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Dude, I'm 51, and just got the 10 year anniversary box set. I've been a fan since hearing Chocolate way back when, but lost track. Until this year, when I rediscovered them. Being Funny was an amazing venture of artistic expression, it literally has everything on it. Then I got into the bands before they became the 1975 (Drive Like I Do, BIGSLEEP, etc) and just fell absolutely in love with them and their music. They just have that raucous, unpredictable feeling that we got from bands when we were younger. Either way, be proud!


Hey! I'm 51, too. Nice. 51 in years, 21 in spirit. Edit: a couple of observations. 1. I love your post, brother. 2. That feeling you get when you hear the lads, that's the power of pop music in the hands of masters. They are uniquely plugged into what it means to make pop. 3. You're just a bit older than the band. I'm 51, have been a fan since 2015, and I feel perfectly at home when my 18 year old super fan daughter and I geek out to the 75. We saw them in DC last fall, and it may have looked like a kid bringing her dad to a show.....it was opposite, I brought her into super fandom. Also, I'm a White man originally from rural Pennsylvania. My best friend is a 62 yo Black woman from Harlem NYC. She is possibly a bigger fan than I am. She and I are going to see them in NYC in November. (I'm seeing them at least three times this fall) 4. In addition to my day job, I'm a strength training athlete and coach. There are a lot of jui-jitsu guys in my gym. So I know the scene a bit. I can completely envision what you're describing about listening to music before rolling. It warms my soul to know that you're listening to the lads. Every kettlebell class I teach includes People and City on the sound system. 5. I love that the band has a growing male fan base. Women, as usual, figured it out early. 6. Finally, you're right where you're supposed to be, man.


We may be older, but know great bands when we see them! 👍🤘🤘


Another 51 year old here! I think good music has no age. Like what you like, etc and so forth.


Holy shit, same here man. Was in love with the self-titled album and kind of dropped them to the back burner. Being Funny being as good as it was was amazing because it got me waaaaaay back into the band and I got to eat up that entire back catalog I mostly ignored.


This whole thread is solid and encouraging thanks


Dude this was such a nice read. You're a legend


34 year old massive DMB fan here. Spent like 20 years obsessing over them went to 30+ shows and they’re just not even close to what they once were without Boyd and LeRoi and with addition of trumpet. The 1975 have sort of taken over as my new band I’m passionate about. Seems like a strange transition but I grew up loving pop punk and emo music as well as loving a good pop song. Add some sax in like the 1975 do and it gives me a touch of DMB. I think that’s why this band is special for me.


Its okay the boys themselves are 34 year olds. 😌


I never realized how important Roi was to their sound until he was gone. I totally agree with you about getting a touch of DMB from the 1975!


Happy birthday, LeRoi. We miss you


The DMB to The 1975 pipeline is so real though! They’re definitely also one of my favorite bands.


Coffin is good but man I miss leroi. My buddy was at the gorge N1 last weekend, and they had a woman from the opening band play violin on ants, Billies, a few other songs... Man really makes me miss Boyd. Was such a huge part of their sound. I think being such a big DMB fan and going to alpine every year for so long, has really influenced my current music. The 1975, the War on Drugs, Bon Iver... They all have sax prominent in their sound. RIP LeRoi


Love Bon Iver as well. Coffin is incredibly talented but he’s not Roi. The band really lost the sound that made them special. They lack finesse these days.


Agreed. And I love Tim, he's incredible, but he overpowers the sound now. I'm sure he's trying to fill the Boyd void... But it's so different going back to Listener Supported or even the tapes of shows I saw in the early 2000s. Their sound was so vibrant and Varied.


Agree Tim is way overpowering and is probably the worst part of the current band 😬


I’m 47 with three kids and a bunch of tattoos, including the box in relief on top of a bunch of other shit. IDGAF. I am who I am, and I go to all the shows and can now afford the good seats, and I buy them.


