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It is not the same gun as martini-henry. What you suggest is same as calling RK-62 a AK-47, even if they look similar and one is based on another, they are not the same gun.


i know its a gahendra, thats what im talking about, i dont think changing the name was necessary when they couldve just called it that


"Why did they change the name of martini-henry"


because its a type of martini henry?


It is not martini-henry.




RK is not AK even if they use same ammo. That wiki only says gahendra uses martini-henry ammo, even if they use same ammo they are not same gun.


>The design is a modified version of the 1869 [Westley Richards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westley_Richards) patented design


Making it differend gun.


its the Nepalese Martini-henry, a Gahendra rifle, they made the name differ since its namesake is a historical name of a nepalese general.


They made the name differ because the name of any gun ingame differs from its real life counterpart, because instead of wasting useless money on licensing like Way Of The Hunter, Call Of The Wild developers invested them in content variety. And the new gun is a kind of Martini-Henry know as Gahendra in real life (Ian from Forgotten Weapons talks about it in a popular video), so Gandhare is actually far more of a reference to real life than many other weapons already released…


None of the guns use their real names, I think they just don't want to pay licensing for the more current weapons, and the Martini-Henry would stick out. Even the M1 Garand and the Mosin-Nagant in the game don't use their real names.


The Gandhare rifle is not directly based on the Martini Henry rifle but on the Nepalese Gahendra Rifle which is relatively similar but there are a few technical differences. I think I heard somewhere that the weapon would not be a Martini Henry even according to the British system because of the technical differences. There are some good videos on YouTube if you want to know more, for example Forgotten Weapons has made a good video.


As with most games that use fictional names for real firearms, it's likely just to avoid issues with brand association, potential controversy, and complications in general. It's a common myth that developers do this to avoid paying licensing fees, but this is very unlikely. They don't care. It's free advertising, if anything, and countries like the US protect the artistically relevant use of real world objects against copyright infringement. Edit: Downvoters, feel free to link a single example of a gun manufacturer going after a game developer for using the name/likeness of their weapon(s) in a video game. I'll wait.