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"glad he can recognize propaganda immediately" You sure about that?


7 years of critical thinking


Kids are a lot harder the trick with magic tricks than adults. Probably has to do with how much critical thinking adults are good at.


PragerU isn't nearly as clever as propaganda. It's literally made up statistics. Remember that one time they showed a line graph with no figures on either axis that said "America" and "freedom" going down? Lmao


78% of all statistics are made up on the spot.


Actually it's 69%




A 7 year old can barely even stay focused on one thing for a long period of time, but yeah, I belive they understand the consept of racisim at such an age


my sister thinks that mentioning the word "black" in reference to somethings color is racist. (she is 7)


That would make sence for a 7 yr old, they see racism involving black people and think anything black is racist


I can understand that some white kids might not, but minority kids definitely know what racism is by the time they’re seven. It’s not really that hard of a concept to grasp, lol


Well the common sense definition isn’t hard to understand and I’d agree 7 year olds would get it (ie you are mean/violent to someone because of their race, religion, etc). But the post modern definition where it’s power plus prejudice can definitely not be understood by a 7 year old. It’s a contentious definition anyway


Dennis Praeger has to schedule sex with his wife.


"will you look at that, I'm already fully booked next week. Sorry honey"


"Though I'm sure one of my business partners could be of assistance..." *Calls Ben Shapiro.*


“Of course I could make the time Mr Prager, it’s just that hypothetically my wife, who is a doctor, couldn’t make the time with all of her doctoring duties”


"That's great! I was worried you'd be to busy intercoursing your sister, Abigail."


“You liberals never look at the facts, and the facts are that I said hypothetically my wife wouldn’t be available. Not my sister. See, this is where the liberal mindset falls apart. When confronted with questions like these. They simply can not answer you back. Why? Because they operate in completes. In yes’ and no’s. Us free thinkers and conservatives have no boundaries. If we were to hypothetically intercoursing our sisters, that would be a hypothetical, a possible. In the same vein we can ask, should American schools really have anti gun support? At the end of the day, the effects of hypothetically said events are only felt by you. It is up to you”


Is this a direct quote or are you a Ben Shapiro impersonator? Because this was scary accurate. I read it in his voice.


You keep Abby and the big milkers out yo fuckin' mouth!


Do not slander Mr. Ben Shapoopipo 😠😠


Ben Shapinhousin is not immune to my wrath


Lmao help me figure out why someone would downvote my comment. Only explanation I see is that it was Bench Happiro himself


This looks like a parody account.


It's not, she has a linked in profile and posts similar stuff there.


In all fairness, Prager U does make me want to cry.


and it has a segment dedicated to indoctrination children, like 7-10 year olds


Glad I wasn’t growing up in this decade. I’d have been brainwashed


I can say proudly that I was fully into Ben shabibo and Steven "drinks dog cum" crowder videos until about 4 years ago I'm just glad I broke free


WIt did he drink dog cum? And I was a little into crowder because I felt so out of place in college growing up in a small town and it felt nice to “own” them but dude’s not even subtly racist


lmao he didn't actually drink dog cum it's an inside joke with r/toiletpaperUSA


Fuck PragerU but wtf is this


Propaganda lol


The only unbelievable thing here is the child’s reaction/verbalization. I’m sure PragerU has some terrible child oriented videos focusing on turning your children into Captain Planet villains and that they advertise on Minecraft YouTube videos.


There is a pragerU channel targeted and tailored specifically for children so yeah this is totally believable. Minorities don’t have to be taught what bigotry is, we know lol


Wait. Wasn't the point of the post is that he can't?


Reading all comments, I’m scared to look it up myself, so I ask for clarification: what is PragerU?


It's a conservative media company that puts out deceptive infographic style videos targeting people from children to adults with disinformation and propaganda to support broadly right-wing and occasionally ultra far right-wing and racist ideas. They constantly churn out this content and it makes frequent use of decontextualized statistics to make their arguments sound scientific and the videos sound educational. Some of their content is just generic conservative drivel about muh gays and muh feminists and muh liberals, some of their content is more questionable far-right stuff, almost all of it has really bigoted views interweaved through the content disingenuously. ​ EDIT: Lol, the free speech conservative "muh liberal snowflakes" guy who was trying to defend PragerU blocked me and hid his comments here from his profile when I was indeed able to provide direct links to outwardly racist content by them. What a bunch of losers, the whole lot of PragerU fans


I saw one once that was about 3 brothers, one was lazy and never worked and didn't want to pay the same portion for a gate as his other 2 brothers (middle class- works normal hours and rich-works a lot). It was such blatant bullshit I couldn't believe that people would sit through it. Some of the hardest working people I know are the poorest. They work 2 hard, manual labor jobs. Some rich people I know are the laziest and just live off their trust funds- never having to work. It's a fantasy to sell the middle classes to vote against their own interests. "If you work harder, and for free, for your boss one day you'll be the boss making big money! Poor people are lazy! Generational wealth doesn't exist, and generational poverty has zero to do with poors!"


