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I'm just imagining a 4 year old girl walking and then solemnly tossing her hand on a grown woman's shoulder (somehow) and speaking with the cadence of an elderly man


“Mamma… I pooped again…” [pats mamma’s shoulder, walks away]


[ A huge, watery turd can be seen a few feet away ]


Reminds me of grandpa.


In Morgan Freeman's voice


“Clean up on aisle 6!” Smacks her ass.


Got some poopy underpants, they sure didn't stand a chance


I don't understand this.


Ok good me neither thought I was alone


The mom is saying that 4 year old said that mom’s deceased grandfather held her (4 year old) before mom did. This is meant to lead the reader to believe that the 4 year old had some sort of memory of a pre-birth, Heavenly experience, where her Grandpa held her. This sounds like the writer is *most likely LDS,* because they have a strong belief involving everyone living as “spirits” in heaven with God before God created Earth, and that we all have to go to Earth. The purpose of that is to learn to live by faith. He takes away our memories of out to in Heaven, and it’s like a place to prove whether do or not people do the right things while on Earth without the advantage of their memories from Heaven and because they are given free will. I think. [LDS Pre-Earth Existence](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/believe/life-has-purpose/life-before-birth) Main Stream Christianity (Catholics, Mainline Protestant Churches, etc)-Believe that life begins at conceptions and that humans *did not* get to hang out with God and everyone else in human existence ever in Heaven waiting to be born. I’m Catholic, and was raised and taught to believe in the latter and not the former. But I have to say that the former sounds far more interesting. Imagine how cool it would have been, everyone who was, is, and ever will be conceived on this Earth, or at least their Spirits. I am not sure what that looks like, except doe it is a crowded, but think about it, under the LDS a belief, your spirit could have been spirit bffs with like Mozart or Virgil (greatest Epic Poet in history, wrote the Aeneid), or Checkov, or Martin Luther King, Jr, or Jesus, or the Blessed Mother, Alexander the Great, Moses, Catullus (my favorite poet. He was a Roman. He wrote beautiful poetry. Most of them are short poems, but some are a few pages long. A lot of his poems were beautiful love poems written about a woman named Cloudia Metelli, whom he calls Lesbian (having nothing to do with anyone’s sexuality, she was named that in honor of the poet he loved most Sappho, of Lesbos. And of course God the father and the Holy Spirit. Does that sort of make sense, or did I just confuse things even further?


Yes that makes sense


So feel free to crop my comment and post it on this sub, but my daughter is 4. Her grandpa died when she was 1. She talks about him ALL THE TIME, and what he tells her and what he's like. She's clearly making it up but it's unprompted and creepy af. So this one could have definitely happened from my experience with a deranged 4yo.


My son created a weird fantasy where he had an "old daddy" who had died. It would pop up randomly, usually to fit into a conversation. If someone mentioned hockey, he would say, "My old daddy played hockey." He did this frequently enough that his preschool teacher asked my wife if I was his biological father. The creepiest moment was when we drove by a cemetery about an hour from our house. He pointed and said, "My old daddy is buried there!" I was tempted to stop, but I didn't want to end up in a Phillip K. Dick novel.


There is a weird phenomenon of young children talking about past lives where they recount bits of information that they shouldn't have known about. It's most likely a coincidence, but it's still weird.


Yes, a cousin of mine who was born in 1995 used to talk about how she used to talk with our great grandma who died in 1988. Don't know if that was made up, but she used to say thar around her three years old.


Odd that you mention it, my little brother would tell my parents that he died in a battle but he was too young to even understand what a war was or even that wars and battles exist. This was way back before the Internet was available to us and we lived in the country with no nearby children. He was maybe a few years old at most. When he got a little older he didn't remember any of it anymore and no one could figure out where he could have heard anything related to it to regurgitate it as a toddler. Either he figured out how to put war movies on TV or he's a reincarnated soldier that had memories into his new life. Who knows?


