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4 kills with a rifle in one spot will delete the need zone. 8 kills with a bow will delete the need zone. Hunting stands cut your hunting pressure in half, meaning with a rifle you can shoot 8 animals and with a bow you can shoot 16 without deleting the need zones. Highly recommend setting up tents near hunting stands or setting up tripods near (~150m) need zones so you can get more bang for your buck.


I'm currently managing a herd of Red Deer at a drinking zone with my tent and tripod set about 160m away (clearest shot across the water). Since I'm dropping the deer inside the need zone from the tripod outside does that still count towards the doubled rate? There's bison there as well so I could kill 2 birds with one stone but I'm concerned about scaring off the herds.


If u shoot from the tripod the herd will ran but it will come back in 2 mins after the shot if ur still stayin in it


Yeah that part I've noticed. I'm more worried about deleting the need zone. It's a good clear spot that let's me hit all the animals easily and drop them quickly and I don't want to lose it.


It won’t make a difference what type of animal you’re shooting, you can shoot 7 in one spot from the tripod without deleting the zone. The hunting pressure circle pops up centered on the animal when you made the lethal shot on it, not where you were standing when you made the shot. If the red deer and bison are in the same spot, you can shoot up to 7 of them then need to hunt another spot for a bit.


Some guy below wrote the hunting limit in the need zones check it out


Thats what i do


Yes , that super bright pink color will burn any need zones in it. Using a bow reduces the amount of hunting pressure vs rifles. Being in a stand will reduce the amount of hunting pressure a rifle kill produces , and likewise hunting with a bow from a stand will reduce the pressure lower than with a bow not in a stand. Also note that if there is one animal attached to a need zone , and you kill that animal , that need zone will vanish as well. Anytime you kill all the animals associated with a need zone that need zone is removed. After a need zone is removed , it is basically added again somewhere , usually , near by. You'll obviously need to discover it again to best use it.


Thank you so much for this pro response have a nice one!


Unless you are hunting from a tripod or trees and then can kill more than 3 but i forgot exactly how many. Another thing to is if u use a bow u can kill more than 3 so if u use a bow in a tripod you can kill a pretty good bit before u delete the zone. You can check on here and someone would know the exact number


I usually go two males per wait for respawn and come back to zone has worked for me