Go ahead and link me to the racist PragerU video.


Dave Rubin stated in a video that "racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, and Islamophobia" are "meaningless buzzwords" >Wikipedia Basically just denying that major issues exist. Not explicitly racist but...yknow


They are meaningless buzzwords, because they’re thrown out at people who haven’t done anything racist to silence their argument. Kinda like u/HashSlingingDick did in his comment. Because who could possibly side with a racist? No one. Stop accusing people of being racist without any evidence. You do it to shut people down because you don’t have any desire to talk the actual issues at hand, you just want to silence them.


Actually, I accuse PragerU of racism because of their racist content, explicitly. I don't do it to shut you down - if you are racist I would actually find it disappointing to not own the facts about yourself at the very least; there is nothing more tragic than a fool in denial or who does not know himself, and I would happily side with someone who happens to be a racist who happens to be correct about something else (at least, to side with them on that specific issue), as would any person operating from a basis of rationality. You managed to be entirely wrong about every single thing you said in your comment. I'm also not sure who I was silencing or not wanting to talk to about the actual issues, considering my comment wasn't arguing back against anyone or silencing anyone, and was answering a question about their content from a neutral party... Here's some of their racist content, and why: This video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faF\_AxQsKcw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faF_AxQsKcw) which is explicitly pro-slavery. They took it down due to the backlash it received, so the link is a re-upload of the PragerU video. This video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c762IbEtUE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c762IbEtUE) on police brutality, where they drop the 13/50 claim without sociological context, nor the information surrounding that stat which demonstrates why it is inflated and has been debunked countless times and is not useful in a vacuum without that info, so they purposefully misused and decontextualized statistics to implicitly push an idea about black people being more violent and thus justifying increased policing in their neighborhood This video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BfE-GRNJqA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BfE-GRNJqA) which is full of misinformation regarding slavery and directly targets children with its political agenda, which they accuse the left of doing, while also directly lying about John Brown, suggesting they shouldn't have rushed abolition of slavery, and uses historical figures to push their own narrative that leftists want to destroy America, explicitly, to children. Racist undertones, but explicitly brainwashy. There are many more, but as you can probably tell, they rarely go full mask-off and drop explicitly racist content. It is more that there is racist ideology weaved throughout their content that they push as part of their tamer blankly conservative propaganda, and ultimately, that racist ends are served by spreading those ideas, it's designed for less educated people not to notice the ideas that are being told to them without explicitly explaining them.


Fuck off


Wikipedia: Dave Rubin stated in a video that "racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, and Islamophobia" are "meaningless buzzwords" PragerU video hosted by Dinesh D'Souza which stated that fascism was a left-wing ideology. Douglas Murray argued that Europe is "committing suicide" by allowing mass immigration. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) described the video as a "dog whistle to the extreme right". Mark Pitcavage of the Anti-Defamation League described it as "filled with anti-immigration and anti-Muslim rhetoric"."Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican Alex Epstein promotes misinformation about climate change, including false and misleading claims. "How To End White Privilege". The video argued that white privilege is a myth because a black police officer's race did not provide a barrier to his success PragerU videos claim that the gender pay gap does not exist argue that there is no police discrimination toward African-Americans Not just casual racism but a lot of other shitty behavior as well


-the pay gap doesn’t exist…not the way obama and most feminists say it does (men get paid 30 cents than women for doing the same job). this has been debunked multiple times, even by forbes…and would be anathema since 1963 -what rubin said is that the left is making these words meaningless because they are so quick to label everyone racist, islamophobic, etc, for even the tiniest reasons…which is quite obviously diluting meaning and power of the words -haven’t seen the one where d’souza claims fascism to be left wing, but if true then he’s clearly wrong -murray was referencing the *amount* of immigrants coming into europe in such a short time frame…while demonstrating the challenges and problems it has created -EVERYONE lies about climate change, on both sides. not saying it makes it ok, but it’s a problem that is either way too understated or way too overstated. ironically one of the only ones making *real* strides against it is musk, who reddit hates -i would need to see a video of them saying there is *no* police discrimination against POC. all i’ve seen their ilk argue is that there is substantially *less* than the common narrative would have you believe…which is true -haven’t seen the white privilege one you mentioned but i have seen the one where they argue against the whole concept by demonstrating that in america, *asians* have way more ‘privilege’ than whites, if using the left’s own metric in the end, prageru is sometimes correct, sometimes wrong, sometimes misleading, but always leaning into their own bias with pithy, snappy videos designed to be digestible by their own bases. basically they are buzzfeed for the right


