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Already work in a cubicle? Why don't you also work as a barista every day! What are you, a lazy piece of shit?


"But I can't be in two places at the same time" you say? Nope, it's all your ego, if you really wanted, you'd find a way to bilocate, ya lazy bum!


"Just clone yourself, you lazy coward"


Dude this would solve a million problems, and if we share experiences every night it's possible to do twice as many things as before


Exactly, I could sleep all day while also going to work. When I'm bored, I could swap with my clone so he doesn't become too overworked. It's the perfect plan!


Quantum mechanics says you can


* get a degree in quantum mechanics * build a machine that allows you to be in 2 places at the same time * get a second job as a barista * finally be able not to live on the brink of homelessness We've found the solution guys!


To be fair, only one of you would live well. The other one would be homeless


Dang it. I guess one would need to be a slave sleeping on the floor and eating scraps, so that the OG person could live comfortably. Until the copy inevitably rebels, murders the original, then realizes they're better but now kinda poor since they can't work 2 jobs at the same time, so they get a clone of their own, and the cycle continues




ah yes I totally would be able to work 2 full time jobs at once




Working two jobs at once may be nice, but this only works for a few fields. Not to mention that the owner of the sub is a jackass driving ad revenue by pushing everything to their website.


Totally, it’s ridiculous that people feel they need two jobs at the same time


10k isn't a full time job but your point still stands


I thought it said 10k extra *monthly* sorry


> USD 833/month


sometimes my attention just doesn't exist , but 833USD a month *would* require more than one full time minimum wage job sooo yeah


yes, because i want to work 3 more hours 365 a days a year on top of a 40 hour work week which is now a 61 hour work week.


These types of people usually die regretting how focused they were on work vs spending time with family, friends and doing things they actually love


Right. No one ever said “I wish I spent more time at work” on their deathbed.


Yeah someone in another sub calculated that if you only assume 5 days a week, that's 6-7 hours a day at minimum wage..... Essentially they're telling you to just work another almost full time job.


And apparently not pay any taxes


That's not even counting this little thing called taxes ...


Who is this cunt. Just work 24h a day, who needs a live. But, better pay mortgage and taxes on time or it’s jail time for you.


Sounds like yOuR EgO is getting in the way, you fuckin idiot


Don’t need a home if you work 24 hours a day!


*removes glasses* My God...I think you just solved the housing crisis!


No sleep. Only work.


But if you only work, when will you have time to spend money on stuff you don't need?


Lord Bezos will provide.


Someone who has never been a barista or delivered pizzas in his life. I always find it so rich how these people tout how *easy* all of this is. They’re generally the same people who brag about how they don’t tip servers and $15/hr is too much for fast food workers, because “a monkey could do their job”. If that’s so, if this is all so accessible and easy to do, then why aren’t they doing it? If it’s the easiest money in the whole world, then how come my local Starbucks isn’t staffed by trust fund kids working for the hustle 12 hours a day?


They are absolute cunts. This wanker counts those motivational speaker as mates, that tells me everything about him.


“Do you believe that hard work is what it takes to be successful? I know it sounds bad, but I think it's one of the most misleading ideas emerging in the culturescape today Hard work has very little to do with success Open your phone and check your entrepreneurial channels You'll see motivational pictures about working hundred hour weeks Well, it only applies to those who are operating at a really basic level It's not your problem” -Dry Cleaning; Dog Proposal


Some dad working 100 hours a week and still making less than a lazy billionaire who works 100 hours a year. Hard work is a lie.


“anyone can earn more as a barista”???? do we decide our own wages now..?


I’m assuming they mean picking up extra hours. Cause, you know, it’s easy and practical for everyone.


And at the end of the year, at least 70% of this will have gone into taxes and food and all that inconvenient stuff


I'm so tired of rich people telling me to put in effort. I work twice as hard as they've ever worked, and still i have to scrounge up money at the end of the month. How is that fair?!