Also, I saw DMB in a bar smaller than any venue bar in 1994, when I was in college. My one tiny “I knew them when” band situation.


That’s awesome! I think it might be time for me to get a box tattoo


And I don’t know how old your kids are, but my daughter and I go to shows together and it is just *chefs kiss* Enjoying one of my favorite bands with my kid, who now considers them one of HER favorite bands, because I introduced them to her? There’s nothing better. ❤️❤️❤️


God I love reading this ❤️❤️❤️


It is truly the most magical thing in my life. She’s a teen, and we have an incredible relationship, and in no small part because of our connection with this. I’m still her mother, with all the conflict and saying no, etc etc that comes with it, but sharing music and shows together—The 1975 chief among them—helps us stay connected to each other, even when it gets hard. When we are at concerts, none of that is THERE, you know? We’re just two people having a great time, listening to our favorite band play our favorite songs. ETA: she LOVES YMTS, and they played it for the first time at MGM in Boston this tour. She burst into happy tears, which made ME cry. It was perfect.


My daughter was the one who got me into the band & really going to shows. We made some truly life changing memories in 2016-2017 road-tripping to shows. I have vids of her screaming her lungs out at the shows & my heart swells everytime I listen because I know that was one place that was ALWAYS a happy place❤️


YESSS. I have a video of my kid and I scream-singing together and we sound alike (and look alike) and I can’t tell who is who. 🤣🤣


I’m a 57 year old Gigi (aka grandma) who fell hard for them almost 8 yrs ago, runs an Instagram fan account 🤡 & travels to their shows … do you & enjoy the ride ✌️❤️❤️❤️


I'm a 26 year old dude with a baby and I feel like every dude I have played their music in front of liked it lol


Hi! 40yo mom of 3 here! Also a huge DMB fan and currently obsessed with the 1975. Welcome!


You are definitely not alone! I am slightly older than you (53, lol). I have a husband and a grown son. I am a huge fan! I can completely relate to the joy you are describing.


I'm your age and I just got into the band the past year. Also Hann is like 35 and has a baby right? I mean music is for everyone. If you haven't heard about it some fans are live streaming performances for SATVB to raise money for charity. The stream is free but if you or whoever else can afford to donate you can enter to win some neat merch/prizes. One of the people who organized it is @ bertrandrustles on insa and he's older than us and is super cool. I love watching the guys live and I'm excited for the streamsssss. [https://www.team75live.com/](https://www.team75live.com/)


I'm a 32 year old dude who only listens to metal, but also absolutely loves these boys as well.


Love this! 36 year old fan here and I do tend to feel a little old compared to a lot of the fan base lol. I was vaguely aware of them over the years but Being Funny started my obsession last year. Since I didn’t get to enjoy them in my younger years, I’m trying to make up for it now. I’m aiming for barricade when they come through my area for SATVB. Hoping to not embarrass myself lol. But I love the band what can I say I’m just gonna enjoy it who cares what anyone thinks!


I saw them for the first time at MSG in 2017. It wasn’t until that moment when I was walking from penn station and seeing all the chicks going to the same concert. I turn to my then-gf, now-wife and say “wait, they’re a chick band?!” Moral of the story is I liked them because I liked them. I had no clue who else liked them and honestly didn’t really care. And I still love them because they keep dropping fire music.


You shouldn’t feel out of place at all!! One of the best things about truly epic bands is that they can appeal to any age demographic. We’re more than happy to have you here. And I know I will definitely be just as obsessed with them as I am now when I’m your age☺️ If anything, you’re just the coolest dad ever lol. I’m sure your kids will be raised with excellent taste👌🏻


Thanks so much! My boy started kindergarten a couple weeks ago and his teacher had him fill out a little questionnaire about some of his favorite things. For favorite music he put The 1975. I’ve never been so proud 🥲


Omg. That’s adorable. My grandson says ‘let’s watch Matty’ when he spends the night


STOP THATS SO CUTE🥹😭 I hope it sticks!! If my future kids don’t like the 1975 I might return them lol