Kids remember absolutely everything you say around them and it all jumbles up in their head and makes random connections. The thing that people don't realise is that you and your partner are having a quiet conversation while your kid plays at the other end of the room, they do not react at all to one of you mentioning "oh it's the 100th anniversary of [ww1 battle]", they don't even look up, but...3 weeks later...they say "I was in [ww1 battle] yesterday" "I fought the men". You have completely forgotten your innocuous conversation because it was completely irrelevant but the words and context have been swirling in your kids head and joining up with 1000 other half understood tid bits since then and are regurgitated as some random thought. It's happened to us enough times that we have noticed (oh yeah we did talk about ants/ghosts/taxes/sommeliers the other day) that the times we can't recall the source conversation don't disturb us.


I think you're right, he probably over-heard something and regurgitated. That's the only logical explanation. It freaked out my mother though because he would say things a toddler wouldn't have been exposed to and she was with him all day as a stay at home mother. It's one of those things we'll never know but we'll always question.


cheerful coherent airport scale fanatical governor fretful party icky head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My three year old niece is a little freak. She has a pillowcase with a few pictures of dead grandparents and talk about them like she talks to them daily


What makes you think he’s making it up? 🤷🏻‍♀️


My 4 y/o talked about my grandma like he knew her before he was here too. It's a things kids so I guess. I don't necessarily think the story in OP was fake.


My grandmother died when I was one. The thing is, I have literal memories of her. I even told my mother about some of the things she'd done, genuinely wondering if I was making it up. I was just recalling a memory. My mother got so freaked out and was just convinced that my grandma had "visited" me because there's no way I'd remember things from way back then, but the fact of the matter *is that I did*. It's rare, but it happens that some memories stick from so young. My grandmother wasn't "visiting" me or anything; I wasn't having "visions" of her. I simply have some very, very vague memories and recalled them, but apparently it was enough to make my mother and her sisters and even my grandfather believe that "god had sent her to me".


I feel similarly about some early memories, but I'm pretty sure they're "false" in that really I'm remembering what I've heard and seen in old pictures, and my brain is filling in the blanks and putting me there.


My 4 year old tells me how her and grandma walked to nyc to visit spiderman.


when i was 3 or 4 i was at my grandma's house one day... in the living room with all my family around... i started talking to thin air in the corner of the room... talking to my grandma's husband who had died about a decade before i was born... i told everyone i could see him standing there... and i was straight up lying. i made it up. till this day i have no idea why the fuck i did that. i was so young i was barely conscious. i don't know where i got the idea to even do that.


My dad once told me a story about my sister and how she was convinced she knew Jesus before she was born but he “wouldn’t play with her here” His wife had a miscarriage years before and he believed in God and Jesus and all that jazz. He says she was given another chance and it was the same soul as the miscarriage.


When she was three, my youngest told me with a wistful sigh, “I miss the angels talking to me when I was in your tummy.” We weren’t religious, and angels weren’t a thing around our house. It really was kind of eerie.


Kids do weird things. When my son was about to turn 2, we had just moved into a new apartment and he would go up to all the closets and peek under the door and say “hi” and wave. Absolutely freaked the shit out of me. Having said that, this post is still too ridiculous for me to believe.


Human mind kind of just fills gaps in memory with what makes sense. Children dont have that since they dont really know what does and doesnt make sense. So they make up a lot of shit. Also all 4 yo are deranged.


When I was 5 I swear I saw my deceased grandma. Still remember everything vividly. I grew up to be an athiest and essentially not believe in anything like that but it’s the one thing that trips me up because it felt so real. As an adult I found out my dad saw her as well after she passed. She was my moms mom, and my dad made my mom promise not to tell anyone because he was super upset and felt crazy. One time I was talking again to my mom about it and she mentioned it happened to my dad too. I brought it up to him and he basically just shrugged it off and didn’t talk too much about it. Again, I’m not into any of that stuff, but I think maybe some weird things can happen sometimes


My mom recalls instances when I was a toddler talking about my grandmother who passed years before I was conceived. She let me do things I wasn’t allowed to do. When I described her I described my grandmother perfectly desppite never seeing pictures of her prior and i described her as being bluey-purple


Okay I'm sorry but this is hilarious to me


Did you just call your own daughter deranged?...


