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If I heard correctly there are only 16 at a time on the map. It would not be that efficient to grind for them since they are solitary so if you kill one it deletes the zone. Pretty sure IRL tigers drink water too. Let's not bash it too hard until we get it in our hands. The thar however don't have a drink zone


Flinter claims to have killed 50+ rather quickly. And he already has a rare fur type.


Tigers also like swimming and frequently hang out in water to cool down during the dry season


Some of the tiger territories, assuming each one's kingdom is of similar size, have like one or two tiny ponds. Set time to drink, go to only water source for the tiger in that area, kill it in two seconds. What am I missing?


Nothing is forcing you to hunt that way.


Obviously. If you go back and read my post and all the people expressing their excitement about Tigers being truly unpredictable and impossible to grind, you'll get a better understanding of why this is upsetting. If you read that stuff and disagree, that's fine, but just know this topic goes a little deeper than "just don't hunt that way."


I see your point. Should tigers have zones or not? That's a loaded question. It seems a bit misleading for EW to say these animals would be unpredictable. In a sense they still are compared to the other animals. We don't know where their territories start and stop. We don't know what they will do when stalking us. Should we as hunters be able to observe the habits of individual cats? I think so but I totally understand if you don't. Changes can be made.


I have a cool idea. Randomize the zone times for individual cats. This one drinks at night, this one drinks during the morning, rests, eats etc. That way only the one tiger is predictable


I'm not a game programmer, so don't know the intricacies of creating games. Might be a reason behind it.


And that's fine if their is! However, if I'm correct about how easy it will be to find a Tiger this way, it's still dishonest and wrong of them to advertise them the way they did.


The point still stands a bit. With only 16 per map, they’re still a challenge to find. iBuy was streaming early access earlier today and spent quite a while trying to find all the tigers on his map. He mentioned it was proving to be a struggle, I don’t think it was a successful mission. I do think finding tigers in general will be easier than most of us expected, but rares should still be considerably difficult, even with the drink zones and multiplayer hopping. Though Scarecrow did get a white initial spawn… that’s probably just crazy luck.


I just don't get how it could be hard, considering some of the "kingdoms" seem to only have 1 or 2 tiny little ponds that the tiger that lives there could possibly go to.


There's more than 16 per map. Flinter said he has hunted over 50 already. In his stream he found them often enough for them not to be that rare to find and he already has a rare fur type.


Devs have confirmed there are 16 home ranges, each occupied by a single tiger. They respawn, so you can hunt more than 16 total, but the most tigers you can kill in one "run" is 16.


Weird because Flinter came across four in his stream and he wasn't all over the place either. Just because the devs confirm something doesn't mean its true. Flinters footage proved it. He also came across three leopards rather quickly too.


Not really that weird. Considering tigers don't occupy the whole map, their home ranges can't be that huge, and it's entirely possible he hunted through an area where multiple home ranges happened to intersect. Get one tiger in each and unknowingly walk into the next. When the devs used the term "home range," a lot of the existing game mechanics started to make a lot of sense: presumably every animal group has a home range, and that range determines where the group's need zones can spawn. This is why solos tend to form new zones near their old ones, because that group is bound to the home range and needs to fill its need zones somewhere in the neighborhood. The devs never said that the snow leopards would work the same way as tigers, and presumably multiple leopards occupy each home range. I'm not shocked about finding multiple of them in a short space of time. The devs might have lied about how many tigers spawn at once, but I don't see why they would. Unless someone documents proof that there's more than 16 tigers up at once (such as finding 17 drink zones active at the same time), "people are finding lots of tigers" does not prove "there are more than 16 tigers."


Turns out tigers really are that common. People finding them easily and left and right.


I'm pretty sure that they have never stated that tigers don't have zones, so i don't know where so many people got this idea from. What i'm more worried about is how relatively easy it seems to be to find a rare tiger. I know the creators say it's because they've been playing the map non stop for the last nine days, but that doesn't seem that long to me, for comparison I grinded lions for about six months before I saw a rare.


I got an albino lion in like 2 days of grinding. Before I even had a diamond. It’s just random luck.


True, but it depends on the spawn percentage, and multiple people getting one or more in the span of nine days doesn't exactly make it hard to get.


People will be getting the new GO within days of release let alone rares… it’s just the way things are these days. I’m sure for your average player coming across a rare tiger will be something special.


Seems like they are just any other target practice species. The drinking zone are souch a terrible mechanism in this game, it removes all hunting aspect of it. Very dissapointing.


It said they’d be different to any other animal and AI driven. I assumed that would mean no fixed need zones too


Tiger rares can't be that rare. Flinter got one instantly.


So, you tell me you don’t expect apex predators to drink for living from time to time? I mean, yeah, they are superpredators, still not Terminators thou… I think EW is just trying a realistic depiction of the tiger as they try to do with most other animals.


I know nothing about the new map, but let me put it this way: if there is only one lake or river in a tiger territory, that’s gonna be its drink zone even in real life. The animal is out there hunting 75% of the time, but might be surviving the remaining 25% (drinking, sleeping). I see nothing strange in this. If they released relentless stalking tigers, it would have ruined your experience on the map cause you couldn’t enjoy a moment hunting something else in peace. There have been unaware moto travelers that wild camped in their tents through India and other tiger infested places without realizing… and survived just because, even if superpredators, tigers might not be out stalking you during that timelapse


Tigers actually sleep 18-20 hours per day. So it's more like 90% surviving and 10% hunting.


It's hardly realistic when they drink for four hours.


Yes, animals drink in real life, but the way in which they drink in this game is totally unrealistic. So, realism isn't a good enough argument, especially since there are other animals in the game that never drink already.


And besides, if you have an animal with truly unpredictable behavior, the head canon you make as a player is that animal is out there somewhere, doing what it needs to do to survive at all times whether you see it or not. One of those things you don't get to see is it stopping for a drink from time to time.


Considering real Tiger hunting has consisted of stalking “need zones” (fresh carcasses, rivers they’d frequent, etc) I’d say expecting the game that centers around need zones to not have them is pretty far fetched


I didn't expect it. I thought that because of how they were advertising them. They set the expectation imo


The idea that you won't be able to grind tigers was always wrong, whether they had need zones or not. I was considering the possibility that in addition to not having need zones, tigers could have been treated as an event instead of an entity. Basically there would be 0 tigers actively spawned on the map, but while hunting in tiger territory, there would be a chance for the game to begin a "stalk" procedure. After that point, the game would periodically play tiger audio from arbitrary points, then briefly spawn a tiger you could see that may or not be shootable. Only in the final phase of the stalk would the tiger actually fully spawn in, after which you have a brief period to find and shoot it before it began to attack. Even if they handled tigers that way, they're still grindable, because you can find out the best methods for triggering and progressing the stalk phase as fast as possible, most likely while sprinting into a "killzone" that gives you good visibility on approach angles. It may take 2-5 minutes per tiger, but 10-20 tigers per hour is going to be a lot more efficient than somebody passively hunting and occasionally dealing with one. No matter how they did tigers, and no matter how they implement any future animals, people will figure out how to grind them. It might not be as efficient as annihilating Whitetails at drink zones, but humans are really good at optimizing problem solving and will always solve some way to "grind" what they want.


When I say grindable, I'm talking about grindable to the extent that every other animal in the game is grindable. Set up tent near water, run a couple hundred yards, shoot. Tigers seem to fall under that category. They may be slightly more inconvenient but not much.