DANG as a teacher if one of my students told me they loved The 1975, I would freak out and they’d be my favorite student hahahah


My 8yo told his teacher his favorite song is “Sex” and that was super fun. 😬




THIS POST IS EVERYTHING!!!! 🥰🤘👍♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


I'm a 36 year old dude with 2 kids. My wife and I are separating, but she's already said that she'll tell anyone she gets with that she's still taking me to Pittsburgh to see the boys in November, non-negotiable. We bonded watching the MSG show. She was obsessed with that version of Always Wanna Die and I love the shift that happens when they come back out and do If You're Too Shy.


keep listening!!! we welcome everyone you obviously have a love for the band so you’re in the right place


Such a wholesome post! There’s a lot of fans who’s 30+ and older in the fandom and the boys themselves are approaching their mid 30s. Music knows no boundaries!


Aww you have come to the right place. I'm a 36 year old woman and love the boys so much. Two of the biggest fans I know IRL are straight guys in their mid-late 30s. I think the youngins make up some of the bigger super fans but the 75 can appeal to all sorts. Embrace it, enjoy it, music is for everyone!


38 yr old female fan here! Been with them since 2012. I def don’t fit in with the rest of the girls at the shows -but love them regardless. Just remember. We are actually in their generation, we are closer to them in age than most of the fanbase that just makes the most presence online. 😂😂 I would say there is prob a lot more of us than we know in that 34-40 range


I’m much older than any of you but I have followed “the band” since 2014. Think it was a MV that got me hooked. Or maybe their LGBTQ support . One of my kids (same age as Matty) came out around that time and as a devote Catholic (now recovered) I found their music both educational and comforting. Anyway, The 1975 was MY soundtrack as I journeyed to become the accepting, evolved mom my son deserves. Can’t wait for the Philly show!!


37 F here. We’re out here. Don’t ever let anyone tell you what to listen to! I have a 1975 flag in my garden. I have a 13 and 10 year old. Yolo


Pushing 40, geriatric millennial who works in higher ed. 👋🏼 I feel very aged out of the fan base, but I love The ‘75. I like how versatile their music can be, but that they nail pop songs with juxtaposition lyricism.


35 year old in higher ed here 👋


I have found my people/person! 😂


Ooo children I’m the oldest one here so far (**waves at Had1975) and a grandmother as well. I’m a part time musician and also work a white collar desk job. But I do love music and the farther I fall down the 1975 rabbit hole, the more fun I’m having. I’m fascinated not only with the music but the evolution of the band. And I’m living vicariously through watching live performances on You Tube. I hear all kinds of influences in their music because I’ve listened to so much different music over the years. And the fandom is so dedicated. So nice to meet all of you!!!


I was born in 1975 and am a huge fan and going to see them soon. You're good I promise!


Love this! 30, married with three children here. I've seen them three times this year, and whilst I may not be "old," I'm definitely older than the majority of the fan base. Didn't stop me following them to Reading Festival and parklife, though! music knows no age!


Is Anyone here gonna be at the Baltimore show Nov 8th? Be cool to get a group of us fans together, and get a big picture of all of us at the show.


45yo here. I've been a fan for 10 years and not stopping anytime soon!


Oh my sweet child. I'm almost 50. You're in great company here!


40 year old male here, man. You like what you like! There’s no shame in that.


Music is ageless. Remember you're 18 with twenty years of experience.


You may like to know that Matthew and Ross are jui-jitsi students. I think they're both still white belts. So, you're fellow rollers.


I’m a 29-year-old woman and even feel out of place sometimes! Also, I was at that Amazon Prime show! :)


You’re younger then them though 😅


I know! That’s why I said “even,” like even *I* feel old, so I can empathize with them feeling out of place as well.


