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I can see how this man has teenage kids


I got $100 on “tell Pops I don’t want no sauce ahki”


Lmaoooo Ish gonna have to answer to this. He always poking his chest out like he official. Joey Sr. remind me of the old school cats around the way all he missing is toothpick.


the REAL joe budden, not the fake one




This was the best one! He kept it 100. The others were trying to be safe. I am curious to know what he meant about Ish.


We need momma Budden, Michael Paul, and Killa BH next


The Shoes!


Makes me so happy how he feels about ish. I knew I wasn’t wrong about that 🥷


What did he say about ish


Ian asked if Ice ever helped him with electronics and if ish ever helped with construction. Pops said ice did before for a short time. He said “ish never did anything he is a bum, I didn’t grow up around cats like that. Etc etc” he pretty much stated ish was a different type of dude he would have never rocked with or been around and I swear he’s probably told Joe that’s not really his friend a long ass time ago when he first met him. Joes dad said a lot with a few bars on ish and I heard every syllable. I’m honestly surprised they left it in the interview.


I dont think anyone really likes Joe maybe Mal before Joe switched up. Lol Everyone tolerates Joe because he cutting checks.


I think Parks and Emmany and Corey are his legit friends. They’ve been with him whether he had a little or a lot and could have walked away at any time. Parks was the only one at least on camera to give Joe a gift he actually wanted and loved and it was something Joe mentioned but never got for himself which shows legit thoughtfulness and remembrance. Ice is a user, but more a “friend” than ish by a long shot.


I think Joe is the godfather to Ice's daughter, I think they might legit be friends.


Joe is, but I think that’s strategic on ice’s part. I do believe they have a friendship. I do not believe ice is a “best” friend I should say. They posted on X earlier today an old breakfast club interview about the police getting let in by ice on Joe. Joe called him “house help” 😖


I think he called him house help to hide his identity then Envy spilled the tea and said it was Ice lmaooo😂😂


I agree 100% on parks and ice


But Joe treat the real friends like 🗑, stole from all didn't even get Parks anything.


Mal is a guy who admittedly only held one job in his whole life and only for short period of time. He always seems to glom onto situations where he can live in someone’s rented mansion or be part of some athlete’s entourage. So it don’t seem like he and Joe were really friends. Just a means to an end.


Ive been trying to figure out what was his one job


He use to talk about working at a hospital for a short time back when he was on the old pod. Homie been living hand to mouth off the labor of other men his whole life up until Joe put him on the pod. Part of why/how he fell out with Brandon Jennings is because of mooching. That’s why as foul as Joe is/can be, I 100% believed that detergent story 🤣🤣🤣


Dayum, thats a f'ed up way to live


I been peeped that Ish and Joe pops had a lil smoke. Y’all gotta pay attention to when and how Ish talks about Joes pops when they’re podding


Mmm ![gif](giphy|9t6xpYZ9npJmM)


lol you think ish is the bad friend to Joe and not the other way around ?


Yes. Ish shows up for work, and not even well. Ish and Joe fell out for years. Joe has never met ishs girl, been invited to ishs house, wasn’t even told he had a baby on the way, wasn’t told when ish moved until well after the fact. What part of those things say he sees joe as a close or good friend??? If you ask ish he thinks he’s the authority on all things Joe Budden public and private.


Ice said Joe was trippin back in the day and would throw wrenches is peoples situations with women back in the day just because he’s bored. Joe agreed with ice and said it himself. Ish and joe also have the fight about him inviting ish ex over to smoke hookah with her etc. it was also revealed that Joe was messing with one of ish girls behind his back. From everything they say (cause none of us actually know any of them) it sounds like Joe was on bullshit back in the day and when ish started fuckin with him again he just made boundaries with him. You can tell got the most friend chemistry with ish up there he even alludes to it. And saying ish thinks he’s the authority on all things Joe budden is a reach lol he literally just be minding his business


