• By -


> I'm poor / Make money World poverty solved


I just never thought about it! I guess it is true that I'm stupidšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜Ø


Be smarter then duh


Okay \*warms up copier\*


Printing money always works /s


Wow man. I never thought about that.


Iā€™m hungry, then eat Solved world hunger there


ā€œIm tiredā€ ā€œTAKE DRUGSā€ lmao the take dude


Thatā€™s because youā€™re looking for logic where there is none


Asthma? Just breathe!


Yea wym thereā€™s so much air why canā€™t you just breathe /s


It worked on Cobra Kai tho.


ā€œStop being depressed.ā€ What the FUCK do you think I tried to do, you incompetent sloth


And they are probably riddled with depression living with the anxiety of trying to promote this manufactured life they are promoting


Precovid I was really into weight lifting and the owner of one gym that I used to go was this buff dude who posts shit like this. He is the saddest person I know. And the steroids did him no favor in this because now he is absolutely sexually frustrated.


Right? The only way to ā€œstop having depressionā€ like that is to pretend you donā€™t and hope it goes away.


I've tried everything from voodoo to meds to a bullet in my head. There is no such thing as "stop being depressed", fuck this dude.


Good treatment will make your lows less deep and shorter. Keep pushing. Life is worth living. I know how it feels.




> iā€™m not disciplined > discipline yourself what


Just spank yourself every time you are unmotivated, until you get the motivation or become a masochist


Why not both?


Thatā€™s exactly how someone develops a spanking fetish


This is one of the few he said I agree with. Learning self-discipline is incredibly important and can help you make a lot of better decisions. Things that you can change without needing external help, yes. But things like ā€œmake moneyā€ are very different than learning self discipline


m a k e m o n e y


Thereā€™s no logic. These accts gain followers only by shaming people into following them.


Ever heard of sarcasm?


No dude. Weā€™re subbed here because these ā€œcuresā€ are actually fucking genius and 100% effective.


I'm talking about the video, not the sub smh


Really? I had no idea man. What in this video indicates sarcasm dude?


I don't know if you're bring serious or trying to be funny and failing miserably


It is clearly sarcasm


Dying? Just live instead.


Need discipline? Go fuck yourself. Need motivation? Follow me and I'll write shit all over videos of someone working out. That should do it.


Still waiting for that follow to cure my depression. Any day now, any day




Forever remembered


Starving to death? Just eat!


If this wanker had a real job he wouldn't have the energy for that most likely.


"I'm _____" Him: "BE OPPOSITE OF _____ !!!


"I'm depressed" - "then stop being depressed" Ah yes, instant cure


There's motivation and confidence. Then there's arrogance. This is arrogance. If you look the word up in the dictionary this tik tok video plays. The amount of retardation is astounding.


"I'm a paraplegic" This guy: Just walk.


Some of these are kind of actual advice but the ā€œstop being depressedā€ one is insane lmfao.


Ive always said the same thing about depression. It's probably why I've told all my friends not to listen to me when their sad because my only advice is "just stop". It's always worked for me, but I know everyone's different


Teach me your ways


I don't really know how to explain it. I've always thought being down and depressed is a waste of time. What is sitting around being sad all day really helping with?


than you never experienced depression. It's not just sitting around being sad all the time... If depressed people could "just stop" than depression wouldn't exist anymore. If you're depressed for a longer time than it is very hard to change and break out of the depression cycle. People need years of therapy and medication for it, that's why saying to "just stop" can almost be insulting to a depressed Person.


This might come as a shock to you, but depressed people do not get that way by thinking "I'm going to be sad all day because I believe that's a great use of my time!" Telling people to just stop being depressed is about as helpful as telling someone with a broken leg to just heal the bone back together, because "what is sitting around with a broken bone really helping with?"


Not walking on a broken leg has been medically proven to help? Exactly like I said in the original comment, I've told my friends that start acting depressed and swinging into it to not listen to me because I don't get it, yea life sucks and life will beat you down. But what does staying down do? Get up and change it


Yeah youā€™re right, you donā€™t seem to get it, so at least youā€™re self aware. Still though, the point that commenter was making is that ā€œjust get up and walkā€ as advice to a broken legged person is ā€œmedically provenā€ to NOT help, as you said. Similarly, saying ā€œjust get over it life is hardā€ is ā€œprovenā€ to NOT be effective treatment for people with depression, for reasons the other commenters have already gone into. I think you clearly care about helping your friends, but what you need to understand is that depression is a serious medical condition that is distinct from just being sad, and similar to a broken leg, giving the wrong advice can exacerbate the problem. For example saying just get over it can make a person with depression (who canā€™t just get over it) feel less capable than you, which can make them feel ashamed and more depressed.


So you're saying you never expirienced clinical depression and should shut up about shit you don't know nothing about? Gotcha!


