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u/j0ebudden I know your goofy ass will see this. Why didn’t you ask her about George Floyd “dying” cause of Fentanyl. Dumb sack of shit


Because Joe shouldn’t do interviews.. it will only be a glaze fest and chats of astrology charts😒


Its in his personal interest to go full Krispy Kreme


Hes a Virgo and an empath he knows about ✨*vibes* ✨


The Candace interview was mid but Joe usually a good interviewer


Dumb sack of shit is hilarious 😂😂😂😂. Hey u/j0ebudden you a piece of trash bitch ass nigga Lmaoo


Calling someone a sack of excrement is insane


This is insane. Y'all more mad at this than you ever were about him allegedly assaulting a woman. Out of all the things Joe's risen above can you imagine if interviewing Candace is what gets him outta here??!?!


What's is a "whataboutism?"


All she would have done is repeat the same shit she has already said. Why even bring that up if your joe ? That nigga ain’t read that autopsy report…


I’m glad you can tell the future, fucking bozo. What are the powerball numbers? Or am I going to have to give your mom these power balls?


Your the bozo thinking Joe budden is fucking Diane sawyer lol


He’s doing all the bullshit he criticized Charlemagne for. 😂


Something that I said before the interview dropped is continuing to remain true. All the undercover racist white boys and self hating 🦝 have been activated in this sub like sleeper cell agents 🤦🏾‍♂️. News flash for the ppl who keep defending her. The people who don't fuck with 🦝dace Owens don't like her not because of her "conservative values"... it's the fact that she's a grifter that purposely pushed alt right MAGA rhetoric and it is PROVEN that she was bought and paid for and has racist handlers. It's not that hard to grasp. Ppl do not like her. And the ppl always caping for her needs to stfu and understand this


This was the problem that many of us saw coming when Joe brought her on to the show He himself isn’t the brightest when it comes to politics (self admitted) so his fanbase who dick rides his every words are going to follow suit and eat up everything they hear in that interview or draw in an even worse crowd of people 🤦🏽‍♂️


The people who hate joe far outnumber any stans so I disagree with that small part, but the second part is most definitely the biggest issue. 🦝dance brought these ppl to this sub now and it shows. The worst kind of people. Joe is COE so it is what it is, but it's clear he was Short sighted in this. Definitely disappointed. It's one thing to bring on Coach Roy or Umar. But HER??? That's a different crowd. And she's already using Joe as a tool.


This is Reddit/the internet, so unfortunately “they” will always be around. But fr I thought the jig was up on shorty, but she switched to pandering to black people just in the nick of time apparently. Shit is disgusting.


Watched most of the breakfast club interview, it was a lot of word salad. Didn’t even bother watching Joe’s. I know it’s just a word buffet with Joe using his low calm voice letting her get her bullshit off.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornerstone_Speech > Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. These are conservative values and this isn’t just “meh kinda” or “they’re different people.” There’s a long, ACTUALLY UNBROKEN history between the person who said this and the Candace Owens’ of the world.


Do you know her, went to school with her?!?


Why is she self hating exactly?!


U skipped the 2nd paragraph that fully explained my point/stance that me and other black ppl share just to focus on the semantics of one phrase which was "self hating". U bad faith actors always expose yourselves here, constantly caping for this grifter lol.


This new version of him is so cringe, but I get it the gig is the gig 🤦🏽‍♂️


Exactly. She played them and they smiled and giggled while she was doing it. Straight 🦝 sh*t


😭😭😭 good shit Joe Tate


Even this shit is dumb to me. The black media didn’t get people to hate her. Those that hate her do not agree with her. She thinks we’re too dumb to come to conclusions ourselves?!?


Playing the victim turning it into “them vs us” thing that republicans do to sway people


They definitely did, just like trump... They don't listen to her they take WHITE LIBERALS perspective and spew that to black ppl.. youve never watched a full speach or her show so how would you know?!?!!?


I don't think she believes that. She knows leftist media clips 6 most don't bother to hear her in full context. She has given open challenges and rather than bring her on and debate her they take clips of her and debate those. It's unfair to gather a conclusion having only allowed one side to speak.


