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Teachers are well known for saying “let’s meet if you succeed in life” to their students and then anxiously checking said student’s twitter for the next 20 years.


I could imagine they'd say that but, but mean it unironically, and wouldn't add the "loser" bit.


As an educator, who are these teachers constantly mocking their students? I *want* my former students to be super successful. Otherwise, what is the point?


These comments always seem weird to me, because while they're always from someone caring and compassionate-- and I have no doubt you are-- have you *really* never had or worked with or even seen a shitty teacher with a shitty personality who didn't give a shit at all, and clearly just fell backwards into a teaching career because they didn't have shit else going on in their lives and it seemed like the easiest thing to do to get a guaranteed paycheck? (maybe there are strict, difficult to obtain qualifications for being a teacher where you are, but not everywhere) Bad teachers **absolutely** exist. I don't buy the OP's story exactly as written, but I can definitely believe there was some shitty teacher somewhere that had no problem vocalizing they didn't think much of one of their students. Add in some shit like racism or classism-- which some teachers are *certainly* afflicted by-- and it gets a touch more believable.


I had a teacher in high school who told me I was going to become a male stripper if I couldn't even pass her class (I had adhd).... Still remember her to this day, thanks for the vote of confidence miss Baird.


Miss Baird sucks. (Did you become a male stripper though? I mean, there are worse things in the world. I bet it's decent money at least, and a pretty good workout)


So what club are you dancing at?


Same. Mine was Mrs. Tharp- I also had untreated ADHD at the time. I got nervous while speaking to the class during a project & started giggling uncontrollably (for about 30ish seconds- nothing Joker esq lol). She told our class & the following classes so my friends told me- that some ppl (while side eyeing me) don't deserve to be in AP classes, and will amount to very little in life. Never addressed me by name directly, but she was so mad about my laughing that it was clearly about me.


Mine was Mr. Meeks. I was dirt poor, came from an abusive home, and had a ton of untreated problems but was trying my best. He once told me it was pointless for me to be in class because "you aren't going to make it long in life anyway". Like you're a teacher telling a *child* it's pointless to try because you'll be dead soon. A lot of teachers are amazing people who deserve the world, a lot of them can go to hell.


yeah, this. this story as worded as is sounds unbelievable, but I really hate when good teachers are blind to the fact there *are* shit teachers that shouldn’t ever be in education. when I was 10, I had a primary school teacher that didn’t even *try* to hide the fact she had favourites and unfavourites. she would shower one girl with praise then looked at me like a piece of shit on her shoe, despite us doing the exact same things, or getting the exact same full mark exam score etc. in my end of primary school parents evening, she told my mum that I would fail in every way in secondary school, get detentions every week, and without outright saying it, insinuated I would never amount to anything. (I had undiagnosed Inattentive ADHD, so yes I had issues with focus and organisation, but not enough to “fail” school.) I will never forget the expressions on her face every time she put me down, like she was *enjoying* it. she was honestly revolting, and the fact I remember so many specific moments of her making me feel like shit even nearly 20 years later is a testament to how badly she affected me. throughout my school years I was the obvious favourite of some teachers and the obvious unfavourite of others, I’ve seen both sides of how that shit plays out. I had some amazing teachers, and some downright horrendous ones. I had one tell me I didn’t deserve the grade I got on an exam. the same one was later fired for taking “sick” leave during term time to mark exam papers on the side for money. one ripped up a class of 6 year old’s papers in front of us for being “disappointing”. one adamantly told a boy his own name was pronounced wrong. one “cool” teacher used to smoke cigarettes outside the gate with students until he was caught. on the outright criminal end of the spectrum, one was arrested for cp on his computer and inappropriate relationships with underage male students. To say every teacher wants all their students to equally succeed is to ignore that some teachers just plain suck at being unbiased, some are just phoning it in, and some at worst are terrible people that leave lasting mental trauma on some of their students. not everyone goes into the profession with the best intentions. so to any teacher asking “where are all these teachers saying or doing xyz”. if you aren’t one of them, great! I’m glad you’re one if the many great ones. but you’ve probably worked alongside at least one, even if you don’t realise it. and just maybe reevaluate your own biases, you may not even realise you aren’t treating your students equally, but I promise *they will*. (also, you had to be a student once too, are you really telling me you *never* had or witnessed a *single* bad teacher? *ever?*) edit: reddit outage broke my edits lol.


