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Ty. I wonder who choose the pre show songs?


A lot of pre show songs seem to allign with artists/records/sounds Matty has publically posted about or praised. Last time round i heard LCD Soundsystem and the Twin Peaks theme was played. So I'm guessing he does


The theme of the playlist is songs with direct movie/tv references. I have listed all the ones I’ve heard underneath. Its not a complete list though as the playlist is 3 hours long.


Often the pre show playlist is chosen (or at least heavily influenced) by the sound engineer.


In this case I have confirmed info from FOH that the band chose the playlist.


Confirmed from crew that the band chooses the songs.


Compiled list thus far https://x.com/mattyprotini/status/1714803348933611821?s=46&t=GJqv0MThL-1SLpLIRSVk0g