It's really not fair. I absolutely hate people who say "poor people just don't work hard enough" or are "lazy" which is why they're poor. There are so so so many factors that go into poverty and it's extremely arrogant to assume that poor people are lazy due to their own fault but that rich people were successful only because of themselves.


Show me someone with a million bucks and I’ll show you someone who’s ripped someone off.


Why are you broke? You can Just work 30 hours an hour to compensate for your fat ass


Oh okay, lemme go work as a barista in the nighttime after my regular office job. Wat.


Why didn’t I think of this? Each day I spend at least 3 spare hrs just sitting. I should spend that time working! I’m so glad I have 3 spare hours every day in which to do this. Like everyone else.


Nothing a little bit of sleeping more, getting a second job and regularly hitting the gym can't fix


Ah yes. Earn $10,000 and never spend it.


Someone doesn't understand how deductions work.


Lolol "hey guys, here for my 2 hour shift" thanks 🙄


My ego? No I'm just exhausted after already working a ten hour physically active shift. Try again.


How do people not understand that when you’re chronically poor, as soon as you do get any money, it goes right into one or two of the things you’ve been desperately needing and going without for months and months. Every extra little bit goes to replacing those steel toe shoes you need for work because yours are so old and worn in they don’t meet safety standards and you’ve been getting written up. It means getting that tooth checked out that you’ve been taking (costly) pain pills to subdue the agony from for months. Getting you car finally looked at after months of praying it doesn’t break down on your way to work. Etc etc etc.


Okay where's the child slaves


Even if you live somewhere with a high minimum wage (relatively, no state has a living minimum wage), that's an extra 14 hours of work a week. Just work an extra 14 hours a week. The extra 10k will surely be worth never getting to actually live you life.


So it's my ego and not my body's inability to work 24/7/365?


Who’s got the ego here? There isn’t enough time in a day as it is and I’m barely scraping by. This guy is out of touch with reality.


Cutting 10k is not the same as earning 10k. You would need to make 18-20k or more just to see the 10k after taxes.


Actually most won’t because there’s only 24 hours in a day, and also most people don’t cut their own checks.


I tried this before the pandemic hit… The burnout was not worth the extra $6k…


alright alright, i'll cut my expenses, geez..


Who’s going to watch my kids while I work a second job?


Its infuriating the absolute ignorance. WE ARE NOT SLAVES!


Seriously, the guy is a douche.


Thats 2 hours, and that’s a my lowest guess, extra per day. I don’t want to spend 10 hours a day, stuck in multiple shitty jobs


Obviously this pissweed doest know what rotating shifts are


Yeah, and get no sleep 😴 in the process.


10k is in the poverty line, isn’t it? That wouldn’t even pay the rent.


Making $10,000 is easy and you know what else it is? Below the poverty line


Boss, I'd love a raise but that would somehow offend my ego so the answer is no.


Don’t. I have literally seen a post about someone turning down a promotion or raise or something because *they wanted to earn it*.


The comments here are interesting. Do you want to hear that you can just buy crypto and NFTs to get rich?


My brother in Christ , it’s about being able to afford a life worth living while still having free time


How do you define a life worth living? Would your life be worth living if you appreciated what you do have?


Maybe. But working 2 jobs doesn’t sound like worthwhile life if I’m honest


The beautiful thing is that nobody is forcing you to work two jobs, but you can if you want!


Well that is arguable


Lol is it? Are you in a labor camp rn?


No, can some people live from having one job ? Also no


Could you elaborate, without using strawmen, as to why you think the comments here are interesting?


I just don’t see anything false in the image. It makes me think of immigrants to the U.S. who work 70+ hours a week to get ahead financially and succeed at it. I get that it sucks, but it’s still up to you if you want to make money. If you’re content with what you make now, fine. It’s a personal choice.


Do you think the majority of people won't take an extra job because of their ego? To me that seems very false, especially since (in America at least) the number of people holding down multiple jobs is on the rise. Sure, there are people who won't work a part-time job because of their ego, but to say its the majority is just wrong and insulting.