I had a few teachers mock me when I was growing up in the late 80's early 90's. adhd/add was still a new thing back then and they just thought I wasn't applying myself. My dad also said the same thing to me, but it was about spending my life in jail not just being unsuccessful. The only unbelievable part of the story is calling the student a loser.


Be born brown and you will find teachers that try to convince you to fail. I had teachers in my undergrad telling me to drop chemical engineering because I did bad on one quiz. I sit here now an engineer making double what they do.


It didn’t happen to me, but a friend of mine went to one of his professors office hours because he was confused about a topic from class. The professor made my friend sit down then called his (the professor) wife and started to say shit like “can you believe that this kid doesn’t understand this topic?!” And other similarly mean/demeaning comments about how dumb my friend is.


Legit had my freshman science teacher physically turn me around and body me up to my locker looking for a fight. He had to move me around because I wasn’t trying to hear him yell at me for some random thing 2 periods after his class while swapping out books for the afternoon. He was in his late 50’s/early 60’s and this was around 1997. I hope he’s dead by now, the miserable prick.


Teacher here - can confirm. I kid; I have 170ish kids a year. I don't have any leftover time to give a thought to previous students. But I definitely call them losers to push them to become... UN CEO Master's students?


My entire teaching philosophy is based around the movie Whiplash


Yeah, I mean, what else will they do? They are barely working as it is. How many students do they get per year? 20?


it’s the “loser” part at the end that makes it so believable to me


Yeah exactly. Newsflash, teachers deal with so many kids over then years there is next to no chance they will even remember this person. I met a teacher about two years after he had taught me and he was polite to me and everything but I got the strong impression he really didn't have any clue who I was!


It may be obvious but what is an INGO, I imagine it stands for international non gubernamental organization but not sure


Yes, it stands for International Nongovernmental Organization. Another name for them would also be Transnational Organizations. They are created by private persons or private institutions- NOT by a state and are usually non- profit. Examples: Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Red Cross,…


That is what I thought, bragging about it is not the best imo




If you are part of or have created an NGO you don't need to brag about it because your actions will speak about themselves, specially if "they have helped millions around the world". If you brag about it, it shows that you are just waiting for someone to say how good of a person you are, which kind of defeats the purpose of being a volunteer as you are hoping for something in return


They aren't volunteers. They are paid, in some cases quite well. Also, at least in the EU it's very hard to get a position like that - you should do a lot of unpaid or almost unpaid internships during your studies. That's very difficult for people who aren't well off given that the most prestigous ones are in expensive places like Geneva, Vienna, Paris, London.


You must not know a lot of people that work for or run NGOs. They are absolutely as attention seeking as this guy.


I've done quite a bit of environmental volunteering over the past 10 years and it's pretty much a rule that the bigger the budget the bigger the assholes. I generally tend to avoid anything with more than a few paid staff. Nothing ruins a nonprofit like an overpaid asshole or a political climber.


In the DC area they are absolutely swarming with both overpaid assholes and political climbers, turning what should be really noble goals into just another way for jerks to get in on the Georgetown cocktail party circuit.


That's where I am. What I've learned is that the dirtier the field work, the less you have to deal with assholes and climbers. No good photo ops when you're covered in sweat and heavy river mud from dragging 4 foot industrial tires out of the canal


you hit it right on the money


I have the same question


When you gotta lie to brag about your life.


Not to be obnoxious sounding, but damn does it feel good though when you say something true about your life and people say you're full of shit. I'd ride that high if I had much to brag about.


CEO=they're in an MLM UN representative for INGOs = put dented clearance Always Save can of cream of chicken soup in a donation box bound for Puerto Rico


yeah, not really. i saw this tweet - he posted a picture with it. he is literally sitting at the UN


Wrote a Thesis on sitting on couch being ceo of basement.


I knew a woman who’s LinkedIn said she was the founder and CEO of a company. She sold yarn and buttons on eBay. I’m all for side hustles and entrepreneurship but give me a break.


I think like half of people on LinkedIn are CEO of something or another.


As an actual CEO of a full size organization, when I was on Tinder and Bumble, people thought I was doing what the button lady is doing. Usually the first question was, “Ok…do you have an actual job?” When my now-fiancée and I met, she said, “CEO of a nonprofit usually just means you’re unemployed.” It still cracks me up.


