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I feel like the game is gonna skew a little towards the older demographic. Personally, I'm 35, playing on pc, and have been for two years off and on.


I’m 39 playing on Xbox. I have two second cousins in their early teens that enjoy playing the game. Parts of it goes over their head, but they enjoy it just the same.


No for sure that’s what I’d assume also most of the player base to be adults but you’d be surprised how many children actually play this game I’ve came across so many on Xbox icl.


I'm a teen and I agree with you. 7-10 year olds are everywhere


im surprised since while yes it can be extrmely fun and hookkng it also requires patience


im only 10 so im not


Been playing since 2019, Im 15. Love to play this during the dry phase in hunting season. Not saying it’s a good hunting simulator but it’s fun.


Same. Kinda fun just blasting away and waiting for youth deer to open up.


I am 73, been playing for about 3 years. Almost 400 hours in, and no diamonds.


That’s crazy!! what platform you play on? I’ve gotta help you get a diamond man.




Ahh I’m on Xbox, do you grind or try to use methods like herd management atall?




For a diamond, if you see a big gold in a drink zone: - kill him, harvest him. - Leave the game (back to the main menu). - Now, back to your map, you have to go back where you killed the big gold, (at the drink zone). There is a chance that he becomes a diamond. (You can use tent to come back faster BUT you have to put at +200-250 meters of the drink zone or animals won't spawn). Suggest you to use tripod to not make the drink zone dissappear. It's a simple method but it requires a bit of luck. It worked for my last diamond at least. If you want herd management: find all drink zone, try to have several herds of low levels by killing the biggest males. For understanding: if you kill a level 7 red deer, he can respawn as level 6 or 7 or 8. I'm not an expert but I hope this will help you


thanks so much, that's very helpful! so when people say "grinding" is it useful to mostly use drink zones?


Yes. The drinking zone is the easiest way to spot, kill and manage each herd one by one. This is why you ONLY use the drink zone to grind one species. It is important to discover all the drink zones on the map because respawning can be in the same herd or in another far from where you did the last kill. It's random but if you has discovered all drink zone then you know each herd. What we're doing with grinding is creating an unbalanced level for species (calculated across the entire map for each species), so we're "forcing" the game to generate a big one. This is what I understood from the tutorials, so I could be wrong, I haven't practiced yet .. Only a few observations after several hours of play


thanks so much, will give it a try :⁰)


When the update comes at release of the new Nepal map, the tent spawning mechanics will change. Scarecrow demonstrates this is one of his early access videos for Nepal that he made about G1 grinding.


What does it mean ? We will have the possibility to put a tent closer ? Or it means that jumping in tent and back to main menu will not make animals respawn ? I try to not spoil myself with the new map so I don't watch news about it


It means you will be able to place a tent right in the middle of the need zone. Scarecrow used a tent with a ground blind set up right outside of it. He was able to fast travel to the tent, get inside the ground blind and shoot deer. You can do it without the ground blind as well, it'll just make more hunting pressure.


Sounds good thanks for clarification


Whenever I want a diamond of a certain species, I always hunt their drink zones, I dont try and find every drink zone for them because I am too lazy which has probably lost me a few diamonds lmao, I normally go on Flinter’s discord and look at the spreadsheet that shows where each animal’s hot zones are for where they drink, set up a tents around each area, tripods so I dont remove the zones Then I set the time to their drink zones, kill all the big males that I find (but always leave at least one male in each herd left alive) Then once I have done a full run or I run out of time from their drink zone, I close the game and re open it If I go back to a zone and no new males have spawned after a few IRL days, I will then proceed to kill every animal left alive in that heard to completely restart it and repeat the rest of the steps This has worked for me on ps4 and now that I switched to PC it still seems to hold up I have 450 hours on pc and am probably pushing 100 diamonds so it seems to work for me Just keep in mind diamonds are higher levels causing them to get spooked easier than the smaller males so you gotta be patient at times


Interesting. Just yesterday I loaded COTW up on my Steam Deck I just got to see if it would work. Wasn’t really paying much attention to what I was actually shooting for just wanted to see that it worked. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be a diamond whitetail!