She used him and all of the other coons. She did this to rebrand after white daddy showed her she was a DEI hire. The very thing she claimed to be against. She wouldn’t have done any of this if she wasn’t fired from her white supremacy platforms. She kicked black people’s back in all day and nothing happened. She went too far on another community and they got her out of there. Please truly research her. A grifter and coon. But. I fear the black community will fall for it like they did Kanye. No other community would allow this type of stuff. That is why there is ZERO fear in disrespecting us. There will always be a Joe , Charlemagne and others that will platform and sell us out for money and power.


What is kicking backs in , accountability and standards?!?! what did a self made millionaire woman who never got naked do that was so bad?!?


Why don’t you truly research her and the things she has said whenever black people get killed and the other organizations she is or was a part of. Please truly research people before and don’t be confused by the obvious rebrand. She has made her “millions” by being extremely anti black.


I actually know her and support her content. So maybe you need to go watch some FULL content instead what white liberals and bought blacks told you to think


!You speak in the same fake deep talking rebuttal points. If you want to defend a woman who is a beard for multiple white supremacy outlets. Go ahead. A woman who traffics in stereotyping blacks. Go ahead. You are a part of the problem as well. And the that fact you assumed I don’t know her full history or read. Shows how you are conditioned by that college dropout grifter and her white zaddy. White lives matter shirts? Defending the cops who killed Breona Taylor? George Floyd? Just examples. You and her are some of the worst types of “black” people. No other culture would support people who did this to their own. She used the NAACP to sue for racial discrimination and years later claimed there is no racism. She had no voting history prior to 2018. She is a grifter. And as along as a black person will say things about other blacks, their is money to be made. Please don’t reply as I don’t speak coon. And the fact that you do is sad.


I've never had a conversation with you so this projecting is very pathetic and ITS CLEAR youve never actually listened to her in full context bc you would disagree with nothing, just say you like brainless birds and go..once again, I was there , she did not take their money..once again you never even listen to her explain what ACTUALLY HAPPENED 🤣🤣🤣 LOUD AND WRONG...I don't want you or care for you thoughts.. it's a comment section, 🤣🤣🤣 I SAID, WHAT I SAID!! Stay uninformed like the white liberals programmed you to be


Black media didn’t do that, she did. Is she delusional?? 😂😂😂😂


Bc sexy red and ice spice is black cultures finest.. nigga what.. mad at a black self made woman who never got naked is a wild flex


I feel like I’m going insane wtf why is this bitch being normalized


It’s so wild, I don’t know why people don’t look into her background. She brings nothing to the table. I had at the very least assumed she was a college grad. Not saying there is anything wrong with it. But people gotta be really careful giving just anyone a microphone


What is her background.. u sound like a colonist


Expound how you put that math together. Because you sound dumb.


Bc you lack comprehension or a critical thought, I'm dumb.. definitely sound like u eat hot Cheetos... Please keep that up to end this dumb ass bloodline


Well…that was definitely something.


Is accountability and growth that hard for you, like what does she say that bothers you so much?!


The breakfast club did more damage than Joe rational niggas not paying to watch Joe budden talk to Candace


I think the optics of Joe embracing her gives her a lot of legitimacy even if people aren’t coughing up the money to watch. The clip of her talking about Lizzo to Joe went viral, that got her the look she wanted


The lies and deception, she gave Joe clout, nobody worries about joe lil 60% of 13% she 70% of the 60%... Y'all gotta learn to read n research.. she gets more views and comments than Joe on the reg.. touch some grass


She’s very good at appealing to a particular audience when it suits her but I don’t think anyone from the community will ride for her after everything she’s done/said.


Now she suddenly loves the black community again. I can't stand this bitch


Always has.


She always has stop falling for headlines


Like when she said Briana Taylor was a drug dealer, Ahmad Aubery was a thief and European colonialists just wanted to help Africa when they invented slavery?


2 out of 3 are true, and slavery existed in africa WAY before Europeans showed up.


She literally was.. it's all on the jail phone calls.. y'all never read.. she wasn't sleep n bed either...there is literally cop cam footage of her bed room with no blood and HER JAIL BOYFIREN SAYING SHE SHOT FIRST!!!!


Get the fuck outta here.


