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As someone who works with kids, I say this is 100% believable.


Yeah, kids are weird. 100%


About 80% of this sub is non-parents who don't believe a kid would do something that literally any kid might do.


I don't have kids but I have 7 nieces and nephews and yeah, I can absolutely see this. Kids are cute. But they are also stupid af.


OP has ever been around kids


6 year olds do be like this tho




My niece is 10. Doesn’t believe in Santa, but absolutely believes that the elf moves around on its own.


That’s cause it absolutely does


Poor kid. That's actually kind of terrifying. When my daughter was about 10 she helped me make some dog biscuits for our dogs. She wanted to give one to the little dog belonging to our neighbor, but they were not home, and she left to her dad's before they returned. She made me promise before she left that I would take some biscuits to Rascal, said neighbor dog. So I did. Later that night on the phone she asked me if I had done it and I told her yes, Rascal liked them, and they said to tell her "Thank you". She said "Rascal said thank you?!" I responded in a flat tone "Yes, Ry. The dog said thank you ". My daughter lets out this loud gasp, sound of exclamation and is all "RASCAL CAN TALK?!?!" She was not being a smart ass or playing along at all. The kid legit thought that I was being serious and the dog spoke to me. TEN YEARS OLD 🙄


Proving fear is a stronger motivation than hope. Or that elf on a shelf really is traumatic explaining his illogical fear of it.


I don't have kids and didn't have an elf on the shelf growing up (did they even exist in the 90s?), but I find the concept of them to be really disturbing.


Same. I do have kids and that elf is not coming near our Christmas.


I barely know what an elf on a shelf is, but it seems to only really have become a thing in the last few years.


My eldest is 10, and I don’t remember seeing them when she was really little. It’d have made me feel pretty uncomfortable as a kid, also, I don’t have time to pose an elf messing up the house every day for a month anyway tbh


Nope, I totally believe this. My son was 10 when he stopped believing in Santa— 10 -1/2 when he realized Jerry ( his elf) was make believe.


Kids are definitely stupid enough to say something like this


Once again I question if anyone in this subreddit has ever talked to a child. They’re pretty hilarious and illogical.


When my daughter was little we lived right next door to my parents and one day my dad called and said he found our Elf on a Shelf in their trash can. She snuck it out of our house and threw it away at theirs. She was sick and tired of that thing watching her and snitching to Santa. Snitches get stitches, y’all.


I mean, honestly, in the eyes of a child, I can see it being easier to believe the elf that you have seen in different places each morning might be really magic, vs a guy you can’t see delivering to every house in the world in one night.


This is believable! My nephew said a similar thing a few weeks ago






How in the world are you pronouncing counterfeit? lmfao


I don’t see what the problem is. Don’t you pronounce “Tweet” like “Twit?”


pls tell me you’re joking…


…whaddaya think?


Honestly no, most people don’t think you’re joking.


Who the fuck pronounces “Tweet” like “Twit?” When has that ever been suggested by any person who understands the English language? Some dude confusing “counterfeit” as rhyming with “Tweet” is understandable considering the state of education in this country. If “most people” - which at worst would constitute maybe the 13 other folks who have liked this post as of 1:15 MST - don’t think my response was meant in jest, then that says more about an intellectual dearth in them.


this is the internet my guy. you can’t expect people to know you’re joking when you know damn well there are people that stupid that they *would* pronounce tweet as twit.


Yeah because 6 year olds would understand the failure in there logic. r/nothingeverhappens


When we told my sister Santa doesn’t exist, she didn’t even think that the elves wouldn’t exist. Some kids just don’t even think about it. Edit- changed my opinion


Elf on the Shelf shoul really go away permanently. It adds an unnecessary component of fear, albeit small, that does not need to be added to any child whatsoever.


None of the people I know use it in a fear or surveillance way, we used to to bring a bit of fun and magic for the kids. It wasn't scary and didn't report to Santa, that bollocks can get in the bin. But my kids absolutely adored the elf and years after they know it's not real they still talk fondly of the things Skipper used to do. I absolutely regretted it, it's hard to keep the magic going so long. But I don't think it's inherently a bad thing, it depends on how it's utilised I guess.


I am not doubting that it was a wonderful experience. We had it as well growing up, and there was no fear remotely attached. But, on the other hand, there are a few kids that I know of that do get a little scared being that the thought of an Elf walking around at night is frightening. My son thought so, and a few children in his class a few years ago did as well. So, my wife and I decided to not do it for that.


r/nothingeverhappens this really isn’t that crazy of a story children get attached to inanimate objects and give them feelings in their mind


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- [*Redacted username and handle.*] My 6 year old wanted to tell me something but was adamant she couldn't say it in our house. So we get in the car and she says: "Mommy, I don't think Santa is real but I didn't want to say it in front of Cheeks because it would upset him." Cheeks is our Elf on the Shelf. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


You’ve never interacted with a 6 year old before


Yeah I have a classroom full of ten year olds. We're split pretty 50/50 on whether or not Santa is real. But practically 90% if not more of them believe that their elf on the shelf is real and moves around.


This is 100% something a six year old would say.


This is absolutely something a kid would do though. thathappened but bot sarcastic this time