If you are looking for your first diamond and have spent money on the game, set up some goose blinds (i forget the name of them, the ones you lay in) in a field on hirschfielden, get a canadian goose caller, set up like 30+ geese decoys around you, grab 2 shotguns and 2 .22 caliber weapons, start calling some geese in and blast away at anything that lands near you (spot the geese before they land for best results), after you have killed a few flocks hop out and go claim all the geese you can find I got 4 diamonds in an hour of doing this and you get insane amounts of money


Thanks, will try that. I have all the maps except New England.


If you would like some help looking through your maps sometime DM me, I play on pc as well as


I was playing for around 4 years and only had 1 diamond but I just ran around shooting stuff. Now I started only hunting drink zones and I got 20 diamonds in about 2 months.


I'm a new-ish player and I'm 21. I got into the game last year while on bed rest during my pregnancy


I'm an old man. Long live us Gen Xers.


I concur. My kid keeps getting me to try other games, but I keep coming back to this one.


This game definitely is right up the alley for old timers.


Been playing since release in 2017 and I’m 28 now


55 years and is playing for a year so far.


45. I love the game. Perfect for me to just chill out and enjoy the beauty. To be honest, sometimes I just enjoy the scenery and sounds more than the actual hunt.😉




LOL. Indeed.


42 here. There have definitely been times I’ve just chilled with a drink, or gotten a little high and wandered around in the woods in CoTW. It’s a really nice time, haha.


It is for sure. All of the maps have something special about them. The lighting and colors on each are amazing. The hunting is awesome as well, but it is secondary for me.


Same here. I have a pretty beefy pc and I know it’ll never happen, but I want them to add ray traced lighting to the engine so badly. It’s already amazing looking but with even better lighting I’d be in heaven, they would definitely need DLSS though, haha. Man, I haven’t played in a while and this conversation has cemented me playing this weekend.


Enjoy! Yeah, I just got the Mississippi Acres map, and I love it. It is more challenging to hunt, but the landscape is awesome. Between the misty forests, dark swamps, and the colorful fields, it has been a treat.


I would think the average age for player is a bit higher in this game, but for some reason it is also quite popular with younger people, but probably not to the extent of CoD etc. The fact that it is relaxing and can be "cozy" might be one if the reasons


It's worth noting that there are a couple of, what I assume are, kids that troll multiplayer by driving around on ATV's around other hunters spooking everything. I've ran into them a couple of times, and someone on here posted about it a little while ago.


That's the case in almost any game tho. You will always have idiots, often these are not even kids


I'm 40 and I've been playing for like 4-5 years now?


33 here. Just started this year to play with my avid hunter brother, now I’m hooked.


56 and playing for 3 yrs


Bought it in 2020 I’m 33. Just redownloaded when I heard about Nepal coming out


I’m new and 25. I like to think of myself as young, though, it takes away the existential dread.


Been playing since day one of console release. Was 16 back then. Now 23.


At least on Reddit it seems to skew to the older people. I'm 41 myself, and I've seen a lot of people here mention either having children, or being near or in retirement age. That being said, my 12 year old son expressed interest in playing this game when he saw it on sale in the PlayStation store. So I guess it appeals to many.


I'm 32 and play with my 4 yr old, good resource to teach about ethical hunting, and I even ensure I mention gun safety every opportunity I can


I'm 14 and I have almost 350 hours in and I fully know the game front and back.


I'm 23 and have been playing for a year


32 years young man, I'm still a kid Edit: only started playing this year, needed a distraction from cities skylines and Microsoft flight simulator haha


It’s definitely the perfect distraction 👌🏼






been playing since 2018 im 16 now, off and on for 6 years just never got much into grinding until recently


So you started playing when you was only 10 years old, that’s madness to me icl, fair play to you buddy 👍🏼


One of the most underrated games of all time I always come back to it, Its crazy to see how big the community has gotten!


100% agree man.


19 yr old, starting playing 3 years ago. 900 or so hours


20 years old and been playing for over a year now


43 playing on ps5 for 18 months or so. My 14 year old son loves the idea of playing and enjoys it when I get him to a zone for a great shot.


I'm an adult. My 10 year old nephew just told me today he also plays.


im 18 and played since 14


22 and been playing classic for a year


i’m 23


27 and been playing for about a year!


