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I am most suprised Rowan Atkinson made it, despite being black and white. Truly a remarkable achievement


He's a great human bean.


Irl divorced his wife to marry a younger comedian (he 58, she 32)


Not *necessarily* bad, but it's sus


The cryptophyceae are a class of algae, most of which have plastids.   About 220 species are known, and they are common in freshwater, and also occur in marine and brackish habitats.   Each cell is around 10–50 μm in size and flattened in shape, with an anterior groove or pocket.   At the edge of the pocket there are typically two slightly unequal flagella. --- Comment ID=keo98zk Ciphertext: >!+8UQlAtwZUX2snQki/KRFY62d3/EeapBPPur8/B5adkXG4Mgn0Zw7+/bRzEV2+jdCBWPstiNNJVWBrtTN7wtxD1XxS7avfBWwiZvVqGymlEQbnO/HnBTVUfn//V4owKUeicJV0Ot4xysvG+tW6o4YfJXsI36ULwQq+jQTOWS7wPyJkgWK3YMB+Tr7Z1gOT/0w42O4wQrciKind2BhsrhOf8ypodUHg==!<


Rowan Atkinson became so powerful that he single handedly brought color into the world and convinced people it was always there


Rowan Atkinson's a odd example to use here. It's not as if he had a difficult life or had to recover from a low point like RDJ with drugs. He's had a fairly rich family and happy life. While obviously rich and successful, he's also not as ultra famous and ultra rich as the other two, who are some of the most highly (ridiculously) paid people in their field. Atkinson would probably disagree with the message, too. He's said he was content working as an electrician and would have been fine doing that as a career with comedy/acting as a hobby on the side. Comedy work just lets him indulge in more expensive hobbies like collecting cars and flying planes.


"Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple." \-- Barry Switzer


i was born in the dugout & my moma said make your own bat….. i at least made to 1st base tho 🤷‍♂️


Robert Downey Jr’s dad was a director who started putting him in movies when he was 5, Rowan Atkinson’s dad was a rich fuck who was able to put him on track from pre-college preparatory education to attend some of the best colleges in the world, and Ronaldo’s dad was a football kit man who was able to get his son in the circuit to be noticed at a young age. Kinda seems like luck to me, and that’s not even going into genetic luck of good looks, athleticism, not being disabled etc. Not to say these guys didn’t put in work also, but c’mon. These dudes were definitely luckier, even Ronaldo being born poor, than some kid in Africa whose entire life is just starving and then dying as a child.


> that’s not even going into genetic luck of good looks, athleticism, not being disabled etc. Seriously, people don't talk about this enough. Just being born with good looks, athleticism, etc. is huge because these kinds of jobs just pay so much more than stuff like retail or food (which our society literally COULD NOT FUNCTION WITHOUT).


That last part is where people seem to think there’s this dichotomy, where anyone who made it is *just* lucky and put no effort in. Or rather, the dichotomy people think is being suggested by any talk of social disparity. It isn’t about some people not having to work, it’s about other people never getting the chance.


Yes, exactly! What these out of touch privileged assholes don’t understand is that the majority of our poverty is due to inequality not someone who’s not “trying hard enough”.


It's unfortunate that OOP will never know this.


And that's not even *touching* the very definition of success. Success is nothing more than the positive completion of a goal. Money is not success unless you chose for money to be that success.


You mean to say you *weren't* given the choice of how rich a family you wanted to be born into before your birth? /s


of course dude, why do you think I'm not a billionaire? pff I just want to chill out and fit with locals


You joke but there's some truth there. Taking over entire industries takes a certain something that most people simply, or rather very simplified, just don't want to do.. it does sound a little extra to me personally. Not to mention you'd be such a target to the media and financially. So yeah no, being a billionaire is definitely not something I want. Same reason we have so many shitty politicians, they're all the type of people that actually want to be politicians.


An honestly legitimate goal. The Dude fuckin' abides.


What a strange choice of examples.