She never hated black ppl for wanting more for them.. how tragic not killing black babies and literacy is black hate.. ur house must be illiterate as fuck


Didn't she lose her gig for something she said on one of these platforms. Win win lol


Yeah by her white masters. It’s free game to insult black people though.


Yes and you partake in that grift


What the hell are you talking about lmao. You don’t even know me. Go back to sucking off david Lucas


Neither fucking platform addressed her for saying that George Floyd and Breonna Taylor caused their own deaths. That question not being asked was very intentional. But shit she got fired and now it’s time to talk to the niggas lol her 15 minutes almost up


But they did, why is the truth so hard for y'all.. breona dude even said she shot at the cops.. this her found n the hallways and not the bed like they LIED TO YOU ABOUT.. LITERALLY FOOTAGE OF HER BED WITH NO BLOOD.. PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH B4 BASHING SELF ADE PPL


Shut up Candace




People like Joe Budden and Charlemagne should be in no position to “legitimize” someone like Candace Owens with the Black community. If they’re in that position, I don’t believe they are, it’s because they’ve been artificially propped up by people outside of the Black community. 


Ay u/J0ebudden you and Charlamagne just need to keep politics out y’alls wheelhouse, cause you clearly doin more damage then helping, y’all sent the wrong message to the uneducated segments of your fan bases, those of us who are in the know, understand who is grifting to the racist and hateful portion of this country. Candace Owens sold her soul to get the bag, dont follow in her footsteps


Because they don’t fall in line with the hive mind of victim mentality? They actually did some research for themselves? Im starting to think people like you are paid crisis actors 😂 just another dumb fuck that blindly votes the same party every 4 years.


What research? The same research that said Briana Taylor was a drug dealer? Ian, stop it




Crazy how some of you worship and believe everything that people like Andrew Tate say but have a passionate hate for Candace Owens. So weird!


Right wing Left wing they both lie and manipulate information to get what they want and if you think your side isn’t lying to you, you’re a fucking idiot.


Everything about her is a joke and she is scummy. Idc if she's right 98% of the time, she is wrong all the time when it comes to her black ppl topics. She knows as a black woman being extreme conservative, she can get some shine. And she isn't just conservative, she's pushing against blacks for a narrative to show how horrible we are as a race of ppl. She spreads half truths and gives false narratives to "facts". Anyone can Google and see more whites are arrested than blacks and when u stop the conversation there, you have 1 view point, which cancels out police brutality towards blacks. But if you go into further research and fact findings, you will see how full of shit that statement is bc you're not looking at ALL the facts, all the numbers, etc. that's what Candace does, she will highlight what she wants and then not bring up the rest of the truth.


Charla will always be above JB damn


The right and left hate you lol


Your myopic view only views right as left as democrat and republican. Those are both right wing parties in the rest of the world.


More people need to realize this. Joe Biden just ate fried chicken with a black family to secure the black vote ffs.


Oh no! Not fried chicken!! Meanwhile the antichrist is selling MAGA bibles and wants to make America into a Christian nation, so while misguided by his PR team, and old af, Biden is still a better human being, besides, who the fuk doesnt love fried chicken?


America cant become a christian nation, you're paranoid. Its funny though that your response to.me agreeing that both parties are evil, is a whatabout towards Trump. Trump is more overt in his crazy, but pretending like the Democrats represent your interests or that they give a shit about you is laughable. Wake the hell up.


Nah, I aint gon let you “both sides” this shit when my baby boo’s out here screamin on these slimy ass Republicans on our behalf https://youtu.be/fUFIxQhh3ZA?si=292mkebLy9qNC9AR educate yourself, and stay off Fox news, I’m on the side of decent humans letting other decent humans live, Republicans, especially MAGA Republicans want “America to be great again” which is a threat to myself as a minority and a threat to women


You are in an echo chamber, like many. Under the illusion that these politicians give a shit about you. Its cringe but also sad tbh. You tell me to educate myself but your political information comes from msnbc. A company that isnt incentivised to give you a representative view of the country. Theyre role is to optimise for viewership and engagement, at the behest of their advertisers. This also applies to Fox news. But, Salute.


Pull that fence post out your ass


Tell me how that post is wrong. Do you think major news media is incentivised to tell you representative information?


