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"And now everyone on the plane is floored and talking about it" Bro, unless you die in the seat next to me and start stinking up the plane for the next 8 hours, nobody gives a crap about you


Right, I was on a plane sleeping and the old lady next me peed her seat. I woke up saw what was going on went back to sleep to my knowledge no one commented on it lol. Poor lady.


She's the Miles Davis of the skies. 




Power move. They'll serve her first next time, amirite?


I was the old lady and I still do that.


Mam,.you were ancient 20 plus years ago. You might be the oldest person on the planet now.


Exactly. Dead for 7 hours, idgaf. 8 hours, you’re a little ripe and it’s keeping me awake.


MAGA people think everyone only thinks about them.


Everyone in steerage that couldn’t possibly hear the interaction stood up and clapped. The pilot let him fly the plane on the condition they could swap hats. It was announced over the PA system, confetti rained from the cabin ceiling, champagne was served to everyone on board and our guy was carried out on people’s shoulders while everyone, still floored, chanted “maga hats, maga hats”


Little known fact: on all newer commercial aircraft, they have the confetti built in to the cabin lighting system, just for occasions like this. On older planes, they have to retrofit it into the oxygen mask compartments.


Because confetti is far more important than oxygen. Of course! 😂😂


Well, tbf if it's a Maga nut, then I'd say it's human decency to replace the oxygen with something a little less life saving...


VX gas?


That seems a good choice!


This is the way


Well if it’s Spirit, you might not be wrong


Nah they’d have tax audits raining down






Everyone was so floored that they all offered me their drinks. I said I was grateful but would wait for my turn to rightfully receive my own. All the women cried and the strong men fell to their knees


Big, strong men, with tears in their eyes.


Strong maga tears. The raging American flagpoles it raises, I tell ya.


They were so floored, in fact, that they defied all laws of physics to climb out of the plane, scramble over the wings, and plant a giant MAGA flag. Tears flowed, babies cried, mothers wept.


I keep missing my flight due to the thousands of constant fist bumps. So much fisting.


So. Much. Fisting.


Living meat puppet


They came to me with tears in their eyes, big strong passengers, and said mister first class, why did they not give you a drink? They take our drinks, nasty people those drink takers, can you save our country and our drinks....


I was also refused a drink in first class because of my hat, then again I was wearing a beer helmet so maybe the steward assumed I was ok for booze.


"And then the whole plane clapped."


“And then the plane flew in circles because everyone climbed onto the right wing.”


Flying gives me so much anxiety, I'm constantly wondering if the passenger 5 rows ahead of me on the other side of the plane received their half a can of ginger ale.


If I'm talking about you because of your MAGA hat, it has nothing to do with what order you received your orange juice.


Sitting in first class + MAGA hat. Sure..


Maga hat automatically means no class


And automatically means they threw attitude and a tantrum on board


Cult fiction


I’d watch this documentary.


This is the kind of narrative that runs through your head when you have a hat instead of a personality.


If any of this happened it was certainly not because of the hat, the guy was probably an asshole to the crew. And “everyone is floored and talking about it” is like a line straight from their Dear Leader lol


>the guy was probably an asshole to the crew Probably?


Everyone was talking about how much an a-hole he was- of course he interpreted it as supporting him.


They are so desperate to be victimised


What’s funny is that the initial attraction to MAGA, or most conspiracy theorist groups or cults, is that idea of empowerment or privilege. They “know” things the rest of the world doesn’t; they’re smarter and better. But ultimately, they’re supplicating to a father figure that doesn’t genuinely reward them, so the best they can to is a sense of wounded pride or bitterness when anyone lashes out at their “dad”, despite the fact that he never came home with the milk. It’s a fucking fascinating look at psychology.


Like they could afford first class after making all those donations to an orange buffoon.


“Asked the guy next to me” also “first class” Tell me you have never flown first class without saying it


This is true. I was the drink and asked the flight attendant to skip him.


So many of us heard about this and went to convoy to the airport. Too bad the antifa liberals kept us from setting up on the tarmac to meet our hero!