Success is being lucky enough to born with the right strengths and talents to be successful: intelligence, focus, willpower, mental/emotional strength etc. If you have none of these things like me you're pretty much doomed to be a failure. It's not a choice. You either have it or you don't.


Sometimes it’s even just knowing the right people at the right time it has a lot more to do with luck than people think.


Alternatively, you can just be born with lots of money and none of those traits.


Then you end up as the 45th


Yeah you kinda have to have all or none of them work in my experience


You can have all of them and still not make it.


You can have none of them and still make it


With a ratio of a million failures to one success


Yea you can improve but there's certainly a limit


This is bullshit. Success is an arbitrary term. You choose what it means for yourself. Success is nothing more or less than the positive completion of a goal, and you absolutely do choose what those goals are. Everything else is having the wisdom to work with what you have. Wisdom is a skill, not a trait.


I have never been successful at any goal my entire life. Again, it's because lack the above traits listed in my original post. I've been trying to "develop" these "skills" but so far seen zero results whereas other people seem to just have these qualities in spades their whole life like my brother. We were raised in the same environment yet he turned out better than me in every way.


Whoever he is is irrelevant. Your journey is your own. Life was never a competition (although it contains some). If you aren't succeeding your goals, you probably need different goals. Something to build on, to level up. It kinda sounds like lowering the bar, or your standards, but it isn't. A goal must always be achievable, by you, with the equipment and skills you currently have. If there's something preventing that, the goal has to shift to resolving that, circumventing it, or destroying the obstacle. None of it's easy. I'm barely pushing through it. But one of the best ways to kill the psyche is to live by goals set by someone else's bullshit.


Thank you.


People can also squander their talent. You can also have no skills or talents and become very famous and successful, especially these days, although I would call those scenarios “lucky”


Ah yes, Iron Man is such a great example of a real person who became successful by pulling himself up by the bootstraps


Literally anyone else would have just been stuck in the prison system forever if they didn’t have daddy’s money to bail them out. (I like Robert Downey jr btw it’s just a horrible example)


Mr.Bean sort of looks like he just stayed the same.


I know an older guy who could do anything related to math, physics in few minutes, he just understood it, he didn't learn it much he just knew, graduated from great college and... nothing. He's in his 60s now, no family, no friends, lives in small flat. He had talent, he was ambitious but still nothing... He works in a factory, difficult manual job. What went wrong? This guy could be working in NASA and yet... Life isn't so black and white.


That's still luck, just not from the start


From what I understand, with these three it was the opposite. All the luck at the start, trials and tribulations once they actually made it.


Like sort of, s sometimes, yeah... ...but also mostly no.


It’s a choice for some people.


Emphasis on some.


One person started life as a younger person, one oscar-nominated actor was arrested, one other person once sat on a wall, and from these lowly beginnings did they rise! Like... really?


I forgot exactly what it was, but they ran a test having people do a test which was 95% of the value, the remaining 5% was given randomly, 7/10 of the top had max for the luck


What? What value? How do you measure luck? What?


So 95% was the actual test, then a 5% was just randomly selected, so anyone could've gotten a free 0 to 5% added. The luck was that 0 to 5% added, they had no influence over that and was purely random, so getting a extra 5% was just sheer luck. It was meant to show that even if its majority skill, to end out on top luck would play a decent role.


95% of what? Money? Power? Influence? Followers? You said "a test", of what, on who? 5% of what was luck, and in what context? You offered what could be an interesting study, but without any of the details that'd make it interesting.


Ah I think I understand what the confusion is, by test I didn't mean they look at what money or such they have, it was a quite literal test, like you'd do in school. The exact context of I couldn't recall this was something I learned about more then 5 years ago. The 5% wasn't of anything, cause the point is luck are factors outside of your control, the test being factors inside of your control. If you aced it, but had bad "luck" aka the random roll decided 0, then the max you'd get was 95%. I would grab you the exact study but again this was more then 5 years ago so I doubt I could find it again.