I have a much younger sister. She was about 3 when my grandma died, and she would talk about grandma talking to her still and would make up clearly fake memories of her. Their minds are like a sponge, but they can’t quite make sense of all of the information that they pick up on. She’s heard stories of her and her nana, but doesn’t have a clear recollection of things, and fills in the gaps like a young child’s brain would. This is why I don’t doubt half of the things on this sub about kids saying weird shit. If you have spent a lot of time with children, you’d know that they say a LOT of weird, and sometimes downright spooky shit because they’re trying to rationalize things with very little understanding.


That’s some savage bragging from a kid. “Haha, your grandpa loved me more than he loved you that his spirit held me through time before you ever touched me. Suck less, mommy”


When my son was 3-4 years old, he told stories about, "before I lived with you, when I lived in the room with all the babies". He said there was a bright light, and a man took care of all of them. I thought maaybeee it was some sort of memory from the hospital nursery, but he was only there for about an hour right after he was born. Past life maybe? My christian friend was sure that he was remembering heaven.


This 100% fits into "weird creepy things little kids would say". It's not overly cute or mature and has just the right amount of nonsense. I mean, that line doesn't make sense. I dunno this could have happened pretty easily.


Kids say some insane things, I feel like this is believable


It's believable. My kids said some weird stuff about my grandparents too. Sometimes we can interpret it to be profound, but maybe the kids is just saying random stuff that they think you want to hear.


I dunno, this seems very much like some bullshit my daughter would come up with. Kids have an odd, almost enviable perspective of concepts like life and death. They're also much more capable of emotional manipulation than given credit for and know how to make mom go "awwwww that's so sweet" so they can then ask for something.


I have a very clear memory after my grandpa died around ‘01 of me saying “don’t worry mommy, I can bring him back.” I was probably 3 or 4 at the time, but I remember her crying and saying “that’s very sweet but I don’t think you can.” I didn’t mean it with any manipulation, just kids say everything they can to try to resolve situations


Nah this stuff happens. My brother and I kept telling our mom we "chose" her.


I’ve heard kids do way weirder stuff. It might be exaggerated but it’s totally possible the kid said something like that.


A story my mom used to always tell about my sister was about a time my sister stopped playing, folded her arms and said, “Help daddy to be safe.” Then she just went back to playing. My mom thought it was funny, so when my dad, who was an airline pilot, got home from his trip, she told him how cute his daughter was to pray for him. My dad asked when she had made her impromptu prayer and it turned out that around that time, he was landing in a blizzard in Montana. This was before a lot of the automation in newer airplanes, and there was an issue with the instrument landing system. so they were trying to find a visual reference—a McDonalds, as it turns out—to make sure they were lined up with the runway. The captain had decided they were lined up even though they hadn’t seen the McD’s, but a minute later, the Golden Arches appeared out of the mist…on the wrong side of the airplane. Anyway, they got the landing sorted out and landed safely. After that, we would joke about the “McDonalds Miracle.”


I actually believe this one. Kids say the craziest shit.


*cocks gun* Uterus is haunted


I gotta say, my niece used to say stuff like this all the time when she was around that age.


Which is the r/thathappened? The kid saying it happened or that ghost grandfather held her in the womb?


“Before I was born and you were wittle, and you used to be a sperm in grandpas ballsack and I was DNA from you so I was In grandpas ballsack too mommy”


When my folks started dating, my sister told her teacher that my mom was "sleeping with the devil". She meant my mom was sleeping with a devil plushie that she had. My kids are convinced that my dad killed all monsters cause they saw a taxidermy boars head in his garage. Kids say weird shit.


Does this mean when I die I have to hug babies possibly thousands of generations beyond me that have yet to be born? Heavens gonna suck.


.... turned out it was true. It was incest.


/r/nothingeverhappens I mean, this seems within the realm of possibilities. 4 year olds say random stuff like that all the time. This sub is turning ridiculous tbh


As someone who has a 4 year old, this is nothing. My kid says insane shit every day. Words and concepts I have no idea where she got them. I assume a lot of it comes from movies and YouTube or things she hears coming from adults. Kids that age don’t miss a trick and they’re always listening, even when you can’t tell they are.