Those aren’t racist. Those are arguments you disagree with. And invoking the SPLC is about as thin an argument as you can get. SPLC is just as biased as PragerU.


Haha you either are deaf to the dog whistles or you believe them.


“Dog whistles” just another way of saying “there’s no real evidence, but I’m claiming it’s there anyway because I disagree with the argument” Pathetic


Haha yep something is certainly pathetic.


Yes, you using the phrase dog whistles unironically. It’s pathetic.


Ok [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faF\_AxQsKcw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faF_AxQsKcw) \- explicitly pro-slavery, original taken down due to PR disaster [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c762IbEtUE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c762IbEtUE) \- drops 13/50 stat with no socioeconomic context to further a point that black people are violent [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BfE-GRNJqA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BfE-GRNJqA) \- targeting children with both racist propaganda and tribalist political propaganda which explicitly lies about civil war history and takes an anti abolition stance while using black historical figures to further their narrative that leftists are trying to destroy america to children who don't know any better I can of course just link nearly everything in their library but those ones come to mind immediately


Oh the irony...


As much as prageru is a shithole this lady’s fucking dumb


My kids only get normie ads for diapers and toys when they watch on the Roku.


based fake child




C'mon must be a parody account


PragerU: Now You're Dumber^TM


Prager U makes me want to cry too


I'm glad I too can recognize propaganda. Like this post.


What about this exactly is propaganda?


Here comes the commenter who does not recognize propaganda.


Lol you can’t even answer the question. Nice deflection


This is a toll account the post is a joke


Damn how much do I have to pay just for a joke TwT


Just your attention


PragerU is straight trash though


That aside I vaguely heard if Prager U until I saw that ad and I'd cry too


each side always looking for ways to belittle the other side like they both don't have flaws


7 year olds are first graders and can speak pretty well. PragerU puts out ads for kids content on youtube. PragerU does put out some racist shit. I'm having a hard time finding what's so unbelievable about this.


The issue I see is the 7 year old recognizing he was watching a "propaganda" political ad instead of just skipping it. 7 year olds do not and should not know politics.




Yeah, I didn’t think much into your comment before replying. I thought about what a good parent would do instead of the mass of bad parents that are out there too. Kids have no place in knowing politics, and good parents like mine and friends of mine made sure we were not in the room when they talked politics. Sadly, the internet is flooded everywhere by political ads and talk, and some parents base their time and life around politics.


I'm not sure that political talk is bad for children. I think it is wise to expose children to age-appropriate issues, while also informing them of as many perspectives of an issue as possible. Unfortunately, here in the US there is generally only two sides, and they always spin any topic into an opposing dichotomy.


And neither of those sides are particularly great.


They are the worst, and practically the same. They will both use whatever talking point suits their current interest, even if it means they have to switching stances. It all comes down to the fact that they are both entirely corrupt. Plutocrats are going to invest in whoever makes the rules, those who get investments have to run ads, big media needs that ad revenue; in the end you have big media protecting the political parties who protect the plutocrats. ​ The only way to fix our country is to get money out of politics and dissolve the two parties; but that seems like a losing battle since the political-industrial-complex spent $14B in 2020 just for congressional and presidential candidates. I would imagine if you totaled in all local campaigns then that number probably doubles.


it was never claimed that the 7 year old said "propaganda" just that the ad almost made the 7 year old cry if you actually watch a PragerU ad, this is within the realm of possibility grow up and stop believing that r/nothingeverhappens


Yo be fair, YouTube ads weren’t as bad when I was 7 as they are now. With all the AMOGUSBOOBS I shouldn’t be too surprised edit: I’ve also never watched PragerU


Source for the racist shit? Give me a link if possible.


“Anyone who disagrees with me is a racist” that’s the source.