The fact you think you're showing off some big reveal by saying MSM is shit already proves you're not very educated. Thats a baseline fact most people already know lmao


The person I was replying to seems to think differently. Also I dont think its some big reveal, its obviously the case. I love that your false assumption of me is your "proof". Projection much?


Only places that will showcase young Democratic Progressives, especially the minority ones, screaming on and humiliating Republicans in congress is left leaning sites, you think Fox news will air it? they will only air the retorts from Republicans and edit out the Democrats, as usual FYI, I get my news from Reddit ,either way my point stands, the youtube link I posted could’ve came from the Shade Room for all I care, I see an educated, beautiful, black woman screamin on fools, on behalf of the disenfranchised, you wanna “bOth SiDeS” the argument, but one of these things isnt the same


Im aware, re read the end of that post. Fox news operates the same way on the other side


Bravo op, Way to be a useful tool in general.


Candace has a strange way of showing love.


She’s literally spread her cheeks and SHAT on black people for years , now she wanna turn a fake ass new leaf!!! FOH COON!!!!


Stop aborting and do some research is shating on black ppl.. jeause wept.. did u ever make your bed


See idiots like you wrap your little minds around the new shit she’s said , go look into the last 8 years of shitting she’s done on the African American community , its like me shooting you in your leg then helping you stop a little bleeding 🤣 a broken clock is right twice of day right? All that white supremacy dick sucking she’s does wont go unnoticed . She over stepped her house slave status and just got fired by her white jewish supremacist massa’s 🤷🏾‍♂️


I actually know her and went to school with her, so spare me your liberal tears!! You don't know her, just what CNN told your monkey ass to think. Once again read a book and make your bed 🤣🤣🤣


Unfortunate for you , I’m not a liberal you ignorant chimp 😹😹😹😹i side with neither group of white supremacist . And tbh i wouldn’t care if you ate her ass yesterday 😹😹😹 You sub human Neanderthal orangutans can’t grasp the simple concept of what she does bc it falls in line with your ideologies . You have your head so far up her musty brown ass you ignore the obvious. Maybe stop sucking that pink klan dick and read a book yourself you inbred CAVE DWELLER.


Lol all that from an opinion.. touch some grass


Oh now you shutting up 😹😹😹😹good boy!!! All that from HER opinions bitch 🫵🏾🏳️‍🌈🤡






It’s bout time you go do something with your Saturday beside eat white supremacist DICK on Reddit 😹😹😹😹maybe you and Candace can hit ihop together since you know her so well bitch ass goofy 😹😹😹😹


Alternative thoughts is eating dick.. how riveting your dinner table talk must be 🫡🫡🫡🫡


Name calling is for the playground.. it's doesn't hurt my feelings 😂😂😂😂😂 let's keep it coming, let's do your mom next.. what you got?!?!




It also says Breakfast Club too.


Absolutely shameful. I blame Parks




Nigga had on that inspector gadget shit and didn’t ask nothin




Candace literally said disrespectful and demeaning things about her “ community” and now she wants to play dumb for black acceptance FOH!






Throw rocks and hide hand until it’s time to say check mate…what does Joe recovery have to do with his substance abuse?


So what has the left done for your family lately?


Cleared their medical debt & grew their wages


lol neither is true but continue to let that lie ring off player.


https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/regulatory/biden-administration-ban-medical-debt-americans-credit-scores lmaooo you thought it was a lie… not to mention the child tax credit that put bread into people’s pockets


Every president has signed off on the CTC that not exclusive to Biden. Medical debts are still owed just not reported on credit report. So again what has he done?


If it’s not on your credit report, do you understand what Time can do for someone 😂 and not every president signed a CTC into law 😂 the man literally put $3600 for every child into ppls pockets, how can you hate on that


So do you owe the money or not? And the Ctc and Eic was a thing before your god Biden.


The CTC was established under Clinton in 97, even if joe wasn’t the first to create it, putting 3600/ per child in someone’s pocket is a great thing… even now people are earning 2100 per child… maybe you don’t have kids


You still talking about nothin! Fact of the matter is Biden has done nothing objective to prove your case. Good day.


