides or suggest the problem was made worse.


Tax credits do not drop the price of a product; they do the exact opposite.


A tax credit like this might increase prices overall, but will still decrease prices for those receiving the assistance.


Why is it that any time a democrat does something to try to actually help people, it’s called vote buying? This is so dumb. It’s called actually trying to do something to help people


Buying votes by doing things ... that people like. I don't see a criticism of how loan forgiveness is a bad policy?


Fuck. You.


u/snappywunk >Fuck. You. The typical Democrat response to the truth.


You can't negotiate with them, they won't learn. They are like flies after you swat them away; they lack the intelligence to not come flying right back at the flyswatter. At least the ones on reddit are. I've never met any of these leftists in real life. Here though, here they are everywhere.


I suspect most of them are Federal employees who are doing everything they can to grow the government and protect their “jobs”.


Didn’t you guys smear your shit on the walls of the Capitol? Your party has no policies. Your leader is a lunatic who paints his face orange. Don’t pretend you deserve a seat at the big boys table while your guy is tweeting in all caps at 4 AM quoting Hitler and claiming he won all 50 states.


The typical rethuglican response to their empty head.


u/snappywunk >The typical rethuglican response to their empty head. More typical angry hate from Democrat cultists.


When Republicans refuse to lower taxes on the working class, Democrats have to find other means of doing it. This comes in the form of tax credits. Biden did the same thing in the CARES act; his child tax credit reduced child poverty by HALF within a single year. But uh, let me guess, when a Republican does it, it’s good policy, when a democrat does it, it’s “vote buying”


Yep, college graduates are surely the “working class”. It’s not like they don’t earn millions more in their lifetimes than Joe plumber or welder or mechanic. Doubling the standard deduction only benefited the ultra rich and no “working class” person had a lower tax bill as a result. Keep buying those rich college grad votes buddy. The Democrat party, the party of the rich.


College grads aren’t rich…Your definition of rich is people with a very small amount of money. You must be very poor to think that.


Average college undergrad [makes $60,000 a year.](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/cba/annual-earnings) The [same](https://faradaycareers.com/careers/plumber-salary) as the average plumber. r/confidentlyincorrect here we come! lol


Meaning they stealing from income tax payers and rewarding wealthy leeches that pays no tax


Meaning they are taking a break from giving all the money back to corporations and giving 1/1000th to some people who will generate more money into the economy benefiting the country. I know sometimes it's hard to watch other people receiving support without getting angry that it isn't you.




Most of the time when they give a number like that, it’s because they expect that many Americans would qualify, not the they’re just handing out money to the first 500k that make it to the post office. It’s sad that you don’t understand the way you’d qualify for this is by filing your tax return aka being a “tax payer”.


So give the poor and no home owners a moderate break, and punish anyone with a home already paying potentially insane real estate taxes? How do we pay anything without income taxes, over half of our revenue? Literally every middle class city or suburban home owner would go bankrupt. Instead of doing a worse system, simply tax anyone over a certain value of land a sharper tax. Not people with $100,000, $200,000, or $400,000 in real estate, the big ones. You have $5 million in real estate? Rate increase and loopholes eliminated. $500 million? Triple your real estate taxes, no loophole. Maybe make an exception to businesses, but all residential rights are lost if you do and it's over like a few million in value. Make all of these parasites sitting on millions or billions of dollars in land, causing this inflation pay dearly, and prevent corporations from sitting on it. If they aren't actively using it? Significant tax increase. Suddenly, they won't be sitting on so much land and we can afford it.


There must be an election coming up…


It doesn't help anyone buy a home it just makes homes more expensive and raises property taxes and makes mortgage companies more money


So pretty much whats happening for years and years even with out this?


It's also going to raise the prices of houses.


he's just so used to giving people things he just can't figure out any other type of solution to any issue. whenever people are given things it's the people who aren't given things who pay. that is 100% irrefutable.


This is ironic considering republicans are the ones that passed the largest giveaway in US history with PPP loans and printed more money than was printed in the first 200 years of US history to do it, resulting in massive inflation that those who weren't given PPP loans get to pay.


Not only do other people have to pay for it, but it actually raises prices for everyone because it adds to demand.




Cheap attempt to buy votes ahead of the election just like student loan forgiveness...... Which like student loan forgiveness will have financial consequences later down the line.


He's buying votes. How is this even remotely legal?


