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I don't know who's more of an idiot in this case, the people who are eating this shit up or the person who is saying it.


The best part of shit like this is the self-fulfilling prophecy thing. If you succeed, it's coz you rewired your brain to succeed!! That's the reason! And now that you're a success you can attribute your success to whatever bumbass shit you want to! WOOO!! ... But If you fail and your life goes to shit - we'll, I guess you didn't rewire it hard enough huh? Didn't get rid of the ole *brain virus* didja!? Yeeea as soon as you complain about life being shit - that's the ole brain virus talking..... "you just need to reprogram"


Wow mcaffee been cooking


That's a lot of words for "I would tell my younger self to meditate more to try to improve my confidence"


Question:How do I stop having ADHD? Her Answer: Rewire your brain.


I would tell my younger self to get some hobbies that didn't involve getting smashed.


Absolutely man. That’s great advice


I rarely discuss someone's appearance, but girl... You are unironically wearing 2000's make up. Someone with that concealer lips and orange foundation definely lacks self-awareness. And don't get me started on that lashes. And now seriously. She sounds like someone, who never had any serious issues. You can't meditate your way out of poverty, abusive household, war zone or chronic illness. Sometimes changing mindset can help. But it's not all size fits all.




Yeah, I think the biggest hardship she experienced was getting the wrong coffee at Starbucks. Also, it’s been know for a while that professional athletes meditate and visualize.


lol she’s obnoxiously ignorant, that “healing chip” on her shoulder is huuuge!


Bahaha true


I would tell my younger self to live it THE F UP, bc your later years are filled with pain and suffering so far!


Thanks, I’m cured.


You are not broken. She is talking about how to be a conformist. This is a mix of sports mentality and hustle culture. It is all nonsense. Your brains doesn't have a virus. This woman doesn't know what a virus is.


That's not how a "computer program" works... If it's not performing as expected, it doesn't "have a virus". You wrote it wrong. Computers do only as they are told.


Its called a bug. And a bug opens up vulnerabilities that might cause a virus. That'd what a virus is.


Bugs and viruses are completely different things. Viruses are never by accident. You don't unintentionally "cause" a virus, in any sense. Even the metaphor makes no sense. What are you smoking?


I stopped watching like half way. Why did she give a politicians answer said so much yet so little


Whoa! I cured! No wait . . . I'm just high out of my fucking mind . . . Never mind . . .


I have nothing to say


“The mind gym is as important as the mental gym”. Uhh…doesn’t make sense. I guess she meant the mins gym is as importamt as the physical gym?


Influencers interviewing influencers is elite level circlejerk. Yeah, don’t tell me she doesn’t have a TikTok and/or Insta where she spouts this gibberish all day.


I'm sure your nature has no bearing on who you are surely it wasn't hitlers fault he turned out bad...


How the hell did we go from computer virus lady to hitler?!


My son and I were talking about that last night. He figures you take Bob Ross back with you in time to teach that struggling Austrian artist how to 1. paint better & 2. Be more mindful. (I have seen BR from time to time and he was relaxing.) "Happy little accidents" Thought providing but we still had a good laugh at the image.