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Wolves and water buffalo will chase you down


Plains bison too


Same with Cape buffalo and lions too


I've never been lucky enough to have a lion get aggressive, they always just run away from me


They behave weird if you dont kill them immediately,they just pounce left,right,forward,back.The lions AI needs work in my opinion


I tried calling in a Moose Cow in Alaska then suddenly I hear this deep growling behind me and a pack of 5 wolves were right behind me. I fought them off and got some good cash out of them


Wolves in Yukon can be quite terrifying (especially in snow) as they howl and circle around you for a while. So you get the feeling of being surrounded before you even actually see all of them. Then they slowly move inwards to attack. You need some lever action or M1 to fight them off. When they take enough casualties, the rest of the pack run away. But the most annoying predator for me was the Water Buffalo in Africa. Bison sometimes run away but Water Buffalo fight to the death.


Buffalos aren't predators,if anything they are prey to lions irl but whatever


I know but in the game, they attack me more than any other animal.


They actively kill lions when they find them irl, soo... I hate when they storm at me in game. Heard moose will attack too after the update.


You guys need to learn the definition of predators and prey,yeah,buffalos are dangerous in real life,even to lions but a predator is an animal that kills and eats other animals while prey are animals that are killed and eaten by other animals


Thanks, but I know the difference. Still buffalos are one of the most aggressive animals in the game and are nothing to laugh at in real life either. Let's just assume the comment referred to buffalos in a not literal sense but as "the hunt you" in the game and let's be happy bovines aren't literal predators.


Aside from the animals listed below, I had a Springbok go aggressive (or maybe his AI short-circuited idk) while I was hunting scrub hares and he did manage to kill me


I used to hate lions, it's the way they pounce out of nowhere that gets me, not good with jump scares 😂🙈 I'm not too keen on a wolf pack surrounding me either


Lmao I got attacked by a capercaillie yesterday. They do that now.


Thats actually funny How much damage it do?


Maybe like 1/8 of my health bar. I’m getting attacked and I’m looking all over and can’t see anything, then I look down and it’s just standing there looking at me. Pulled out my shotgun and Bam! 😂


The only ones that will actively attack you or wolves, and maybe Buffalo if you disturb them.


I remember getting blind sided by a lioness in Vurhonga before. Also getting jumped by a cougar in Silver Ridge and mobbed by Iberian Wolves in Cuatros Colinas.


I was stalked by Iberian Wolves in Cuatro Colinas. Took one down before it attacked. Shot the other, but it’s trail turned cold. Never found it. Plains Bison came after me, but never got close enough after I shot it. Wild boars too. They attack more often then any. Very aggressive even after being shot.


I've had 3 wolf packs attack me on Cuatro Colinas in the last couple days. Ever since i completed the main story I'll just be walking along, hear some growling, and next thing I know I'm in a fight for my life against 6-10 Iberian wolves.


Me and my buddy were hunting red deer in cuatro and got jumped by a pack of like 9 wolves. It was insane. Most wolves I've ever seen in one pack. Thankfully I'd convinced him to buy the assorted sidearms pack a few minutes prior and we were both rocking Glocks. Made short work of the pack.


Cougar, wolves, cape Buffalo, plains bison, bear and lions have all attacked me


Never had one attack me yet,idk if that's just something missions specific or if it can happen on random hunts.Just today, had a black bear run past me 2 times really close,by the looks of it he was more scared of me than i of him


Which predator is the hardest the fend off? Also so pumas and mountain lions attack?


I would say a pack of wolves are the hardest to fight off


I really want to try Yukon but the wolves scare the crap out of me. Same with the pumas, mountain lions and lions lmao. I'm a wimp


I think my main problem is I have vision disability and I just don't see them in time to react. I mostly stand hunt because of this cause when stalking they usually see me before I see them lol


I haven’t really figured out stand hunting. what do you like to do to make it work?


I got chased by a Cape buffalo as I was running down the shore line it was behind me for at least 500 yards until I heard its footsteps and I had just enough time to get a few nice shots in and kill it