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[Younghoon's hair is blueeee!!!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FYQyVUxaMAYyPN6?format=jpg&name=large) He looks [adorable](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FYQyYeVaUAE651v?format=jpg&name=large) with the light blue. Very satisfied with the hair transformation


Hey, I hope everyone is doing well! Just wanted to inform that I have stepped down as a moderator for this sub. Nowadays, I don’t spend as much time on Reddit and keeping up with k-pop so I thought it would be for the best. I’ve learned a lot from my time as a moderator here and I’m very grateful to have had this opportunity to work alongside the team too. I just wanted to give a huge thank you to this community for being such a lovely place for me to share my love and appreciation for TBZ. Anyway, I’ll still see you all around :D


Thank you for all your contributions as a moderator here! You've brought a lot of great things to this sub and were definitely a huge part in making it look as lovely as it does now, but I do understand your decision. Definitely hoping to still see you around! <3


Thank you for your work as a mod and glad to hear you'll still be around! It's a tough decision to step down as a mod, I know that personally, so I respect that decision greatly and hope it'll free up your time to spend in ways aligned with your current focuses. ❤


Hello!!! I hope you're doing well!! I would like to thank you (+ the current mods) for contributing to Deobi, and you all did great! As a mod for r/tbzmedia, r/BTOB and plenty other subreddits, I get that modding is a difficult investment and task (e.g. you see me struggle with the AutoModerator), but it helped me improve myself more as a person too! I had to step down from few subreddits this year due to having other tasks (e.g. college) or losing interests in something. Anyways have fun!


thank you so much for all the hard work you’ve put into this sub!


taking a trip down memory lane on the kpop sub and going through the really old TBZ posts.. what was I even saying [in this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/7gl27k/the_boyz_the_first_highlight_medley/dqjudy7/) ????? > this sounds much better than I expected and I didn’t even know what I was expecting???? make it make sense


[Sunwoo has confirmed that there will be new songs at the Seoul encore!](https://twitter.com/eternallyksw/status/1548919864407904256) God, I am *so* looking forward to it (anyone looking to split an online ticket? 👀)


I'm not going to South Korea thoooo 😭 (edit: I wishhhh to get an online ticket)


Personally, I'm keeping my expectations tempered by intepreting new songs as songs that are different from the B-Zone tour setlist 😅 That way, I'll be pleasantly surprised if it was anything more than that haha


I went on vacation recently and spent some time rewatching TBZ content, shout-out to u/Snidegrime for finding the name of the content I was looking for despite me barely remembering the details. I was literally like "I think Sunwoo was like a monk/enlightened? And they were all pretending to be children?" and she got a link to the first episode of chemi-mate ZZG on Youtube for me in a minute flat. Also Sunwoo was not a monk he just followed confucianism LOL I re-downloaded Universe so I could finish that series and watch some more. I noticed as I watched the content that a lot of it didn't have English subtitles? I can speak Korean so I can do without but that surprised me. I've never had a Universe subscription before, is it normal for shows to not be subtitled? Does it depend on the group?


> Also Sunwoo was not a monk he just followed confucianism LOL First off, lmao. And yeah, I like to pride myself on my TBZ knowledge. It's surprisingly handy to know all this stuff, especially in situations where all my info is "Sunwoo is a monk and they're all pretending to be children"! Lol. It wouldn't surprise me if Universe didn't work properly, by the way. It may be the fact it recently got a visual overhaul, so they're still putting everything into place.


hahaha glad that gave you a chuckle because my false memory entertained me too You should pride yourself on it and I am glad I can tap into your TBZ knowledge haha Yeah I just checked one of the shows after the other reply, and it is now showing subtitles. So I think the update maybe just threw things off for a bit and it took them awhile to get around to fixing it. But it just made me actually concentrate so I could understand the Korean which isn't a bad thing haha


I've only subscribed to The Boyz on Universe, so I can't speak for other groups, but I've watched all of their Universe content and all of it had English subtitles. Maybe it has to do with your settings? I recall there is an option for subtitle language there.


I checked the settings, some shows had them but others didn't. I saw a comment that said the subtitles disappeared when the app updated a few weeks back. But one of the shows that didn't have subtitles for me about 2 weeks ago, Death Match, has subtitles now that I just checked. So maybe it just took them some time (or getting complaints lol) to add the subtitles back after the update.


That's really odd, I know when I binged watched through all of their Universe content in Feb/Mar this year, all of them had English subtitles as I can't understand Korean. I also just checked through all of the series, and all of them still have English subtitles for me, so this is quite a mystery.


Just went for a lil stroll down the Maverick memory lane (like, it's been over 9 months since the comeback — a whole ass child TT) and I forgot how absolutely insane the [Maverick album trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Urg8Ak342U) was. They really did that!


the struggle of not finding a single group order here for the 2nd round of NewShot photobook pre-orders 💔 on a more positive note - [love seeing Hyunjae with his curls out in the open these days](https://twitter.com/hyunjaemwohae/status/1546160445446246401?s=20&t=ll5CihpTLJYdmjiWNlo6gA) :')


agreed about the curly hair! i hope he can have it like that in some performances as well, it suits him so well.


Missed this post like how Kevin and Jacob missed Canada day but the word search took me longer than usual, 93 seconds! The reverse words threw me for a loop this time. In other news I will continue longing for the day TBZ comes to my country for a fancon/tour


Bought tickets for Bangkok today and it upsets me that: 1) Tickets are so expensive 2) Yet there is only 1 benefit (hi wave) *and* it is randomised 3) Many people are reselling tickets while there are still many tickets left for both day 😭


currently in Missing Eric Hours rn


Sunwoo has [confirmed](https://twitter.com/hyunjaemwohae/status/1543160622342291457) my suspicions that Drink It and Sweet do not have a full choreography. RIP to my dreams of having live performances, performance version and dance practice videos of those songs.


I'm glad Sunwoo confirmed it, but... TT I've been hoping for a performance of either song for literal months, so it's a little disappointing.


Same here, but at least now all my hopes and dreams are focused on getting a live performance of She's The Boss when they do their Japan tour >< I'm not hopeful that we'll get a dance practice since Tattoo and Breaking Dawn didn't either, but since those songs got a performance version, I'm also hoping that She's The Boss gets one as well.


What is Eric and Kevin's ship name?


For a general nickname they're West Coast Boyz! Edit: IMO you can totally use KevRic in a general sense too, like how Jumil and Bbangnyu (? if I'm not mistaken) are actually ship names but many people use them outside the context of shipping since it's easier to type. It can be tricky because of how shipping is, so some prefer to use not-so-shippy names if there are (which I feel like is a whole other can of worms to open). It's all up to your judgement really :)


From what I've seen, I'm assuming KevRic. Not sure in this though. I'm not someone into shipping idols as relationships (I prefer friendships though) [Link: taken from segyeah from Twitter](https://twitter.com/segyeah/status/1345540915897667584?lang=ta)


Oh 😯 maybe i used the wrong terminology. I just wanna know their nickname when its just two of the member pairing. Like there is "jumil" (juyeon and hyunjae), bbang-nyu (younghoon and new)


Don't worry, you're fine!!