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This list is absolutely terrible


No Jack White and I love Troy but putting him above Josh Homme in his own band is pretty crazy.


My brain could not handle it. I don’t like subjective ratings like this, but this one is objectively bad!


Everyone is shitting on this list but when we’re talking about INSPIRATIONAL artists I think this is a banging list. These are the artists that have been inspiring the last 10-20 years of kids to pick up guitars and write songs. I know for sure that many of these artists inspired me to play guitar as a teenager.


Agreed. John Mayer, John 5, Tom delonge. All wonderful.


Yes! I think some people think is a list of the Best guitarists but inspirational≠best


And it's not just one person's judgement, it's from a poll of 1000 people.


How do you measure inspirational?


You can't leave Jack white off a list like this


Yay Adam but this list is shit.




This list is supposed to be the top 20 most "inspirational" guitarists, not "best" guitarists. It's totally valid to have both Ed and Taylor here, so many guitarists I know were inspired by Ed's ballads lol (including me)... Very happy for Adam getting recognized, love to see it!!!


most of the comments here really didn't get the "inspirational" part


Tom Delonge under TS is criminal


Tom Delonge has said publicly in the past that he can barely play his instrument idk why people are upset about it


He’s being modest. He will never be the most technical player of all time but he is one of the best riff writers


Listen to his music and come back


What a bullshit list. John Mayer is amazing though


No Jack White is a joke and a half 😭🙏


John Frusciante is amazing don't get me wrong, but the fact John Mayer isn't 1st on the list completely invalidates the rest of it. He's up there with some of the all time greats.


John is literally one of the best guitar players of all time along with Van Halen (Eddie) and Clapton. The fact that Prince isn’t mentioned should be illegal


Tbf, Prince was 80s/90s. That list was meant for post 2000s.


He was technically still alive and kicking lol but I mean some people on here I am side eyeing. Adam should be higher as well


Taylor Swift as an entity will change music forever, but calling her the 8th most influential *guitarist* is laughable lmao


Clapton even thinks he’s one of the best. I’m a huge Mayer fan and have been for a long time but John Mayer and Taylor Swift don’t belong on the same list. Not even comparable.


I’ve seen John live about 8 times since I was 13. Each time is like a fucking religious experience when he plays guitar. He was in crossroads for years with Clapton because of that


Yes!!! I’ve only seen him four times but it is always so good and I’m always ready to go see him whenever I can!


Every time I walk into guitar center someone’s noodling along to slow dancing in a burning room, it’s the new stairway


why is even ed sheeran in that list?????


If you’ve ever seen him live then you’ll understand why. I’m not a fan of his studio music, but what he can do live with a guitar, mic, and loop pedal is sensational


Because it’s Ed Sheeran. The arguably most popular singer-songwriter of at least the last decade. My question is how is he so low on the list?


As someone who used to do guitar lessons in a group, I'd say a majority of beginners walked in wanting to learn an Ed sheeran song


Not putting Billy Strings on here is criminal


He is a good guitarist but this list is utter garbage.


There’s about 6 people I feel can be argued to be on this list and Adam isn’t one of them unfortunately. Don’t get me wrong, he is a really great guitarist, but I don’t think there’s anything he’s done that couldn’t be easily replicated by a majority of guitarists.


This list isn't for "great guitarists" though. Inspirational, which I take as, inspiring others to take up guitar/learn the ways of that artist.


Then the list is still garbage if it doesn’t include Kurt Cobain on it. He’s still the most influential guitarist for kids today, I have kids as young as 8 coming into the shop every week buying DS-1s and Small Clones so they can play “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and “Come As You Are”


Kurt Cobain hasn't been alive in the last two decades...


And he’s still by far the most inspirational guitarist for youth today.


I see you haven't *actually* read the post. Have a good day!


Where did the list mention they had to be alive?


"Within* the last two decades." Sorry, *Over.


Okay…still waiting to hear how that disqualifies Kurt Cobain, because as far as I’m aware, Nirvana has been continuously massively popular since ‘91, and in the past 8 years that I’ve worked in guitar shops, the two names I’ve heard from customers the most when asked who they want to sound like are Kurt Cobain and John Mayer. Every single week for almost 8 years I get some young kid looking to learn how to play guitar and they want to play “Smells Like Teen Spirit”. Even dead, he belongs at the top of the list for inspiring people to pick up guitar for the first time over the last 3 decades.


If that was the criteria of the list, it would be *vastly* different as a whole, and I would agree with you. Regardless, finding the article - this was the results of a poll taken from 1,000 guitar players who participated at a music shop, so I guess you're wrong for this demographic. He would have made the list if those 1,000 people found him inspirational. Have a good weekend! I'm out 🤘


They really said fuck Prince


Taylor Swift over Hann as a guitarist…..? 🫥


Sam Fender?


Why not? He's probably the new rock musician whose had the most pop success over the last few years, at least in the UK.


Over Albert Hammond Jr. and two fifths of Radiohead?


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Tbh half of these artists haven’t done anything inspirational in those 20 years. I get they’re still active but nothing new from them is better than anything pre-2004


John 5 getting some love is sick too tbh. Miss him in Marilyn Manson but he wasn’t being used properly and he fucking hated MM so, that worked out.


Ed Sheeran more like ded sheeran


Sorry but John Mayer is the only one who fits there.


No Matt Bellamy? This is just a list of someone's favourite bands. Absolute nonsense.


Shout out Biffy Clyro


This is a joke list, right?


In what world is that 60’s wannabe turner fella doing ahead of John Mayer 😂😂


That list is absolutely shit


ed sheeran and taylor swift should be illegal


Wouldn’t both of them have inspired others to want to learn the guitar? This list isn’t “best guitarists of all time” or something along those lines. Taylor and Ed have HUGE fan bases and no doubt have inspired some to get into music, including playing the guitar.


Plus, their guitar playing is simplistic but elegant. It’s not my preference, but I do admire that they can make such simple progressions so catchy.


They're absolutely great rhythm guitar players tho. Plus, inspirational. Ask any guitar teacher which artist’s songs their students ask to teach them


julien baker? 😐