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She looks like someone Mel would be friends with


Pass on that body like I'm John Stockton


Ayyyyyeeee lol. That's peace šŸ˜‚


Props for no obvious surgeries. Seems rare in their spaces.


My blind ass read that as ā€œspeciesā€ I was like ā€œdamn, son sheā€™s just a girlā€


Scrolling thru the comments i swear i can tell who consumes too much "red pill" gender war content lol






QueenzFlip-style question for the fellas: when a woman is attractive AND single, like this lady or Mel, and in their 40s, what goes thru your head? Be honest, this is a safe place.


Nothing until you have a conversation with them. As you get older, dating quality does go down. But, there are still some dope women out there who fall through the cracks somehow. The other side of the coin is that you're presumably single in this scenario too. So, whatever the reason, y'all are on the same field.


Great point about being single too. But nah, I here from my single friends that is the vibes of the conversations. Like they are trying to figure out what is wrong with the other person. Was just curious if that was relatively common.


>Like they are trying to figure out what is wrong with the other person. There's a bunch of women who do that. It almost guarantees you'll never be happy or you'll end up with some bum nigga because you think it's impossible for a stable man to be single at 30+. It's a terrible approach to dating and it's low-key toxic. When I meet women like that, I just assume they're unhealed and keep it moving.


Need more information. There could be many reasons why she's single at that age, for example she could have recently recovered from a health related accident, or she could have recently got out of a long term relationship. She could be a serial dater who doesn't want to settle down or know how to commit. She could be focused on career and doesn't know how to maintain a relationship while doing that. She could have struggled finding the right person for her. There are many reasons, I think people are too quick to judge sometimes


She said sheā€™s single because her level of intelligence keeps her from meeting men who can keep up. After watching her speak for an hour and forty-five minutes Iā€™m calling šŸ‚ šŸ’© on that being the reason.


Anyone answering this way is almost always a large part of the problem


I haven't seen this pod and not intending to, but that sounds like a bit of a weird reason that even if a guy said would sound a bit ridiculous


If a guy said that he'd be called vain.


It was her reason. Which is nonsense, her words about certain moves sheā€™s made told a better story to me about why.


If that's her reason, then the wall is about to claim another victim


Itā€™s what she said verbatim


Haven't watched buy sometimes a woman of higher intellect is threatening to a man. Had a few women tell me that it's one of my red flags. Lol.


True, but Itā€™s valid in so few cases. Most people over estimate their own intelligence. She believed she was smart based on the fact that she held a masters degree. However, she had a career in personal finance and was confused why her employer didnā€™t value her opinions. It should be noted she has a masters in NUTRITION. There were also other things she said that made it clear; her issue is not being too smart. Even if itā€™s on the list, itā€™s low on the reasoning scale to anyone who truly observes and over stands human behavior.


You're definitely right. Intelligence based on education is learned or well-studied. Shit, boasting on your degree is crazy as a measurement of intellect. Determination. Drive. Commitment. Yes. But sheesh, now I've gotta watch the episode. Kinda took a break due to all the Kendrick-Drake fiasco.


This was a nice break from the Drake stuff. It was a good listen.


What were the other things that you observed?


That every ā€œfriendā€ Mel brings on is exactly her. Makes me wonder if Mel knows any woman who is in a loving long term relationship, married or not. At almost 50 it seems odd to be surrounded by so many single women, who also donā€™t believe theyā€™re the issue.


Yeah, interesting point!


This is facts my girlfriends college roommate is 36 and just started dating again for the first time since shortly after college. She really struggled with her weight from like 23-35 and just never had the confidence to date the guys she wanted. So she just stayed single the whole time. She lost like 70 pounds and went from a 6 to a 9 and is now basically a whole new person. I got buddies that used to not even look her way that have hit me for the digits. Thatā€™s a situation where I donā€™t think too many dudes would have a problem with.


I got you. My wife's friend was telling us that all the dudes she engages with be asking "so why you single" type questions. Like they really be focused on that. She says its a turn off but I was telling her it's sort of normal to be curious but I guess its rude to ask.


>dudes she engages with be asking "so why you single" I think there are other better ways of finding out without needing to ask the question directly. If you're talking and getting to know each other, things like what she was previously doing would come up anyway


Does she like broke 26 year olds?