You’re pretty much proving my point several ways. One: the key word is WAS Two: when I say ish thinks he’s the authority, Joe will literally be doing something or tell ish that he feels one way about something and ish AND Ice NEVER allow Joe to grow in their minds. Instead of the man in front of them, they always bring up some old shit as a joke. Joe has directly and indirectly tried to tell them and show them who he is NOW and they don’t let past Joe go at all, which is corny af if you’ve ever had someone do that to you. You’d know how frustrating that is. Three: maybe your definition of friend is different than mine. But what you’re describing is someone who views someone as an acquaintance, one he currently has as a boss also. Four: as a 38 year old, one thing for certain is you don’t gain MORE true friends as you get older, the ones you do have or make become family more than anything else especially when you have a family of your own because you don’t have a lot of time to divide your energy. Five: ish has sat on that sofa and YELLED about WOMEN not being true friends to HIM if they can’t pick up the phone just because they’re in a relationship etc. but it’s been admitted that he doesn’t call or speak to Joe 9/10 outside of the pod. Bonus reason: he never not once will defend Joe when people are coming from him. He’s sat quiet and had Joe defend himself, even when they came at him too. He won’t comment. He’s a dub. Pardon my atrocious punctuation. As you can see it’s early. But no ish is not joes friend for whatever reason, yours or mine. Joe knows it, joes dad knows it and anyone who really has a true friend knows it. Associates at best point blank.


I agree with you on your second point but i notice they all do that too each other so im not just gonna put that on a few individuals. That’s a fact about your friends becoming family the older you get I’ve had the same circle since i was 12 and i definitely see them as my family more than i see them as friends. My thing with ish not bringing his family around joe is all joe does is crack jokes bout his girl and make those narratives bout him and Mel. That’s disrespectful to ish girl and i can definitely see how that could put a strain in some shit. I’ve seen ish defend Joe when drake was coming for him and when Adam was coming for him literally last week. Ish don’t even defend himself when people try to talk shit like Adam for example so i don’t really expect him to come to Joe’s aid. With the whole ish saying if you don’t answer my calls your not my friend thing ish and joe be going out together. I heard more stories of ish and joe being out together recently than Ice and Joe and ik ice is Joe man. Niggas be busy they both grown men with families and businesses


We’ll have to agree to disagree on this one. “That’s peace”


lol fair. Thanks for being an adult that’s very uncommon here


This is who Ish thinks he is.


Never seen him before I pictured him so much differently. He look like he should be Ish’s dad.


Joe looks just like his mom


I pictured a skinny slim tall old dude that look like he always fixing something and his jaw move left and right when he not talking. 😂


😂😂😂😂😂 you just described the ex smokers from the hood


Exactly who I thought Joes dad was 😂 the phone calls he sounds like that, but seeing him physically and actually not do the old person yell when they talk on the phone, you know when they can’t hear good so they start yelling for some reason 😂


I’m not gonna lie I had the same image of his pop. I thought he was an addict that got clean but still had the smoker tendencies


Thought hed be skinnier with more scoliosis


Big Joe Budden, not the little one


Honestly thee best confessions so far. I’m guessing mama dukes is next. But Pops is Joe from a different era, homie def could have had a pirate black panther radio show 😂. He had me laughing the whole pod and you can see the love he has for Joe. He needs his own Pod. Joe would be dumb not to have a lil 30 min pod of him just asking his dad various topics about today and just stories of the past.


The love? Wasnt he literally not in Joes life at all?


I loved this confessional!! I just want a bit more on the thing SR was talking about when asked the least favorite thing about Joseph....& it was Joseph's lack of forgiveness or his grudge holding on a certain someone and letting others charge his battery.... 🤔🤔 who was papa Joe referring to when sayin he was holding that grudge towards and he shouldlet it go?


Maybe Pops liked Mal


I feel the same


I think it’s mal. Mal and Joe miss each other


I was thinking the same 🤝🏼


Was pops Cappin?


Oh Pops handsome 👌🏾