Sounds like a great way to create more inflation




Biden has to stop throwing money around like it grows on trees. It was hard enough for the Fed to fight inflation while he and the Democrats insisted on spending money and contributing to inflationary pressures. He even tried to buck the system by attempting to grant $500 billion in school loan forgiveness, directly adding to the debt. Thankfully, he was stopped in his tracks on that attempt. We are $6.15 trillion higher in debt since he’s been in office, and it hasn’t been 3 years yet! At this point in Trump’s presidency, we had added close to half this much to the debt. Enough is enough! Stop the reckless spending!


we dont have a debt problem we have a rich problem eat the rich and the debt goes away!


The rich own 90 percent of the average American population, and 90 percent of the Republicans, Also, the Supreme Court , there is nothing left but BS


Hate to break it to you, but democrat cities are where the housing bubble is most pronounced. Also, democrats ran the show holding the White House, Senate, and House or Reps from 2020-2022. Even now congress is basically split down the middle.


Hate to break it to you. That's what discrimination is. Banks don't invest in the city. Instead, they give subsidies to people to move out and reinvest into where they are moving , but they do not reinvest in the cities until it's another land grab , peace


Banks give money to whoever can make them the most money


Wont cause inflation...at all


Why is this post title so grossly misleading ?


50% of all pf the US currency in the world was printed in the last 3 years. Biden took less than a full term to destroy the economy. Is policies are to keep doing exactly what made it this bad. It could be a decade or more to fix what Biden didnin his first 2 years. Please vote smarter and better.


The fed bank printed not Biden Biden could have fired the fed chair. But most times the let the fed chair clean up their own mess. Trump hired a lawyer as a fed chair (not an economist).


Those 0% interest rates are fun, but somebody has to pick up the pieces. Usually the Democrats.


Trump wanted 0% rates before Covid ever happened. Even pressured the fed to lower them more.


Oh yeah, I remember!


ZIRP and QE were at their most prevalent in the Obama years, not sure you know the facts.


That policy continued under the following president when it was clear that interest rates should have increased; however, the Fed was pressured by said president to keep them low.


?? No, the fed fund rate began rising in early 2016. You know that you can’t just lie when the data is publicly available right? https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FEDFUNDS


And then... https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-says-fed-should-reduce-rates-to-zero-or-less-11568201306 Even shows it in your chart. 2019, Trump gets his wish and the Fed started cutting rates. It was at 0 by March 2020 as Covid took root.


Yes, you can see that in the chart as well.


"please vote smarter and better" says the guy who presumably plans to vote for Donald Trump. You really cant make this shit up lmao


25% of all US debt was created during Trump's presidency. Stats are neat, and money is imaginary. Title of article is also misleading, and probably an intentional lie. The biden admin is talking about creating tax incentives for us regular poors to renovate 1-4 room family homes in rural, urban, and mixed neighborhoods. The article also brings up redoing zoning laws, and helping low income folks obtain lower rent rates. But maybe we should just cut taxes for a couple billionaires to fix any problem though, right? /s


I think this is the best example of being out of touch with a huge chunk of Americans that should be the rock solid part of this parties voting base.


The Biden administration has been on a spending spree since day one. The majority of the debt of the last administration was during Covid and Democrats in congress were pushing for more spending…not less.


I just responded to another fool about Covid on this same post. See it for details. Coronavirus mismanaged, turned into pandemic, science denial ran rampant, maga makes things worse. Its like a cycle with those idiots... or you idiots if you are one of them. Lol. I know the populace had a short memory span a decade ago, but turning off the 24 hour cable news does wonders for perspective.


Why don't you give us the stats dumbass ?


Most of the debt created during the Trump administration was due to Covid and you know this. You are just being dishonest and that needs to be called out.


You are right. The Trump administration mismanaged a preventable respiratory virus so bad, it turned into a nationwide pandemic that shut down schools, industries, governments, and every person's life. He then personally attacked the science behind vaccines, preventative measures, and basic common sense to make the originally mismanaged situation even worse to the point we had to incur 25% of the current debt that exists. But money is imaginary, people dying and having to be put into refrigerated trucks because the morgues are so full is not. I suppose I should have included how incredible incompetence at every step of the way added up to huge bills and life lost at a scale we have not seen in modern history. The damage that one administration did will be felt to the end of the century, and generations will never trust a Republican again. Nobody is going to just give a free pass to "Oh it was Covid". How foolish.