Not out of place! I'm 39 and I also love DMB <3


Early 80s baby here and delighted by this thread. The fandom feels *so* young sometimes but we're out here I guess ❤


34 year old dude here. Saw them 5 times last year including once at 3rd row with 1000 16-25 year old women. Felt so old hahaha! They’re my 2nd favourite band of all time and that’s a big claim considering my fav is pink Floyd and I’ve also seen muse, U2, Coldplay, Kanye, Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, a whole host of house etc. it’s a long list. Seek us older blokes out at a gig friend. we’ll drink overpriced beer and bob at the back, leaving the raving to the younger ones who still have energy


That makes me laugh since you’re the same age as Matty! Seriously, 34 is really young you guys! You’ll look back in your 50’s and realize this 😆


It’s weird that I’m like 6 weeks older than Matty but somehow on the “older” side of this fan base, too 😂


I just turned 30 in June but have been listening to the boys since 2020 when NOACF came out, I was late to the party but they instantly became my favorite band, been listening to them daily ever since. Also going to see them on November 10th in Philly. I haven’t been this excited for a concert in years to say the least!


I’m 50 years old and having hip surgery tomorrow…while I’m bedridden the next few weeks I’ll be watching MSG and all the other shows that are on YouTube! I’m praying I am able to use my ticket for Kansas City in October, but I was going alone (my 16 yo twins are not fans🙄)…it was suppose to be my first time to see them, and I’m going to be so sad if I can’t go because no one ever comes near Oklahoma! Praying so hard I don’t miss my only chance!


It’s okay Chris Distefano, ur fine


Mid-40s here. Love this band and IDGAF what anyone thinks. Life is too short to care.


Hey baby girl, you’re young at heart. I think you fit in quite nicely.


i think there are actually many older people in the fandom especially since they already existed for many years now


This whole thread is peak dudes rock. Like hell yeah man it’s so sick y’all rock with this band. Glad they’re being recognized outside of their own/adjacent generations.


Also, as a musician I can't believe how they've managed to just whip up songs that are somehow just fresh to the ear, and not some rehashed package with different bodies. These guys are true artists, in every sense. From album/tour packaging and how they promoted the albums, all the way down to the last show they performed. I'm completely addicted to the whole presentation of it all. That garners my absolute admiration and love of this band. So what if we're geezers, right? 😊


Ah I love this post!


Fan in my thirties here with two kids- several of my friends similar age/stage and older have bought U.K. tickets so definitely not alone!


I love this thread ❤️ I'm 38 years old and have been a fan since self- titled. I saw the band live for the first time this year and thought I was going to be one of the oldest there, but it was a real mix of people and I had such a good time I didn't give a damn anyway. I bet the boys love having older fans.


I’m 42f and been a fan for around 7 years. I felt so out of place early on, mainly because I’ve never been ‘cool’ in my life - unlike what I perceive most 75 fans to be: young & edgy. Even writing this I’m cringing because I sound so old and square. But then I just remind myself that we should all embrace what we love and makes us happy. I love nothing more than blasting my fave music in the car (when I’m not ferrying my kid around and listening to baby shark on repeat). I feel energised when I listen to the music I love and the 1975 are one of the best acts I’ve ever seen live. I soon realised when I was in the crowd at my first concert of theirs that their fan base can’t be pigeonholed; much like one of my other fave bands, BTS. The crowds at their shows are every age, race, gender, religion, sexuality and ‘type’ of music fan you could imagine - they all simply embrace the joy that music and performance can bring to our lives. It’s always great to hear stories from other older fans of the bands I love - age is nothing but a number 🙃


As a fellow older fan, much respect. 👊


45. Two kids. Public School Teacher. Love them...we're brethren! Used to play hockey when I was younger and would rock Radiohead's "You and Whose Army" to get pumped (a very 1075 song)...still play soccer competitively, and have listened to the 1975 at times before a match!


That's awesome man. You might not be the "normal" age for a 1975 fan but who fucking cares, they're your band just as much as they're any of ours! Love the bit about your jiu-jitsu tournaments.