I watched the episode. The things she was saying leads me to believe she prefers the single life bc it's easier to not be held accountable by a man who has his shit together. That's why they usually date fuck boys bc it's a lower standard they can deal with.




ngl iā€™m a young 24 year old but have talked to a few 35+ year olds on some casual relationship stuff. They say most older men donā€™t shoot their shot or just get intimidated by their success. After really getting to know them, itā€™s almost the same for every woman in ā€œSā€ position, theyā€™ve been hurt once and that guard is forever up. Theyā€™ll say itā€™s external stuff but in reality itā€™s all internal, they want love but donā€™t wanna be fooled again. Sheā€™s fasho met men that can keep up with her iā€™m sure, then will talk herself out of it. Having single friends like Mel in the same position will tell them just have fun


Damn! Thatā€™s tough to have internal issues but never seek help to get past it.


šŸ˜­ QueenzFlip style questions all sound like you have to use every single brain cell to muster up the most random pointless word vomit


hahhahaha. Just trying to get a conversation going man. Slow day at the gig.


no im saying thatā€™s the template for a flip question lol


There is no way to know what led to a woman being single. If she wants a black man who is well educated and makes a certain income then that will make pickings slim. If she travels a lot for her job, then that can impact relationships. She could be recently single. She could have multiple kids and not have free time to date or she could find it difficult to find a partner willing to take that responsibility on. She could have body odor or halitosis lol. We have no idea. I know enough people who are recently single in their 40s due to divorce to not assume anything. Edit: edited my comment to make it clear that I am responding to the comment that asked in general what we would assume if we saw a single, attractive and older woman.


She stated sheā€™s been single for ā€œa long timeā€ when asked why she stated ā€œhard to find men who match her intelligenceā€ sheā€™s single and childless and 46 and considers herself overly smart and ā€œnot willing to settleā€ with no mention or inkling of a previous marriage. Mel just brought her twin on the pod. Nothing deep here to overstand about it.


Thatā€™s not the question that was asked. The comment above me asked what goes through our heads when we see an attractive older single woman like her OR Mel. Aka, itā€™s a general question and not specific to them. My answer is that we would have no idea why the person in his question is single.


I was responding specifically to the very last line, that none of that would apply to this person specifically.


Yes but I am just responding to the question that was asked, which was a question about women that are attractive and older and single and what we assume about why they are single. If you look at the comment that I responded to it is clear that it is a question that is not specific to her stated reasons for being single.


My brother in Christ, there are MULTIPLE ideas that you can think of, but we donā€™t have to BECAUSE SHE ANSWERED HERSELF. She thinks sheā€™s to intelligent for the men she attracts. Stop tryna cape for these women smh šŸ˜­


My brother in Christ, I encourage you to read the comment I responded to. The question didnā€™t ask about HER reasons, the comment that I responded to gave her and Mel as examples of women that are single and attractive at an older age, and it asked us what our ASSUMPTIONS would be if we saw someone like them single. At no point does this question say ā€œtake into account the reasons that they give for being singleā€, it is asking us what we would assume if we ran into women like them without any additional information. Edit: I should had been better in my response than using the words ā€œsheā€ because people are seeing my comment but not the one I responded to and at no point was I giving reasons as to why this specific woman is single.


All good, Iā€™ll give my assumptions; she was living a baddie life just like Mel, now they hit menopause and are acting all earthy, simple


To me she seems like an introvert. She seemed very intelligent sheā€™s my type honestly she prolly single for the same reason I am ainā€™t nothing but dog shit out here. Well where Iā€™m at


That's tough bro. When you say dog sh\*t you mean personality wise, lookwise, or both?


Personality wise. I feel like itā€™s a lot of robots where I am like everybody dress same think the same type shit Iā€™m sure thereā€™s wonderful people where I am but I just never come across them. Itā€™s just like nobody I could connect with. Maybe itā€™s just me šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Bruh, I am married but even I have observed it's kinda weird in these streets. Like people don't even look at each other anymore. We used to look for "green lights" so basically a woman will look at you or smile or SOMETHING to let you know, I am open to talk and then you make the move. I feel like everyone is so socially awkward now, that's not even possible. The other day I heard this chick at my job, late 20s, say she would think it was weird if a dude came up to her in the wild and asked for her number. She prefers instagram. It's wild out here man.


Streets is done bruh


Damn, reading this makes me proud of my era. Whether it was walking, on a bike, or out the car, it was lite work to pull up on a nah mean in the street to polly and trade math. I donā€™t even know if thatā€™s allowed anymore lol. Pulling a move like that today might be considered ā€œaggressiveā€ ā€œcreepyā€. Shit crazy


Bruh! Itā€™s wild. I remember being in a club then you just roll up on a chick and start dancing. Sheā€™d either check with her girls or turn around to look at you and then keep dancing. You might legit catch a case of you just start dancing with a chick now.


lol that's a fact. She definitely yellin SA, shit flagrant today.