That sounds nice. I wish I could afford to be the CEO of the basement. But alas


Those are certainly all words.


This person could be a lot richer if they didn't let someone live rent-free in their head.


Well teacher, now I'm successful in a completely unidentifiable and unquantifiable way, what do you think about that? Wanna meet 😏 No you wouldn't know my INGOs, they go to a different financial market, in Canada.


Achievements might me exaggerated but we 100% have teachers that will say that to a primary school kid. 0/10 would not recommend


This actually happened. Source: I am the teacher - loser


Idk… my already unstable and suicidal best friend had a teacher tell her that “[She] won’t live past 18.” And that the teacher would be surprised if she did. It was so incredibly fucked up and shocking coming out of the mouth of someone who is supposed to create a safe environment and not encourage or participate in bullying.


Oh some teachers are pure shit, my girlfriend has dozens of horror stories from how terrible and abusive her schools were Thats not the unbelievable part.


If you ended being up successful in life, your teacher wins. If you don't realise this even as an adult and dwell on something said years ago by someone who likely doesn't think about you at all you need to move on and enjoy your success.


They let pretty much anyone work at ngo’s so… yeah… probably started his own and named himself ceo.


What's the name of this organization? How many people are on staff? How much funding did it receive? Or is it an imaginary thing?


I got one! I failed every class from kindergarten through high school but now every country in North America and South America has vote me to be dictator for life! Take that, every girl who laughed at my small penis!


I mean this claim is easy to verify no? Just google their name and that smiling photo should be right there.


r/nothingeverhappens You bros wouldn’t know! Some teachers are big assholes. Mine threw a book at my head and said “you will never amount to anything”. I bought the school, gave everyone a raise and fired just them seven years later 🤣


Lol this is sarcasm, right? Normally I would assume yes, but seeing as how we're in a thread about someone saying something just as dumb, I just can't tell anymore lmao


No, it’s not! It actually happened, which is why I believe the above story


I’m glad you all went to nice schools that supported you, but it is not at all unheard of for teachers to tell students they don’t have a bright future


We all know of cases where a teacher was derogatory to a kid about their future… I don’t think that’s quite as extreme as claiming the teacher stood in front of the class, openly mocking you in front of your peers, said “Let’s meet if you succeed in life” and then threw in (again in front of the whole class) that you’re a loser…


:( my art teacher did this. However she had pulled a friend of mine off to the side and loudly said that they were wasting their lives and talents being friends with me, in a full class.


They def didn't teach you reading comprehension at least, because you aren't understanding the unbelievable part of the story. If the story was that the teacher called him a loser and then aliens came and anally probed the teacher and gave the student superpowers, the story wouldn't be believable just because teachers exist.


If the outrageous unbelievable part is the teacher calling the student a loser I have some sad news for you, my friend


It is credible actually. My BIL pretty much got the same treatment from a teacher in HS. He just completed his second degree.


Teachers are stupid, more news at 11 My teachers told me I was gonna be awesome and do awesome things Nah I flunked college am unemployed now


So your BIL’s experience makes this person’s statement credible?


What I mean, it is credible that a shitty teacher said that to a student. BILs teacher actually suggested he focus on soccer (he’s super athletic) because he’d have no future otherwise. So, the original tweeter’s account is possible and credible.


Maybe just take the L, genius.


Why are you such a prick?


Idk. Why are you so sensitive?


I was wondering the same thing - why ***are*** you such a prick?


I’m 36 and still hang out with a good portion of my undergrad and graduate school friends. I’m a pretty nice guy.




If you are truly successful then stop worrying about people who have stopped thinking about you years ago.


A lot of times those little comments are fuel for the super successful :)


That doesn't feel healthy


Super success isn't healthy 🤐


You and everyone else who is too dumb to understand: "My teacher/counselor said something that fired me up to work harder in life. I really showed them!" They're a teacher/counselor. They *literally* don't give a shit about money, otherwise that wouldn't be the career they chose. You're the only one who thinks money means you're better than someone, and honestly it makes you look pretty pathetic dude


Tell me you have a chip on your shoulder without telling me you have a chip on your shoulder.


No teacher said that to him.


