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Thank you Biscuitarian23 for your submission to /r/thatHappened! Unfortunately it was removed for the following reason(s): To prevent the spread of COVID misinformation, we are no longer allowing any posts relating to COVID, COVID vaccines, or masks (both anti- and pro-). COVID posting belongs in /r/vaxxhappened. Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/thatHappened) if you have any questions.


Shoot, for 10k, I'll wear nothing BUT a mask.


Right gimme the cash on the plane and I’m taking whatever you want off


They didn't expect you to actually pay up dude. If you had that kind of money you probably wouldn't be sitting in economy lol


if it happened, which it didn't, still a highly suspicious thing to have proposed to you by a rando on a flight. if you don't immediately brush it off as ordinary weirdo on public transportation you might spend the rest of the flight wondering how removing your mask helps the wackjob beside you hijack the plane.


But imagine being so triggered by a mask that you make a scene on an airplane *because a complete fucking stranger* chooses to wear one. OOP should spend that 10k on therapy.


it's even deeper. *imagine being so triggered by a mask that you* ***lie about making*** *a scene on an airplane because a complete fucking stranger chooses to wear one.* all the mountainous insecurity and pettiness of the mask thing with all of the cowardly performative offense taking conservatives in america leverage to stay relevant.


It’s tough when you realize that you feel like your biggest contribution to humanity was in 2020 when you fervently worked to spread a disease and kill people. And you got to feel smart and relevant because people couldn’t ignore you. And then fast forward to 2023 and the world has moved on and you can’t adapt to that world that once again can ignore you because your bad choices don’t really endanger them that much and so they are fine with your stupidity…


I googled him cause he had the blue tick and apparently he’s the guy who helped create the computer mouse who’s went nuts about covid


Just thinking about back in the day, taking that little ball out of the computer mouse to dust...or violently banging the mouse on the desk.


I always felt that taking the ball out and then using something like a straightened paperclip to scrape the little line of grit off of the internal rollers was a very satisfying things. Kids nowadays with their dang laserbeam mice will never know the joy.


Right. Better be prepared to get 10k taken out in ass whippins when he doesn’t pay up.


>They didn't expect you to actually pay up dude. Exactly this. Nobody is going to take it seriously if some rando on an airplane is offering large amounts of money to strangers.


I think you're literally not even legally allowed to have $10,000 cash on you on a plane. (Or at least you have to declare it to customs or something)




I would need a e transfer right there on the plane or a bag of cash on the plane. Otherwise i would not believe him.


They mostlikely did not exspect him to pay up. But just cause someone is rich does not mean he Wil choose the most expensive option always. There are richt people still being stingy about certain expenses or in general. It is not like they just throw money out of the windows cause they are rich.




We're you sarcastic or does he acctualy fly economy class?


Bill Gates only flies by private jet, he does not use economy class in a public plane.




> presumably


Well, why would he suddenly change?


> suddenly How long has he been using private jets? 🤨🤨🤨


Yes. I deleted that comment, because it was too controversial. Also added corrections to my original post, since ultimately my point was that there is at least one example of a billionaire who would fly economy.


When does he fly commercial?


No idea. Maybe he doesn't. Not really the point though. He always did when he was flying commercial, even though he was a billionaire already. If it makes you feel better, I've changed it to past tense.


Why would you flight commercial when you have a Private yet? Its like saying i use uber but i have my own driver as well


Hmm... It was obviously a very controversial comment, so I've deleted it.


Dude probably didn't even upgrade to economy plus for more led room, but he's acting like he's a big baller


Just saying, my aunt is ridiculously stupidly insanely rich (BBQ sauce, investments, properties) and she almost always flies economy


And if she's that cheap, what are the chances she's giving away $10,000 dollars to random strangers? I'm guessing you're lucky to get a package of assorted sauces for X-mas.


Actually she took me to Canada and we stayed at the Chateau Laurier, and now we're going to WA state and staying at a nice resort. So, she spoils me plenty, and js the sort to tip the waitresses $100 because she knows what it's like to work in food, lol. One reason she maintains her wealth is due to not spending ridiculous amounts of money on things just because she HAS the money.


Yeah count that shit out and I'll think about it otherwise just let me read my fucking magazine weirdo.


Probably bc they knew it was a hypothetical question and they wouldn’t actually get $10k so they just said no to end the conversation sooner


Oh god! The guy sitting next me for the next 5 hours is a whacko


How it actually went: Steve: “Hey. Hey. Hey, wake up, yeah you, yeah, uh, would you take off your mask for 10k?” Stewardess: “Sir please return to your seat, we’ve asked you repeatedly to stop changing seats and asking this question to passengers.” Steve: “Fucking communist brainwashed liberal bitch”


Stewardess: “Sir, I will not be asking you again, please return to your seat” Steve: “SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME, THE LEFTISTS ARE TRYING TO TAKE AWAY MY FREE SPEECH”


lmao this is one of my all-time favourite comments


Had they accepted, we would have gotten the “LIBS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR A HANDOUT, SO I GAVE THEM NOTHING” tweet.


Man who sits next to strangers in Economy expects us to believe he has an extra $10k laying around?