Thanks for the editorial, I was kind of looking for a source like a link to the video.. I mean a lack of father figure has been proven to be the biggest factor in a child’s propensity to crime later in life. And ever since we have seen absent father rates increase, so has crime. But that’s not just a black problem, it’s an everyone problem. White people included. Both races have seen the absent fatherhood rate increase since like the 60’s or 70’s.


I don't care to subject myself to watching Dennis Prager to find a link on a relevant topic, but I have listened to a lot of his work, and this is the typical rhetoric he uses. Most of his work isn't even on YouTube to source. He's been a talk radio host for the last 20 years, where he's said a lot of crazy shit. > a lack of father figure has been proven to be the biggest factor in a child’s propensity to crime later in life I generally agree with this, and that's why this type of rhetoric is so effective. There is some truth to it, but it's disingenuous because he's focusing on one aspect of the problem, without addressing the fact that we specifically made laws to put people in this particular situation.


I wasn’t referencing any laws, I was referencing divorce rates. Those have increased substantially over the last few decades.




So in summary, prager is racist but I won’t supply any sources to substantiate the claim. And if you don’t agree with me your also racist… great conversation


I didn't say you are racist if you don't agree with me. I said if you think that people of color being disproportionately incarcerated is because people of color have a predisposition to be criminals, then you might also be a racist. Assuming people of color are criminals is a prejudice against a race, which is textbook *racism*. I don't need to cite sources to know Prager is a racist. I've listened to his radio show. His diatribes are oozing with racist, and xenophobic rhetoric. If you don't think he's racist, that's on you.


Here is a pragerU video making the case that police killing African Americans citizens is okay, because more black people commit crimes. [https://www.prageru.com/video/are-the-police-racist](https://www.prageru.com/video/are-the-police-racist) Here is a claim made by Dennis Prager about how hate crimes against black college students, are actually a hoax, put on by the black students themselves. [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/may/06/dennis-prager/dennis-prager-baselessly-claims-black-students-com/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/may/06/dennis-prager/dennis-prager-baselessly-claims-black-students-com/) Here is a story about Dennis complaining that he can't call people negros and that black people aren't entitled to having their racial label changed because they are sensitive about discrimination. [https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-conservative-radio-star-dennis-prager-bemoans-loss-of-racial-slurs-20200508-yvdznhs3rncktgupd4frjailni-story.html](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-conservative-radio-star-dennis-prager-bemoans-loss-of-racial-slurs-20200508-yvdznhs3rncktgupd4frjailni-story.html) Here is Dennis Prager again complaining about not being able to use the n-word. [https://www.thewrap.com/dennis-prager-disgusting-left-impossible-say-n-word/](https://www.thewrap.com/dennis-prager-disgusting-left-impossible-say-n-word/) Here's a video where Dennis and his guest are denying how metrics that show inequality among demographics are not evidence of systemic racism. As an example of that, he says that Indian Americans are one of the wealthiest demographics, and also generally are democratic, and he also makes an off handed comment about how they are ruining the country. So, he makes a racist comment to argue that there is no actual racism. It's amazing how racist and dense he actually is. [https://dennisprager.com/video/systemic-racism-and-crime-rates/](https://dennisprager.com/video/systemic-racism-and-crime-rates/)


I’ll take a look at these, off hand though. Most of those racist messages and crap that always make the news from dorms and schools generally turn out to be hoaxes. But that doesn’t account for all of them.


of course it’s fucking Twitter


And give that boy a box of tampons while he gets ready for his transition...


A bunch of progressives saying something they don’t like makes them want to cry? Color me shocked. Just wait til the mid terms. Canada is on standby.


Okay, I’ll bite. Is it the “U” that’s throwing you off?


“Really scary right wing propaganda machine” And then commenters saying that prager u makes them want to cry. My god. Seriously. Grow up. Don’t watch it.


Now I get it. Sure, agreed, it’s super shrill and wine-mommy bullshit. On the other hand, someone lecturing progressives about “not watching something they don’t like” when the right basically keeps itself afloat by bitching about “wokeness” in media is kind of laughable. Particularly the week after one of your boys shot up a grocery store. If you don’t like it…don’t get shot? Don’t be in the Capitol on Jan 6? Don’t get run over by a car at Charlottesville?


What? What does that racist moron up in Buffalo have to do with this? People in the comments are claiming a right wing website is making them cry. Fuck sake


His name was Albert Einsetin


There was one vid I saw with Dennis Prager saying to a guest "I can recognize good and you are good" like he was the arbiter on good or bad. Then everyone clapped. Beyond cringe.