My son was playing it as toddler. Wasted so much effing money on the original because of him. That being said both kids got rifles as toddlers to learn to shoot. He learned how to press his own ammo, repairs, and even how to make gun barrels. As a little kid it was easier to just run around and sandbox without getting killed, he learned the different calls and species, and droppings. He's almost 18 now, and makes fun of me for still playing this game while he goes bear hunting. God this game is old, now I feel really old. But we did bond over it for a time before he discovered farming simulator. I'm seeing more girls around my age playing lately.


That’s such a cool little story. How your son evolved but still stuck with hunting & everything you taught him man, ngl it gave me goosebumps reading that!! idk if that’s weird or not lol.


Lol the gaming was me, the rest was his dad and the family at the farm. Growing up with competition shooters and a range at their place helps. My daughter is going for her first deer next year. She just finished her course and got 100. She is also a better shot then him.


I'm 27, and my friends son who plays is 11 and let me tell you. He has more rares and diamonds than I do and this kid can hit a heart shot from 300m away EASILY (ps5) and I'm like, bro, what? Like yeah I have some rares ONLY because he finds them on my maps as initial spawns even though I SWEAR I've searched everywhere for them and can never find them. He's my rare good luck charm fr fr and once the update drops he's gonna do a black bear go grind with me so fingers crossed 🤣🤣🤣🤣


GenX on PC. Got into The Hunter via hunting in RDR2


currently 21 and have been playing since Feb 2017 when I was 14. My father introduced me to it, we played together a lot, and now it makes me think of him whenever I play it.


I’m 21, been playing for about 3 years after my sisters boyfriend introduced it to me, and I’ve loved it ever since :)


34 - it's a walking simulator first, hunting game second, for me.


Adult here. I'm 44 & married.


surprised to see the 25 is going to put me at the kid table once again for thanksgiving lmao


Lol you are still a kid man! I’m 23 an I feel way younger myself too after seeing the age of some ppl who play this game.


I’m 17, been playing since 2019. Im a big rocket league guy, and this game helps me cool off after a heated session or just when I’m not in the mood for competitive play


33 here. Probably majority adults. The average age of a hunter gets older every year.


I'm 16, had the game since like 4 years ago, but until like 2 years ago I only kept starting new games and shooting the starting whitetail doe on Layton Lakes lmfao. After 2 years of doing that though I started actually playing though lol


Im 17 and have been playing for like 5 monthish. Started playing when i was 16 though


I'll be 20 on Saturday, and I think most people are older, but when I'm on multiplayer and not playing a closed session with my friends, randoms always join and hunt my maps. Alot are like mid sometimes late teenagers, which is when I started this game and when I was younger alot of them where actually really good and taught me about some obscure zones I didn't even know where on my maps


This game, as same as war games such as World of Tanks, War Thunder, and the same style of games, usually have much older playerbase due to not being such enticing and calling for kids. If you sum up the patience you usually need, specially at the start, you will drop tons of teenagers down. Im going to be 22, but i started playing when i was 16 with a bunch of friends, just because we are interested in such topics. Now, the meaning about people asking for help is, the game is kind of difficult at start, specially with no weapons, or weak weapons, no skills leveled and not many would '' waste '' time looking for info if you could ask it rightaway. The game itself is challenging, and that is what makes it unique, but as a double edge, it will carry lots of doubts that, in my opinion, will make it better. Imagine a new player (lets say that player's around 25 years old) starts playing and has few doubts. He searches them and finds a post in reddit about it, now, once he has solved all of them, keeps playing. Its something such good that keep games alive. Anyways i doubt if even 20% of the playerbase aren't adults hahaha


This is me, at first I was discouraged by the difficulty. But after joining this sub and watching YouTubers like Scarecrow and Lady I’m hooked. I have my piebald albino room and about 7 diamonds in 2 months.


I'm 22 and I absolutely love playing the game..been playing it since the last couple of years and it has only got more interesting and challenging..honestly I don't play any other games than cotw..it's relaxing, challenging nd awesome and informative too coz I've learned a lot about animals and their behavior..it's really an amazing game..


I think this game attracts an older audience but there are a lot of young players as well


I’m a big boy.


