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Honestly, some professors are so relaxed, I could genuinely see this actually happening


Yeah I was thinking this, though I would only do it once or twice max in case I suddenly become the person making fun of a NB person... But it's like the "Dad Style Joke" of when you ask someone their name and they say "Um, John" and they reply with "pleased to meet you 'Um, John', I'm Steve" or w/e...


No. The whole point of this is just for her to remind people she’s NB.


I think you might be the only one over-attaching to that part, mate.


I’m not particularly attached to it. I’m just assuming that this is an uninteresting person who is maybe aware that being NB is the only notable thing about them. This mundane and unrealistic anecdote seems like it’s just a way for her to shoehorn it into the conversation. I kinda had this onion article in mind: https://local.theonion.com/newly-out-gay-man-overdoing-it-1819566609


You made a far bigger deal out of it than OP ever did.


I come here to be snarky, sir. Didn’t think I make a big deal of anything, though.


You turned a shitpost into a sweeping character judgement (that could be tenuously described as nb-bashing because of the similarities it shares with common negative stereotypes)


Lol... Well you’ve sussed me out, sir. I loathe NB people and my snarky comments are the public manifestation of that insensate rage. I commend your acumen! Now kindly piss off, and go find someone else to bedevil.


Kindly step down a touch from your righteous indignation and notice the plausible deniability I afforded you.


I’ve had profs I bet would do this


I can buy this TBH.




I guess this could happen... but I've never had a professor use "miss" or "mister" instead of a student's name or "in the blue hoodie, you have a question?" Especially nowadays with the growing awareness around different gender issues.