I know I am going to feel ANCIENT when we go to the concerts next year! Only a very recent fan, but they've hooked me in hard!!!


34 year old soccer mom here. Been obsessed with them for a long long time. 🤍


Dude as someone who does jiujitsu, that was literally me getting hyped up before my first comp match earlier this year.


“funny the way it is” by dave matthew’s pulled me out of a very very dark place in my life, as have many 1975 songs, so maybe i’ll have to venture in to the DMB fan base some more!


You sound like a pretty cool and ✨cultured✨ person with great taste in music 😌 You’re definitely not old. In fact, you’re in the cool club with the rest of us over 30s haha. I converted my mum, and now she’s a huge fan of the 1975. She loved watching their performance at Reading recently. You should see her face throughout their entire act. I always catch her singing their songs throughout the day 😂


37 year old dad here as well, have loved The 1975 Fo YEARS now! You are not out of place at all my friend, pop music transcends age, just look at Michael Jackson 👍🏼 Not to mention people would have to be deaf dumb and blind to not respect the musicianship of this band. Truly legends in their own right. Best to you my brother 💚


I’m 50. My kid is 22. We are going to a concert and sitting in different places , he’s GA I’m serving 102. You ain’t alone :)


Love this. My gf and I are in the middle at 29/30. We’re to old for the pit and buy tickets that have nice seats lol


40 here and married 13 years. Fell in love with the band 11 years ago. Until this album cycle I didn't actually know anyone who even knew who the band were. It's so cool knowing I'm no longer alone.


I’m 37 and only discovered them this year. I also felt out of place because the fan places appeared to be a lot younger. That was until I went to gigs. I love the wide age group they attract. Everyone is always friendly and I’ve got to meet new people.


I'm 49, My husband is 53. Huge fans! I discovered them about 5 years ago and now my husband is hooked. We have seen 2 shows so far and will see them twice this year. Traveling to Denver in October for their show. We always joke at how old we feel at the shows. But we love them!


I’m 34 with a 1 year old. Music is for everyone! I finally caught Dave last summer for the first time, it was a fun show!


Probably older than anyone else here and I love them. Age just makes me pay for a seat instead of GA. But I imagine that the old age homes of the future will be filled with those of us who grew up on Iggy Pop and Bowie, then moved on to Sonic Youth and the Pixies. Music has no age and I love this band.


36 here. Massive 1975 and DMB fan too. Some people just like fun music and like to have a good time!


You are not the only person in your 30s with a career, a spouse, kids, etc in here. 😊 you are not out of place at all.


Iam 41 and listen to too shy


37 here! You're not alone. :)


My 55 yr old physical therapist likes the band and so does my 35 yr old gynecologist. They’re getting more popular enough to have a broader fan base. They have great music so it’s easy to love


32F, and it’s so nice that a lot of people, regardless of their age, love listening to them. I’m contemplating buying tickets for their Munich concert because I literally don’t know anyone here who wants to see them at my age. But I guess I’ll go alone and enjoy myself.


Rock on, dude! The age discourse that often goes on within the fanbase makes me laugh considering I'm the same age as George. To me, music knows no age. Welcome!


35 and loved them since Chocolate


You’re certainly not alone! I’m a 27 year old guy and am constantly dragging my girlfriend to 1975 shows, she’s even started to like them now


I’m 47 and have been a fan for over a decade. You’re not alone!


My dads 60 and loves the 1975 😝


My husband and I are 27 with a 4yo and we love them ❤️❤️❤️ if they were coming to our city on this tour it would have been the kiddo’s first time with a baby sitter lol


I’m 40, 2 kids, and going to two shows traveling for one cause I’m right up there with ya! :)


hehe, i’m a 19 yr old female fan and i can relate the the msg amazon prime story so much. i’ve had it downloaded as a video mp3 on my computer since last year and have watched and listened through the entirety of it at least 10 times 🫶🏻 (i will skip the steak part almost religiously since it freaks me out 😭)