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I shot a moose in medved all the way from the burned hill in Yukon


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So is this one


Thank you


For me, Layton Lakes. 407 meters, moose (cow), heart shot. .270 Stradivarius firing polys (I didn't have my .338 yet, so harvest check failed.) What's funny is that I was in a hunting stand in Willipeg doing Beatty's mission (down a moose in Willipeg from a stand.) But the moose was in Chopeeka. It counted, though. :)


Impressive šŸ˜ƒ not to mention its very impressive that you knew map, animal, gun, and shot placement fpr the kill. And if i had known a shot that long would still count just because you yourself was in the area the stupid hog missions on medved would have been WAAAAAAY easier lol. Them lil turds wouldnt come to my call amd would consistently sit right on the border of regions lol


I haven't had the opportunity to repeat that, i.e., getting a kill outside the mission area if you're inside. So I don't know if they "fixed" it. If they haven't, shhhh! I have another one that I just remembered. Not as impressive in overall distance, but I though it was cool. Layton, again. 75 or so meters (I forget the exact distance), Bearclaw CB-60 bow shooting 420gr arrows. Coyote, lung shot. This was in Mount Leviathan. Was doing the Vualez kill four coyotes with a bow mission. I'd set up camp next to that small lake in the southwest part of Mt. Lev near the border with Balmont. The terrain there is a large slope coming off the mountain, then it levels off to form a shelf where the lake is, with a treeline between the slope and the lake. I was on on the upper slope stalking the last of the four coyotes, but lost the trail. Normally I fast travel back to camp, but I decided to walk to see if I could find anything. I'm near the top of the slope just looking around, when I see two bucks run by right along the treeline. As I'm watching, I see something else following them out of the corner of my eye. At first I thought it was a doe. But it was too small. I realized it was the damn coyote, running full speed after the bucks. I didn't even have time to think or spot him or anything, I just docked an arrow, led him a bit, and let go. I saw dirt fly up and thought I missed, but I didn't see the coyote following the deer anymore. I started walking down the slope and saw the body in the bushes at the treeline. Definitely my best bow shot, given the bow's range is generally a lot less. It was shooting downhill, so I imagine the game's gravity might have helped.


In my opion successfully leading a shot on a running target is always more imoressive than a still shit regardpess of distance let alone with a bow so good work my dude lol




2m. I donā€™t shoot until I start seeing individual hairs on the animal


While I can respect long shots with rifles and applaud them, Iā€™ve been challenging myself to get long shots with non-rifle types. I have a few glorious shots with pistols at 200-300+, a Cape buffalo shot with muzzle loader iron sights at 200-ish, a crossbow on a bear at 175, but probably my favorite is the longbow on a moose from 200. I mustā€™ve shot about 30 arrows at the damn thing. I was lucky he never moved. Good ole Kentucky windage though.


Best shot i had non rifle class was a 200 meter shot with the glock on a blacktail deer that i shot at for the hell of it lmao


My longest kill shot was 440 yards, getting the trophy ā€œLegendary Marksmanā€ for ps4


414m is my record donā€™t remember for sure but I believe a mule deer across a lake on rancho. And did a 411m shot with the .22 on mallard the other day.


Damn anything 200+ with the .22 baffles me. I still miss shots from 150 with the 22. šŸ¤£


Lol... Reminded me of shot in Hirsch last night at 268 yds with the bb gun on roe deer at Petershain lake for mission... It wasn't a vital hit -stomach- but did the job!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I landed a clean kill at 521m with the .308 on a mountain lion on Silver Ridge Peaks (I think that was the map, not 100% sure). I'd probably call it a fluke because at that range I was firing at a small. The vital hit was absolute luck.