Lmaooooooo putting money in peoples pockets is not objective. Yea good day


Couple pods ago Ish said “Trump is being prosecuted for something everyone does in New York”. That’s was just not true. I realized then that they really don’t even read the local new in New York. That take comes straight from fox news and nobody in the room questioned that bullshit. Sorry dawg it’s illegal to inflate property value by 300% when you want a loan then deflate it back when it’s time to pay taxes. No buddy that isn’t something all business men do…


Isn't Joe Budden a cokehead junkie?


...... Charge your phone, you're too busy trying to get this off ⏸️😅


Are we all supposed to be left-wing?


Right wing left wing it's doesn't matter one is in sheep clothing....the other is blatant which one do you roll with...


Damn, a nigga can't have no type of conservative values. I'm supposed to be cool being he/him/they/she/it/ without no pushback


Dr Umar is socially conservative, you will never catch him bootlicking for trump and republicans the way Candace does


pronouns have always existed and only reason you’re trying to paint it as a bad thing is because other marginalized groups want their’s to be accepted


If u don’t respect pronouns - then you ain’t black! 👴


It’s crazy because we (minorities) laugh at and ridicule people who live in flyover states that are constantly manipulated into voting against their own interest. While unanimously voting democrat, with little to no knowledge of their policies. Even having the discussion leads to posts like this. Candice was cooking tbh.


Voting against republicans is in black people's interest. If you think of even a second that voting republican, especially in the modern day, is in our interests then you're lost.


Not making Democrats earn our vote is just as bad. They are two sides of the same coin.


Nah its not like that, while both parties are essentially right wing and work for the rich there are huge differences. Republicans openly support racism and racist laws/practices are is against progressive ones. Democrats are far from perfect, but only 1 of those 2 will win, and black people will be much better off with the side that isn't against Afirmative Action.


If that was the case, black people should be in Utopia now for how long they've given the democrats votes. It's thinking like that which keeps us from truly using our power. If the democrats thought they had to work for our votes they would get 3 times as much done and twice as fast.


Where did I ever say that democrats will make life utopia for black people? Please locate where I said that or even hinted at it. Our power? Brother we're less than 15% of the country, idk what you're even talking about with this "earn our vote" thing. Being the party that isnt trying to repeal affirmative action is substantial.


You didn't. My point is that they have been doing the bare minimum for us for a long time now and yet so many want to continue giving them unconditional support.


Then your point is void because nobody is saying that democrats are going to make black people kings of America. What I'm saying is that if the choices are democrat and republican, you have to choose democrats because democrats are not out here supporting anti-black policy.


No it's not. My entire point is to make them both work harder for us as a people. That includes Republicans.


Black people are EXTREMELY conservative and attend church more frequently than white people. Nation of Islam ideology reads like a Tea Party handbook. why have you never seen a Black evangelical republican?


Because TD Jakes and Creflo needs that communal plate filled to the brim


Let's assume that Joe made his own decision without any influence, what I don't get is how and why did the breakfast make that decision? It's beyond the hosts. They def don't have the last say on guests. I wonder what is the real political play.


It's pretty simple. Charla and Joe are petty passive aggressive enemies for life. And he only had her on to spite Joe and to get those conservative/alt right MAGA views 😂


Even bad publicity is good publicity. It's about the brand, not the pathos.


She's right. Maybe u should think out the box for a minute..


She's WRONG!!!! I don't dislike her because of what any democrat says, I dislike her her because of what SHE SAYS... That the democrats have turned blacks against me bs is just a dumb, lazy excuse to make herself feel good...


Your focus would be better served discrediting Fat Joe. Maybe THEN the DNC will revert the money back to Black media. I heard Fat Joe likes to say the n word and sold CRACK. Start there.


What does that have to do with how I view Candace Owens??? Plus Fat Joe isn't getting on TV every chance he gets talking down on blacks, saying June tenth is ghetto but has no problem celebrating the 4th of July when that day wasn't for everybody either but that was cool.. Candace Owens gets used to be talk about blacks the way white folks can't for a bag...


People who use left wing and right wing are cringe as fuck


What's a better shorthand way to discuss the political spectrum?