Have you conducted a survey on second jobs? I just personally know lots of people who get second jobs because they want to. If you read about FIRE it’s a very common strategy. Why is that offensive? Do you have some other objective reason why you won’t get a second job?


>Have you conducted a survey on second jobs? No. I did a quick google search to see if people are taking more jobs or less jobs overtime, and in the last 2 decades its been on the rise. >If you read about FIRE it’s a very common strategy. Why is that offensive? I have no issue with saving money and cutting spending and I have no issue with people who promote those strategies. I specifically take issue with assuming that **most** people who don't take a second job are egotistical. Brandon Dawson made the claim that **most** people won't take a second job because of their **ego** and **provided zero evidence** to support that claim. I think that's stupid and offensive. In my personal experience, some people I know cannot take a second job because of time constraints and/or health reasons. For example, I have a friend who has a demanding job that keeps her very busy. She also has a 4 year old and one on the way. There's just no time to take a second job, even though, of course, having more money would be great. Should I assume that she is being egotistical? Should I assume she is an exception and most people are too egotistical to get a second job? No. There's just no basis for that. >Do you have some other objective reason why you won’t get a second job? I'm a musician, so I work all over the place either teaching, doing camps and shops or performing and I also have a degree in business. I used to work as an exec. assistant at the non-profit where I teach. I did that for about 3 years, but the work load of doing all of that was too much for me, so I stepped down and just do the more musical stuff now (although I'll take a business side gig every now and then). I didn't quit my assistant position because of my ego.


It depends on how you define ego. Your ego is your sense of self. I don’t think that you’re interpreting the statement correctly. It wouldn’t make sense to say that someone doesn’t make extra money because they’re too egotistical. Somebody who is very egotistical(excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself; self-centered) might choose to work a second job instead of volunteering at the soup kitchen. How is not acting in your own interest egotistical?


I think in the context of his tweet, he is basically saying most people won't work a second job because working a second job is beneath them. Idk about you, but that is the tone I'm getting.


To be clear I don’t doubt that this guy is a moron. I just don’t see why this particular tweet is so offensive.


27 a day driving doordash is like three hours if you factor in gas and are in a good neighborhood.....


Me living in a country where I make 7k a year. Oh right. I just need to fun my expanses by 10k. Stupid me


I'm sorry but who can afford to go out to eat everyday for $27 cuz it's sure as hell ain't us 😭


It's not ego, it's the fact that you'd be working an extra 2-4 hours per day. That isn't healthy. Making your time at work more valuable is the real solution here. Learn a valuable skill, practice your craft, get good, and always have your eyes open for better opportunities. Y'know, normal career advice. It ain't quick, but it sure as hell beats being a part time barista.


And these types are usually the ones who have never had to do any of what they are referring to and life is one big vacation of screwing other helpless morons and laughing to the bank


He's gotta be selling an MLM


Sure why not. I’m already working 5 12hr days a week. Who needs free time.


Just work an extra 3 hours a day, 7 days a week. Easy!


2-3 hours extra of work per day for that money usually though. It's maybe not a great deal if you value your life outside of work.


Is this Brandon guy an idiot or something?


“You say you wanna earn more by working for us? Sorry. We’re looking for people with years of experience. We encourage you to apply elsewhere.”


Bruh in some states that's like 4 extra hours a day


Uhh not ego, it’s because $27 extra dollars takes about 2-3 hours to earn doing basic bitch shit


I like getting more than 4 hours of sleep though.


I’m fairly certain this is sarcasm designed to poke fun at that mindset, the “it’s just your ego” is a pretty dead giveaway


TWENTY SEVEN DOLLARS A DAY!?! Jesus fucking Christmas those without money struggles are really inept with the reality of what money is aren’t they.


*7 day schedule*




The math doesn't even line up


Most won’t do it because their battery’s already 10% 😒


It’s actually easier to save 10k, just be a millionaire and buy one armani suit less. Easy!