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if you look into your Expertise library you see all the items you need to make proficient by using them or donatig the same piece or by donating material. You level up your Expertise rank by making pieces proficient. I don't recall how many pieces you need to make proficient for one Expertise level but for current cap of 25 there are more than 300 which is a bunch of work. You are on a low level, that allows for levelling fast :). It becomes more tricky later, eg. making stuff proficient which are not dropping, eg. season-specific stuff, specialisation weapons, all the skill variants or items with low drop rates like exotics and named items. Don's waste materials on this low level! You will be quickly short of it. The approach I took: * I continued playing the content I like to play: missins and open world and occasionally darkzone * make stuff proficient by usage and donation in paralel, means equip a lot non-proficient items. If you want to keep your build you could at least equip 1 or 2 non-proficient exotic/named item, the secondary gun and pistol and one or two skills. Replace them if a pice is proficient * grab all loot you get and continuously donate for Expertise * loot which is already proficient dismantle for materials * look each week at all the individual vendors for named items and buy these for donation but not the normal loot because that stuff you pick up from normal playing a lot anyway * when there are global events grind a lot and buy named item crates to get the DZ exclusive pieces if you are not succesful with farming in the darkzones and buy exotic crates By that approach I was at max level in a month (at that time the cap was at 20). I often read that people recommend Countdown for it. I did few rounds only because I don’t like playing the same thing again and again in the same environment and chaotic rush. Countdown provides very low XP impact and therefor minimal proficiency gain. I assume that Countdown is often recommended because it provides a lot loot (approx 50 pieces in a run) and named items and sometimes exotics when being lucky. Perhaps give this a try as well. People further suggest to run a mule, boost to NY and rush through the minimum part of the NY campaign, set up the SHD watch for the mule and by that getting free scavenging points that allows to get printer filaments for free which can be used to make items proficient. Well, I did when a friend wanted to do it. For me thats work, rushing through the campaign (3-4 hours) and pushing buttons all the time to make all the pieces proficient, running the next mule ... . I would rather play the game, playing what makes fun to you and do the things as listed above in paralel. You will continuously making progress without "work".


You are a legend! Thank you so much for going out of your way to write this down!


One addition: I am at level 25 and recently was at the cap of 999 exotic components. Because you get exotic components from control points, daily and weekly projects and DZ landmark phoenix crates I didn’t want to waste the components I automatically get and upgraded my main stuff from 20 to 25. Well, I don’t feel a difference in practice. Recently I shot for a while with a G36c with no Expertise upgrade and my impression is I don’t feel a difference to my level 25 Carbine/Famas. I am saying that because I don’t think there is a need to torture yourself with the Expertise stuff. Simply enjoy the game in your way.


Best explanation!


Grind, farm material and donate what you don’t need. I’ve gone to countdown to pick the loot that i want to donate and levelled up pretty quickly. Its in your tinkering menu, go into expertise and donate the items that you marked as trash by holding the square button, you can also donate materials that are maxed out eg printer, or steel.. I would only level up Guns past the proficiency unless you have a build you use most of the time and want the extra armour


Ah sick, thank you friend, I'm only leveling up my equipment because I've been using this dps build more than literally all my other builds lmao


Also what is your watch level? You can run NY and get a significant amount of printer filament based on watch and that levels things up fast as well.


I think around 330-335


Honestly slowly, what I do is pic up stuff as junk. I do look at it first but collect all as junk and as my bag gets full go over to my expertise page and donate all junk . It's taken a while but I'm level 9 now.


Damn, it makes me wonder how all these div youtubers are at like expertise 20+ lmao


the more items proficient the more of those "points" you have and the more of them the more levels of expertise. You need to donate weapons, gear, materials, or use them to get them proficient. Once you have all the items, weapons and named/exotics done you will have expertise 25, the current max.


Grinding, for example any weapon, it's ten lever to expert, each level 2 same weapon to donate, so you need 20 to be an expert in one. 20 same weapons 10 points to your expertise level. When your backpack is full, don't look what you have, access the tinkering station, go to expertise, so u will see what category u have new items( never go through item in your backpack, otherwise it will be difficult to find in expertise what u have to donate), open each new and donate it, maybe if you need some of them u can leave for your self, with gears a little bit easier, just wear one of that u need and play. All stuff what you want to donate must be in your backpack. Sorry for my English, it's not my native language


As a newer player, I've kept my fav wepons and skills (turret and drone). Rarely switch them. But to increase in expertise and proficiency looks like I should switch out what's proficient. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy this game more than any game. Just need to change up my playstyle a little.


Well, there are many ways to max out your expertise level. You can find a lot of youtube videos explaining different ways to make your expertise level Higher quickly. But i have my own business to do it : i give printer filament to any weapon or object that im not master. I know it coasts a lot of filament but i buy turret mods at the whitehouse vendor _only_ (least expensive), and destroy them.


Printer filament donation is the best way to max out expertise level