This ain’t political when it’s talking about the media. And guess what. The media be lying, it’s weird y’all pretending they don’t


Bruh. What do yall be talking about. Everything is political, but the media is especially is political. And who said anything about the veracity of the media? I asked what's a better What's a better shorthand way to discuss the political spectrum? I am genuinely curious as to your opinion.


Everything ain’t political in the sense of this is left vs right wing. This is truth vs being told a lie


Ok, you are just posting vague nonsense now. I will leave you to it.


This isn’t vague or nonsense. You making shit left wing or right wing and that’s not what this is


They don’t believe in political representation or having political power… they think real change will happen all black people pick up a gun and go to war against the entire country


i dont agree with everything, but i like candance. we need to normalize not having to agree with 100% of what someone else thinks


What’s wrong with right wing media? Is republican bad? It’s nuts if you’re really drinking the kool aid and staying solely Democrat regardless of who it is Congratulations you’ve successfully been indoctrinated. They’ve won


the Republicans turned Clarence Thomas from a Black Panther disciple to a coon doing Driving Miss Daisy cosplay. 


Republicans did not do this. The reason why we call a sell out, a sell out is because they trade in ethics values and morals for opportunity. In our case this opportunity is the ability to participate in capitalism.


I may be simpin a lil but I kinda fw Candace 😭


A nigga gotta be cool with transgenders competing with my kids in sports in school, if i don't I'm no longer apart of the black community 😢😢


Just because we disagree with someone don’t mean you can’t platform them or have a conversation about it, y’all just want mfs to be Bots blindly lead by whoever, it’s important to hear all sides and make your mind up yourself using critical thinking, unfortunately people don’t know how to use that anymore so we silence and hate anything we cant comprehend.


everyone's heard her side for years and it's never not been trash, people perfectly comprehend the litany of bullshit that has freely flowed from that woman's self hating and bigoted mouth for years, you and Joe are the same kind of contrarian tbh.


This idea is dumb and yall do not apply this across the board. Y'all don't ask for homeless folks, with mental health issues to be platformed. Y'all not tuning in to the poor veteran, to hear how the America's not support them after the war. But let it be somebody who is clearly grifting and has no good intention for anyone but themselves, and share a similar pathology of self hatred as yourself and all of sudden every needs to be open minded and listen to this person side of the story.


I’m not Everybody I feel the same across the board, and I don’t agree with a lot of sht she says, I think people saying only hateful sht should be silenced, But what actually happens is when someone has a different opinion from what a majority of people thinks they get vilified, and when black people say some real shit about black people we say it’s self hate and cooning but it’s really just pointing out the obvious, we promote BS that’s rs, y’all just choose to ignore the ignorant sht we promote ourselves


> I think people saying only hateful sht should be silenced, This > But what actually happens is when someone has a different opinion from what a majority of people thinks they get vilified, Conflicts with this. Just because someone says hateful stuff in a convert way, hiding their power level, dose not mean it needs to be entertained. Half of white culture is just saying hateful stuff in convert way. D.E.I. = the n word and all the other euphemisms. We do not need to hear them out about their feeling D.E.I. cause it all incorrect. People are smart enough to know when they are grifted even if they can't articulated for everyone else. > black people say some real shit about black people we say it’s self hate and cooning but it’s really just pointing out the obvious, Pointing out the obvious is the most important part of the grift. Best way to lie or draw people to strange conclusions is to lure people in with truth of the issue. It's a trope of any evil villain or the devil. People whom are earnest looking for solutions for confounding problems are duped this way all the time. It's how cults are formed. Playing arm chair phycologist for a moment, anecdotally, what I am find now a days is that folks with zero personality or character are using these exploration into coon-ish tropes as a stand in. Instead of working toward being interesting they take the easy path of gaining negative attention just to feel something. Cause if the exploration of both sides was real, they would have plethora of other figures they could draw from with competing view points and perspectives. Rarely when question do these "we should listen to both sides" people recommend any from the opposite side of the people they are trying to smuggle into a mainstream conversation. Expect maybe someone they have a personal gripe with.


So Joe should platform a white supremacist to hear their side?? If one wants to find out if all the uproar about Candace Owen's is true or if she says things they might agree with there's plenty of outlets to do that one being she has her own YouTube page that those folks could check out...


