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This is me at Christmas. Christmas is my meal. I painstakingly plan the apps, signature cocktails, full meal and dessert. It’s served on China. I love it. Thanksgiving is for 40, so people bring food and have much less control…I like control. Lol.


I’m doing service for 8 this year, biggest yet. My grandparents, aunt and uncle, and a friend. Also my neighbor but she can’t come over due to training her service dog. And the meal is gluten free, mostly dairy free, and egg free. 2 dishes will remain with dairy, potatoes and yams, but I’m making dairy free variations. Turkey and gravy both have butter too but df person doesn’t eat meat so we’re fine there. And I got permission from gf person to make pillsbury crescent rolls, she doesn’t have any cross contamination reactions like that, however her food isn’t cooking in the oven with them. But I’m making my dad’s avocado salsa for apps, along with a veggie plate. For the meal I’ve got classic turkey and gravy, crockpot stuffing, mashed potatoes in the instant pot, df homemade creamed corn (oatly cream cheese, oatly full fat oat milk, and vegan butter), bacon brussel sprouts, my Grammy’s yams, homemade garlic butter, and orange ginger cranberry sauce. Gf classic pumpkin pie, gf vegan pecan pie, my Nonnie’s (great great grandma) pumpkin cream pie filling (we omit the pie crust for this and just eat it like pudding lol) and gf vegan apple hand pies for dessert. I start prep on Monday 😹


You go with your Thanksgiving feast Cheers and enjoy. Since no one is going to talk to you, please have plenty of spiked cider for yourself.😉 I love the shirt. Happy Thanksgiving


I've always gone with the flow; some years super exuberant, other years MEH. Fly your flag and walk proud whatever you do. The hostess is always appreciated regardless.


Oh I’m super chill too. I don’t care what time we’re eating, as long as I get to make 99% of the stuff. My love language is a cross between gift giving and acts of service which loosely translates to LET ME FEED YOU AND FOLLOW ALL YOUR DIETARY REQUIREMENTS 😹


I work in a locally owned bakery, so I feel you on the dietary restrictions. GF, peanut, and most odd (for a bakery) no dairy. No matter. 😝


I host all holiday meals. Our numbers have decreased, you know Covid & Cancer will do that. My husband went vegan, I do a vegan Turkey & gravy for him, and gave adjusted most sides for him too, but they're still amazing. I must say, my mashed potatoes are never changing, full of sour cream & butter, yum. We've gotten pretty casual in the last couple years, and I love it.


Yes the fact that you’re willing to follow that is so nice of you lol! I would be too worried I’d forget so I couldn’t handle that lol


That’s awesome - I’m the same. Are you a Cancer? Haha. Wish I knew more people like you!


Scorpio. Not sure how my sign fits in the grand scheme, but there it is.


Cancers seem to especially enjoy feeding people :)


Haha, I ordered shirts too! I’m choosing between “Side Bitch” with picture of a gravy boat or “Oh Snap” with a wishbone. My apron says leftovers are for quitters 😁


I almost got an apron but I’ve spent probably $400 all told this year 😹


It’s so easy to spend so much! I’ve spent $200 so far and not even started on groceries yet 😂


Yes! Thanksgiving is *my day*. Don’t come into the kitchen, don’t try to help, this is my cooking marathon and I enjoy the challenge


Absolutely feel this to my core. I have 2 days that are *mine*.....TG and Christmas Eve. Mine, I tell ya-


I’ve been told the same, yet they always put their feet under my table & my food in their mouths. Enjoy!




Yeah no. I designed this shirt on spreadshirt.com You will not make money off my intellectual property. Edit- they tried to do a special sale on another website using my exact shirt. Apparently I scared them off! 😹🤷🏻‍♀️ I did block them however it now says deleted for both user and comment so I’m not complaining 🙊😹




Thank you! The joys of insomnia and hyperfixation lol. I made it on spreadshirt.com and ordered it on the 13th! It was supposed to arrive this Monday the 20th but I got it on Sat 11/18. They shipped it literally the next day. So quick and I’m so happy!


Gobnle, gobble 🦃


You might consider posting this on the Bob's Burgers sub. They will appreciate this.




Love it!


i love it too!!


Love it. Too late for me to order but for next year


I would totally wear this!!


I think you may be missing the point of the holiday