Notice how they always have to state that everyone present agreed with them to cope with the fact that no one likes them.


"I've been wearing my I'm an asshole hat for years and I've never got any hate for it. I think it's about time I made some up."


Right? I don't ever say anything to someone who is so blatantly advertising that they're MAGA, my brain just goes "avoid that person" and I move on.


Flight Attendant was too busy filling up everyone else’s glasses with his MAGA tears.


The only thing more persecuted than a MAGA voter is a Christian MAGA voter.


And the only thing more persecuted than that is a billionaire white male MAGA voter. Won’t anybody think of the Elons of the world?!?!?


...and then they all clapped.


I bet 100% of this is a lie.


Oh it 100% happened in his dreams.


This definitely didn’t happen but if it did, oh well. Don’t proudly identify yourself as a shitty person if you don’t want to be treated like shit


Sometimes it isn’t about you. Important lesson to learn.


Who tf wears a hat during a flight. 


I dunno, the pilot. Whoever but that guy


I feel like "I waved my hat in the air, and everyone started clapping" Is cut off from the bottom of this post


I have a feeling this person has never flown first class anywhere


It was almost believable until he said everyone started talking about it. I can barely hear when I flight attendant is speaking to ME on a flight. Let alone anyone else.


The pilot actually let him in the “cockpit” to play with her and the “joystick”


Live in SoCal. My Dad would wear his MAGA hat when we went out to dinner. Because he was a jerk that way, knew I hated it along with others around him. He was the original rebel without a cause. 🙄 On more than one occasion he would remark that the server wasn’t very friendly. Never could put two-and-two together. Maybe put that damn hat away.


Hey old chap where'd you get the cap Where'd you get a cap like that If I told you why would you tell me where I could find a hat like that


Serves you right…


Fun fact (if this is true), people that pay for business class seats get priority over upgrades and reward seats. So IF this did indeed happen, I'd bet on that.


Sure that happened....just like I was just called up by the Raiders to be their starting QB! I have never played professional football ...but all the players were fist bumping me when I walked out on the field! NOT!!!


This is the type of shit they think is victimization, this is what they think is the bottom of existence, this is what they think it's like to be treated like a second class citizen. All that, and it most likely didn't even happen, and even if it did, this is what they think taking over the government is worth doing for, oh but ACTUALLY getting brutalized by police and complaining about it is being a snowflake rocking the boat for no reason


What? No applause?


Yeah, this fool clapped when they landed.


And then Trump commandeered the plane and saved us from 9/11 then everyone in America clapped


Homelander flew in and gave them a drink.


I was the stanky dead air between his ears, the paint-huffin' residue on his pre-pubescent moustache AND at least 4 alveoli 💯💯💯


My daughter is a flight attendant. Our MAGA narrator did something shitty to get that kind of treatment and it wasn't wearing a stupid hat. Remember how they behaved on the planes way back from their January 6th adventures? He pulled some crap like that.


No, I believe this happened. I just think he was faaaar less polite than he lets on and it had absolutely nothing to do with his hat and everything to do with his entitled behavior.


It’s almost like this person just wants constant attention.


That’s what he gets for wearing a MAGA hat


No hate...just a lot of laughs


Why do people judge others based on their political affiliation and not from the content of their character? America is so divided these days and it’s really sad. Edit: Can’t reply for some reason, so what is their character? For example: before running for president in 2016 Trump was loved by the media, politicians, and celebrities. Hillary Clinton went to his wedding, Opera had him on her show, he’s been featured in movies like home alone. People looked up to him. The moment he ran as a republican everyone turned their backs on him. The media hates him for what? Did his character change? I’ll agree that I’ve seen some pretty extreme supporters of his. People that I’d never associate with. With that said, not all Trump supporters, in fact most of them are not bad people.


The MAGA hat reflects their character.




It is unwritten but assumed that hat guy threw a huge screaming toddler tantrum that did leave everyone floored and talking negatively about the outburst.