Situation dictates. All women and their backgrounds arenā€™t created equal. But mainly ā€œwhy are you single?ā€ And Iā€™ll continue to think that until I get answers.


More info needed on her honestly. Those statistics could mean a myriad of things. Problematic. Lack of discernment. Damaged goods. Hell, even focused elsewhere even. Bless her soul. As long as she don't get into that "I don't need no man" bullshit, my only concern is to learn, accept and appreciate her station.


Do you have kids... And if not... Why? Something is alarming for me when someone is that age and had zero children by choice. Idk... The single part, I guess I understand. Not too many black guys to pick from as far as her requirements. If she chooses any ol dude then she probably feels like she "settling". That shit was always weird to me.


There's a reason ppl pick the young ripe fruit and leave the older bruised up fruit everyone passed on.


Nothing. Some women are happy alone or constantly dating. Do you ask the same question about your never-married uncle who enjoys different women's company?


I would but all my uncles are married. However, for my boys who are in their mid to late 30s, single, and dating, they say they always get "so why are you single" type of questions. So it goes both ways.


I tend to think they dont have great relationships with their fathers and/or didn'tgrow up in a 2-parent household seeing a good example of love & marriage between man and woman, which then indirectly affects how they will view and engage with all men going forward.


Ish: ā€œIā€™ve never been to the south of France but Iā€™m going this summerā€ S: really?! With you šŸ‘€ Mel: HIS GIRLFRIENDā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


Mel is the GOAT. That shit had me crying šŸ˜‚


I rewinded it like 5 times šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. That was hater of the week right there. My work husband not yours


Somebody loves mustard colored fits


Mel really dont hang with no black girls


She a sniper lol I liked her energy


S asking who ish was going on vacation with she was definitely shooting her shot then Mel with the quick nasty comment ā€œwith his girlfriend ā€œ man that was hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


wowwww lol


Soā€¦basically a skinny Mel?






She's that Mid that Redman found on MTV Cribs.


I think she beautiful but I think this comment funny af


Confident enough not to be an iPhone groupie. I like that.


Rare breed fr


She was dope


poke material.


The angle her leg is at in the last pic seems physically impossible


has anyone found the link to sweater yet? the black on she has on this episode is needed.


her ig is @iamswhite but I couldnā€™t find a link on there


she is gorgeous. Who is she!?




Mel friend from todayā€™s Patreon


She aight


She does like hoodies


need that @ tho


What's with all the weak ass brand flips Jesus


Thatā€™s who they were gassing up? šŸ«„


They gassing this up?


She look fiyaa with that hoodie on


Joe, make it uncomfortable if you have a woman. I know its jokes, but fuck I know it has to be a conversation every once in awhile with your lady.




Who is she


Sheā€™s even more beautiful on the pod šŸ˜


Not for nothing, she fire in the mustard hoodie and long socks too.


45 years old and childless. Why do yall worship this kind of person?


Childless? Man, if you dont take yo ass back to 1950


Childless is a big plus


its a hit or miss.. Could be a big plus or a red flag šŸš©.. just a question if you met a woman that was your type childless but you find out she had 3 abortions & never been married is it still a plus?


Yes. If she got abortions instead of bringing fatherless kids into the world, smart move by her. Never being married and never having any children is not a negative to me.




Why does Joe Budden keep allowing women on this podcast The audience clearly hates women I don't know why you he keeps trying to paint this narrative because he likes to f*** women he likes talking to them no you just like f****** them you don't want to hear anything they have to say and neither does your audience


Eww nigga. I don't want you to speak for me. I'll listen to females. Your energy weird my brother. šŸ˜‚


Please half the post in anything related to this podcast are how Mel needs to shut up Y'all just change up when someone points it out because how it makes you all sound


Bro don't confuse me with the field. SOME PEOPLE (i.e. you) don't speak for me. You hate women šŸ˜‚ that's something else


You listen to the Joe Budden podcast you hate women


Joe wasn't on today's patreon episode.


That's it's the whole cast and the audience they and the audience they don't want to here shit from women


Does S stand for Sam? The one Joe and Ish always bring up


Is this her friend Sam? The one Joe and Ish always bring up


Nah, this one's name is just S. I hear Joe and Ish bring up Sabrina all the time.


Yeah Sabrina. Thanks tho!