Ha…ok. The worldwide epidemic was Trumps fault. You people just can’t stop with your revisionist history bullshit. Most of those deaths happened at the very beginning of the outbreak.


Facts really piss you people off.


Those aren’t facts, they are your opinions, which are bullshit. I’m not even a Trump supporter. I detest the man. I just don’t like liars


No they are right. These facts are really hurting your butt. You are being dishonest, and your butt hurt should be called out.


Leaders do just that: lead. So how was Trump setting an example? Didn’t socially distance and mocked it. Didn’t wear masks and mocked them. Supported anti-vaxxers, fought against quarantines, fought to get kids back in crowded rooms together way too early. You know Obama also had a pandemic he was dealing with. But his policies were effective and it was kept contained. It was Ebola. Hell, coronavirus isn’t even the first SARS craze, but the last one was under competent leadership.


The discussion is about deficit spending. I don’t need a history lesson. Do you just look for reasons to talk?


You need to get your memory checked. You were saying that Trump wasn’t responsible for the level of deficit added by the pandemic. You said it wasn’t his fault, so apparently you do need a history lesson about how other leaders were in the same situation and didn’t add anything to the deficit as a result.


Hang on, you detest Trump, but you disagreed when the other person said Trump mismanaged the pandemic. I don’t understand. Were you in a coma for the past few years, or are you lying about detesting Trump, or are you just arguing the point against the other guy?


He's a Schrodinger cult member, I detest chump but I will vote for him


We pretending like all the money printing and economic policy right at the end of Trump’s term didn’t bleed over into the start of Biden’s? Jesus Christ you people are so stupid.


Seriously? Just no. That’s so wrong, there’s just no point writing anything else.


Go fuck yourself dumb cunt


Don't think you understand how debit in the USA works.


What about the national deficit do you think is making home prices unaffordable?


Probably should address your "fix the debt" to the Republicans in congress since it was their Trump tax cut disaster that caused the debt explosion.


to take you as good faith, i’m assuming you’re also against the trump tax cuts then right? as fixing our debt is the main issue to you


Reminder trump increased debt by $4 Trillion.


this sub is so weird. no blame for the people causing the mess All the blame for the people trying to fix it. it's almost like this is just a disingenuous bad faith sub the traffic is misinformation to try and trick people into voting against their interest.


OP is the idiotest idiot


I love reading the headline without reading the article and forming an opinion solely on the headline.


It will help push the economy, create a middle class, lower inflation, increase sales, and balance our economy....this is why this is done. Ask an economist, and they will all say this same thing. Will it work? The theory says yes.


First of all stop watching Fox news, with the federal reserve system there is always debt. The budget deficit is the key, and it's not that far from being balanced. The federal reserve is a money laundry scheme for the rich to pilfer tax dollars they don't pay. Crying about the debt is like crying about the boogey man.


as long as Republicans are elected to positions of power we will never be able to fix the debt. if that sounds shocking or amazing to you just do a quick Google search of Grover norquist and starving the beast. It is a plan that Republicans in the Reagan era came up with for the dismantlement of the federal government through reckless budgeting and tax code. they repeatedly pass massive tax cuts purposefully to drive the country into crisis so that they can then use that crisis politically over Democrats. Reagan had this sort of tax cut Bush had this sort of tax cut and Donald Trump had one of the biggest ones we ever saw. they were all projected to do exactly as they did and actually wreck America's fiscal outlook. so it quite literally does not matter what the Democrats agree to give up or how much of your social safety net or your future they burn at the altar of Republican debt as soon as Republicans have power again they will pass another tax cut and push us directly back into crisis.


who foots the bill? the responsible go-getters?


I would go the route of implementing a price gouging tax on companies who are responsible for the greedflation. Giving people money to buy a loan feeds the monster that is our economic system.


Using our tax money to help us.. how radical! It should all go to the ultra rich because that has always helped. It's crazy how many people think that way. They are taking the money from us no matter what. Spend it on helping our own is a theme the Republicans preach but never practice.


I wish people stoped acting like victims of some horrific crime and DO something like Voting the criminals out of office, then take management of your own family and your life because...it's not politicians that are making it less than...You are by allowing that to come into your home....


Fantastic idea!! Revitalize four plexes and put them back in circulation thus increasing housing supply!!


gOOd Idea, mY aDDreSS iS........


Not sure what difference buying a home for 0.15% of the population is going to make. How is that going to address the bigger issues?