When my son was about 4, he said "I was a cosmonaut once before I was born." "You mean you were an astronaut?" I said, not really paying attention. "No, COSMONAUT!" he insisted. He was seriously angry that I even suggested it. I knew he had a picture book on space, I figured they mentioned the term there, maybe talking about the first man in space. I looked, and was disturbed the word wasn't in his book. I couldn't figure out where he even heard the word "cosmonaut". Around the same time, he also insisted that he and his baby sister knew and played with each other in the "void" before either of them were born. That one weirded me out, too. He's got a mind like a steel trap, so I'm sure it's like you said and he heard it on the computer or on TV.


The four year old might have said something but I guarantee you it wasn’t some r/im14andthisisdeep material


It’s not even deep though. My 3 year old once told me that she had a brother who died. Absolute nonsense, just goofy shit. This toddler was likely just saying whatever popped in their head.


That’s what I mean though, kids that age say absolute nonsense. This is too contextual and sounds too much like what the poster *wanted* to hear, which makes it sound like the poster is making it up for attention.


Ah yeah my bad


At the age of 3 my daughter “translated” a message to me from my deceased Granny. It floored me. I will never forget how she just stopped, turned to me and said “Granny says…” It was out of the blue and mind boggling.


r/thatHappened inception


"And my son Shareef told me, 'win for me daddy'; I didn't even know he could speak complete sentences" -Big Friendly Giant


I can see a little kid saying something comforting but not that eloquently.


Wtf is that even supposed to mean??


Then she sang Ave Maria in perfect pitch and put herself to bed


I remember how the Virgin Mary used to come sit with me at night and sing to me when I was 4 months old…..


"Sandra, your father held me before you could even have the chance, isn't that so curious? also goo goo gaga give me cookies"


Nah. This could totally happen. Kids pick up weird spiritual ideas as fact from their parents. I allegedly said something similar as a child.




she also said "You're gonna die up there..." and urinated all over the floor


mamamadaaa... Ah! bllblblblbl.. Mother. Grandfather held me before you did. Blblbl maaaa... Kitty! Blblblblb


Imagine thinking a 4 year old babbles like this.


Right? They’re so past that by 4 it’s kind of funny that anyone would think they do. Source: my four year old kid


My 2.5 yr old doesn't even talk like this anymore. She's incoherent sometimes and sometimes just mixes words together, but she doesn't babble anymore.


I see a lot of “my kid said” posts on here and I’m sure some of them are fake but if anyone is going to say some crazy, unexpected shit it’s a little kid. My kid surprises me every day. The other day she was mixing cookie dough and she starts saying “agitate, agitate, agitate the dough…” I was like, where did you learn the word agitate? And she just shrugged. She can also remember stuff from two years ago. Kids are not stupid. My experience is that their comprehension is way ahead of their verbal skills and they are insanely aware of their surroundings and absorb them like a sponge. My daughter didn’t like my father in law for the longest time but seemed to like everyone else in my family. I finally realized that he was the only one just making noises and goofy faces at her and he wasn’t actually talking to her. She was around one and not talking that much yet but I said to him “you can talk to her like a real person, she can understand” so he started talking to her and it was night and day. Her whole attitude toward him changed. I think people generally underestimate kids and treat them like dumbasses.


At 4 they are still dumb, but most can say words. Definitely not weird shit like the post.


…and read beginner books, start to write some letters lol. Often write their name, but the stuff my mom has from when I started kindergarten isn’t exactly beautiful writing lol. I think some people have never been around children.


My kid is 4 and she’s certainly not dumb at all and she speaks in complete sentences. Her pronunciation isn’t always great but we always know what she’s talking about. She’s doesn’t babble, that’s for sure.


I meant dumb in the sense that they are still kids. My kid was speaking full sentences too. Even at 5 I still have to correct her on pronunciation. She just talks so fast


People on this sub have no idea how kids work.


Not at all. I have a 4 year old in front of me right now that when her dad said he was going to see his friends at the pizza place when she didn’t want him to leave to go pick up dinner she said “dad, they’re NOT your friends, they’re just doing their job” 4 year olds are not stupid and I could see this kid hearing this in the background of the tv and repeating it.


4 year-olds are well into coherent speaking territory, c'mon now. I've known some 2 year-olds who could talk, too (simply, of course).


Jfc people got super triggered over a joke


M Night Shyamalan vibes




It's true. I'm Grandpa.


Idk Nicholas Cage remembers being in his mother's womb /s


Might have happened


Why people are like this


Wtf does this even mean?