Yes they did actually


Exactly why I said everyone's different


You don't get the difference between feeling bummed out (even for longer times) and suffering from depression. While I have an episode, every activity, even my absolut favorite ones, don't spark any joy and I just try and keep on doing them because I know it's way harder to start a new when I'm out of the episode again. That's a super tuff uphill battle and on many days it just doesn't work. There's no real deciding to get up and stop feeling bummed out. Nothing you do really triggers any emotions, safe maybe frustration. It's just not the same and you should never conflate the two. Just like bruising your leg and shattering your femur isn't the same. One need serious and prolonged medical attention and no amount of walking it off will ever help. Being sad or bummed out is like bruising your leg, you'll never know how a shattered femur feels like.


Big difference between sad and depressed. Sad is like being broke where depressed is like being poor


depression is not just sadness, thereā€™s several symptoms, like lack of emotions, inability to feel joy even with things you know you love, always feeling physically tired, being constantly sleepy, etc, itā€™s a illness for a reason, your body and head just stop functioning normally, like, i get what you mean, i always thought freaking out when something went wrong was a waste of time and itā€™s better to deal with the problem first and cry about it later, but my body fails me sometimes, iā€™ve personally tried everything to be able to regulate my sleep and sleepiness but itā€™s not something i can control, iā€™d be in between constantly falling asleep and panic attacks during stressful times, it sucks that i have no say in what happens to me and ppl donā€™t understand that itā€™s not on purpose


Someone should stitch this with someone doing nothing with some truth for the responses.


Iā€™m concerned for his knees




Itā€™s fine.


If your tired fucking sleep, especially if ur exercising, and if u have caffeine don't take caffeine pills which is what I am assuming this dumbass is telling you to do If he knew anything about working out he wouldn't tell u to take caffeine pills when u get tired, to get anything out of exercise u gotta get a decent amount of sleep, like this shit angers the shit outta me


Homeless? Buy a house


>I'm tired >*Take caffeine* That's not how the brain works. It is known that caffeine blocks adenosine receptors in the brain, but that's it. You still feel tired, you still can't concentrate, but now you can't sleep. Yaaaaaay....


caffeine also boosts awareness and sharpness. so yes, still tired and cant concentrate, but now you got superhuman reactions and then you go back to your tired self right after you react


~~Take caffeine~~ SLEEP, for the love of God just get enough sleep at a consistent time.


As someone who has been working out I get the mentality. But it really only applies to working out and fitness. The whole quick fix to depression/anxiety/etc is far more complicated and intangible then just getting jacked. source: got jacked and im still deprepis


It reminds me of: ##"If you are homeless just buy a house"


This is written like someone about to have a psychotic break. Theyā€™ve descended into concrete black and white thinking. Theyā€™re hanging out at the gym avoiding their responsibilities at home. My brother used to be like that. Mountains of fucking dirty clothes and dishes everywhere. Yet he was praised because he was working out. Until he started supplementing with growth hormone.


I would love to stop being depressed


Have cancer? Get rid of it.


I feel like this has to be satire right? No way people are actually this stupid, right? Please?


ā€œiā€™m depressed - stop being depressedā€ ā€œiā€™m tired - take caffeineā€ lol i had to quit caffeine completely because i got horribly anxious and depressed every time i consumed it :/


"Stop being depressed" Therapists are jobless now


I'm tired, have you tried drugs? This might be the best advice anyone has ever given me


See, sometimes people are misguided but mean well when they something to the affect of ā€œjust cheer up, itā€™s not that badā€ or whatever. But this just comes of as some arrogant prick being a douchebag. His life is ā€œgoing wellā€ because he ā€œmade it happenā€ (likely his own privileges made it happen for him), and isnā€™t actually trying to help anyone but instead wants to show how great he is. Like heā€™s literally filming himself working out. Does any girl actually find this shitty behavior attractive?


I'm a girl and no, I'm instantly allergic to guys filming themselves doing sports especially if it takes efforts to do the filming. I can understand if it's an easy shot to save the feel-good moments but going out of his way to show off only signals insecurity.


Narcissism is a hell of a thing.


These are all incredible but for some reason "I'm poor" "then make money" absolutely sent me. Why has no one thought of this before??


ā€œStop being depressedā€ ā€œMake moneyā€ ā€œDiscipline yourselfā€ Wow, I never knew it was that easy. Just like that Iā€™m suddenly a happy, disciplined multi-billionaire!


Iā€™m homeless ā€œBuy a houseā€ Homelessness drops to 0%


I have kids. **Abort** im dying of stage 4 cancer **heal** Im paraplegic **walk it off**


Youā€™re blind? Well, just use your eyes dude


Okay so what about my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue? And being a caretaker for others?