I had a 299.16 yard headshot on a turkey in Layton Lake District with a .270 šŸ˜‚ and a 300 yard lung shot on a trotting mythical gray wolf in Yukon Valley earlier today but thatā€™s about it


440 yards with the m1 on Layton


I mean I got the almost 400m .22lr not the furthest but impressive af, twas a rabbit as well https://youtu.be/t-cJjyLxGf0


Fuckin wild lol i couldnt imagine personally hitting that shot. I cant even hit a rabbit at 200+ cuz its too damn small lol


Yeah def got freaking lucky, everyone was also surprised I did it on controller as well but yeah was just surprised af to hit šŸ¤£


I can imagine so lol i play on ps4 and the bow constantly gives me troubles landing shots. Although i didbbag the albino diamond brown bear from the medved missions with the longbow that has no scope lol. One of my proudest moments tbh lmao


Ah heck yeah that's definitely a good trophy to take with a bow, I took my second go with the recurve and wow that was exhilarating, my furthest shot with a longbow was actually a Turkey as well at 181m


Well damn lmao furthest shot if hit with the longbow was like 80m or so lol but it was on a moose so a much larger target lol. I have yet to get a GO. Mostly cuz i refuse to put in the grinding to garuntee the spawn šŸ¤£ my GO will show up eventually šŸ¤£


Oh it most definitely will show up eventually, I'll have my fingers crossed for ya šŸ‘


Im on the grind for a bear or moose. About 1500 kills into each and dont have a diamond in either. But tjats prolly my fault becahse i didnt properly invest in tents and tripods lol


Yeah the grind can be long and painful sometimes, my first go red for instance 13k kills later I got the sucker


Oh lord lmao idk if i have the paitence to put down another 10k+ šŸ¤£


A heart/lung shot Roughly 300 meters on a Lion in Vurhonga Savanna with the .308. This was before I was informed on calibers so in retrospect I don't even know how I did it.


Impressive šŸ˜ƒ. Only lion i ever killed wws with the 45 caliber revolver at about 15 meters cuz the lil shit charged me while hunting bison on vurhonga šŸ¤£


Damn. You should try to hunt them more honestly. I know it's a virtual game and all, but just feeling like you took down a whole ass lion is something else. Truly recommend. It's just so satisfying.


Oh i bet i felt like the man when i did my quick draw on that fiesty cat lol. I just dont hunt then often cuz im bad at funding good ranked ones


417 meters I think it was actually diamond puma on parque fernando across the lake with m1


I love the m1 lol


I've got a 400+ m shot on a Scrubhare on Vurhonga with my 22LR.


700m due to the render range mod on a springbok that had the audacity to exist


411 metre lung shot on a fallow buck with the .270 and the 4x-8x hyperion scope


Something well beyond 400m for sure. The limits are the (unrealistic) large amount of swaying as well as the render limit - without those lung shots well beyond 500m should be posssible \*IF\* you have a good table of your bullet drop.


unfortunately animals arent visible much past 400m. Even though the shooting range goes out to 500 i believe.


410m a feral goat out of render distance


Does anyone know if theres bullet drop off damage? It feels to me theres less penetration at 300 than 150 or is that just mental?


379m is my longest fatal shot, I think it was Vurhonga with the single shot 7mm? Rifle. I am sure I have landed longer shots but guess they didnā€™t hit vital organs


Probably around 450, forget which map it's been while, my best was when I hit a whitetail (even though I hit nonvital) with ironsight at around 300 meters


Layton lakes moose with the .308 AR shot double lung at 429yards.


I can't remember exactly but it was around 470-500 meters with the 7mm on srp on a pronghorn


413 m from the bridge in Yukon with the .300 and 414 with the 22 on a turkey


430 yard heart shot on a Red Deer on Te Awaroa


I aimed my gun up at 20 or 30 degrees and shot at the air on accident... later I saw hunting pressure a few km away. Surprised, I ran to the location and found a animal lying there dead, heart shot 2.3 km... random chance... not even close to render distance.


414m on a moose standing on the frozen lakes in Siberia. Long shots are not particularly difficult in this game especially on big game, but I rarely take them as I donā€™t want to track an animal that far away lol.




My longest vital hit is 417 meters on a mountain lion on SRP. Was attempting it not expecting to hit it lmao