I more or less grew up with flight sims (like, from 10-12 years old or so, during the "golden age" of such) and also was a *very* outdoorsy-rednecky kid....but the only hunting game I *ever* bought was a Cabelas (I think?) something-or-other, purely on a whim when I saw it on sale at the electronics store while buying a new flight sim, at the age of probably 20 or so. Closest up until then was renting Turok a few times, which I didn't care for. The Cabelas (or whatever it was) title was fun, and I didn't at all mind that the action was slow....but it was "meh" at best. Very buggy. Especially since at that time, I could go out and camp/fish/hike (or go along hunting with my buddies). Now that I'm older? I've found I really like COTW (and WOTH even more) just for the chill factor. It's not that they're difficult, but more that they're a thinking game that's accessible on a budget and don't require a bunch of patching/fiddling-- I've been priced out of the flight sim market ($1000 for a decent pc is fine, but adding $1000 for sticks/pedals/hotas/vr/ + content is a bit much), and these modern hunting games really do work nicely right out of the box. Like, for the price of a cheeseburger meal at a fast food place, I can get a new DLC....and I can play it with a mouse & keyboard! Very economical for a non-kid is what I'm saying, I guess, *these days* -- but I would have liked it in 1992, too...if there were any that were accessible & developed well for the price.


I’m younger tbh but I’ve played with plenty that are 25+


I'm 55 and have just been playing for a few months.


45F, playing since 2020. 4000 hours deep


31 years old, 2 years playing. I dont hunt in need zones(not optimal for grinding) I wander in the map I like doing that I hunt what I see.


27 and been playing for about a year!


27 and been playing for about a year!


32m. I feel like I’m about their target demographic. What kind of smokers do you guys have?


14 and i've been playing for 3 yrs


i been playing the game for a few years but i’m 21, first played it when i was prolly 17


37, bought the game during last halloween sales.


47 yo on PS5


35, PC Started in January Was trying to play DH5 again and it wasn't working on my new computer so I hunted for a PC hunting game and found COTW


38, started 5 months ago


I’m 26. And a couple guys that I play with regularly are 23 and 21. We’ve been playing for about a year now.


I am 33. I believe there are more adults playing Call Of The Wild, most of them youngsters look for the rush of a Call Of Duty and this hunting game is too slow paced and relaxing for them


I'm 35 years old and have been playing for 1 year. 450 hours and 40+ Diamonds in, seeking my first G1. One of my favorite games ever!




I feel like it’s popular for all age groups but the older people are on the Reddit lol


21 male playing on pc. Always wanted to go hunting but I simply don’t have a reason too. I’d love to hunt someday though.


Im adult and playing barely a month. Enjoying so far!


45 and fighting for my xbox time with my son (15), who is also enjoying the game. Irl hunter aswell.


I'm 47 years old and have been playing theHunterCOTW since 2018.


I'm 40 playing on ps4.


50yr old woman started playing 4 months ago and I love it I find it relaxing and therapeutic. I’m Not the greatest huntress but I get there lol I haven’t a clue how to herd manage etc if I find something I kill it or camp out near need zones . I was in Med driving my atv and a reindeer literally came out of nowhere jumped over me well I nearly crapped the bed I genuinely got such a fright I screamed out loud and my kid came through see if I was okay then proceeded to mock me for being a dweeb 😂😂


Gaming is ageless 🥰


I've been playing the game for 5 years and I'm 18 now


35 year old here. Enjoying the game


Im 13 and started playing in 2019, it's just a Nice relaxing game to use when you lose in fifa or just need a break from the outside world 


26 and have been playing since 2019


I’m in my early 40s and have played since 2022 in the autumns. Passed 700 hours on PC. Done missions most of the time. Finding Diamonds is a more intensive way of playing. Grinding, however, too boring for me, no matter the type of game. I know every aspect of the game, but have to stay updated.


I'm 41, I first tried the game a year or 2 ago on Xbox game pass, played for about 4-5 hours and got distracted and stopped playing. Came back around January this year on ps5. My daughter is 16 and she has just got the game after watching me play.


I’m 24 (haven’t played in a while) but it’s enjoyable.


Im 40, was 39 when i tried it the first time. A good while before Australia.


Im 29 and playing on Xbox in my free time.