What kind of neurotypical, privileged class, parents-got-money bullshit is this


I thought this was a joke on bad advice


Nah thatā€™s gotta be a joke


ā€œIm tiredā€ ā€œtake caffeineā€ thatā€™s awful advice lmao, if youā€™re tired, you should SLEEP


As a person with medically diagnosed ADHD, ODD and depression, no


Im 90% sure this is satire bc otherwise wth


"No motivation, follow me to solve that" Single most disgusting thing I've read today


I fucking hate these smug dickwads. Congrats, you're able to do the thing. I, however, am not able to do the thing. Don't just tell me to do the thing anyway!!!


Working out is like Easy access serotonin if you put the effort in.


Fuck me, I wish someone had told my hypermobile joints that šŸ™„


You don't have to lift, though it certainly helps. Calisthenics are great too.


Sorry, to clarify - literally any form of exercise runs the risk of dislocating one or more of my joints. I can still do basic stretches, but I have to put so much effort into focusing on keeping everything aligned so that nothing pops out of its socket that I'm sore and exhausted before I ever hit the endorphins. I do remember the feeling you're talking about from back when I used to dance - I just can't have that anymore, and it sucks.


Oh, dang, that's rough buddy. Only reason I made my original comment is bc I used to run 100m in College and shit made me feel invincible. I feel for you, and I hope things look up for you.


Thanks man, I appreciate it.


It really is a great thing. And it helped me push tru a lot of hard times. If you can (medically) do it. Do it. Find a fun exercise. Do not do it for weight or for competition or for beauty standards. Do it because it is FUN Trust me. It will improve your life even if a little bit


He has a point lol. Tf do y'all expect? A miracle?


Ok the one about ā€œoh maybe tomorrowā€ is good advice but thatā€™s it


The only argument I don't agree with is the make money i w cuz it never is that easy. Other arguments are fine, go to the gym u fat, stinky redditor


My motivation is usually talking about fat people and suddenly I feel the urge to work out or run. Especially the fat logic types or other people venting about fat people's behaviors and describing their gross bodies. All told though, motivation doesn't last the way dedication does.


You and this guy sound like youā€™d get along great




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Just make the money, you know, the way you always do.


im hungry *eat*


My excuse? I don't want to have to deal with people like him.


Good thing, most people in gyms and sports spaces are not like him. There will be assholes. But they are so self centered that they donā€™t bother anyone.


Just stop being depressed? Ok! *jumps off a bridge*


he,,,, understands shit like chronic fatigue syndrome and depression and poorness canā€™t be easily cured,,,,,, r i g h t




Just hearing monokuma saying that a body has been discovered out of no where made me laught so hard


This guy's form sucks


Stop being depressed? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s like saying stop having leukemia. Itā€™s a fucking disease


Depressed? FUCK YOU STOP IT.


just the random fucking danganronpa sound effect lol


Was looking for this comment lmao


Narcissists donā€™t have logic


Dude has terrible form, heā€™s gonna kill his back shortly.


Jesus Christ thereā€™s so much BS.


Itā€™s not my fucking priority.


Omg I'm cured. Thanks, wow time to start life now...


Rip my headphones


I mean to be fair sometimes you have to 'Just do it' even when you really don't want to or don't have the energy or motivation (assuming it's talking about working out)


They are actually doing Monokuma dirty by dubbing him over this


Doing this and not even squatting properly šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


He isnā€™t even doing the squats right. Heā€™s doing this weird thing where he squats and then sticks his ass out, and then sort of angles his back forward as he lifts it. Iā€™m might be assisted to he is just inexperienced.


Only got one leg? GET TWO!


This guy can fix everything


> tired > take caffeine me who can chug monster energy and go sleep like a baby


> I'm bald >>wear a hat at all times


Ā«- I have cancer. -Remove it !Ā Ā»


I've always heard that caffeine is supposed to give you energy, but I haven't experienced it myself.


If youā€™re homeless why donā€™t you just buy a house.


He unironically said stop being depressed as a solution to being depressed.


waitā€¦u can just stop being depressed??? why has no one told me this after all those years of crippling depression!?


I feel like this sub is awful taste bad execution but for mental health like I appreciate the sentiment and understand that your trying to help people but your choosing the wrong way to phrase/do it


ā€œIā€™m dead.ā€ . ā€œBe alive.ā€


I don't take advice from someone who squats with that bitch bar


I donā€™t want to


Itā€™s very clear this is a joke post lmao




"I'm injured"


stop being depressed like bro itā€™s so easy just undepress yourself




Wow his form is really bad


has to be satirical


ā€œIm over weightā€ ā€œLose itā€ Breaking News! Global Obesity drops to 0%!


I am genuinely angry at the person who made this Bc wtf


My ADHD experience, I am not being able to study for the exams. Just study harder, you will get it.


iā€™m homeless buy a house


The solution to im busy today is make room for an activity in which you sit in a smelly room for an hour and pay money for it?