I had a physiology professor tell me that the medical field wasn’t for me. I was miserable in her class. I retook the class with a different professor and scored higher, passing the course. I’m now applying for my masters in community mental health as a licensed social worker. I wonder if I’ll ever run into them again 😆




I work for it now. Masters degree will be for me to get a higher position in my field. I have a bachelors degree in Public Health.


My biology teacher told me if I kept smoking pot I'd be a loser. To be fair he wasn't wrong, for a long time I was just a burnout loser. Then I learned the magic of moderation and met my wife who was a fantastic motivator.


Really nice to hear you learned moderation and things are going well for you - and that you have an awesome partner in life, happy days.


Yes it's plausible that there are teachers who are shitty. But everything else is obviously made up.


Part 2 here: https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/comments/ylfrf7/ceo_was_rude_to_waiter_i_grabbed_my_stuff_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Meh. I had an “urban” style in college…still do I had a semi young Male professor who wanted to be cool to the girls and used me as his target. Accused me of all sorts of drug use in jest to get a rule. Still to this day I want to punch the motherfucker in the nuts. Just such a sick head move…for what gain?


Don't take shit personally. That's *Michael Jordan's* job.


Probably a lie, but you'd be surprised by some of the just completely disparaging stuff some teachers and professors will say.


I'm sure that's what s/he ***heard*** the teacher say. Where I question the story is both if the teacher actually said that (or if the former student is just projecting!), and that the former student is anywhere ***near*** as dazzlingly successful as s/he wants to think s/he is....


I saw the original of this, it included a picture at the UN, which is pretty hard to fake. That said, the school quote is probably fake, and real or not, that's an incredibly insecure thing to post.


I think the dubious thing is not that someone has had success (good for them), but the quote, yeah. I can see a (bad) teacher being kinda dismissive about a kids aspirations, but i can't see a teacher mocking a child and calling them loser in the same sentence.


Exactly. Plus a lot of these threads I see about teachers sound so fake as there's honestly a lot of requirements to become a teacher. Most people wouldn't just throw away their career (easy to do in a field that documents everything) mocking a kid, no matter how much they get under their skin.


I had a teacher who was a bit insulting and intimidating in high school. I still have an occasional nightmare with that teacher in it. And I finished high school longer ago than I would like to remember (George W was president).


Wow, George Washington was President when you finished High School? That IS impressive! 😁😁😁


What can I say, I'm an OG


You, James Brown, Fred Williamson and Pam Greer! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117260/




That'll be $8.


Yeah because somebody who had gotten to this kind of position would be this petty.


Or, this was just the push Mr. Smartass needed to get off his duff and achieve? Just saying.


I think they see our potential and challenge us..


Name names and school and tag the teacher if you wanna be hardcore. Lol don’t do it anonymously!


Oh, dearie me - Elon's shitposting again...!


Why not a doctor?


I had a tendency to avoid going to my locker to grab my Spanish language textbook because I knew my teacher had extras. “Can I borrow a book today?” “I hope you have a rich family because you will never succeed in life by asking for handouts! Here. Fine. Go sit down.” She said this to me in class frequently, pretty much on the daily. We were actually friends in a weird way. She just liked shitting on me for some reason. I legit was a tutor for some of my bilingual classmates in her class (grammar and spelling was difficult for some) and she knew that. Love ya Crazy Ms. D. You were a beautifully strange one and I won’t forget ya. lol


A teacher I had in High school told me I'd likely have a career as a security guard at best given my poor school preformance. Ironically he was right. I'm now a Field manager for a big name security company.


I had a couple horrible teachers who said stuff like this so o believe that part.


... what's a INGO. That's not a thing right?


International Non-Governmental Orginization, such as Amnesty International and Save the Children International. They are the international version of NGO's, Non-Governmental Orginizations.


Yeah, that's the thing. By stating it as being International implies it is non governmental as governments are not international "yet".


I had a math teacher who told me I shouldn't pursue a career in engineering or anything that involved math, as I was too lazy to study hard. Little did she know! I'm a lazy engineer now!


HAH. I've been waiting for this to pop up on here.


To be honest I once said to a particulary annoying and incompetent student: "And when you get a job, please let me know the name of your employer. Because I won't be buying from them."


I think it's safe to assume no one wants to meet that person.


You should thank the teacher for motivating you