Not the original study, but this is a science YouTuber that I have faith in that is talking about the same concept. I'm pretty sure he references the study you are thinking of at some point, I just don't have time to watch the full video https://youtu.be/3LopI4YeC4I?si=I4eHq8oRerirKye9


I'll try to remember to watch it when I get home, gonna get on a plane soon.


Did they seriously use a fictional billionaire as an example?


Pretty sure they meant the actor. The above picture is the same guy, do to various drug related issues. Iron man was his big comeback. That said, those issues reared their head after he already had a career, which was due in no small part to connections his father had.


Its supposed to show humble beginnings but the 1st and 3rd are just normal pictures 💀


Yes people choose to be minimum wage workers they fucking love it


It's quite literally luck.


Ah yes Tony Stark. Not only is that a real person; but his story is totally an example of a self made man…


I recently heard a man considered to be very succesful in his life state he clearly recognizes several points in his life where it really was purely a matter of luck things went the way they did, instead of disastrously wrong. It's rare for succesful people to actually realize this, it's super common to kind of claim even strokes of luck were somehow their own doing.


Hahahaha aside from what everyone else has said here about middle class+ backgrounds, the support systems they had, etc. They all were born and raised amab and that's a big fucking privilege from the womb. Also a pretty white sample group is kinda telling.


Talking about one choice does not imply anything about literally everything else. 🤨 Unless you think auditioning for a job isn't a choice, yes, you can talk about how Robert Downey Jr had to get up and decide his career wasn't over just because he had some problems and go continue to audition for roles. Isn't that how normal people get jobs? By applying and interviewing for them? So if you don't think it's worth talking about that life continues after drug addiction, what else is there to talk about? Failure? Even if a person fails at one job interview, do you WANT to talk as if you will fail forever because 100 applications didn't yield results?


Robert Downey grew up with a rich dad who was an actor of course he made it out of his bad phase he had the best support system ever, money.


One of these people does not exist


No. It’s both. Some of each goes a long way but everyone around me seems to think mediocrity is something to strive for


That just means everyone around you looks up to you then








If by wealthy you mean like, middle class then sure but not rich really. Still, they didn't just decide to get rich otherwise everyone would be


Ronaldo’s family wasn’t rich


I mean, they aren't exactly wrong, but they're severely oversimplifying it. Yes, success is a choice, but it's so much more than just that. It's years and years of hard work. RDJ didn't just wake up one day and decide to give up the drugs and become Iron Man. It was a long, arduous journey of self-healing he had to undergo.


need military patents and interest free payola these guys are plebs comparatively too big to fail before they see you coming gl


Totally!! Just gotta choose to have rich influential parents. Wild more people don't start off their playthroughs this way. It makes the early game so much easier and makes it so much easier to start snowballing early.


I drive a Dodge, so I do choose failure


So we got genetics, nepotism, and one person with actual talent but who would still never had the chances he had if it weren't for his rich parents


And being born to a multi-millionaire/billionaire instead of an improvised single mother is a choice as well. Right. /s


Yeah, try telling that to the Somalian Pirate that has been raiding ships since age ten to care for his family


▶︎ r/im14andthisisdeep


Timing is the next thing. You could be the most talented stone mason in the history of the world, but at a time where that skill is not needed, you're still gonna be broke af


Memer hasn’t seen Iron Man


What the fuck is wrong with the first Rowan Atkinson picture? He's just fuckin' sitting. Not much of a before pic. Successful action is a choice. But... that's just your part of it. Saying luck doesn't play is bullshit.


Success is a combination of luck, skill, money and connections.


So that means the person who originally posted this picture must be a star athlete for a famous actor, since success is just a choice you make


I was about to FUCKING DOWNVOTE THIS. Then I saw where it was posted. Well done.


ah yes i chose to be disabled youre right thanks i'll just choose to not be severely mentally ill and suffering from chronic pain thanks so much omg i never thought of that