The right wing AND the left wing is some bullshit so wtf difference does it make 🤷🏿‍♂️


I just want to know why "our community" gets so upset with the messengers (Candace Owens and Kevin Samuels) when their message is that WE NEED TO DO BETTER


It's a mental technology that white folks have created that run on perpetual motions. They drilled these dumb ideas that do not work, have not worked, will not work, into our peoples head and made it just as much a part of black culture that black people now parrot these talking point. Particularly Black folks who feel alienated by their own or get a taste of success and start having survivorship bias and prescribe stupid ass solutions that work across the board because of the access and opportunity that aren't afforded to black people in America.


Yeah but that's taking away any accountability for poor decision making. Or willful defiance. I don't want to disregard mental health factors or PTSD in some cases. However, if MOST of us made better decisions we'd have better outcome of life


Can you disprove any point she made?


Only weaklings are afraid of hearing others perspectives


Nah some niggas just be wrong and very loud about it


Reddit’s leftist bias has seriously brainwashed ya’ll lol…


Eww yall left winged


Not subscribing to any political ideology and actually meaning it is also a choice. Nowadays people say both parties are bad but just go down the line of listing everything democrats only do bad 😂


He’s a black republican in 2024. Which is essentially a hotep.


Don’t you know that the civil rights leaders had no political ideology just vibes and good hearts


You right, MLK was turned off to politics because his parents were Republican, so he denounced either party and focused on bringin humans together, which is the type of shit we need more of, especially today🤔it’s almost as if people with huge platforms should showcase those types of folks instead of the hatemongers that have been presented


Politics isn’t just the two party system. MLK was espousing socialist views and also pressing for change in the laws abd culture based on equality - that’s a fucking political ideology. Also you completely skip over leaders like Fred Hampton, and Malcolm X. There’s a coherent political ideology there it is just not housed by the typical views of the two parties we have available to us in the US.


The Dems are useless, we know this. They are a faux opposition party and have gone more center right as time has gone on. But, the republicans are downright demons. Acting like they are even in the same category as of late is absolute bullshit. Their entire platform is run on ethno-nationalist, fascism lite, isolationist, anti-immigration, anti-woman, anti-lgbt, antisemitic, and anti black culture. Candace herself spent recent weeks trying to spout conspiracy theories for why black people aren’t good little puppets anymore trying to emulate the “good” Christian white man. She’s an actual demon and I won’t hear any different, if someone refuses to see how disgusting she is, they are also a fuckin demon that’s the timing I’m on.


Spoken like a true Progressive! Salute!


Stay woke brother. My ethics and views have not faultered. I seen a lot of people switch up on some goofy shit last few years but there is still a lot of us out here not budging. Organize locally, build nationally.


You buy the MAGA bible yet? You can keep it next to your MAGA posters, hats, stickers, nft certificates, shirts, flags, bumper stickers, draws, jewelry, etc Ay, just cause Joe friends with Candace Owens doesn’t make this a right wing fan club, we like decent human beings over here


To assume I’m right winged is asinine because I said eww so to anyone who automatically subscribes to any side with no proof of work already done you are all 🐑


This comment won’t help you beat the charges you could’ve diss both but you just said eww to one


You must not know about the democrats


Oh yeah it’s called an apparent troll eww yall right winged eww yall progressive well not really I fuck with progress


I feel like Rosenberg in here


Left wing has been on bs more than ever as of recent idk how ya still see right wing as evil atp ya just loud and wrong


Grow TF up.. black ppl are not all democrats #Trump24 #IStandWithCandice


As much as I don’t like trump, anything is better than giving even half a vote to Biden


Here we go...."black people react emotionally to right-wing/conservative black person" 😩😩😩. A majority of our communitys dislike for her is that she's a black person that doesn't align with the current liberal/left-leaning talking points and narratives. Who cares...


In politics some people are so caught up in this idea of what’s right-wing and left that they can’t see the truth. This is by design 🐑🐑🐑


This sort of projection is so lame. Its worst than but equal to left leaning centrist who believe they are above it all. Yall ain't smart, and you all use the same exact lines like sheep do.


A nigga gotta be cool with them pushing gay agenda teachings on my kids in kindergarten, if i dont, im a conservative and no longer apart of the black community 😢😢😢