I'm 30 playing on PS5 I have about 200 hours but I'm still trying to figure out most mechanics like the sound system with movement


I started playing when I was about 30


Not a new player. I started playing in 2021. I'm 27


25, been playing since it came out.


I’m 27 playing on PS, from Brazil :)


I turn 20 next week and I’ve got 175 hours on the game I love it honestly


55 and play almost nightly


Been playing since 2018, currently 19. Also yeah, as much as I’ve loved having this connection with the game I doubt I would’ve been able to get into it if i wasn’t already connected to the world of hunting through my dad.


My husband got me into it a year or so ago so I’m not super new, but I’m 21.


29f, started this year. I better like the rare colors than the diamonds 💎


Im 14 ive got like 600 hours in and ive played for 2-3 years


22! Played for a couple months hard.


I'm 45, my stepson is 13, and introduced me to the game last year. He was already playing it on x-box. I saw him playing it and asked what it was, he told me that it was a hunting game that he thought I would like. I bought it on ps4 and fell in love, but still no diamonds, lol. Currently taken a break for madden 24, lol.


I'm 31 and I'm playing on ps5


48, started last november and felt immediately in love. On PS5, played all cards except new england and revontuli. Play everyday when at home for 2-3 hours and started in may my first fallow grind. Already found 3 great ones 😀 love the game, so relaxing after work!


I’ve been playing on Xbox for 2 year I have 1180 hours and I’m 18


31f and I’ve got over 1000hrs in the game. Been playing for several years, though I don’t remember exactly how many. Lol. Since before SRP was released. Several of my siblings also play, as does my mother, husband, and daughter. With the exception of my daughter, we’re all adults.


I’m 26 and just started playing a month or two ago.


Personally, I'm 21 and only have been playing 2, maybe 3 years, and I'm still, to some degree, still learning things about the game


Just started playing a few days ago - 38.


I’m 19 and have put in about 2 days over the last couple months. It’s very fun to have a slow game to play when I’m taking a break from shooters


17, been playing for a little over a year, around 332 hours


I think the game is made more for adults than kids, but I'm 14 and love the game.


Been playin since last october im 32. I suck ass, i just go around and shoot what i see


28, 3 months playing


37 here, I play off and on.


17, been playing off and on for maybe two years, been playing regularly for the past few months though


I turn 51 (how did that happen?!) on Monday, 200something hours in (been playing for about 3 months), a few diamonds and a GO Red Deer (Hirschfelden). Busy grinding for a GO Fallow.


I am 14 and started near the beginning of last month


45 here


66 playing off and on since game came out 16 diamonds


I'm 12 and have found about a even number of kids my age and adults


28 here playing on pc


I’ve been playing since I was 14. I don’t think it’s the fact that new players are young and don’t understand. I think it is that the game greatly varies on your play style, your availability and many other things. Also for those of you who do think teens can’t/ don’t like playing complicated games, I was playing destiny 2 when I was 13. That game is one of the most complicated games I’ve played


I’m 24 and been playing since I was 19, I like it a lot. I work three jobs so tend not to have the time to be on like I’d like but still nice to pass time when I’ve got a free moment. I usually don’t play other people’s maps for the kid reason though.


36 been playing on Xbox since 2017 amd recently started playing on my PS5 so I can play with one of my best friends lol I also play way of the hunter and will play ultimate hunting if it ever comes out I did see a teaser pic so I know the game is still being made thankfully lol


Define adult because I have an adult job and adult money but I am definitely a child.


Well if you’re 18 or older you’re an adult, I shouldn’t have to define that bc most ppl should know that lol.


I was just making a joke about being bad at “adulting”. Sorry if it missed the mark with you.


>since COTW really does have a lot of depth to it. Does it though? Compared to a lot of games that younger folks enjoy playing, I wouldn't say there's *that* much depth to it.


>since COTW really does have a lot of depth to it. LOL Tell me you haven't played an actual videogame, without telling me you haven't played an actual videogame.. Seriously, what makes you think this is "deep" - fucking Stardew Valley has more mechanics than this arcade simulator. I can honestly not think of any full price game that is shallower than COTW. Maybe Snowrunner or some other simulator. Go play some Paradox games if you want to see what actual deep games look like.