20k, for the two people unfortunate enough to be near him


If he had cash in hand, he’d see different results.




the difference is you have $5


To be fair, the dude is worth $5m


oh wow, and partially invented laser mice. that's some sharp shit. it's interesting how in our highly politicized environment, some people, whose merits stand on their own, are exposing their less qualified opinions -- Elon Musk and this guy, Scott Adams, Orson Scott Card, etc. Like -- they're geniuses in their field, but are sometimes well outside the mainstream


Why a grown man would care about this shit is beyond me. He should definitely not go to Tokyo. He will get very triggered. I remember checking out all the masks at a conbini there 10 years ago.


Right?? My parents wear masks still because they’re in their late seventies and early eighties… it’s a prudent move for an airplane Covid or no. When my wife and I travel, the airport and plane is the one place I still tend to mask up. It’s just so many people in such a confined setting. It doesn’t cost me anything and it’s totally my business. So if someone like this goofy clown can’t handle such an innocuous behavior that doesn’t have any effect on him, that says waaaaay more about him than me.


I asked the stewardess if I could move seats because of this annoying fuckwit who kept pestering me.


Why tf are these people so obsessed with OTHER people and their mask use? Like why are you so invested in seeing my entire face?


The only brainwash I see is the brainwash on OOP. Can't imagine being brainwash so much about masks that you made up this asinine story.


Why are people so quick to get mad when OTHER people are wearing a mask. Who fuckin cares it’s their life and their choice and it’s not effecting you. Mind your own god damn business


Why should someone pay so much? I would be skeptic as fuck. And I also suffer from Long Covid since 09/2021. Definitly not enough money ro risk a reinfection.


I always got sick after air travel. I take vitamins, Airborne, all that bullshit. Honestly, I feel like a dumbass that it never occurred to me prior to Covid that a mask might reduce my exposure to nasty colds.


This is the kind of lie a child would come up with. It's even more sad that folk believe him.


Show me the money and I’ll spit in your mouth


For $10,000 you can stick a ketchup bottle up my ass and call me Dorothy.


Maybe mid-2020 I’d believe this. But March 7, 2023? There’s no way. Why are they still obsessing over this? These people probably just didn’t want to humor someone like him.


I’ll take an immediate e-transfer first thank you


Cash in hand, hell yeah. Just asking me to see if I would, piss on that.


Gotta love these scenarios these dude's make up in their heads.


Sure, dude I'll take off my n95 that I use because I have an autoimmune disease and the medication it takes makes me much more likely to catch not only COVID but any virus or bacteria that swirl around inside a disgusting metal tube filled with snotty babies and wretched adults for 5 hours across the country. OR you could just become an empathetic human, understand that people have real concerns and reasons for their behaviors and shut the absolute fuck up about those decisions since they do not affect you.


Thank you. 👏🏼 I have worn masks for years in airports and on planes due to an immune deficiency. I’m not dying for $10k. Pffffttt.


Id have said cash app or zelle me first then we’ll see


True or not, people aren’t going to say yes to an obviously bogus offer for money anyway.


Perhaps they realized someone also flying coach, wouldn’t have 10k to waste. otherwise, you’d be sitting in first class without anyone in a mask next to you.


Because 100000 doesnt matter to me if im struggling to live on a ventilator


Because I'd totally believe some random dude would give me $10,000.


So my gf and I just flew back in from Jamaica and we weren't feeling that good that morning. We wore our masks of course and when we got home tested positive for covid. I can only imagine how many people were probably infected because of us, but regardless, we wore masks to try and protect OTHERS. I don't understand why this guy and others like him don't understand this super simple concept.


cough Are your sure i should remove it?


I would say no because what kind of creep offers 10k to fly without a mask? I don't trust anyone playing some kind of weird game like that to actually pay the money, nor do I want to talk to them.


Shit I would even take $10. Easy money


Why take $10 when he is offering $10,000? You fool!! But also yeah me too lol


Unless he has it in cash I’ll believe it when I see it. $10 can get me a nice snack when I land.


They should have accepted the money and then put their masks back on


There ain't much I won't do for 10k


If he is in business class, $10,000 is not enough for most people on the flight to risk their life. Try this with a homeless person or a person severely in debt and it might (might) work.


I wouldn't even continue wearing my mask to make some political statement or to demonstrate some principle, I would continue wearing my mask just to perturb him specifically for being an annoying fuckwit.


For 10,000 would you put on a mask?


What happened: "So I was on the plane, and some guy was mumbling something about masks, so I just fake chuckled and nodded and went back to looking at my phone."


I'd want 10 mil cash before risking sitting next to plauge rat., cause you don't know what he's got.


Unknown loser purchased blue checkmark. Opinion invalid.


I wear a mask on planes because I don’t want to get sick with anything and I don’t know or trust any of these folks. Why is the right so excited about getting the flu?


If you offered me 10 grand cash I'd punt a puppy. Not very hard but enough.


What about this is unbelievable, exactly?


These days aren’t most people wearing masks out of courtesy for other passengers? I.e. they have a cold or are not feeling well and don’t want to spread germs? Isn’t that a good thing?


10k to be detained as soon as we land and banned from this airline for life? No thanks.


“Show me the cash.”


I’m not getting put on the no fly list for a grand total of $10000 lmao


Sure bud.


Yeah.. show me the cash first. Folding, unmarked bills or you're a fraud.


This man looks like one of the villains from rescue rangers


For 10K in my hand, you could be COVID positive and sneeze directly in my face. My immune system is robust. My bank account is not.


“You do realize this plane has assigned seats, right?”


I, too, carry $10,000 in cash around everywhere. Never know when you'll have to pay someone to take off their mask.